I knew looking for a place in the city I lived in was bad enough... try looking for a place at the other end of the State!

Why the other end of the State? Closer to his Mom, basically. I broke off with my parents completely so I'm free to go wherever.

We hired a realtor, but the woman has been really bad about accommodating our schedule. We only have weekends to go look at places. HELLO! It takes time to get from Philly to the P-Burg area! Plus, by the time we get there we're tired, hungry and stiff from the car trip.

Then the woman takes us to a bunch of places that are neither what we are looking for, nor in our budget. A townhouse? Seriously? What part of "two acres or more" did you not understand, lady? Wait, how much did you say this place is going for? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO.

So, after several weekends of back-and-forth, we're going to take a week to stay at his Mom's, and take our time to look around. I don't like the idea because a) if I'm away for a week, my balcony garden will die; I only have waterers for about three days; b) if we're staying at his Mom's, it's separate bedrooms; I don't like sleeping alone any more; and c) spending an entire week with his mother breathing down my neck is not my idea of fun.

I'm gonna need a freakin' drink. Or twenty.