"That's it," he said easily, leaning back in his chair and lacing his fingers together against his stomach. "Thirty hours. Those shifts are flexible, by the way, you can go to all of them or none of them, it's up to you. But every time you do choose to go to one, make sure you sign in when you get there and sign out when you leave, otherwise it won't count and you'll have to do it even more."
A smile crossed Zephron's face. "Think of this as an opportunity to grow and develop, Laburnum," he said grandly, ears flicking back against his hair. "Thirty hours of community service in exchange for your suspension being lifted. Oh, and you have up to two weeks to complete it, otherwise I'll have to add more time."
He lifted a hand and waved it in Titus' general direction.
"That's all, kid, you're good. Best of luck."