Melanthios devoured his food as he listened to Eachann story, the paeterpiller was starving despite the fact that he had all ready eaten two courses. He had been eating a lot more that normal lately the blue and black pae was positive that he had eaten at least one of everything that had been offered at the carnival before running off and he had more after he found Eachann again. Part of the story caught his attention and he looked up at the faun with wide-eyes. "Really!"

Eachann was shocked and a bit frustrated with the amount of food that Thios was eating. He head heard that growing children ate a lot of food but this was ridiculous. He had already had to get up and get more food twice, he had no idea how someone so small manged to eat so much at once. "Yeah, lady vanya said that she saw a lot of darkness and a sickness." He avoided some of the things he had learned from the Seer choosing to give the child a simpler version of what happened.

"That's not good! We're going to help them right?" The dark blue pae asked before he started eating again. He wondered what kind of place was really dark, it counts be to fun to be suck in the dark all the time, especially if you are sick.

"If we can find them" he responded watching the other eat, the bowl was almost empty and Eachann was hoping that he wouldn't have to go get more food. The faun had already finished his dinner and had mug of beer.

"Im sure we will!" Thios stated with a nod. He was finally full after finishing that last dish but was suddenly very tired and felt a bit sluggish. He attempted to get up to get going and return his place e but he ended up rolling off the bench with a plop and had to roll over onto his stomach so he could walk. Unable to reach the plates now that he was on the floor the paeterpiller inched along the floor at a slow pace. Eventually he gave up and made grabby hands at eachann. "Carry meee. ...please?" He begged giving the faun puppy dog eyes.

Eachann winced as the child rolled of the bench and stood up rather quickly. Seeing that the other as okay he grabbed the dishes and returned them. The fuan shook his head seeing how slow the other was moving when he got back to the table. "See you ate to much to fast." A sigh escaped his lips when Thios asked to be carried. He wanted to say no but at the rate the other was going it would take all night to get back to their nook. "Fine but this is the last time" he said as he bent down to grab the child. Carrying him was easier said than done after a few moments the fauna managed to get a steady grip on Thios and started to head back up stairs.

Thios wiggled a bit as he was picked up but he eventually settled down and rested his head on Eachann's shoulder the movements the other made as he walked started to lull the already tired child to sleep. He shifted again when Eachann put him down in his bed, making a soft sound before sleepily opening his eyes. "I love you daddy" he muttered softly to the older pae as he drifted back to sleep.

The faun almost started to protest the use of the word 'dad' as he usually did but ended up just sighing softly. "I love you too." He said as he softly ruffled the boys hair before tucking him in and placing the plushie he had gotten at the carnival next to him. after making sure everything was in order the faun headed out of Melanthios's bedroom and placed the bottle on the table before heading into his own room. He would figure out what to do with it in the morning.

Melanthios only manged to sleep for about half the night before he started rolling around the bed for a while before waking up, he was still half a sleep and clinging to his plushie as he climbed up the wall and made his way to the ceiling in the middle of his bedroom. The sleepy pae was not really aware of what he was doing as he started to encase himself and turn into a pupa, the plushie he was holding slipped from his grip and fell to the floor with a light plop. Once he finished being encased the pae finished his transformation into a pupa and fell into a deep and long slumber.

Eachann stretched as he got out of bed the next morning. It sounded rather quite out so the faun assumed that the paeterpiller was still asleep. He grabbed mask off his nightstand. He warped the 'hair' of the mask around his waist and tied it so the mask was resting on his hip, its usual place when it was not being worn by the faun.

Exiting his room the faun noted that his earlier assumption that Melanthios was still sleeping was correct. He figured that with Thios' suddenly ravenous appetite it would be a good idea to get something for them to eat. since the dinning hall was not open until lunch the wood colored faun headed to the pub instead. Figuring that he would be down again soon enough with Thios he only got a few pieces of fruit. Having paid for his food the faun placed the fruit in the basket he had brought with him and headed back up to his room.

Entering his nook again the faun was surprised to find that Melanthios was still in his room, usually the child was up much earlier than this. Setting the basket down on his table Eachann headed over to Melanthios' room and knocked on the wall before entering. The Faun took a step back in shock when he noticed that the other was not in bed. His eyes darted around the room his worry growing as he failed to spot the child. The two plushies he had recently gotten, where laying on the floor. Had Thios wandered out of the nook while he had been getting food? After a moment the fauns eyes flicked up toward the ceiling and left his stomach drop at the large object hanging from the ceiling. The object was similar to the Chrysalis and Cocoons he had seen caterpillars make in the forest but this one much larger than any he had seen before. It was also the same colors as Melanthios the markings on it where strikingly similar to Thios' as well. It didn't take him very long to realize what had happened to the child during the night.

Eachann sighed as ran his fingers through his hair. He was not sure of how he should deal with this development. Faun children did not pupate and he was unsure of how to take care of Melanthios when he was like this.