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[PRP] Hello Again (Azguard & Tejina Suki) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3

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Feline Wife

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:40 pm

He took the opportunity while she started to eat to trot to the waters edge and dip his head down. He actually knelt down onto one knee, the other leg sliding forward so he could reach. His muzzle dipping down until his bottom jaw could scoop up some of the cool liquid. He gulped down the water in his mouth and he chuckled. "Yes I hope so, too good friends." When he stood up fully again he urged her to eat until she was full. "You're quite welcome." Returning to her, he nudged at some of the sweet grass and munched on it when she was done. He needed much more then she did but he didn't need to be full and not energized to move later. Filling himself to a stuffed feeling made him sluggish. He knelt down and tucked his hooves as he lowered until his heavy body made an audible thump when he laid down. A lone daisy tried to get away from her pillow, tumbling away in the faint breeze. Snatching it before it rolled too far he would tuck it back amungst the rest for her. Only after she was settled for rest did he say "Good night Tejina."
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:08 pm

Nodding as she smiles. "Good Night Azguard." She was happy that she got to meet him and he was like her knight in shinning armor. He helped her more then he would ever know. Maybe one day she would be able to tell him that. But for now she doesn't wish to change anything between them even if she is already deeply falling for him. She will wait until he sees her in the same light before she could ever dream of telling him. Things were right for the moment and she timid self has never felt this at ease before. Only he can bring this ease feeling to her. Tejina is grateful for that and is the reason she doesn't wish for them to part ways from each other for too long.


Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko


Feline Wife

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:34 pm

The night passed without incident. While he hadn't fallen asleep right away, he did actually fall asleep. He had watched over her for half the night before the need to rest caught up to him. His head slowly bobbed forward, the sunlight brightening the sky doing nothing to waken him. His dream was nothing but colors, mostly of the yellow and golden hue much like her coat color. Brown was also present and they seemed to mesh in swirls like a dance. He didn't know what to make of it and it didn't help him find the answer to his questions before he had fallen to sleep. What could he show her. Where could they go where there wouldn't be danger. Was he drawn to her twice by fate or his own desire just to see her. Or both. Why had he not taken off his stuff. His jaw shifted in his sleep, feeling some soreness.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:56 pm

Tejina woke up with a stretch and yawn. Looking about the area as it took her a moment to recall where she was and who she was with. Smiling as she is happy to see that he is still with her. There is nothing in this world that would have her wanting to be apart from him. That feeling of being protected and safe is something she truly only feels when he is about. Slowly getting to her feet she stretches again and shakes the night off. Scanning the area to see if there is anything good to snack on close by. Fate has been so sweet to her by bringing him back to her and if she can stay close to him then she will do so. That is a bit selfish of her but no one or thing or place makes her feel so safe, warm, protected, and just at ease like he does. To the point that she is starting to believe that he is her fate. Soul mate maybe. Blushing at that thought as she smiles more seeing some berries and sweet grass not to far from where they are at the moment. So while he is still asleep she sneaks over and starts to pick some berries and sweet grass to bring back to where he is. This way he can have a snack once he wakes up to this so far wonderful morning.

Piling berries and sweet grass next to him and then going back to pick more so that there will be enough for the two of them. She does this a few times until the piles are to her liking. She forgot where they are heading but she doesn't care. She just wants to be with him. That is all she cares about. Once the task is done to her liking she lays down next to her pile which is next to him. Waiting for him to wake. Tejina watches him but keeps her ears into listening for any sounds around them. There is no way she wants something to spook her. She wants to enjoy her time with her new friend.

WC:: 360


Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko


Feline Wife

PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:15 pm

Azguard had stirred around the same time she had but he wasn't so eager to greet the morning just yet. His weight had shifted until he was comfortable on his side, moving his head to spot her as she got up and started to trot off. He started to wonder if he had awoken at all. Maybe his dream finally became more vivid so that he could make out her actual form and the smile she had each time she came back to where he laid, rearranging some food. He was amused that she was taking a turn trying to provide for him this time.
On her last trip he had sat up, watching her. Unfortunately for him, he had promised to take her home which in turn would then be the end of their meeting."Morning." He greeted her in a casual tone. He couldn't possibly muster anything considered more chipper. The air around him smelt far sweeter thanks to the forage she had gathered. "Sleep well?" He questioned after, genuinely curious how well she had slept with him watching over her. He usually gave off a protective big big brother vibe. It was even told to him once by his close friend who usually joined him on his trips for work. That he made others feel at ease while in his presence. A slow smile creased his features, watching and listening to her. He let her eat her fill so he didn't take too much for himself. He nosed at the pile if she tried to get him to eat as well.

WC: 263
PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:27 pm

Giggling as she looks at him. "Morning. And yes I slept well. What about you?" She wonders as she eats what she wants. Not worried about if there is enough or not seeing she gathered a lot of sweet grass and berries. One could use the pile as a bed for a foal. Maybe not that big but close enough to it. She looks about and knows that they are heading in the right way to take her home. But would it be weird if she admitted that she would rather stay with him. That something about him felt more like home to her then the place she called home. How was that even something that would happen? Well it was and even if she didn't understand how or why it happened. She knew that it did and she kind of liked the feeling of having someone feel like home more than a place did.

"I was wondering." She is getting brave enough to ask. "Where is your home? Because I think mine has changed somehow." She points out as she looks at him and watches to see his reaction to what she just said. Because it sounded crazy out loud as it did in her head. Maybe he would understand it better. Or knew more about this feeling. But she just wanted to stay with him now.

WC:: 228


Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko


Feline Wife

PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:53 pm

He let his head nod to show he was listening. The eyes however had moved to look around with that ever constant look out. Surely not many would bother them but he wasn't yet standing up to be more intimidating to approach. He made a noise while in thought before responding, his voice far deeper then hers so he kept things short and low so as to not bother any sensitive eara. "I slept the same." Truth be told he still felt worn from far less sleep then she had managed to get. He wasn't going to admit it to her. The stallion was usually full of secrets from his thoughts to his feelings. It wasn't easy for him to convey much, it made no sense to. There wasn't a time in his life that he could recall finding the need to express anything deeper then the mere good feelings he gor anywhere. He also wouldn't burden anyone with it either. His head bent down to pull some of the sweet grass from the pile to chew on. A few berries had been grabbed as well which made his expression down right humerous at the wrong time. "What?" He questioned, the sweet and tart smacking him in the face that he wasn't expecting. One eye twitched a little. His expression fixed, he stared at her like he was trying to desipher a puzzle. "What do you mean?" If he wasn't so calm and collected he would be fumbling his words like a goofy teen. "My home is..complicated. Not much to see." He didn't like feeling as if he had let her down. He had yet to fully settle anywhere so there wasn't much of a home to guide her to. Besides where he last left his friend and he wasn't ready at all to bring those two together. She might think different of him if she knew his close friend was another mare who might have had feelings for him as well.

WC: 332
PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:05 am

"I think my home changed from a place to something else. But I can't really place it or explain it all that well." She points out as she looks at him and smiles closing her eyes. Something so innocent. She also noticed when the sweet grass and berries mixed flavors in his mouth by his face which made her giggle a bit more. Standing up and stretching a bit more she looks down at him. "I have a feeling that you are home. At least you feel more like home then the cave I call home. I feel safer with you then there." She states calmly as her eyes are fixed onto him. "So you are free of your promise to take me home." She bows to him. "Because I don't think I want to go back there anymore." Tejina then looks up as the wind moves the leaves in the trees around them. She doesn't know what she is going to do from this point. Maybe she find her own way. But she knows this won't be the end of them seeing each other.

"If you would like company. I am now free of a home place and more then willing to travel with you. If not then I will be off to find what the next stage in my life will be."

WC:: 224


Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko


Feline Wife

PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:27 am

He quickly took on another full pile of grass before her full explination revealed her feelings. He almost choked. The chewing stopped as he laid there absolutely floored by it all. She thought he felt like home? He didn't know what to think let alone how to respond. The last thing he would want is to hurt her in any way. He swallowed the lump of grass before easing into a reply. "I see. You are right. It is hard to take you home now. Well the old home." With that he got up as well with a stretch. She sure knew how to catch him more speechless then usual. After letting that rattle around in his head, he would smile. He was flattered to be seen so highly by her even though they hadn't known eachother terribly long. Their encounters were rather nice and he had been thinking of her often. "We shall see where the day takes us then. I couldn't let you wander alone with no home keeping you safe." His towering frame leaned close to her much smaller one "I will always keep you safe my dear Tejina." They walked off together frok then on, starting a new adventure he hadn't known he was looking for.


Open/Private Canon IC RP

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