So, the 3DS copy of the latest Super Smash Bros has been out almost a week. Kind of wondering who has it, your thoughts on the game, and (probably most relevant even to non-players who come into the game) your favorite character.

(For y'all non-players that want to look at the full roster, this page has all of them, including the unlockable characters. It's listed on the side of the page but there's also the fun of the Mii Fighters which means you can make a Mii, turn it into a character, and... say, play as Admiral Ackbar wearing a top hot...

But all that stuff aside, I've been having a lot of fun playing as Rosalina. I always choose a go-to character and this time thanks to Mario Kart 8 I became more interested as Rosalina as a character and thus decided to try and get used to her potentially-complicated fighting style. It's actually not been that bad. Very well designed.

Not a big fan of Smash Run. It feel like you spend most of the time just getting beat up by the random critters before the match and then the actual match starts up and since it's only two minutes and a free for all the computer players just end up fighting each other and getting the only kill before you do. Annoying.