What do you think of guys that talk and joke about perverted stuff ? Can you be friends with them ?

Well, I don't.

I don't have guy friends. The only guys that I hang out and talk are my cousins and my friends' bothers. They are kind and aren't talking about perverted stuff.

I have a friend that is very friendly and sociable, she makes friends really easily and she is also a fun easy person so some of her friends are really different from me.

When I got to meet her friends, the guys make pervert jokes, they talk about sex, like they have no intimacy. I find taboo and shocking to talk things openly like that. I would be able to be friends with them because I just feel uncomfortable and they say disgusting things as joke. I don't find that funny.

Her friend A is like that, the first time I met him, I told my friend, I really dislike him (because he talks perverted stuff); my friend found that funny, so she told him. He didn't mind, he said you don't like me , I don't like you too !
My friend told me that even if A talks openly about sex, and is very perverted.
He is a good friend. At one party at her apartment, a drunk guy (a friend of her friend) kept touching my friend, she pushed him away, but he didn't stop. So, she told A, please put your arm around me so he can stop. The drunk guy didn't stop. She told A to not leave until the drunk guy is gone. A stayed with my friend till the drunk guy left. A has a girlfriend he is not into my friend he helped her because he is a good friend.

Friend B flirts with every girl saying perverted stuff. He comes and put his arm around you. I told him don't touch me. I told my friend I really hate A because of that, every time A is there my friend would tell him touch don't her she dislikes it.

I'm putting those 2 examples, because I realized that I judge people really quickly. A is a good person. I find B disrespectful. It was wrong from me to dislike them like that. Since, they know I find me mean. What do you think ?

It's getting long as a post. I will make another topic because I have a lot to say about guys.