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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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[Auto Exam] Zaire [Fin]

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Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:28 pm
Journal Link


Each student ready to move from the first year to the second would find a nice, neatly printed letter taped to their door inviting them to participate in a "Non-Mandatory-But-Highly-Recommended-Anyway Test" (or NMBHRAT for short). A location was provided at the bottom of the note (a section of the grounds, just near the forest), and beneath that the words "Come at anytime."

Upon arrival, you would first notice that a peculiar house has been erected. It's not large enough to overshadow any of the dorms by any means; in fact, it seems rather tiny and shabby in comparison, with the door half stripped of its paint, the windows cracked and smeared with dust, and everything looks as though the merest touch will make it collapse.

At first you wonder if you're in the right place at all, but then you notice a little box sitting just outside of the house. Closer examination would reveal a note, written in a loopy handwriting perhaps familiar to some:

Welcome welcome to the House
Please be quiet as a mouse
The House will tell if you are good
The House will tell if you are bad

Think you're up to face the thing?
If you pass it, all will sing
Do your best, oh fair student
I hope your deaths you do circumvent


The smell is what gets your attention first; like smoke and old wood, it wafts across the air towards you, enticing you onward, pulling you forward, and you reach the little shabby house and the door half hanging off its hinges, practically begging you to come inside.

A sign posted outside reads "Welcome to the House."

At first, you're mildly concerned but upon knocking stepping inside, you realize that the house in question appears deserted.

Well, that's just creepy. But trying to go backwards only results in failure - the door has locked behind you. You're trapped inside, and now you must figure out how to get through the house in order to continue on your quest.



There are THREE MAJOR ROOMS to the House of Horrors. In order to successfully pass through the House and receive your exam credit, you must navigate through all three rooms until you reach the exit, located after the very last room:

  • Cutthroat Kitchen

      To get through the Cutthroat Kitchen, you need 10 steps. Roll 1d4 and add up the amount of steps you take (i.e. you roll a 3, that's 3 steps forward). You must get at least 10 steps. If you go over ten, that's fine, as long as it's at least 10.

      Each number of steps rolled has it's own consequence:
      1 - You open a door in the kitchen looking for the exit and promptly find yourself dunked by a bucket of icy water. Who left that there?
      2 - You trip and fall into a vat of what looks like melted chocolate.
      3 - You step in a pile of what looks like sticky glue on the floor and therefore get it stuck on the bottom of your foot/shoe for the rest of your trek through the House.
      4 - For some reason, there is an entire bin of tiny bones that you somehow manage to knock over, which, of course, makes a terribly loud sound.

  • Lurking Library

      In order to get through the Library, you'll have to find the right combination of books in order to find the combination. Roll 3d6, and follow the guidelines below:

      - 1,1 OR 2,2 as two of the numbers - Looks like you've found some sort of...oops better put that back quickly before a certain cranky Librarian sees you looking at por - (try again)
      - 3,3 OR 4,4 OR 5,5 OR 6,6 as two of the numbers - You pull out a book, and then another, and to your relief you see that the door beyond swings open for you to slip through! (success)
      - 1,2,3 (doesn't have to be in order) - Somehow you get entangled in what looks like a long rope made of paper and spend several moments trying to break your way free, when you notice that in the process you've actually fallen out the door into the next room. How convenient! (success)
      - 6,6,6 Is that a giant spi - quick run for it - (start back in the first room)
      - 1,1,1 You try climbing a bookshelf, rather than pull books trying to find the secret switch, and wind up tumbling over the side rather ungracefully. But hey, look, the...nope, just a shadow (try again)

  • Bloodcurdling Bedroom

      The Bloodcurdling Bedroom requires only one thing - picking the lock successfully to get through the door on the other side. Roll 1d100. You must get above a 65 to have successfully picked the lock. If you roll below, then your attempts were unsuccessful and you have to keep on truckin'.

Upon their exit from the house, a certain mischievous Trick or Treater can be found lounging in a tree on the other side, looking as happy as a pig in mud. He smiles down at you, his grin terribly self-satisfied, and tosses you a rolled up piece of parchment. Opening it, you see a certificate of Exam Completion.

"Congratulations," he says brightly, and flashes you a wink. "You're now a Knob."
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:13 pm
The note had been found a few days ago, stored then lost and refound just today. Zaire of course wasn't to worried about that all things considered though. After all it had said some at anytime right? So here he was after classes and work, standing and staring.

This house had not been here before had it, he questioned while stepping closer. Examining the house on a run of glowing eyes. It was getting dark but he should really take this test before much longer. A debating sigh escaped out into the air before Zaire pressed forward. Only pausing this time to read the little box just outside the door. The message on it didn't seem so off, all things considered this was Amity. But it still left an oddness after, one that lingered as he knocked upon the door.

The smell was distracting but there didn't seem to be fire with the presence of smoke so that was at least good. The water monster furrowed his brows and entered the house. Nothing, no desk, no teacher. "What kind of test...." The monster groaned lazily and reached back to open the door, thinking he might have missed a note or something but despite his efforts and yanks the thing would not open again.

"Great.." Zaire moved a palm down the front of his face before going further into the house, because there had to be a back door right?


Mysterious Kitten

Cheekiebirdiee rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:00 pm
Steps = 4 / 10

Zaire entered the kitchen on a lazy sway. Glowing orbs peering this way then that in search of an exit. For a moment he wondered if there was any food he could eat, take a few pocketed snack with him while looking for a way out. However this thought was cut short on another step, his tail had swayed out and struck into something that made an awful noise.

Loud, so loud.

Glancing to the ground eyes landed on the noises cause. Focusing in on the bin and the newly empty contents on it all over the floor. Bones, tiny bones, bones he could in fact snack on. A reach and the mahamba was pulling up a handful to deposit in his pocket. Though one ended up in his mouth, the end being chewed on as he walked on.
Cheekiebirdiee rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:09 pm
Steps = 6 / 10

Was this a test or paradise because he was really starting to wonder. Of course the initial fall had been a bi- it had hurt, but once he realized what he had fallen into the pain vanished. Joy. Pure joy was all that was present on his face as the monster rolled around in the vat of melted chocolate. Chocolate coating himself on a lick of lips Zaire murred pleased, then after a moment got out.

Plucking up the bone that had fallen out of his mouth with a gasp as he fell. Popping it back into mouth a loud chomp filled the room on a few more steps. This day was getting better by the minute, maybe he would be able to find more candy, or something equally as delicious next.

Like raw meat, chocolate covered raw meat.


Mysterious Kitten

Cheekiebirdiee rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:17 pm
Steps = 9 / 10

Unfortunately his good luck ran out in just a few more steps. This time instead of chocolate or bones the monster stepped right into a pile of what appeared to be glue. "...Ew." That wasn't cool, who the jack would do that kind of thing. It took a moment for him to pull his foot up from the ground and when he did Zaire stumbled back a little bit and managed to get some leftover bones stuck to the sticky glue on his shoe.

Which in turn gave off a loud crunch every time he moved.
Cheekiebirdiee rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:25 pm
Steps = 11 / 10

Door spotted he tried to make a hasty retreat to it before more glue had him stuck. In the excitement of spotting the door though he didn't watch where he was going. One grunt and splash later and Zaire was legs over head in another vat of chocolate. This one milk and making him miss Jory as the taste of it teased his tongue.

How great would it be to pull him into a vat of chocolate?


One long drink later and the monster was pulling out and heading out of the kitchen. There couldn't be many more rooms he sighed inwardly remembering the size of the house and hoping he was right.


Mysterious Kitten

Cheekiebirdiee rolled 3 6-sided dice: 2, 3, 6 Total: 11 (3-18)


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:46 pm
Down a hall and bypassing one door for another and Zaire found himself in the library. The least of his favorite places, who in jack would want one of these as a room in their house? The person that owned this place was clearly lonely. A step in and his foot was glued fast to a few stray pages.

Fantastic now he would need to throw them away, though given they were still dripping in chocolate like the rest of him, he might just eat them. Eat them of course if nothing else got stuck to them by the end of this. Shoving a chocolate coated bone into his mouth the monster chewed grumpily and started to inspect the books on the walls.
Cheekiebirdiee rolled 3 6-sided dice: 6, 1, 4 Total: 11 (3-18)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:57 pm

Books, books and more books. There was nothing in here but stupid books. The monster gave a frustrated groan out into the room and slammed his tail down against the ground. Bad mistake considering the vibrations sent a bookalanche down after him.



Mysterious Kitten

Cheekiebirdiee rolled 3 6-sided dice: 1, 1, 2 Total: 4 (3-18)


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:01 pm
After not so delicately ripping the book stuck to his shoe off the monster slammed his tail into a shelf. To hell with picking one off at a time looking for things. He would just knock them all off then see what was left. Which seemed to be working up until a rather distracting magazine fell form between ones covers.

Much better than books.

But after a few quick flips the boil put it back between the cover and placed that particular book back to the rest. The rest weren't interesting after all.
Cheekiebirdiee rolled 3 6-sided dice: 3, 3, 4 Total: 10 (3-18)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:10 pm
Just about to give up and eat every book in the room Zaire got lucky. Pulling out one then another to reveal the apparent correct code to open the door. Trick books, who knew. Zaire snorted and kicked a few spines on his way out.

Never looking back because reading was fo'losers.


Mysterious Kitten

Cheekiebirdiee rolled 1 100-sided dice: 12 Total: 12 (1-100)


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:15 pm
When he first entered the new room, which with just a scan turned out to be a bedroom Zaire yawned. Already feeling tired just by seeing the bed. Would a nap result in an automatic failure of the test because his feet were already moving towards the bed. A dip of mattress and the monster was lost, relaxing back into the bed even though its springs screamed at him to get up.

Hopefully the owner of this place wouldn't care about a chocolate imprint in the sheets.
Cheekiebirdiee rolled 1 100-sided dice: 27 Total: 27 (1-100)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:25 pm
After a rest of eyes Zaire was up and stretching, hair a little matted to one side thanks to drying chocolate. A bath was in order after all of this, maybe a trip to the lake even. Sliding off the bed a crack of back in another stretch rang out into the room before he started moving. Slowly at first until ending up at the door on the opposite end of the room.

Or what he thought was the opposite end of the room.

As he tried the door, it was in fact locked so the end of a bone was jammed into the lock. A few jiggles later and the door opened, only it was the wrong door. Looking out he could see the trail of chocolate and book pages on the floor and snorted.

"s**t.." Zaire turned and faced the other door on the opposite end of the room. That had to be the one he needed right? Right.


Mysterious Kitten

Cheekiebirdiee rolled 1 100-sided dice: 94 Total: 94 (1-100)


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:31 pm
Now at the right door, Zaire snapped another bone in half and while eating the part in his mouth began the process of picking the lock. Dripping chocolate in the floor and fighting what hadn't dried away from his eyes with his free hand. It took a moment and few scuffed knuckles but he managed. Opening the door Zaire took a step through and blinked into the light.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:02 pm
Upon their exit from the house, a certain mischievous Trick or Treater can be found lounging in a tree on the other side, looking as happy as a pig in mud. He smiles down at you, his grin terribly self-satisfied, and tosses you a rolled up piece of parchment. Opening it, you see a certificate of Exam Completion.

"Congratulations," he says brightly, and flashes you a wink. "You're now a Knob."

Zaire was flicking his arms to get some chocolate off as he exited the house. Looking up into the tree the ToTer was spotted and the monster blinked. "..Uh.." Because Zaire wasn't really to familiar with ToTers he kind of assumed this had all been one prank though. At least until the paper was tossed down.

Opening it up a smile stretched tanned lips wide, sweet. He would take getting covered in chocolate and naps for all of his exams, kay, thanks. "Thanks...I guess." A low chuckle was given as he took off his jacket and started the long chocolate covered journey back to his dorm.

Hopefully someone was there like always, they could celebrate.


Mysterious Kitten

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