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Arkelos' Mission

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:32 am
Breeding Center Infestation

The Johto Breeding Center on Route 34 is having a bit of a bug problem. Being so close to Ilex Forest they regularly see Bug Pokemon but here lately they've got a bit of an infestation on their hands. All kinds of Bug Pokemon are swarming to the Breeding Center and they aren't sure why, all they know is that they won't leave. It's your job to get some of those Bug Pokemon to buzz off and maybe figure out what was attracting them to the Breeding Center.

---Clear out all the Bug Pokemon and find out what was drawing them there.

---Lots of wild Bug Pokemon including Caterpie, Weedle, Ledyba, Spinarak, Pineco, and Yanma.

---You may capture one wild Pokemon.

---3x Snag Coins.
---If you don't catch a Bug Pokemon you might be given a Pokemon Egg from the Old Couple.

Upon arriving in Johto Arkelos makes his way south from Goldenrod City toward the Breeding Center to investigate the reports of bugs in the area. Walking along the coast he notices many trainers playing with their pokemon. Arkelos figures it would be nice to let Houndour and Growlith out and walk with him. “Come on out you two.” Arkelos says excitingly.

It was a particularly warm day. The bushes were filled with all sorts of berries, so the trio decided to have a little snack before continuing. Upon relaxing under the sunlight Growlith and Houndour jumped to their feet in attack ready position. Out of the bushes crawls a Ledyba. “Arkelos look down at it and sees it like the berries as well. Trying to calm down Growlith and Houndour Arkelos picks some berries and hands it out to Ledyba. Ledyba looks at the berries and than back at Arklos and jumps into his lap and chows down on the berries. The other two change their attitudes and come over to make friends.

After a brief gathering. The three continued on to the south. Seeing the Center they ran up and knocked on the door. “Hello anyone here?” he patiently stated. He knocks again, with no answer. He goes to the back of the center to find bugs everywhere, some trying to hide, others eating leaves and berries. Some trying to scare the rest away.

“AHHHHH” a scream comes from just around the corner. Arkelos follows behind the other two. To their surprise a man and a woman where being attack by some Yanmas. “Growlith use ember, Houndour use fire fang.” quickly the two advanced, not harming the Yanmas just scaring them away. “Are yall alright? What happened?” Arkelos asked. “These bugs are driving away business. We cant figure out what seems to be attracting them.” Arkelos looks around trying to see if there is anything that is unusual about the area. “I think there my be more here than what we can see. Where are their natural habitats? I assume the woods right?” the woman replies “Yes, but no one dares go in there. It's said to be haunted. There's a laugh and than things get...cold.” Arkelos looks at them and looks to the forest. “I'll go investigate, in the mean time please, go inside and wait there.”
Arkelos kneels down with Houndour and Growlith. “Now you two, please keep a watchful eye out, no fire unless I say to use it, we don't need the forest burning down. If either you see something get my attention and we will go as a group. Alright lets go.”

The forest's edge was lingering with wind and a subtle chill was in the air. Growlith starts growling at something. “What do you see Growlith?” Growlith begins a slow steady pursuit with us following. They come across a patch of ice, “Growlith I need you to thaw the ice, Houndour keep and eye out for anything out of place.” Arkelos steps into the bushes to wind of cold air. A shadow appears for a min stands there. Arkelos stands perfectly still, the shadow vanishes. “Houndour, Growlith, come here.” He whispered. They follow farther into the forest to find and Icy domain. Still out of sight they watch to see if there is any person or pokemon doing this to the forest. After wait for about 40-50mins the wind picks up to reveal a Sneasel. “So that's why all the bugs are swarming the Center. A Sneasel must of gotten lost or abandoned and is making a new home here by freezing everything. But than why just Center? There must be something else drawing them there.” Arkelos thought to himself.

“You two stay here im going to try to reason with it.” Arkelos still leaning over, appears out of the woods. “Sneasel, please can we talk?” The Sneasel is startled and begins to attack “NOW YALL” Arkelos shouts. Growlith and Houndour corner Sneasel. “Sneasel please, we are not here to hurt you, we want to get you home safely. This is someone else's home, please let us help you get home.” Sneasel, looks up and shakes its head. “Please we promise to get you home safely. Will you let us help you?” Looking around Sneasel Nods its head. “Houndour, Growlith try thawing the ice and lets get this place back to normal.” after a while everything was thawed and back to normal. The four makes their way back to the Center where help was waiting for us.

“Hello again, Welcome back to the Center what did you find out? Asked the lady. “I hope you got my message about the ranger's help?” Arkelos asked curiously. “Yes I did, he's in the back with my husband, but what's is he gonna do about the bugs?” Arkelos looked down to reveal the embarrassed Sneasel. “Is that a Sneasel? I thought they were suppose to be in frozen areas to keep cool.” the lady continued. “Oh I get it, the Sneasel must have gotten lost or something, and got to warm. Chased away all the bugs. But that brings up my next question. Why here? There are plenty of other places for them to go.”

Arkelos thought about that and answered “Growlith, Houndour, see if you can smell something, sweet, around here.” The two ran off Arkelos, Sneasel, and the lady followed them to the back, joining the man and ranger. They were all talking about getting Sneasel back to it's home, when Growilth started barking. Arkelos jumped over there quickly to find Growlith barking at a bush. Arkelos thanked Growlith called Houndour. The Ranger searched the bushes to find a Bellossom huddled in fear. Sneasel got excited and run up to Bellossom as if friends who were sepereated.

The ranger snapped his fingers “Eureka, that explains everything, Bellossom must be friends with this Sneasel and they got separated so Bellossom but have been using Sweet scent to find Sneasel.” Arkelos jumped in “That's why the bugs were swarming the Center. And they couldn’t go back because of the ice in the forest.” The Ranger agreed to find Sneasel's home and the two went on their way. Arkelos and his two companions got all the bugs back to the forest. After checking on the Center and the owners. Arkelos, Houndour, and Growlith said Goodbye.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 5:00 pm

Rock-a-bye Trainer

A beautiful young woman with a trio of singing Pokemon has been robbing trainers just after they get through Viridian Forest, their Pokemon too weak from the experience to fight back. She greets the trainers as they reach the halfway point of the forest and promises to heal their Pokemon with her own but instead she lulls them all to sleep, trainer included, and steal all their valuables. The trainers then wake up hours later back at the beginning of Viridian Forest, penniless and their Pokemon too weak to make it back through. Go to Viridian Forest and pretend to be a passing trainer. When she offers to heal your Pokemon attack her and make her pay for her thieving ways! I would say return the cash you find on her when you beat her but I say bring it back with you. To the winner go the spoils after all. Either way make sure she stops this criminal mischief.

---Defeat the Beauty and kick her out of Viridian Forest.

---Wild Pokemon including Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, and Spearow.
---The Beauty, she has a Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Smoochum.

---You may catch a wild Pokemon or snag one from the Beauty.

---3x Snag Coins and varies from there.

The day started out great, Arkelos and his Pokemon ate their breakfast at the local Pokemon center in Viridian City. A news feed came on the TV in the lounge claiming that Viridian Forest has been closed until farther notice. “Hmm I wonder if this is the reason why I'm here, come Houndour, Lets go Growlith.
The trio left for the forest, however upon the steps of the center were trainers and Pokemon alike. All asleep or close to it, Nurse Joy came running out of the center with several Chansey in close pursuit. Arkelos asked “Is there anything I can do!?” Nurse Joy turns in shock. “How are you still awake? Hmm perhaps you could run to the local Pokemart and get me some supplies. The Center is running very low due to all the attacks.” Nurse Joy hands Arkelos a slip of paper. “Please hurry, we need those supplies as soon as possible.” Arkelos looks around for the mart to find it just the building over.
As Arkelos enters the shop only to see the selves destroyed, broken merchandise, and a really cranky shopkeeper. “What do you what!? You have already taken everything of value! Go away!” Growlith and Houndour jump between the two of them. “Calm down you two he's just bring protective. He's a nice guy. I'm sorry sir, they mean you no harm, nor do I. Could I help you clean up some?” the shopkeeper was stunned for a moment. “Sure, there's a broom and dust pan in the back, as well some trash bags.” After about roughly an hour the shop was cleaned up back to a decent standards. “Thank you sir, I apologize for my manners earlier. You are clearly a kind person.” Arkelos asked a few questions about the attacker. “What did the person look like? Did they have any Pokemon? What did they want? The Shopkeeper explained that a woman came in with some baby Pokemon asked for potions and other healing items, than wrecked the place. Arkelos stated “Do you by any chance got any of these items left? Arkelos hands over the paper with supplies on it. “I'm sorry but I do not have any of these in shop right now, that woman cleaned me out. However the town on the other side of Viridian forest has those items I’m sure.” Arkelos thanked the man for his time, as he for the Pokemon center the shopkeeper gave him some Awakening. “I hear the bandit uses Pokemon with sing to lull the trainers and Pokemon alike asleep.” Arkelos thanks him again and heads toward the Center.

Upon entering the center Nurse Joy is excited to see him. “Thank you for running that errand for me. Do you have the items?” Arkelos explains the situation. Nurse Joy gets down hearted. “What are we gonna do? I need those supplies.” Arkelos jumps in “I will go into the forest confront this person whom is causing so much trouble, and go to the next town over and get you the supplies you need.” Nurse Joy's heart lightens again. “Do you mean it? That would be fantastic!” Arkelos looks down at his two companions, “Nurse Joy do you think you could clean up and heal my two friends here?” Nurse Joy jumps right on it. A few moments later she returns with Growlith and Houndour. “Thank you, very much, I’ll try not to be gone to long. Stay strong.”

Arkelos and his two friends head north to the forest, not sure what they will encounter. After going through town they come upon Officer Jenny. “I'm sorry kid, the forest is off limits. There is a bandit that is causing trouble in there.” Arkelos explains the situation to her. “Well you sound like you know what you are doing. But I can not allow this. It's far to dangerous for you.” “Houndour and Growlith begin “talking” barking. Officer Jenny jumps back “CALL OFF YOUR POKEMON IMMEDIATELY!” Arkelos says “Their trying to explain to you we mean no harm, just want to help you and the Pokemon center.” Officer Jenny brings out her own Growlith. Jenny's Growlith looks at her with a sense of compassion and justice. Jenny looks at Arkelos “Okay, I trust my Growlith's judgment, Please be careful in there. Do you have enough supplies for yourself?” Arkelos looks back yelling “Yes we'll be alright, See you soon!”

At last the heart of all the trouble, Growlith, Houndour. We need to surprise this person. Get back into your poke balls quickly. The two returned to their poke balls and Arkelos continues forward. Seeing the different types of trees and Pokemon Arkelos gets a sense of an odd presence. Looking around it's as if he's being followed. Thinking to himself “Wonder who's there? Should I turn and look or wait. I just need to find this woman. Said halfway through the forest, where's half way....WHA!?” “Is someone there!?” Arkelos shouted. “Great I had to shout that didn't I? So much for the element of surprise.” Arkelos continues to walks through the forest and tries not to bother any of the inhabitants of the forest. Coming up to a fork in the road Arkelos looks one way to see some grass patches, and the other way looks as if it wraps around some trees. Pondering which way to go, he sees a woman come from the right. “Excuse me, are you okay?” Asked the woman. Arkelos still looking at the ground replied “No I don’t think I am, I ran into a weedle and it stung me. I hope I'm not poisoned. Do you by any chance have any antidotes you can spare?” The woman looks grim “I'm sorry I used my last one just a bit ago. Did you not bring any items with you?” Arkelos kneels down. “I forgot to buy some before I left. I was traveling to the next town for a Gym battle. Would you care to accompany me?” The woman giggles “I got a Pokemon that can heal your wound, not sure if it will work on people but we could give it a try.” Arkelos smurks “Sure lets give it a shot” Arkelos reaches around to his Pokemon pretending as if he was going to stand. The woman proclaims “Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Smoochum lets heal our friend!”

The woman acting all cute says “Sweet dreams kid, Sing him to sleep!” Arkelos reacts “HOUNDOUR FIRE FANG, GROWLITH FLAME WHEEL!” all four opponents are startled. “I thought you were alone!?” Arkelos relies “Trainers are never alone, and it seems as if my sting was no more than a branch scratch.” The woman screams “No matter sing my friends.” The trio begins to sing. Arkelos stands in place as does Growlith and Houndour. “Hee hee, thank you my friends, rest up now.” The woman returns her Pokemon and make her way to Arkelos, “Silly boy, do you really think that....WHA!?” As the woman reaches for his bags Arkelos quickly throws handcuffs on her. “I'm sorry ma'am your concert is over.” Arkelos said with a smurk.

“Hey you stop right there!” Two Growliths and Officer Jenny come running up. “What is the meaning of this!?” Looking at the woman “Wanda? What are you doing out here? Arkelos explain.” Arkelos looks at the woman and than back at officer Jenny. “I laid a trap, pretending to be hurt by a Pokemon sting, at this time I didn't have my Pokemon out. This woman walks up to me and asked me if I was okay, I told that I think a weedle stung me and that I hope I wasn’t poisoned. I first asked her if she had any antidotes to share she said she used the last one not to long ago.” “THAT'S NOT TRUE! I was walking along and saw him on the ground and thought it was that thief.” the women rudely interrupted. Arkelos continues “as I was about to say, ma'am let me ask you something. Are you familiar with this area?” “No, why would you ask that?” She grumpily answered. “Than why do you have so many antidotes and potions on your person?” Arkelos asked standing erect, towering over the woman. “I bought them back in town and was making my way through to the next town.” When did you buy them? Arkelos again asked bluntly. “Early this morning why are you asking me so many questions.” Immediately replying. “Officer Jenny about what time would you say the situation in town happened?” “Oh I would say first thing this morning.” Jenny stated. “Why are you talking about the Pokemart I was never there first thing.” Jenny's eyes closed with satisfaction “we never said anything about a poke mart.” She laughed “Come on lets get you back to town there some people I want you to meet so we can make this official.” Arkelos kneels down to his two companions. “Thanks guys you did exactly as we practiced.” Arkelos reaches over and removed the ear plugs from Houndour and Growlith. Lets get to Pewter City and see what we can do about the supplies.

After completing the original planned objective, Arkelos turns to his promises. Upon arriving to Pewter City you see the Pokemon Center. You stop in to see if the Center has some supplies to spare. “Hi there, I'm Arkelos from Viridian City. Nurse Joy there is in need of some supplies. Does your center have the provisions that you could spare a few?” Arkelos asked with curiosity. “I'm sorry darling, with the Gym being the city's biggest reason for healing I’m afraid we don’t have any to spare at the moment. I'll tell you what, here's some money go and buy the supplies you need.” The Nurse hands Arkelos and envelope of money. “Thank you, I'm sure this will help out.” Arkelos goes down the road to the Pokemart. Entering the store he walks up to the counter. “Good day sir, I'm from Viridian city, and the Pokemon center needs these supplies.” Arkelos hands the gentleman the parchment. “Oh yes, I got a message earlier that you would be here soon. I also hear that the Pokemart needs some help due to some unfortunate trouble.” Arkelos responds “Yes sir that is correct.” The gentleman smiles. “Give me just a moment and I’ll have those supplies ready for you.” Arkelos looks around the shop and see many different items, even some toys for his Pokemon. After some time the gentleman calls him back up to the front. “Here you go sir, now I’m not charging you for the merchandise for the shop. However I can't afford the supplies for the center to be given away.” Arkelos hands the man the envelope. “I can understand that sir. I'll make sure that it gets there safely.” The man hands the envelope back to Arkelos. “You be careful out there, and have a safe trip back.” Arkelos states “I will sir, thank you again for the supplies. I'm sure it will be appreciated.” Arkelos walks out and heads on his way.

“I might want to return the remaining money.” Arkelos walks over to the center and talks to the nurse again. “Hi again, it didn’t take all the money for the supplies. I want to return the remaining change back to you.” The Nurse is shocked that I came back with the money. “Tha-Thank you, I appreciate your honesty. If you ever make it back this way please feel free to stop back in. Have a safe trip.” Arkelos waves good bye and heads back to the forest.

The trio begins their trip back to through the woods. To some surprise a kid comes running up. “Hey are you the one who beat that girl?” Arkelos looks down at him “I did not beat anyone up, I simply persuaded her to turn herself in.” The kid looks up and says “Cool, are you part of the police force? Because you're my new hero!” Arkelos smiles “Let me tell you something, being a hero is not about beating the bad guy. It's about know when and where you are needed. Helping those less fortunate than yourself. Being there for when someone needs help even if it means giving the last bit of food you have. To me I call it Karma.” The kid looks up at him and says “Wow, that awesome. I want to be like you someday. “Arkelos smiles and than asks “Are you out here all alone?” the kid gets a sad look on his face. “Yes I lost playing. I wanted to show that I was grown up enough to have my very own Pokemon.” Arkelos looks around. “How about this, take this poke ball and lets see what we can find. Lets see if Growlith or Houndour wants to help.” Growlith and Houndour are both excited. The kid looks at Houndour “May I use him?” Arkelos nods. “Okay lets find a Pokemon for you to try and capture.” The kid sees a Caterpie. “Is that one a good choice?” asked the kid “The Pokemon that you want is completely up to you. You have to feed it, nurture it and take care of it. Choose wisely.” Arkelos sits down next to a tree. “I'll be right here watching, do not be afraid of the Pokemon.” The kid looks at Houndour “Are you ready?” Houndour blows flames from it's nostrils. “Okay, Houndour use....errr” the kid has a puzzled look on his face. “What moves does Houndour know? Arkelos chuckles “Houndour knows Fire Fang and Foul Play. Fire fang is a strong physical attack that may burn or cause flinching. Foul Play uses the targets attack strength against them.” the kid looks awed by these attacks turns around. “Alright Houndour use Foul Play!” Houndour rushes toward caterpie and throws it to a tree, “Houndour Fire Fang!” Houndour takes a big fiery bite. Arkelos looks at the kid “Now it's time, once a Pokemon is weak enough toss a poke ball at it. The kid throws the given poke ball and it opens capturing its. The poke ball wiggles back and forth a few times, than stands still. “Congratulations” Arkelos present the kid with his very own Pokemon. “Thank you Houndour return, get some rest, now remember your Pokemon is going to be very tired after an encounter, so let it rest for a bit before you make it battle again. Even better take it to a Pokemon Center. I'm heading back to Viridian City now to deliver some things. You're welcome to join me. The kid replies “That would be very nice. I bet my sister would be thrilled I have a Pokemon now.” Arkelos and the kid started on their way back. Arkelos explaining many different things about being a trainer.

After returning to town Arkelos told the kid that his first stop was the Pokemart. Arkelos enter the shop to see workers putting up new glass doors and shelves. “Hello sir, remember me sorry I'm late, got caught up with other business” Arkelos said smiling. “Oh yes I remember you, I sent a message to my friend up in Pewter City. I see he got my message.” the shopkeeper said laughing. “Yes sir, here is some good for you from Pewter city.” Arkelos Placed the items on the counter. “I hope you get your shop back up and running again. I got to deliver these other goods to the Pokemon Center.” The man looks at Arkelos “Not a problem. Thanks again come back and see me again sometime.”

Arkelos heads toward the Pokemon Center to finished his deliveries. Walking down the road he meets up with the kid he helped in the forest. “Hey kid, how's your caterpie doing?” The kid looks around “Oh hey Arkelos, I'm looking around for my sister but can not seem to find her. Do you have time to help me look?” Arkelos told him that he's doing to the Pokemon Center to finish his deliveries. The two of them enter the Pokemon Center, as the kid runs up to counter he asks “Has my sister came through here lately? I lost her in the forest and cant find her.” Nurse Joy looks over and asks “Oh hi Joey, I did not know you had a sister, What does she look like?” Joey described her as a young woman with blonde hair, long green dress, and some a side bag. Arkelos jumped up to the counter. “Hey Nurse Joy I hope I'm not to late with these supplies.” he said jokingly. “Arkelos welcome back, I got off the phone a little bit ago with Pewter city Center. I'm glad to see you made it safely. We are most appreciative of you and your pokemon.” Arkelos' eyes widened “Oh that reminds me, could you heal my pokemon please they must be very tired.” Arkelos looks down at Joey “Would you like her to look after your Caterpie as well?” Joey jumped up excited “Oh yes please, would you please look after my new friend.” Nurse Joy smiled “Of course we can, when did you capture a pokemon?” Joey looked up at Arkelos and than back to Nurse Joy “Just about and hour or so I think. Is that right Arkelos?” Arkelos looked over and nodded. Nurse Joy gave back their pokemon, as well told the boys that it would be best to talk to Officer Jenny about a missing person.

The two of them rushed over to the station. Sitting in the waiting room was the woman that Arkelos previously encountered. “WANDA!!” Joey shouted from across the room. “Oh big sister I'm so glad I found you!” Wanda shocked “Joey where have you been? I have been worried sick.” Joey looked up at her “It's okay Arkelos found me at the other entrance to the forest, outside Pewter City. After the opened the forest back up I came looking for you. Now that they caught that person that was attacking trainers.” Wanda had a disappointed look on her face when Officer Jenny came back in. “Welcome back Arkelos, and who are you kid?” Joey looked up than said “Officer Jenny why is my sister in handcuffs, what going on?” “Officer Jenny please let me explain everything please.” Wanda asked politely. Arkelos stepped in for a moment. “Officer Jenny, its clear what's going on here. Wanda may I interrupt you for a moment.” Wanda looked at Arkelos and bowed her head with tears. Arkelos continues “Thank you, Joey and Wanda are siblings. Joey wanted to prove he was an adult by capturing his own pokemon. However Wanda knew they could not afford the items needed. No one in town knew of their relationship, reasons unknown to me. Her pokemon are still in their toddler forms, not capable of surviving anything the forest has to offer. To make money she used her pokemon to put the other pokemon and trainers asleep so she could take their money and eventually afford the items needs to be able train her pokemon and than getting a pokemon for her younger bother. That's where I came in and ruined that plan. After I ran my errands and headed back. That when I met Joey at the Pewter City forest entrance taught him a few things about what a trainer needs to know and he even caught a pokemon all by himself.” Arkelos looks over at Wanda. “I know it's hard to be a trainer, however stealing is wrong. Why did you not ask for help?” Wanda looked up crying “My younger brother looked up to me as a great trainer. I really wanted to be there for him. Officer Jenny, if I apologize and give everyone their things could you let me go? I really am sorry.” Arkelos walks over to Officer Jenny “I can understand that robbery is a serious crime, give her a second chance. Her intentions were honorable....” Officer Jenny jumped in “Her actions were not. I can not just let her go unpunished.” Arkelos looked over and saw the two sibling hugging and Wanda crying. “I think she has been punished enough for having Joey see her like this.” Officer Jenny looks over at the two. Joey brings out Caterpie “Wanda look what I got all by myself.” Caterpie comes out and crawls up onto Joey shoulder. “EWWWAAHHH. Why would you get one of those!? It's a bug!” Wanda screamed

After everything was cleared by Officer Jenny the two kids were sent on their way. Officer Jenny wanted Arkelos to give back all the items and money to the trainers that were robbed. After an announcement and a few hours later everyone got back their items and was sent home happy. All in All, today was a great day.  



PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:42 pm
An Ashy Situation

A lone Team Magma grunt has been causing some trouble over on Route 113 in Hoenn. He's been harassing the local Glass Worker trying to force him to make Flute for Team Magma. This guy has even been threatening Youngsters nearby into collecting ash. This guy is a real jerk and needs to be kick in the behind, I think you can handle that. Go to Route 113 and make that jerk wish he never step foot there. Also the Youngsters are terrified of him and may not just stop working for him on their own.

---Send the Team Magma Grunt packing,

---The Team Magma Grunt, he is alone but has several Pokemon consisting of Poochyena, Zubat, Numel, Baltoy, and a Spinda. He's been using the Spinda to confuse the Youngsters to do his bidding.

---You may snag one Pokemon.

---4x Snag Coins and varies from there.

Growing up in the region of Hoenn, Arkelos knew well of route 113. Arkelos' dad was a researcher, pretty good one at that. About 10years ago Arkelos, and his dad Felix, went to Fallarbor town to help with some fossil identifications. Arkelos would play on route 113 in the ash fields just outside town while his dad was working. Arkelos took the boat to Slateport City, considering that route 113 is in the far north and land locked.

Arkelos arrived in Slateport City, after getting off the boat and seeing the beach, in all it's sun soaked warmth, made Areklos want to go for a swim. “A swim would be nice, however it would be unfair to Houndour and Growlith,” He thought to himself. The beach was busy that day, kids playing, flocks of Wingull and Swellow, schools of Tentacool, Wilmer, and Skelp. Even more so, he sees trainers and pokemon alike relaxing on the beach. Arkelos takes a deep breath as he remembers this area fondly as a kid.

After walking across the beach Arkelos heads into town, the streets were busier than the beach. Arkelos could smell the taunting aromatic foods, hearing the kids playing with toys, Booths advertising their sales, to him it looked more like a vast ocean of people. Arkelos is again taken back to a time were his mom, Lucy, would take him to the open air Slateport market. There was a particular stall that Arkelos liked, remembering it would sell many different types of fragrances and incenses.

After walking for a bit Arkelos comes upon the big gate of the Slateport Market, after looking around the shops and stalls for a few minutes he see it the shop from his childhood, a nice lady looks over and calls out, “Arkelos is that you?” Arkelos walks toward her with a smile on his face. “Yes ma'am, How's the shop going?” The woman looks changes as she replies, “I can't say it's good, however life of a shop owner is just that.” again changing to a smile. “How are your folks? They must be keeping busy, due that I have not seen them lately. ” The lady starts helping a customer with some scents. Arkelos replies, “Last I hear my dad is off on another assignment, and my mom is on vacation in Sinnoh with some friends. I have some business up on route 113, heard there's some kind of trouble up there and wanted to look into it.” The lady perks up with a proud look on her face, giggles “Just like both of your parents, always looking for another adventure.” She greets a customer and Arkelos states, “You've got customers, I will not keep you any longer.” Arkelos turns to walk away and the lady turns with a questioning voice, “Oh could I ask a favor though?” Arkelos turns to her with a intrigued look. “Sure, What's do you need help with?” The lady hand Arkelos a box full of incenses. “This box holds some fragrances I need delivered to a customer in Mauville City. I don't have time of day to travel all the way up there.” Handing Arkelos the box, “Could I ask you deliever them safely?” Arkelos excitedly answered “Sure thing, I have to pass through that way on my way up north” with a smile he takes the box and places it in his bag than waves goodbye.

Arkelos makes his way to the North Entrance making a quick stop at the Pokemon center to get his pokemon rejuvenated for the long trip. As Arkelos walks into the lobby of the center a voice from behind called out his name, “Arkelos, what are doing back in town?” The voice asked, Arkelos turns around in shock to see one of his old classmates and close friend. “Hey Mark! Long time no see bud.” Arkelos says shaking hands with Mark. Arkelos responded to Mark's question “I came back for some business up north near Fallarbor town, how about yourself?” Asking Mark the same question. “Last I heard you were researching marine life in the Orange Islands.” Arkelos stated as the two walked into the Pokemon Center. While at the counter Arkelos gave his pokemon to the lady and turned to Mark to see him looking around, and giving Arkelos a puzzled look on his face. “I'm investigating some unusual weather patters that's effecting the Orange Islands. I'm suppose to be meeting some colleagues up at the Weather Institution toward Fortree City.” Mark states in a whisper. Arkelos replies “I heard something about that, I wonder if it's connected to the Legendary Pokemon in the region. Regaurdless be careful out there, It's a different world than the one we grew up in. Than again look who i'm talking to. I'm sure with your skills in Marine Biology and Meteorology that should be quite easy.” The lady at the counter returns with Arkelos' pokemon. Mark grabbed his bag the two said their goodbyes and headed their separate ways; as the two friends take their leave Arkelos thought to himself “Mark is a very experienced trainer, I wonder what he's going to be doing at the Weather Insitute.”

After the brief reunion Arkelos makes his way to route 110. “If I remember correctly this route has the cycle circuit on it.” Arkelos stated out loud. Arkelos leaves the city to begin his journey, upon coming up to the southern part of the Cycle circuit. He sees a young trainer muttering to himself. “Excuse me sir, what seems to have you worked up?” The trainer looks over to see Arkelos standing there. “Oh im just debating whether or not I should take the cycling road, or look for pokemon on the lower path. What do you think?” the trainer asked with interest. Arkelos looks over the Cycling path and sees it rides with the wind, making turns, ups and downs. “I would think the high road would be a great workout, however I personally enjoy the scenic route.” The trainer thanked him for his time and than went back to looking at the over hanging track.

Arkelos goes up to the shore line of the lake looks out over it. “That smell, brings back so many memories. Both good and....bad.” Arkelos' face grew dark, sinister, and grim. “He didn't have to do that....spare my life, and give his up...Who's there!? Show yourself!” Arkelos' mind lingers about a time simpler and peaceful.

Arkelos turns toward the barking sound that was coming from behind him. From the field a Electrike jumps out growling at Arkelos. Grabing a pokeball Arkelos sends out Houndour, “Lets get this done quickly, I have things to do.” Houndour jumps into battle with ferocity. “Houndour, use firefang now!” Leaping forward with jaws of flames, Houndour lays a fiery bite onto Electrike. “Something is wrong” Arkelos said to himself. “Due to Electrike's nature, the bite landed but with a price. Houndour is now paralyzed by the static of Electrike's skin. “Houndour are you okay?” Houndour struggles to get back up, but manages to with resilience. “Wait for it to attack than dodge.” Houndour stands there waiting for an attack, Electrike lunges toward Houndour with lighting speeds. Houndour keeps a weather eye, and rolls out of the way. Electrike uses quick attack. It lands a hard hit, knocking Houndour to the ground. “Houndour return, you did good. Growlithe I need your help.” Growlithe comes out to help, upon enter the frey, Growlithe shows a very intimidating face. Electrike starts shaking, Arkelos smiles. “Excellent, Growlithe watch out for it's speed. Lets use that against it.” Growlithe barks in approval. “Growlith use ember at the ground below it's feet, knock its focus off. Growlithe starts spitting small flames of embers at the ground, burning the ground to ashes, making it hot to walk on. Electrike springs forward, making for a direct attack. Using quick attack again, it almost disappears with it's speed. “Growlithe lets stop this lighting with our own fire, Flame Charge!” Growlithe starts up with flaming speed. The two collide making an explosion like dust cloud. After the dust settles the Electrike goes running away into the field. The battle is over. “Great job Gowlithe. Lets get our injured friend to the Pokemon center.

Arkelos hurries back to Slateport City, back at the Pokemon Center Arkelos hands over houndour and growlithe to the Nurse. As he waits for his pokemon to be returned, Arkelos walks around the center till he stops at the map to Hoenn. Being gone for so long he figured it would be best to update his geography.

A voice is hear over the intercom “Arkelos Fyrestone, your pokemon are ready for pickup at the front desk.” Arkelos makes his way up to the front desk. “Thank you for your patience, We hope you have a good and safe journey.” Said the nurse with a smile. Arkelos takes his pokemon and makes his leave back to route 110. After leaving the city Arkelos brings up both his pokemon, after passing the field of grass earlier battled at, the trio continues northward to the lower path.

The lower path is a grassy walk way for trainers and pokemon alike to travel between Slateport City and Mauville City. Walking on this path Arkelos sees many water types playing, splashing, feeding. Flocks of Wingull and Pelipper, some Swellow, and even a few Beautifly. The grass area was just as busy, seeing many different species, such as Nincada, Electrike, Gulpin. Many were enjoying the sun, and others being their playful selves.

Just as Arkelos rounds the first curve of the path, he comes upon a saddening sight, a pack of Zigzagoon ganging up against an injured Plusle. “Growlithe, Houndour, Lets help this pokemon out!” Arkelos shouted. Growlithe and Houndour appeared with a growling look. “Growlithe be careful with your aim, we don't want to hurt the Plusle, same to you Houndour.” The two barked in understanding. Arkelos stands there with a glare, than turns; “Growlithe ember at their feet make the ground hot. Houndour Fire Fang, but do not touch them, make it look convincing.” The two jump forward, Growlithe shooting embers around the ground making it hard to stand on the ground, even catchting some of the isolated patches of grass on fire. Houndour charges with speed jump jumping through the smoke and fire with jaws with flames and cinders. Taking bites at the air around the wild pack. The pack of Zigzagoon got badly started made a run for it.

The Plusle just ask frightened sees the two pokemon coming toward it and tries to scare them with it's Eletrical discharge. However it's injuries were to great. Arkelos sits down in a patch of grass with his bag just a few feet from pokemon, Growlithe and Houndour lay down as well, showing they are not there to attack or increase it's injuries. Arkelos pulls out a few Oran berries from his bag. Giving one to both Growlithe and Houndour. Arkelos looks at the Plusle. “Here you go, this berry will help you feel better. We are not here to hurt you, we are here to help you.” Arkelos says smiling at the pokemon. Plusle cautiously approaches, sniffing at the berry a few times before grabbing it, after a short time it crawls up to Arkelos holding the berry. Seeing it struggle to move Arkelos reaches over to pick it up “There you go, looks like we showed up just in time.” Holding the Plusle in his arm, using the other hand Arkelos reaches again into his bag, this time to pull out a potion. “This is a potion, it will help your wounds. It helps you to increase your strength, so you can feel a lot better faster.” Plusle looks up with a bit of worry than nods with approval. After a spray or two the Plusle gets it's energy back. After a few jumps and chants Plusle is joined by a Minun. The two look happy to see each other. After a helping hand of gratitude of the two run off into the distance.

Arkelos stands up dusting the bits of dust and grass off his shorts. Looking down at Growlithe and Houndour, “Help others. That is what I believe, even if it doesn’t come back, strive to make the world a better place; For both humans, and pokemon alike.” The trio continues down the path toward Mauville City.

Coming to the end of the lower path, Arkelos sees the end of the Bike Cycle road. Looking around he sees some men fishing by the lake, some kids playing soccer, and an older man taking care of some berry plants. Walking up the road past the Northern Cycle Road building, he comes to Mauville City.

Arkelos and his companions are stunned. “This place is a lot more built than I originally remember.” Arkelos states in amazement. Walking through the entry way Arkelos comes across the many new shops and businesses, along with previous older ones. “I wonder where I have to make that delivery to?” Arkelos wondered as he walked through the mall like aisles. Arkelos looks down at Growlithe and Houndour, “Stay close, I don’t want to lose either of you in here.” After walking for a bit the trio come across the court yard with the Center beacon glowing brightly. “Look a Pokemon center, lets refresh for a min or two.” Excited about some Rest and Relaxtion, Arkelos and his two followers enter the center to find an odd scene.

A group of Plusle and Minun were running on what seemed to be a tread mill generating electricity. Seeing the three enter the Center the Nurse walks over with a grim voice “I'm sorry sir, the Center is currently closed due to electrical situation. The power throughout Mauville City has been alarming to say the least. Again I apologize for any inconvenience.” Arkelos looks around, than back at the Nurse, “Is there any way I can help, I have a delivery here and I don’t mind helping out while I’m here.” The nurse looks up with a slight smile. “You are very kind, in fact I hear Watson is asking for volunteers. If go through the Northern ally just outside this Center you'll porbably find him talking with other trainers and volunteers.” Arkelos thanks the nurse for the insight and leaves.

“All right yall, lets see what we could do to help.” Arkelos says with confidences. Walking north and into the aisles again, Arkelos spots the booth like set up than walks over to it. “Excuse me sir, are you Watson? I'm Arkelos and I have come to help with the situation.” Arkelos asked the man behind the booth. The man stops what he was doing and stands there. “That energy, I can sense it. You child are the key to the puzzle that is affecting Mauville City.” The man turns around. “I am Watson, Gym leader and Creator of this dazzling city if I do say so myself. You child fill me with the energy that I remember from my younger years.” Watson lets out a long and loud laugh. “Here's what's doing on, I had a many great idea for this city and even other parts of the world. However the other places have let us say, fell through. Mauville City has been Reborn like the thunder that rolls through the clouds. Sadly though my other visions have either sank or collapsed, all in all my work is only postponed. See there is an under facility I was hoping to name this New Mauville City. A city that dug deep into the earth, making more homes, businesses, and even research facilities. Sadly there were complications I don’t have time to get into. Never-the-less, This is where you come in. See there is a computer, a command center. Where this city get its power. I sense something has happened to it. I need you to go down there and flip a simple switch or two. Basically restart the system. I would be careful there, energy levels down there have attracted a many sort of electric and steel type pokemon, best be on your guard down there.” Watson pats his chest for a moment to catch his breath. Than lets out a laugh “That was a mouth full, by the way here is a key to get in. Come back to me when you have accomplished this for me. Thanks a Gigawatt.”

Arkelos starts to walk away when he hears Wattson again. “Oh by the way, the entrance to New Mauville is just on the other side of the lake outside town. That was a miscalculation on my part, anyways good luck son.” Arkelos makes his way to the southern entrance with Growlith and Houndour just behind. “Okay you two, back into your pokeballs for a few mins.” With a flash of light the two return to their respective pokeballs. After walking outside into the sunlight, Arkelos walks toward the lakes edge next to the Northern Cycle Road, and takes his Hover board from his bag, jumps on and starts riding it east toward the location Watton mentioned.

After landing on the eastern shore, Arkelos sees the overgrown New Mauville main gate, Arkelos walks up the towering gate and looks for a key hole, after a minute he finds a perfect match, he uses the key earlier received from Wattson. “Lets hope this works.” Arkelos said inserting the key, and as he does a rumbling, creaking, cracking, and metal sound comes from the doors. The vines and weeds began to snap and crumble as the doors slide open. After the dust settles and the ringing in Arkelos' ears stop he grabs two pokeballs, “Growlith, Houndour let us bring light to this darkness.” Arkelose grabs the key from the socket as the two canines appear at Arkelos' sides. “Growlith use ember as a light in this damp darkness. Houndour, use Oder Sleuth to keep us from being surprised.” Growlith uses ember to light up the darkness as the three descend into the depth of New Mauville.

Arkelos and his living touch and living radar descend down the flight of stairs leading down into what seemed to be an endless shadows, eerie sounds can be heard, such as gears, Clanging of Metal, static charges of eletricity, and even whispers. Dripping pipes, crunchy flooring, chilling drafts from the gloom of this lost city made Arkelos' skin crawl. “These stairs seem like they go on for ever....” Thud “Ouch, who put a stair case leading into a wall?” Arkelos asked out loud. “I'm sure there is a switch or another key hole around here.” Just as Arkelos states Growlithe and Houndour shoots flames at the wall to light it up. After a few seconds of searching Arkelos finds another key hole similar to the one outside. Inserting the key again, the door graciously open with no issues or problems.

As the doors open, a truly spectacular sight over came the three. “The City is, alive?” Arkelos asked in amazement. Walking onto a platform that over looked the city they find no signs of human life, only pokemon. Astonished at the sight of pokemon using their eletricity to power the lights, some using their abilities and skill to dust the metal so it does not corrode, others were even repairing broken structures destroyed by the elements. Arkelos looks at the platform and notices stairs on either side that merge into a single stair case that leads to a plaza.

Arkelos looks around to see a group of Magnemite attached to some of the power lines giving power the lights around them, some arons using headbutt to bend some metal plates to form what looked to be working aqueducts. Walking farther down the stairs they are to creak, disturbing some Dedenne, Pichu, Plusle, and Minun sending them running to other parts of the area, looking down at Growlithe and Houndour “Be very careful, do not attack or bother any pokemon, if they look like they want to fight bow down to them to show respect. We do not want to disturb any of these pokemon in their home.” Growlithe and Houndour look up and grunt in understanding.

After making their way into the main plaza, even more life was to be found. Arkelos discovers that some of the structures that have collapsed became home to Joltiks and Galvantula making thier nest in the ruins near some broken street lights for close source energy to absorb. Seeing that many of the structures are still fully intact, outlines show several shops and restaurants, even faded out designs show it would have become a pokemon center. Arkelos decided to investigate this particular building, before entering Arkelos checked for any signs of danger, whether it be the structure itself or pokemon that may inhabit it. After checking for any danger, they enter to find just a basic skeleton of the building. Some Dedenne and Pichues are running around few Spinaraks made their webs and homes in the corners or holes in the walls.

After finishing the treasure hunt in the build Arkelos continues to searching farther into the City. Arkelos and the gang come upon what seems to be a main intersection, similar to Lumiose City Tower. It has markings, faded out names, one however, is not as weathered as the others points to the research district. “That looks like a good place to start, maybe the Computer room or building is over that direction.” Arkelos steps that direction, but gets startled by Growlith and Houndour growling toward the opposite way. “What is it you two? Is something or someone over there?” They started running with a sprint “HEY! Wait for me!” Arkelos yelled, the two go running into the shadows with Arkelos in follow. They round a corner to find a scared eevee, huddled in a corner of some ruins.

Arkelos steps a bit closer to get a better look, “Awww it's and eevee, I wonder what it's doing down here alone?” just as Arkelos finished that statement electricity comes flying out of the shadows missing the three. Two Joltons emerge into the dim lights snarling. “Growlithe, Houndour, remember what I told you.” Arkelos bows his head before the two Jolton, Growlithe does as well, Houndour was not ready to bow down so easily. Houndour lunges with ferocity. “Houndour NO!” The Jolton Vanish into thin air. “Wait what? Where did they go?” Houndour walks back to the other two with . “Houndour what was that all about? I told you to …. “ Arkelos go a cold chill down his back. Houndour and Growlith are both growling at what looked like it was toward Arkelos. “Wha-What are you doing?” Arkelos slowly turns around to see a Yamask. “Y-yamask? Why are you...” Arkelos stops midscentence to see that he has been followed by a couple of pokemon. Arkelos' face turns pale. “I'm not here to harm you, Please I'm looking for a big electrical machine. Do any of you know where I might find it?” The pokemon that stand before Arkelos turn around to leave, except one. A Haunter appears from thin air, it smiles, than laughs, acting like it wants to play games. Arkelos walks over to Haunter. You're a playful pokemon aren't you? The Haunter floats around in an excited manner. Arkelos askes again “Do you know where I can find a BIG Machine? Uses a lot of Electricity.” The Haunter Vanishes. “Oh Great, guess we'll have to find it ourselves, come on yall, there is no need to fear.” The trio walks back to the fork in the road where they found the signs. Okay lets go toward the research district this time. Walking down a ghost town of office buildings, there stands a huge building carved into the cliffs of the city walls with the name New Mauville Research Lab. The three entered the main build lobby, to find only darkness, “That looks promising, Growlithe Light up the inside with a flame wheel, Houndour make sure there are no hidden Pokemon in the building.” Arkelos asked in a whisper. The two go to work, Houndour checks the building using Oder Sleuth, than Growlithe shoots a swirling ring of flames into the building. “All clear you two?” The two look back and bark. The three continue farther into the building to hear a humming, different from any pokemon previous encountered. “What is that humming and why does the air feel heavier in here?” Arkelos asked himself. They explore farther into the building, a faint light comes from a stair well leading down. Arkelos looks over the railing to see the bottom filled with a strong light. They cautiously walk down the stair well, as they do the humming gets louder, as their limbs get heavier. Reaching the bottom they find a hall way with a luminescence of blue light. “What is that in there, why do I feel so heavy, Are you two all right?” Arkelos asked his companions. The two run up to Arkelos and nod. Getting to the end of the hall, they enter a huge room. The center is a huge Computer like machine. The control panel is located on the other side, only to be blocked by some debris fallen from the upper floors. “Growlithe? Houndour? Are you two able to move that debris without getting hurt? The two of them use quite a few different abilities with little to no relief of the debris. “Hmmm this could be troublesome. Let us go about it at a different way. Can we climb it?” Arkelos thinks out loud, he looks around to find a way over. Growlithe and Houndour stand guard on the preivous side while Arkelos climbs over the debris. Arkelos walks around to find the control panels still functioning. “This looks like the Computer Wattson was talking about. However he never gave me instructions on what to do.” Arkelos looks around to find several buttons and some switches. Pushing the buttons a voice spoke. “Welcome to the New Mauville Energy Distribution Center. How can I help you today?” Arkelos looks puzzled and than asked a question. “How do I reset the power supply? Waiting for answer he looks around at all the buttons and flashing nobs. “The power supply is vital to support life in New Mauville. It can not be reset.” replied the computer. Arkelos Quickly replied. “Are you connected to Mauville City above ground?” the computer commented. “I am connected through a single outlet. Mauville City and New Mauville City both draw it's power from this facility.” Arkelos asked one last question. “What would cause power outages in Mauville City?” The Computer stated “Many life forms have taken home here, none of which are the original expected occupants. There is one life form that was unanticipated, When power is to great, it will merge to form a greater life form.” The computer than goes quiet. Arkelos gets upset over losing the only way to get answers.

After dealing with the computer Arkelos climbs back over the debris to see Growlith and Houndour in a stand off again a Magnezone. “What!? Where did a Magnezone come from! Those are very rare, only found in areas that have high amounts of Electrical and Magnetism fields.” Arkelos smacks himself with a facepalm, than climbs down quickly. “Growlith use Flame Charge, Houndour Use Fire Fang immediately after Growlithe!” Growlithe takes off in a blazing speed, Houndour pickes up it's jetstream, making him just as fast. The speed was no match for Magnezone's discharge, electrocuting everything around it, Growlith gets hit directly by the attack. Houndour hot on it's tail is uneffected, and takes a fiery bite out of Magnezone. Caught off guard the Magnezone flinches and also gets a serious burn, lower it's concentration. “Growlithe are you okay for another attack? Houndour try to protect Growlithe when you can. Lets finish this!” Arkelos looks at Magnezone than at his two pokemon, Growlithe gets back on it's feet with grace. By this time the air as gotten lighter, “Growlithe Flame wheel, Houndour Dark Pulse right behind it!” The combinded attacks created a Dark Fiery Pulse hitting Magnezone directly, knocking it down onto the ground. “Great job you two, way to use those moves. “Let get out of here. That should have knocked a lot of the problems out of the way.” Arkelos made sure the computer stayed in tacked.

The three made their leave the same way as they came in, after exiting the building Arkelos and his friends take a breather for a moment. “Maybe that Magnezone was the one thing causing the electrical problems that everyone was experiencing.” Just as Arkelos finished his sentence the Haunter from earlier appeared in a sudden joking manner, making faces and laughing. Arkelos could not help but laugh as well as the other two. Just as they were about to leave an explosion erupted, out of the dust came the Magnezone that they earlier encountered, in a very bad mood it seemed. It used lock on and kept firing Zap Cannon every where, not hitting what it wanted to. “It's confused” Arkelos stated noticing it's unusual behavior. Zap Cannon was destroying everything, rubble, pokemon's homes, even some of the wiring and power lines. “We have to knock it out before it brings down the city, Growlithe Flame Charge, Houndour Fire Fang. Use them quickly!” The Two leaped forward with again blazing speeds. Growlithe lands a hit this time, followed by Houndour. The Magnezone goes flying across the street. Magnezone flies out of the rubble and starts making a odd noise than starts to glow with bright light “EVERYONE RUUUUUUNNNN!!!” Arkelos, Growlithe and Houndour run as fast as the can down the road, making a left at the intersection, rounding the corner Arkelos grabs the two pokemon holds tight and dives into a cove for cover just as BOOOOOOOOM an earth shattering explosion takes place. Pokemon go running all over the place.

As the dust settles, foot steps could be heard, as well he hears a man clapping, “BWAHAHAHA, excellent work kid, I'm proud to have witnessed such an event with my own eyes.” Watton walks through the smoke and dust, standing over to the fainted Magnezone Wattson pulls out a pokeball and drops it onto Magnezone. “See this pokemon has been causing me a lot of headache, every time I have come down here, this one pokemon attacks me. I figured it was the one causing the power issues in Mauville City. The magnetism from this one pokemon was causing so much fluctuation of electrical energy that it was absorbing it, draining the power from the Mauville City. Not sure what I can give you for your trouble. I'm sure you'll get something in due time for your efforts karma is good like that. Come back and see me again. I'd love to have a battle with you and my newly aquired pokemon real soon. I have to get back to Mauville City, I'm waiting on a delivery of some incenses.” Wattson stated Arkelos look up, “Sir, I have to say this act was not fun, and it was very dangerous. My Pokemon could have been hurt by any number of pokemon down here. To change the subject, I have your delivery.” Arkelos hands Wattson the box of incenses. “I like you kid, You're strong, independent, courageous, quick thinker. You'll go far kid, never give up on your dreams or your ambitions. Thank you again, you have a safe trip where ever you're going.” Wattson said leaving with a smile and doing some surveying as well. Arkelos looks down at Growlithe and Houndour. “Excellent job you two, you both deserve a proper rest.” Arkelos returns the two to their respective pokeballs.

Arkelos walks through the centeral plaza minding there pokemon no attention, the pokemon return the favor and kept to themselves. Arkelos reaches the top of the stairs and look out above the city again. “This place is beautiful, even though I was almost killed by a crazy pokemon, and sent to my possible doom due to a crazy man. It was still a great experience. However I have taken to long as it, I need to get up to route 113 that team magma member has an appointment I would hate for them to miss.” Arkelos turns around as he walks through the doors he throws the key into the plaza, than closes the doors with force. “There, now no one can reenter this place and disturb any of the pokemon and their homes. If we found pokemon in there while the doors were sealed shut, obviously there's a way in and out that no one knows about except them. I would like to keep it that way.” Arkelos walks up the stairs and emerges into the mid day sunlight. Arkelos breaths in the fresh air. Before leaving he closed the outside door as well, after doing so he jumps onto his hover board and makes for the pokemon center in Mauville City.

Going through the southern gate, Arkelos is met by a younger gentleman. “Greeting Sir, I am Researcher Zhao, I heard you headed north toward the desert. The reason does not concern me. What does concern me is that there are fossils that could possibly be found through out the burning sands. If you happen to find one could you possibly bring it back to me so that I may possibly continues my research on desert civilizations please.” Asked Zhao with excitement in his voice. Arkelos closed his eyes and placed his thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose. “I suppose I could take that path considering I would be well worth the short cut to just exit north of the desert and right there at route 113.” The researcher jumped for joy. “Thank you very much, Wattson said you were great at running errands.” Arkelos muttered to himself after Zhao left his presences. “I swear that old man is going to get a beating from me, sooner than later.” Arkelos brushes off the feelings and presses on.

Arkelos walks into the Pokemon, trying not to show any signs of being tired. “Hello, how's the power situation? Can you heal my pokemon?” Arkelos asked the nurse. “Well hello, and welcome back to the pokemon Center.” The Nurse joyfully replied. “Yes we will be happy to heal your pokemon, and you yourself look tired as well.” as she continued. Arkelos was drawn back, “How did you know I was fatigued?” The nurse stated, “Darling it's my job to know these things. Please relax while I rest your pokemon.” Arkelos hands over his pokemon, than goes and sits down for a moment. What seems like a few moments later Arkelos wakes up and stretches, than walks over to the counter. “Are my pokemon ready yet?” He asked in a groggy voice. “Oh there you are, yes they have been ready for quite some time.” The nurse replied, Arkelos looks over at the clock, “Wha-Is that time correct?” Arkelos asked in shock. “Yes, it is. You fell asleep and I figured that you could use the rest.” Arkelos stated, “You are probably right.” Arkelos thought to himself for a moment “I must have been exhausted, three hours sounds like a long time.” Arkelos retrieves his pokemon and than walks toward the northern entrance of the city.

After the Situation back in Mauville City and New Mauville City, Arkelos was more than ready to make his way north. “It seems odd that this trip took longer than normal. This is route 111, if I cut north through the desert than that should come out on route 112.” Arkelos walks toward the Desert only for his path to be blocked by some cracked bolders. Arkelos lets out a big sigh, “Why does this always have to happen when im in a hurry. Growlithe, Houndour, I need your help.” The duo appear with a flash in front of the rocks. “Growlithe; Flame Charge.” Arkelos and Houndour stand back to watch in amazement how the speed and ferocity of the attack shattered the rocks, making way of a path.

After the training, the trio walks north toward the desert with hopes that the storms in the desert are not unbearable. Seeing trainers and pokemon alike along the road of the route, Arkelos looks down at his two companions. “Please keep an eye on yall's surroundings. These trainers are not here to hurt yall. Not as long as I'm here they won't at least.” Watching trainers after trainers and their pokemon, Arkelos keeps his sight set on the goal at hand.

After the long walk north, Arkelos, Growlithe, and Houndour come to the Southern entrance of the desert. “The air seems clear, What do yall think?” Arkelos asked the two at his feet. Growlithe barks with assurance, Houndour looks out into the shimmering sands for a moment, than looks up with grin. The trio start into the desert to find a crowd gathered just to the Northwest.

Arkelos looks over the heads of the crowds to see a whole lot of nothing. Than a familiar voice echoed his name “Arkelos! Arkelos! Over here!” A man's voice echoed after if it was coming from all directions. Arkelos started looking around, quickly returning his pokemon so nothing happens to them. Just as Arkelos place them on his belt, a hand grabbed his shoulder. Arkelos jumped in fright, “Get off me, how dare you tou--” Arkelos said stopping in mid sentence. “Come on boy, don't you recognized your old man?” said the man with a sunburned face and arms. Arkelos still stunned began to speak, “F-f-Father? Dad! It's so great to see you again. I'm sorry it's been so long, been trying to-well I mean-Ever since-” Arkelos struggled to think what he was trying to say. “Bawahaha, relax son, Your mother and I couldn't be more proud of you. What happened all those years ago is something we can not change. I'm sure you know that your mother and myself still love you very much.” said Felix. Arkelos eyes started tearing up. “I'm so sorry, For everything.” Arkelos said hugging his dad with tears in his eyes.

Felix looks down at Arkelos “Listen, we can talk more later. You actually arrived at a great time. It's the whole reason that I am here. Several Fossils were discover in the desert a few hours ago.” Arkelos jumped in “And you're here to help with the identifications, right?” Stunned Felix responsed “Quite on the contrary, I was part of the group that unearthed them. Sadly no one around here can identify them, and even more, the next highest level of fossil identification won't be in the region for another week.” Felix takes a deep breath. Arkelos looks up with curiosity “Dad, could I have a look at them? If there is anything you taught it's fossils, and don't forget I also been to many different regions.” Felix folds his arms and rubs his chin, “Well, it couldn't hurt. Follow me this way.” Arkelos follows his dad through parts of the crowds till they came to the side of the tents and stage where the VIPs entered at. “This is my son, he's with me.” The guards look them over and without speaking nod in approval. Felix turns to speak to Arkelos while they are walking toward the fossil tent, “Keep quite and stay with me, these people are very....opposite of when you were taught. Serious, Mean, Structured individuals.” Arkelos nods in understanding.

They arrive at the tent to Arkelos amazement is rather big. “How many fossils did your group find?” Arkelos whispered. “My group only found a few, but the organization along with Devon Corp has several site through out the desert.” Felix stated with fascination. They entered the tent to find shelves upon shelves, isle, and tables lined with fossil fragments, pieces, rocks, bones, and even some gem stones and shards.

An older gentleman stands up from his desk from the far corner of the tent to greet them. “Welcome back Dr Fyrestone, And who might this be?” Felix turns around and put his hand on Arkelos' back, “This is my son, I've told you about. He's been gone for sometime, and I ran into him at the southern entrance of the desert where all the crowds were.” The older gentleman walks over and introduces himself, “Hello Arkelos, I am Dr. PHD Alexander Rockwell, of the Lumiose City Research Center, But you can call me Alex for short. I have heard a lot about you as a young trainer. What brings you back to this region, it must seem quite boring compared to the rest of the world.” Alex asked with a smile. Arkelos looked at the man, “I have some business up north on route 113. And with all due respect, this region could never be boring to me, It's my home, and I have many friends as well my family here.” Alex smiles, “I do beg your pardon young master. I believe my age came out for a for a moment.” Alex turns to Felix, “What do I owe this honor for the two of you to visit me here today?” Felix speaks up, “Sir, my son would like to take a look at the fossils that are in one piece. He would like a chance to examine them. If that is all possible.” Alex laughed in excitement “Yes, yes, of course.” Walking toward the back of the tent, “See here young boy, Your father and his crew many have found the least amount of fossils on their dig, however it revealed some very fascinating information about the environment that this whole area use to be. There were plant fossils, sediment, even some bugs.” The three come upon a glass case that is locked. “But here is the prize, two fossils that no one can identify. It would mean so much as far as archeology would in the area, I believe these are the key for farther research in the area.” Alex finished looking down at the two fossils in a trance like state. “Sir, would you mind if I was able to hold them, and examine them more closely?” Alex looks at him, “Sure, I don't see why not, but I must ask you wear some gloves as well be very gentle with them.” Alex grabbed some gloves and handed them to Arkelos, Arkelos slip on the gloves, and carefully picked uplooked over both Fossils with focus, concentration, and detail. Arkelos spoke up, “Have you or anyone noticed the different layers it has here?” Arkelos points out some lines that look similar to roots, and even a darker trace of sediment.

Alex reaches into his shirt pocket to pull out some glasses. “Let see what we have here. Oh yes, I see what you're say. What could that be? I'm not aware of any fossils with that kind of imprint.” Arkelos looks over to his, than says “Roots, those lines look like roots that did not rot but got trapped. Kind of like when an icebeam is used on a bubble, than burying it in a snow mount, while snow is still falling. Than you got the second fossil here that has a similar curve and density to what might be a claw. Now I have not heard of any animal or pokemon that has that kind of anatomy, but it might give you a better range to look at.” Alex looks over at Felix, “You know your son is very talented right?” Felix smiles than looks at Arkelos “Yes I know, he's a very special young man.” Arkelos looks at the both of the men. “Thank you very much, but I just pointed out some details i noticed. However not to be hasty, but I must be on my way. Oh and one more things, I ran into a gentleman in Mauville City. Says he a Professor, his name is Zhao. Stated he was interested in Fossils. Might want to track him down and see if he is legit.” Alex places the fossils back in the case with much care. “Thank you again very much for your time. This will lead to more research to the area.” Arkelos and Felix make their way toward the door.

Outside the compound Felix and Arkelos talk for a while, catching up on things. Arkelos says his goodbyes, as well sends his love and good health to his mom. Makes his way toward the Northern entrance to the desert.

Arkelos makes it out of the desert, tired, sweaty, and almost sunburned, he makes his way toward route 113, his ultimate goal, the whole reason why he's here. Walking up a few hills, passing a house he use to visit, Arkelos reaches Route 113. “I'm here, Finally. After all the battles, trainers, and surprises, I'm finally here.” Arkelos looks around at the ashy fields, Mt Chimmey to his left. Feeling a odd presence, yet he shakes it off and continues into the gray, darkened fields.

Arkelos remembered that the Glass maker's workshop is on the other side of the route, just outside Fallarbor Town. “Getting through these fields are going to be tough. With so many trainers as well as pokemon, I will have to keep hidden if I want to get to the bottom of this quickly.” Arkelos said to himself. Walking a little ways through the grass Arkelos noticed the ash around him was coating him in a grayish blue. Thinking about using this to his advantage, quickly picks up some ash from a few piles and starts covering himself, turning him into a white look ghost. “This might just work” Arkelos thought.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:44 pm
Ashy Situation part 2

Arkelos continues to walk down the road taking a right to see a group of kids. Glaring around the corner he sees a spinda doing it's drunken staggered walk. The kids looks dazed, as if in a trance, Arkelos still dressed in his ashy suit walks over in a steady pace, the ash on the ground making a cloud that looks some what like a fog. Arkelos walks closer and closer, but the kids they didnt flinch. The Spinda just started walking away. Puzzled by this Arkelos whispers to the kids. “Hey, yall need to get out of here. It's not safe.” The kids look upon the ghostly figured with blank faces. The kids as one voice reply, “We need to keep working, gather ash to make glass. Master will hurt us if we do not gather.” Arkelos looks around to see only ash covered children., than walks through the fields to the west. Rounding yet another corner, Arkelos noticed the same spinda due to the patterns on it's body. “That spinda must be controlling the youngsters around here. Either I have to beat it in a battle, or wait for it's trainer to show up.” Arkelos whispered to himself.

Shouting voices could be heard from just on the other side of the hill. Arkelos presses forward to investigate the commotion. Climbing a near by tree Arkelos peers through to sees a Team Magma Member shouting at a man near the Glass Workshop. “What is this insubordination!? I demand that you make Glass Items for Team Magma immediately!” The grunt Screamed with agony. “I told you, I need more ash and time. Making Glass is a delicate process that if rushed you get poor quality and even more problems.” The Glass Maker stated with a collected mind. The two started verbally fighting even more.

Arkelos looks over to see the spinda wobble from around the corner. “Gotcha, you do belong to him.” Arkelos said jumping out of the tree. Still dressed in ash, Arkelos rushes over to the two that's fighting in such a speed that it looked as if it was a ghost pokemon coming at them. The two men screamed in such high voice that it seemed to have a confused effect on all of them. “Alright, I've had enough of your bullying in the area, Glass Master are you okay?” Arkelos said with a booming voice. The Glass Maker nodded his head and went inside the building.

The team Magma member spoke up, “And who might you be? Oh let me guess; you are here to try and stop me from collecting ash to make glass items for Team Magma's base of operations. Let me teach you a lesson with the fiery style of Team Magma.” The boasting and over confidence was giving Arkelos a headache as shown by him rubbing his forehead. “You sir know nothing of fire, I have no concerns over why you are doing this. What I have a problem with is that you are a bully. This needs to stop now.” Arkelos said opening his eyes there after. The Grunt chuckled. “You think you are tough boy, lets see how you are battling. Go Zubat!” With a flash of light a zubat comes out and starts flying around the grunt. Arkelos seeming as if he's bored, “Enough, lets end your tyranny in this area. Come on out Houndour.” Houndour joins the fight with a fiery grin.

The grunt starts off the battle “Zubat use wing attack.” Arkelos counters, “Houndour wait for it to get close, than use fire fang.” As Zubat flies in for a hit, Houndour jumps and lands a fire fang. “Stupid boy, don't you know that bug attack are strong against dark types.” Arkelos immediately realizes what is about to go down. “Zubat use Leech Life” Zubat jumps from a burn. “What!? NO!” the grunt says with frustration. “So concerned with a victory that you didn't know your own pokemon suffered a burn? Pathetic.” Arkelos snickered, “Houndour use Foul Play.” Houndour rushes forward with blazing speeds, than with a flash Growlithe join the attack. The two started lunging at the zubat getting a few hits in and again with a flash Growlite returns to it's pokeball. The grunt growls “Grrr, that's cheating. Zubat steel wing!” With speed it goes flying forward critically hitting Houndour. “Houndour are you alright?” Houndour barks with some strain than jumps to it's feet. Arkelos thinks quickly, “Houndour, lets try something, use ember but try holding the flame as long as possible. Dont worry about aim.” Houndour breaths in heavily, than lets out an almost deafening bark, a few embers and some flames come out, but nothing like Arkelos thought. “Nice try Houndour, Use-” Arkelos was interrupted by Zubat hitting Houndour. “Ahh, Houndour, are you okay!?” Arkelos looks at the grunt, “That was unruling. However I will not sink to your level. Houndour, one more time just like before, this time aim behind Zubat.” Houndour breaths in, creating extreme heat, than releases it in the direction of Zubat. The heat stopped Zubat in it's jetstream, flames continued to pour from Houndour mouth, a few moments later the flames die down. Zubat falls to the ground. “GREAT JOB!!” Arkelos shouts with gratitude, “You're doing an excellent job Houndour. Are you still capiable of battling?” Arkelos asked with concern. Houndour replies with a bark.

The grunt stands there in an erect manner as if about to start fencing, looking at Arkelos, says “My Zubat did well to ware down your pokemon, now time to end this battle. Numel, join us and help me win this fight.” Numel appears on the field at the grunt's feet. “Let us start the end of your beginning. Numel earthquake go.” Numel starts off the battle with a huge seismic wave, causing the ground to shake, crack, vents of pressure being exposed, sending ash flying into the sky. “Houndour, use the heat from the vent to your advantage.” Houndour jumps onto a steam vent, the intense heat gave it exceptional power. “Houndour Foul play now!” The cracked earth and vents giving the battle field a unique condition. Houndour leaped forward with Growlithe in mirror force. The two using the rocks and cracked earth to do a flanked motion, one on the right and other on the left. Numel looked both ways to find it was being cornered. Before it could move the two collided with force. Houndour finished by jumping back to Arkelos and Growlithe returned to it's Pokeball. The grunt gets frustrated. “Do not think you have won, soon your pokemon will lose their grip and I will be the winner, and be sure I won't forget about it. Spinda lets finish this!” Spinda come onto the field with a flash, As soon as Spinda gets into battle the Grunt issued an attack, “Spinda use rocktomb!” Boulders and rocks come flying at Houndour. “Houndour dodge quickly!” Even with its speed Houndour gets buried in a pile of rocks. After a few seconds Houndour comes crawling out and lays on the ground motionless. “NO! Houndour return.”

Arkelos grits his teeth, “Fine, your spinda has good attacks, lets see if it's good enough for my next pokemon! Growlithe GO!” Growlithe joins the fight with again it's intimidating face. Spinda jumps back with a worry in its eyes. Growlithe grins with grace. “Growlithe be careful of its rocktomb, and stay focused, I'm sure this guy has a few more tricks up his sleeve.” Growlithe barks with understanding. The Grunt shouts, “Spinda! Lets finish this Rocktomb!” Arkelos counters. “Growlithe flame charge, use the rocks to your advantage.” Rocks come flying toward Growlithe, and Growlithe charges forward with fiery speeds jumping from rock to rock. “Spinda PROTECT!” Spinda uses the dirt and ash around it to create a wall and blocks the attack. “Okay Growlithe it looks like we're gonna have to do this the easy way. Ember the ground, light this ash up!” The grunt looks confused. “What are you playing at boy? Ember is a novice move, for beginners. You have to be stupid.” As the grunt was busy insulting Arkelos, he failed to realize that the ash was now smoking. “Spinda keep an eye out.” Spinda stays alert, out of the plumes of ash Growlithe come engulfed in flames. Striking spinda with an explosion. Knocking it back, the grunt gives a command, “Spinda use-” The spinda was wobbling back and forth like it normally does, than falls over. “I've had enough of this, Poochyena it's time to shine.”

Poochyena comes onto the field with a flash. Arkelos was ready for another battle, when it clicked in his mind who was on the other side of the field. Arkelos broke down in tears, “Poochyena, why did you have to do it? Why did you have to leave me alone? You didn’t have to do it, I would have been fine.” Arkelos falls to his knees “POOCHYENA! COME BACK PLEASE!!!” Arkelos screamed with tears in his eyes. The Grunt look over at Arkelos, “I've never seen a trainer crack like this, What is wrong with you kid?” Arkelos stands back up and turns to looks at the Grunt, “You wouldn't know what it's like to lose someone you love, all you do is boss other around to get what you want. You never stop to get to know someone. That's why I can not allow a bully like you to keep a pokemon that young, it needs love, kindness, and compassion.” The Grunt laughs, “What are you going to do about it?” Arkelos pulls out his snag machine. “What is that!?” the grunt questions. “This is me giving your pokemon a new loving home.” Before Arkelos finished his sentence, the Snag Machine was already in mid spring. In the blink of an eye Poochyena disappears in an instance.

“What!? How did you do that!? You stole my pokemon.” The grunt shouted. “You're going to pay for that thief, Baltoy GO!” Baltoy comes onto the battle field, Growlithe stands its guard. “Baltoy, use Pysbeam. Baltoy unreleased a ray of light, “Growlithe use the heat of the beam to charge up your flamethrower. Growlithe opens his mouth to reveal flames and embers, the ray from the psybeam directly his the flames lighting the pokemon on fire. Growlithe lunges forward with great speed. “Growlithe STOP! You're going to get seriously hurt. Please.” Arkelos eyes start to tear up again. It was to late, Growlith lands the attack and sends Baltoy flying back. The ash and dust clears to find Growlithe laying on the ground. Arkelos runs over to the injured pokeone, “Growlithe, are you okay?” Growlithe lays there for a moment, barks and closes his eyes. Arkelos takes the pokeball and Growlithe returns to his pokeball. The grunt stands there for a moment with Baltoy, “Is that all your pokemon? If so you lost this battle to me kid.” Arkelos stands up and looks at him “I do not have any-”
A flash of light appears interrupting Arkelos. Poochyena appears on the field next to Arkelos, “What!? How dare you betray me, Baltoy Rock Tomb, bury that traitor of a pokemon.” The grunt screams in aggravation. Baltoy sends boulders flying at Poochyena only to explode in ash and debris.

The battle field goes silent, the grunt and Arkelos are startled and frozen in fear. Arkelos looks through the ash cloud to see Poochyena bolting toward Arkelos than jump to taking a bite out of his arm. Barely missing Poochyena stands there growling at Arkelos, before being withdrawn back to it's pokeball.
The Grunt returns his Baltoy, “You stupid kid, you ruined all my plans. You haven’t heard the last of me.” As Arkelos watched the Grunt run off, they're stopped by a group of kids, covered in ash, grass, and soot. The biggest looking kid stands there and than yells; “GET HIM!” after the command the grunt starts running the other direction, with a horde of kids in close pursuit.

Arkelos walks over to the Glass work shop to talk to the owner. After a few knocks the man from earlier answers the door. “Well if it isn't the Hoenn Hero. Welcome kid; I wish I could offer a reward. However would a rainbow glass table be acceptable? You could use it for your personal room, or give it to someone. I appericate your help, by the looks of things I would say the kids have come to their senses. Again Great work.”

Arkelos asks himself “How am I suppose to get this back to base, or will I even be able to keep it? I'll ask if the guild could use it, I have no use for it.” Arkelos gives himself a face palm, “I'm such and idiot, I could have just flown here on this thing.” Arkelos lets out a big sigh and than goes on his way.  


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