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[Open Class] Ruth vs Bears on a mountain

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Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:02 am

General information: Malcolm had always been one of those professors who always seem to take things to the extremities; this training session was no exception. Held on a mountain that is located just 5 minutes' walk away from the school, there was also something about fighting bears...

~Image here, I guess~

The Course:
The Garowl Mountains, located just 5 minutes' walk away from the school. Yes, this mountain had always been there; don't question it.


Phase 1
The climb up the mountain was a really tedious one; it was absolutely freezing, and the strong winds did not help your cause at all. Unless you actually liked the cold, walking to where the training session was supposed to be held was a test in itself...

Note: If your student is cold/frost/ice-based or is used to living is extreme cold, you may skip this phrase and move onto phrase 2! Just leo strut your way up!
Note 2: If your student is heat/fire-based or cold-blooded, you will use 1d8.
Note 3: Everyone else will use a 1d10!

1 : You were frozen on the spot, resembling a live ice sculpture, as you failed to beat the cold; that night, Malcolm would find you and carry you back to your room to thaw out. Shameeeee. Major fail!
2-5 : You almost got there, but unusually strong winds and what was probably an approaching snow storm nearer to the peak forced you to turn back. Fail!
6-10 : You made it! You're tired (and possibly grumpy) but you made it- Hey, where did your clothing go? If you are a boil, you lost either your shirt or your pants to the winds. If you are a ghoul, your clothing had been ripped up pretty badly by the winds. Pass! But at what cost?

Phrase 2
Despite your missing/ruined clothing, you had walked too far to back down. You are a man! A MAN. Or a woman... But you can't spell woman without a MAN. Nearing the ice cave, you could hear faint growling coming from inside as your challenger stepped forward... And give you the grumpiest look known to bear-kind. Hah, what a lousy, weak looking thing...

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 0 : Bearel practically ravaged you, and you might had screamed loudly like a little ghoul in the process. Fail!
2 - 3 : You managed to land a weak hit, but Bearel managed to get the best of you before escaping back into the cave. Pass!
4 > : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, sending Bearel flying back into the cave with tears streaming out of its eyes. I hope you're quite satisfied. Great pass!

Phrase 3
Before you could recover from your encounter with Bearel, you hear even a louder, but more feminine growl coming from within the cave. Soon enough, Bearel's mama stepped out of the cave and made a gesture at you with her tint fists of fury; come at her, bro. Funshine is ready for some fun-time...

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 1 : Funshine beats the crap out of you, and you couldn't even land a single hit. Shame... So. Much. Shame. Fail!
2 - 4 : You managed to land a weak hit, but Funshine managed to pretty much put lots of tiny fist-shaped bruises on you before collapsing into the snow. Pass!
5 > : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, sending Funshine stumbling and face-planting into the snow. You feel a small, pitiable sense of pride. Great pass!

Final phrase
Just as you thought that your training was over, a series of angry-sounding clicking noises came from the direction of the cave. A second later, an adorably white and furry teddy walked out, picked the fallen Funshine up in its arms, and carrying it back into the cave. It then reemerged from the- OH JACK WHAT IS THAT EVEN?!

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 4 : TeddyWeddy probably beat you senseless and made you scream like a little ghoul while crying for mummy repeatedly. You also feel a sense of shame. Fail!
5-7 : You managed to land a weak hit, but TeddyWeddy had gotten several scratch marks across parts of your body; well, battle scars are cool, right? Even temporary ones? Pass!
8-9 : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, causing TeddyWeddy to go back to its original, cute and harmless form. Great pass!

Optional finale
Having proved your worth and strength as a real MAN of MANLINESS, you were allowed into the cave, where a treasure chest was...

Note: This part is completely optional!
Note 2: Roll 1d10 to determine your prize!

1-2 : A pair of socks, decorated with images of Bearel, knitted by Funshine Mama bear herself. You're steal baby Bearel's socks? )8
3-4 : A giant bear suit. Hey, at least it's warm?
5-6 : A delicious pie with a filling that you like! How mysterious!
7-9 : A trophy with the words "I FOUGHT THE 3 BEARS AND LIVED" on it.
10 : A silver seed! Hurray! Please quote "Dragain" with your Minipet sn for your prize!

You stole from three minipets! I hope you feel fantastic about yourself!

Bonus Mechanics:
THIS IS THE WILDERNESS, TOUGH IT OUT. Oh yeah, these minipets are rather oversized, by the way, but still smaller (and cuter) than you... With baby Bearel being almost minipet-sized and papa TeddyWeddy being close to grizzly size!


You defeat Teddyweddy and drag your a** back to Amityville. Any less is failure because you are not a MAN.

If you fail, that means you have to START OVER to try again! You may do so in the same thread or a new one if you decide to attempt again at a later date.
Huni Pi rolled 1 10-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-10)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:04 am
Phase 1

After her less-than-stellar performance against that hunter boil (and she was not talking about the kiss, oh no she was not) Ruth saw a need to bulk up. Alright perhaps bulk up was not the proper term but the idea of being able to better perform during physical tasks that didn't involve running the Jack away was a commendable one.

Perhaps that was why she was doing this on her own as opposed to latching onto her "boss" figure and hoping he'd be able to help her out. The magical girl adventure certainly proved he was something of an inspiration (even if it was more comedic than anything.) But right now, in the face of blisteringly cold winds, she really could have used a heat source as she was knocked back all the way to the beginning.

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
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  • Gaian 50
  • Clambake 200
Huni Pi rolled 1 10-sided dice: 10 Total: 10 (1-10)

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
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  • Gaian 50
  • Clambake 200
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:06 am
Phase 1

The snow began to pile up around and on Ruth as she lay there at the bottom, not moving and seemingly dead from the cold. But she couldn't have died, her FEAR core hadn't been damaged, despite the bruising and what could very possibly be hypothermia. Soundlessly, she sighed and forced herself to her feet, staring up at the mountain to make a second attempt instead of turning tail and running.

The trek was as perilous as it was the first time around, the cold biting at her face and threatening to freeze her solid. The wind battered against her, knife-sharp and relentless so that when she reached the top, tired and miserable and starkly less dressed than before. But she made it so there was that. She'll just have to request a larger clothing allowance from her superiors in her next update.
Huni Pi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3, 6 Total: 9 (2-12)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:07 am
Phase 2

Alright, she made it to the top. Now what? Ruth wondered, while trying to gather her ruined clothing around her as best as she could without flashing the snow around her. A growl from a nearby ice cave seemed to answer her mental question. Either that or there have been so many students who've gone on this class that whoever, whatever, lived in the cave knew what to do.

Her pipe was in her hands without thinking, and when a figure of an over-sized minipet emerged, Ruth swung. There was a solid clang when her weapon connected with the mini's face and she sent it flying.

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
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  • Clambake 200
Huni Pi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 1, 1 Total: 2 (2-12)

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
  • Timid 100
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  • Clambake 200
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:08 am
Phase 3

Ruth didn't have time to savor her victory when what appeared to be the minipet's mother emerged from the mouth of the cave. Oh Jack. Ruth may not have experienced this thing called Maternal Instinct, but she'd read enough to know that if she stood her ground, she was going to get mauled.

And which is why Ruth went with the tried and tested route of getting the Jack outta there. Before Funshine could even spot the blonde reaper who'd just pummeled her baby boil, Ruth was little more than a cloud of snow and footprints sprinting all the way back down.
Huni Pi rolled 1 10-sided dice: 7 Total: 7 (1-10)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:10 am
Phase 1

A fresh change of clothes and several bowls of hot (but bland) broth later, Ruth returned more bundled up than her first two attempts. The trail she'd taken the second time had long since been covered in a fresh layer of snow and probably been disturbed by other students since then. Which was why she somehow managed to make it to the top relatively unscathed.

Her thick, heavy gray coat took the brunt of the winds and was forced to discard it when she reached the top.

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
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  • Gaian 50
  • Clambake 200
Huni Pi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6, 4 Total: 10 (2-12)

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:10 am
Phase 2

And just like the first time, Ruth showed Bearel that actions speak louder than words. Although as someone who hardly ever spoke and often tried to simply blend into the background, she may have simply managed to get a jump on the thing after her first encounter with it.
Huni Pi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 1, 4 Total: 5 (2-12)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:12 am
Phase 3

Unfortunately, unlike the last time, Funshine was waiting for her and Ruth had the misfortune of experiencing just why it was a very bad idea to attack a child when its mother was nearby. She didn't even get a single hit in before the minipet knocked her all the way back down the mountain.

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Gaian 50
  • Clambake 200
Huni Pi rolled 1 10-sided dice: 8 Total: 8 (1-10)

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:13 am
Phase 1

As the blonde reaper lay in the snow, lightly bleeding, badly bruised, and suffering from a mild concussion, she decided to keep going. In the back of her mind, Ruth decided It must be the concussion talking. Because why else would she, in barely snow-appropriate gear, trek back all the way to the top, following the path her body had left as she rolled and smacked and trundled all the way down?

She made it to the top anyway, tired but surprisingly not angry. At least not visibly angry. The manic, near-feral grin of glee on her face seemed to project all the feelings she thought necessary to express.
Huni Pi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3, 5 Total: 8 (2-12)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:14 am
Phase 2

No mercy. Not that Ruth was ever the sort to show mercy, but then again who's to say that she wasn't? Not when she hardly ever allowed herself to be in a situation that called for showing mercy. In this case, Bearel really didn't stand a chance as Ruth herself charged into the cave as a preemptive measure.

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
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  • Gaian 50
  • Clambake 200
Huni Pi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 1, 6 Total: 7 (2-12)

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
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  • Clambake 200
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:16 am
Phase 3

Funshine had been getting the upper hand since the beginning but at least Ruth showed she could learn from her failures. Though the fight against the mother minipet was more painful than the reaper would have liked, in the end the reaper was victorious.

And that was what really mattered.
Huni Pi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6, 3 Total: 9 (2-12)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:17 am
Final Phase

Well now, Ruth didn't think beating up on the son and the mother would go unnoticed would it? Of course she didn't. The grin on her face was more reminiscent of her first year's mind-set: deranged and malicious and a genuine enjoyment of other creeple's discomfort and pain.

The Teddyweddy, frightening and massive as it was, did not merit a retreat from Ruth. She met it head on, the pipe managing to hit where she needed to hit and earning her the completion of this course.

Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Gaian 50
  • Clambake 200
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