Well, well, she thought. This place is new.

She had taken to wandering the halls during her down time, a new ritual that had two distinct purposes; one, it kept her in the public eye. Nobody trusted someone you couldn't see. Accessibility was key in the beginning stages of trust. Two; it kept her familiar with the lay of the land. The hallways and doors, the little niches one could use to their advantage should the occasion call for it. This may have been a school, but it was a school plagued by war and, now, by her.

This hallways hadn't been here yesterday, or the day before, or any other time she had wandered the halls.

Nobody else seemed to acknowledge it, which made her all the more curious; and after a moment of consideration she turned herself towards this mysterious hallway, her steps slow and cautious on the off-chance that this was a school wide trap.

It opened up to a curiously dilapidated house, its doors wide in invitation, showing her a seemingly endless hallway lined with doors. How interesting. She moved casually, as if unafraid of her new surroundings; but her vines curled at her feet, ghosting and twisting with each step, only to fade as she moved on. It was the only indication that she was on alert, and prepared for whatever may come.

A door was chosen at random to explore, and she found herself walking into a kitchen. Or what used to be a kitchen, under all the debris. It looked as though a battle had been fought here, as the stainless steel fixtures were dented and scratched, the equipment toppled and broken. There were blood smears here and there, and scales littering the ground in between. Yet the combatants were no where to be found.

How interesting.

The patchwork turned to leave, and instead found a plain wall where the door had been only moments ago.

"...What in His name.." She breathed out in annoyance, reaching out to touch the wall. A hidden door, perhaps? Her fingers pressed and pushed in vain, until she gave up and turned to face the room again, searching for a new way out.

nothing yet