My sister died many, many years ago, she was my only sibling. Seven years after my sister passed, I got married and inherited some in-laws. My sister-in-law and I became very close, several years after I joined the family she got cancer (she found it by a fluke). She had by then become like a sister to me and I loved her like she was. She passed away from the cancer a few years ago. She always told me that she thought that if people got cancer or something like that, they would appreciate life more. She wanted people to learn that life is precious and that you shouldn't sweat the small stuff, and to enjoy the life you have. She was a foster parent for hundreds of teenage girls, I admired her for that, she turned many of the girls’ lives around and even adopted a few. She treated them like they were hers, even taking them on vacation with her. She was an awesome person and I feel lucky that I was given the opportunity to get to know her and for us to become sisters.