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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[PRP] Sibling Visits

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Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:08 pm
The dorm was quiet, the low hum of the fridge in the kitchen area was there for ambient sound. The walls were reinforced to prevent too much sound to penetrate, however, the noise from students outside still spilled through the windows like the morning light. The demon laid face down on his king-sized bed of slate gray and off-black comforter, the window giving the last dregs of dawn's light and warmth diagonally across the sheets. The boil's naked back rippled with the sheets as he adjusted his leg, folding his arms under the pillow that rested his head, a soft groan escaped him. It wasn't uncommon for the demon to sleep in during the morning as oppose to getting up for runs and starting the day off proper. It wasn't common that he actually slept in his own room as oppose to his boilfriend's. Then again, it was not very common that he was actually able to sleep in, the reasons another matter entirely. However, the campus had rules and he must abide. Pushing himself up, Uru reached over to his eyePhone, squinting at the screen that flashed a quarter to six in its illuminated light. Even when he tried to sleep in, he couldn't, his body refused - his mind refused. He could recall the times he and his monster boilfriend would wake up, slip into some running clothes, and go through the woods. He found it refreshing to get out before anyone else was awake, to escape to a place that seemed like its own world. He could recall times of opting to watch the boil wake up because it was like watching him come to life time and time again. Then he recalled times when he was the one being woken up because it was time for breakfast. There were times he would wake in the middle of the night and stay awake, busying himself by reading a book or watching over the heated mass beside him until the light rose. Mornings weren't always the same. He enjoyed that.

Sighing, Uru'baen rolled onto his back, letting the cool air wipe across his humid chest. The demon patted his chest, a small valley of hair crested the top of his pectoral and collar, matted and damp. He noted how the fabric felt to his skin, how his chest hair sometimes caught on the microfiber threading of the duvet and how rather uncomfortable his face got when it got warmed to the pillow. This bed set up was not meant for a scruffy, fuzzy guy such as himself. Staring up at the ceiling, he made a mental list for the day; studies, homework, cleaning, and an attempt at a new recipe before heading over to spend the rest of the night at Damien's. Throwing off the sheets, the demon made his way to the en suite. Definitely appreciating that there were no doors in his living space - he had no time for that. Plus, no one came here to even care for privacy. The walls surrounding the bedroom and the bathroom was because the school's maintenance ruled it as necessary. However, they didn't say anything when he ripped the doors off. With the shower turned on, the demon stood in front of the sink, inspecting himself in his half-awake state. His two-toned eyes stared back at him, his sharp cheek bones directed the dark scruff that framed his face nicely, the messy, dark hair that sat upon his head. He knew creeple found him attractive, he didn't see it himself exactly most days. He had this perpetual expression of indignation that seemed to turn people off and yet, he could hear ghouls whispering at the gym. He didn't care, he was taken now. Taking his toothbrush, he stepped into the scalding water because that was the only way a cold-aligned demon was going to take any sort of shower.

Uru slipped on a pair of sweat pants as he made his way to the kitchen, setting up a carafe for his morning cup, while working an egg into a pan. As he did, the music from the eyePod let lose a soft melody of strings and piano, filling the entire dorm with sound. The kitchen was the most decorated and extravagant of the areas of his living space. The open-floor plan left the dorm room open to anyone to see into almost every part of it - excluding the bedroom and the bathroom. The half wall that separated the kitchen from the livingroom area was tolerable. The walls around his bedroom, he wanted to demolish himself. There was something therapeutic of tearing something down. However, rules were rules, and, as any demon, he must abide by rules. With coffee in hand, the plate cleaned of the omelet, the demon strolled through his phone briefly, catching himself up on information since he had last checked. A ghoul was campaigning for a club. A group of students were looking for one more for a game of bruteball. Three missed calls from an unknown number. Suddenly, a knock on his door jerked his attention to the entryway of his living space. He hadn't been expecting anyone and, with the fortifications, he could not hear or smell anyone with his heightened senses. The protection of himself has led him to be vulnerable to this stranger. Placing his cup down on the kitchen island, he padded his way to the door. He had half-expected to find a green-eyed boil, but he was certainly mistaken.

A being brushed past him in time for him to brink twice.

"You know, you are really hard to get a hold of, big brother. Like, I called you twice on a spare phone, you could have at least picked up." The platinum blonde spoke as he stood in the dorm, arms crossed, and expression ... well, miffed. Uru could not help but notice how she had appeared - matured. The ghoul appeared older than he had last seen her during the Carnival and the Student Council Elections. Her hair was finer, well taken care of as always, the twin ribbons on each side of her face which appeared as youthful and delicate as ever. Unlike him, she kept her ears that sat nicely atop her locks of hair. A graph check cream and solid chestnut scarf covered her neck with a similar top that ended below her waist. A soft brown outwear rolled up to the sleeves draped her nicely with dark leggings and comfortable looking shoes. Without a doubt in his mind that these were not no-name designer made clothes but ones she had customed herself by some designer. It was her style. Probably the same poor, now rich soul, that had fashioned him his leather jacket and pants. Uru managed a glimpse of her honey colored eyes before a finger jabbed into the center of his chest. "Seriously, you didn't even know I was coming! Do you know how hard it is to even leave the estate to see you? The channels? The favors!"

"Nice to see you, too..." He said slowly as the door was shut.The initial expression of surprise and shock turned to his usual glare and scowl as he brushed off her finger from his chest. "The number was unknown. I don't pick up. And what are you doing here, Brenna?" His voice stern as he closed the door behind him, his turn to brush past her back to the kitchen.

"Good, at least you know not to do that, but it could always be me trying to call you! Granted, if the other members found out I was trying to, I could get in trouble. BUT! No one will, because I'm good like that." She chimed as she sat herself down in the sectional in the living room area. Clutching a throw pillow to her chest, she smiled at her brother in the kitchen, pouring another cup of coffee - no doubt for the guest. Brenna took in the living space from her seat, the vantage point allowed her sight into most areas of the place aside from what the walls blocked off. Still, she could get glimpses of the bed in the other room. "So, this is an open floor plan? It's... like you. Not, like you-like you, but... it's you."

"I wanted something loft like. I made do with the space I was given."

"So open, it's almost freeing without having to worry about doors or bumping your knee into something." She watched him grab his own cup from the counter and make his way toward her. She could not help how strange it was to see her older brother in a pair of sweat pants and nothing else. If he pulled that at the manor, the staff would have a field day and there would be a lot of yelling from their mother. He seemed so more ... softer now without his jacket and jeans. He was barefoot! This was a side of the demon that no one else got to really see. Settling the cups into her waiting hands, he took a sip of his own as she held onto hers. "And I caught wind that a certain someone found a certain someone."

There was a rather unattractive sputtering of hot liquid that came from the demon as he wiped the joe from his face, his eyes glaring at the ghoul. He still could not figure out how she got her information! She was definitely becoming more demon like than he had anticipated, but she was the alpha of her pack. Or at least, raising to be one. She still had another decade or so. Swallowing, he settled the cup down to avoid another mess, steeled himself for the next string of conversations. "How did you hear about that?"

The younger demon gave an off-put look that screamed 'are you serious?'. Rolling her eyes, she set down her own cup. "I have my ways, just as I know that you put yourself up for auction for dating. If I recall, someone told me that Hel'würgen do not 'date' because of how we are." She drawled in a mocking tone which was greeted by a pillow being thrown at her. "So, how did that pan out for you, by the way?"

He couldn't tell sometimes. He was suppose to be the older sibling, he was mature and stronger, but he felt weak to this sister of his and she behaved as if she was the older sibling sticking her nose into his affairs, inserting herself into his life whenever she was around. It wasn't even that long ago that they had a discussion about their species habits - 'the talk' if one would. Perhaps, at the base level, he was an omega - a lone individual, compared to someone of her status. Letting loose a low breath through his nose, Uru looked up to the ceiling. "I didn't sign myself up for it, someone else did as a joke. I just followed the rules. Luckily, no one wanted to really bid for me-"

"What? Really? I mean, yes, you have a RBF, but you are gorgeous - like me - and no one wanted to date you? Jeez, really put Damien on a Herculean Task, didn't I. Not to mention, not looking good for myself if that is the case."

Uru's face closed in at the information with an exhale of disappointment. "I'm ignoring the fact that you had my best friend try to find someone for me. You are still young to be dating or looking for anyone. And what the jack is 'RBF'."

"Resting b***h face. It's your face. You're..." Brenna gestured to his general expression, and on cue, the boil's face fell to the default. "Yeah, that, that right there is why everyone is afraid to talk to you. I know you are a good guy, Uru, but you gotta know that you are, too. You can't be so down on yourself all the time, I know he makes you better, but you gotta do some of the work too." There it was, the lecture from his younger sister on how to be a better person. On how to not let his exile weigh on him or how he was a disappointment to everyone or how he was helpless in protecting her. Damien did make him feel better, made him want to be a better person and strove to do so. But the darkness still lingered. A hand touched his forearm, his attention to it then to its owner. "I am here because I wanted to spend time with you, and because I worry."

"Don't." he replied bluntly, his own larger hand covering hers. "I'm okay." He knew she wasn't going to accept that answer, but appreciated that she didn't press on it. Her hand trailed down his soft skin to where a dark rested on the underside of his wrist. Her finger traced the three pronged mark that stepped from a single point. It was a mark of the three packs that reigned over the area they grew up; Cocytus, Maero, and Umbra. "That one's your dad's." He murmured in a low tone, her tracing stopped as she looked up at him. She wasn't aware of the ritualistic fight that he had challenged his uncle in a year ago, when the monster's arrogance got the better of him. With this mark on him, it is proof of his victory of the older monster, but also his rightful claim over him. Still, he couldn't fulfill it thus the mark stayed upon him.

"He's not my dad, Uru, he's our uncle." The chestnut brown hound clarified as she pulled her hand back. As much as she knew her uncle was her father, she never saw him as such after the fact. Still, he did good by her after their mother left and helped guide her into being an alpha. After being with one for so long, one manages to pick up a few things. Brenna lifted her brother's hefty arm with a soft groan as she peered beneath it. On his right side, on the bottom most rib was another mark that splayed to the front and back like a creeping vine seeking post. Her fingers touched it as his body pulled back in response.

"Mother's." She spoke in a similar low tone. Uru winced at the mention of her. She looked up at him, giving a sympathetic smile as she returned to the couch, her hands and legs on the edge. "You sure have been through a lot; fighting family, exile, and school. Must make things seem less challenging if you compare them, huh? So why not give yourself a little bit of good?"

Uru huffed, rolled his eyes and leaned back into his sectional. "Because every time I have something good, something comes to jack it all up."

"So something is going to go wrong with you and him? Hard to believe considering he's jacking amazing."

"He is..."

Brenna giggled.

"What." He demanded with a glare.

"You're in love and you still think the sky will fall down on us. You have someone, be happy." The ghoul jabbed him hard with a laugh, pushing herself up and brushing past him. Being sure to kick him as she did so. The resulting growl was expected as she meandered the living space. This would be the first time she had seen it since it was remodeled. He watched her as she animated throughout the kitchen; into every drawer and cabinet, judging the decor and the supply in the fridge. Her gaze falling to the potted fang snare that sat on the halfway separating the kitchen. Touching their delicate leaves, their vines coiling up a single post in each pot. It was a native plant to their territories, seeing it here instilled a sense of home.

"Please tell me you don't sleep on that." her voice called distantly.

"What's wrong my bed?" he replied, pushing himself up from his seat to the bedroom.

"Ick, it feels horrible. You could have gotten better. Silk, perhaps or some cotton blend because this is really... you could do better." She responded as she glided her hand across it.

"I don't do extravagance."

"And look at this, there is a wet towel on the floor. ON THE FLOOR! At least you bathe, which is good because all that sweat you work up hasn't riddled your body with red spots. Thank Hecate. Is that underwear!?" Before Uru could protest, the sister had already began to gather his things and throwing them into the hamper. Unfortunately, said clothes receptacle was in the closet which meant criticism of his wardrobe. "What is this? You have like twenty of the same exact shade of shirts."

"I like them." He growled as he stood by the closet door, watching the ghoul move his hanged clothes down the line, inspecting every article. He liked his clothes, they were necessary, they weren't extravagant, they weren't designer, they were simple, and casual. At least to him. She pulled through a stint of henleys - both long sleeved, short sleeved, a few with hoods, an entire section of tee shirts that were of varying shades of the gradient between black and white, a few blue ones thrown in. They were soft to the touch, definitely some sort of cotton blend, and definitely worn in. On the rack below were folded pants, shorts, sweat pants, and a jack ton of simple white tees and tank tops. These felt new, unworn, out of their packages. They seemed like the type. Brenna jerked her head to her brother who gave her a raised brow look, questioning her gaze.

"Your wardrobe sucks, brother. I question your taste. Apparently you don't care about how you look-"

"I don't."

"Pfft, lie to yourself, but you ain't lying to me. Ugh, jeez, alright, move," She commanded as she gestured, brushing him out of the closet doorway back into the room and then continued until he was clear outside of it. The bed was made with careful precision and with the resounding sound of a closed drawers, she placed her hands on her hips with a triumphant huff. "See, better. But not the greatest. Has he been over yet?" The expression the brother gave would be as if she had just kicked seventy-eight pups. "Oh, dear. Okay, we should - uh - fix some of this up so when he does, he'll be like 'Wow, I have the best boilfriend and his sister is the amaze-balls and-"

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, knowing that she was going to push for the inevitable and he was going to regret the next string of words that was going to leave his mouth. "Okay, I get it. You want to go to the Maul." The one place she does not have access to at the estate, and perhaps for the best. With a ghoul like her and the amount of income she had access to... it wasn't a good idea. She lacked restraint.

She threw her fists up. "Oh yeah, I do! So get your butt dressed."

This ghoul was a whirlwind of a waiting disaster.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:10 pm
After a brief lunch at the food court's Sinnabomb the pair walked through the busy Maul with no real purpose other than to get some new sheets for the bed. Of course, Brenna had other ideas but to peer into absolutely every single store that they walked past. There was always something that would catch her eye. A set of earrings from Cold Topics, jeans from Old Davey Jones, and full outfits from Aberzombie and Filth and Hellister. Uru felt more like that awkward male friend who stood outside and held the bag of the significant other while he/she shopped. That was him, right now. He was leaning against the railing while Brenna was fishing around Victorian Secret, noting a sale on somethings that she found interesting. He shot a text to the monster hound announcing that something came up, adding an apology. The sister hound emerged with more bags to pawn off to the demon as she ecstatically zipped off to the next location. Hopefully... no one he knew saw him.

In time, they found themselves at Mercy's decor department after spending a good hour in the clothing section. Another bag resulted out of that. He knew what was coming when he had agreed to go to the Maul with a demon who had access to an insurmountable deal of wealth to spend on whatever she had wanted, but the time spent with her felt... easy. It was nice. He had high hopes that she would not turn out like their mother, the aspects of being an alpha going to her head. Still, she had years to come before she officially takes up the mantle herself. Between picking up some plates and silverware, they got to the bedroom section. Brenna had already dumped new pillows, duvets, sheets, and a comforter set before he even rounded the corner with the cart.

"Brenna." He hissed.

"No arguing. You can argue with your lover, but not me."

Uru's face flashed red as his grip tightened on the handle. "Can you not call him that? You know his name."

"Why? He is isn't he? Boilfriend, lover, mate, whatever you want to call him, they're all the same Damien." She leaned into him, feeling him shake with embarrassment. Even he had not called them those terms yet, they have always been 'Damien', 'bud', or, secretly while he sleeps, 'pup'. The elder demon's lips twitched on the verge of saying something, instead gave the ghoul his usual expressions rather than answer her, pushing with the cart as a way to segway into something else. Perhaps there will be something else in the store to distract her than the subject of a green-eyed boil that has currently taken up residency in the demon hound's heart. "Use your words, Uru! Knitting your brows and frowning isn't a sufficient form of communicating!"

Uru was on his own for the most part of the men's section, his sister's scent was still in range was good enough for him. He picked up a pack of shirts, the ones that came in bundles for a cheap price, to replace the ones he often lost, tore, or generally used for the gym. There wasn't a reason to spend too much on that. New briefs to replace the ones whose elasticity had diminished. Picked himself up a pair of plantar support socks, something about the open toes amused him. Someone was going to get a kick of them. The demon hound meandered around a bit, picking up small articles; a pair of jeans, a henley or two, a jacket for those cold, windy days (one is fine, but not both), and a new brush.

The cart stopped when something soft lands into the carriage. "What are those?" Uru asked incredulously. The chestnut brown ghoul held up a pair of sweat pants of Uru's size, dark in tone, however decal on the side were of three hearts: two full, one emptied. There was a reference there, he assumed but it escaped him as to what it was for. He raised a brow at the ghoul as she smiled from ear to ear. "No."

"You mean 'yes', and there are more! They have a blue ones, green ones, and I saw some red ones and neutral ones, but you suck in red and you are not gonna wear black all the time. So here are these! They're Gooey Couture." The ghoul smiled. "Compared to your rather monotonous color palette of clothes, this is a good step in the right direction. Jeez, look at these!" She riffled through the contents of the cart. "Even your socks and underwear are plain. Kinda feel sorry for Damien."

"Brenna..." he started as he felt the fabric. It was indeed soft, plus he could use more varieties at home. Perhaps he should consider being more open to other options of clothing. Wouldn't want to bore the monster hound with the same outfit everyday... Plus her big eyes weren't helping either. Apparently the action of tossing them into the cart was sufficient of answer as she squealed, zipping off down another lane of clothes. He could mentally hear her crowing in success. Mental note: Never take Brenna to the Maul. Or shopping for that matter.



Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:15 pm
"So, is this what you do at his place, too?" Brenna asked as she finished up setting up the bed and the new coverings, the old ones scattered on the floor around her. She stood back to inspect, fixing imperfections, and angling a layer so the patterns were more interesting. The covers were no longer grey and off-black but had a stronger hint of a blue to them that it was more comforting. Pillows lined up against the headboard, all covered and layered neatly. She demanded that there should be at least ten pillows. She turned to the boil who had stripped off his jacket and shirt, doing a variant of a pull-up, legs crossed at a right angle. One of the few reasons he actually appreciated this doorway. The alpha eyed the boil as he went up on a repetition, as he approached the bar, moved his center to the left, then to the right, before completing the task before coming down again, meeting her gaze. Since getting home, he had done a brief stint of stretches before going into this silly spontaneous workout. "I bet he gets tired of you working out all the time, at least the view would be nice."

"I bet he appreciates that I try to keep myself fit and healthy. Besides, it's actually fun." He countered as he went on to do a few more with some oomph. Uru liked working out when he wasn't being lazy, but it was a routine for him that a day would not be complete without some sort of workout. It feels right to do it, and the soreness afterwards is rewarding in some ways. Though, he rarely complains about it - or anything. "Why are you always judging me?"

"Like you never judge others?"

"I try not to." He replied with a sharp exhale as he came to the top of the bar. He tried not to, at the very least not vocally. Those close to him were exceptions. One of the many reasons he preferred to remain quiet, otherwise he'd just leave the situation. While it wasn't exactly easy to make him uncomfortable, he often found himself in places or situations he preferred not to be around. Falling down to the floor with a soft thud, he stood upright to look at her straight on. "Dad taught us to judge no one, appreciate everything, embrace ourselves for who we are."

"Judge no one? You haven't judged someone before? That sounds rather, hypocritical. Everyone does it, y'know."

"I said 'try'. Admittingly, I was judging you when you brought those pants earlier. At least, I can appreciate the little things." Crossing his arms, he raised a brow. He did enjoy the fang snares that he grew. He enjoyed the foxfire pack that meander the monster's dorm room when he was over even if they often pooled around his feet with the threat of tripping him. He enjoyed the runs through the woods just to free himself from the busyness of the campus. He enjoyed just laying under the trees. He enjoyed playing his guitar even if he sucked at it. It's actually hard not too appreciate the little things in one's life because they are what makes it up.

Brenna sat quietly on the bed for a moment, her knees together just as her hands laced upon them, her head down, her thumbs rolling over one another. The setting sun was drawing the light from the room, what little was left shadowed the ghoul's face at the twilight. She was thinking and Uru was beginning to pick up a scent he was familiar with. A scent he did not like. It was sharp, it stung the nose enough to wince for a second. "Dad's gone, Uru. So-"

Uru rushed to sit down beside her, a arm around her shoulder as he brought himself closer to her. "Dad never said goodbye. But that's a good thing. It doesn't mean he's gone. It just means He's just not here right now. We'll see him again someday. Until that day, just take his advice, that doesn't make it any less true. Don't forget it, okay?" Since he was told, he never believed considering who it was that told him. Even the witness she offered was questionable. If he never believed, it may not be true. He could lie to himself, and his heart never faltered now that he said it aloud. Perhaps it did when he told Damien, but he believed his dad was out there somewhere. He wouldn't go down without a fight, let alone without saying good-bye to them. Say he was in denial, he was okay with that.

"Suddenly, you're an optimist? Plus, you smell."

Uru huffed at the comment as he pulled his sister into a tighter hug. "No, I finally appreciate myself enough that someone else can, too."  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:15 pm
"Who knew that the Big, Bad, Broody Demon of the East Wing could actually cook?" Brenna commented from her seat from watching as the boil multitasked in the kitchen, pants and pots over the stove, strainer sitting and waiting, plates prepped to be set. It was strange to see a large boil of Uru's stature to move around his kitchen with ease, let alone someone so gruff looking to be able to cook a meal. She was proud of him nevertheless as she thumbed through the pages of a cookbook. Brenna noted how new the pages felt, how crisp the handwriting was and the loose leaf paper of more scrawled, hastily written notes. It was a new book. The dregs of the sky coming through the window, the crimson sky bleeding to the darkness of night as it overwhelmed twilight. "You did this for him or... the cooking, I mean."

"Sort of. I need to be able to feed myself, it's also relaxing. Like working out, but I can eat it. Stir-fry shouldn't be the only thing I make. She never cooked for us and I never hung around the staff to watch them cook." Uru replied as he settled himself down beside her. "So, I taught myself with some books from the library." He come to realize that she often trailed her questions off, leaving them open for answer and interpretations. It was a strange thing she did, he chalked it up to curiosity. She was the first to try out this new recipe, it was one that he put together himself based on previous attempts of other dishes. He tried to match flavors in his head with spices and such, but he wasn't positive of the results. He looked at her expectingly as she took the first spoonful.

"It's not bad."

"It's not good, either." He finished, as he looked down to his own plate. Perhaps if he added -

"Don't beat yourself over it, at least it is edible and it isn't going to kill anyone. You just gotta work on it is all. Fine, tune it if you will." The ghoul shrugged as she took another spoonful. The rest of the dinner went rather quietly as they ate. "Does he get meals like this all the time, too? I mean, that's some pampering. I bet you do all the cleaning and all the cooking, don't you? So domestic."

"If only." he scoffed after a forkful. "He likes to cook and he cleans too. If I could, I would. I prefer it, really. Not going to push him to let me."

"That's because he's probably a strong, independent monster that need no boil to help him!" She giggled with her fork twirling in his direction. "He cooks and cleans, you cook and clean. Maybe you two should just work things out that you do them together or do them opposite of each other. That way, things get done and you can go and cuddle the fuzz out of him." Uru's scoff ended that conversation, as did he smile. They discussed small subjects such as what was going on with the pack, what progress she had made at finding loopholes - which were none - to get the boil back into the fold. They cracked jokes and told stories, ones that actually made the older brother laugh a genuine laugh she hadn't seen in so long. How Uru's eyes would shut tight and his big, white smile will break through as he tried to stifle a laugh before his mouth opened to let out a booming laughter. It was missed, and appreciated. She threw a comment of doing the dishes, but those were squashed when the male made it clear that he was doing them. While he had once claimed that those who cooked shouldn't have to clean up, it was more or less a reason to do the dishes so Damien wouldn't have to.

"You proofed the walls?" She questioned, looking to the wall behind the demon hound over the sound of running water.

He paused, looking in the direction of her inquiry, nodding. "I was okay without it, but this helps with concentration. I can study here without having to listen to someone talking or doing stuff. Or smell whatever foul thing other demons are up to." Uru shrugged, pointing toward the window with soapy hands. "The windows aren't, so that's where the most sound comes from. It doesn't entirely proof the room but... it filters it enough that it isn't an issue. The issue was actually installing it."

"I bet the monsters' dorms are even louder and foul smelling."

"You have no idea."The brother chuckled as he set aside a freshly cleaned plate. The stomping of large beasts, the beat of heavy wings, the roars and cries, the screams and laughter just collected in the halls of the monsters' dorm. "You learn to block it out."

Brenna chuckled. "How are you doing with honing your skills?"

"Basic still. I can hear well, not far. I can smell the basic stuff, but most still escape me. I've only been able to recognize you and his scents because I am familiar with the two of you." The demon hound shrugged. He wasn't exactly focusing on honing his skills to the point that he would be proficient tracker or something as such, he was taking things in his life in strides. Right now, he's focusing on not jacking up his relationship with his best-friend-turned-boilfriend. Right now, he's trying to string words together so that he doesn't come off as a total idiot in front of said monster. Right now, he was not at his place because his sister - whom he doesn't get to see too often, if at all, and legally at that - decided to visit him. Right now, he was not studying or getting any work done. He'd make it up to the green-eyed hound another time.

"Do you ever think... what mom is doing?" Brenna asked quietly, just low enough that he was able to pick it up. The dishes stopped moving, just the ambient sound of the running faucet, water hitting against the glass into the stainless steel basin. The demon hound shoulders rigid at the mention of their mother.

"What does she have to do with anything?" The ghoul made a soft 'huh' sound as if she did not hear him. "Why did you bring her up?" Uru hissed, glancing over his shoulder, the plate and sponge forgotten in the sink.

"I-it's just that, she was really good at it and...." There was a tick. That noteable tick that Uru knew of. The tick that meant Brenna was trying to say something but didn't know how to approach it. The tick that meant Brenna was hiding something. He didn't need to look at her ears or the tail that was tucked around the stool to know she was regretting the mention of their mother. The acrid stench that wafted from the younger demon made his inner hound growl. She jumped at the sound. "S-she's been trying to contact the other packs to see if she can get back in, but you know we demons have rules and laws and we have to abide by them when ordered. A-and, she can't come back to my pack so she's been trying to find a way around your exile of her a-"

"SHE IS TRYING TO CIRCUMVENT MY RULING!?" He roared, hands slammed down on the hard countertop of the island.

She flinched, peering back at the color bleeding from his pupils, how the corona of gold surrounded by a sea of blue suddenly flared to a blazing sun and flooded to the azure sea, the thick brows knitted with grooved forehead, the unmistaken rumble in his large chest. "Aren't I doing the same thing? I want you back, too, Uru, but it isn't easy. If I can't do it-" she tried.

"This is Naerina, Brenna! She can do anything she wants if she wanted to! She can take whatever she wants if she can get her hands on it. Haven't you learned that yet?" In that moment, he became the older brother and she, the younger sister. She sat in her seat as he loomed over the counter, fury in his eyes. The female that had tormented him for the good half of his life was trying to overrule his right, trying to get her grip back on the pack that he can no longer return to, trying to get her hands on Brenna. That was it. She was trying to get her hands on her daughter again in some convoluted idea that she was still some good mother, that she wanted her daughter. No, she wanted Brenna and the pack and - It clicked. "Have you been talking to her?"

"N-no!" She shook her head violently, "She only sent a letter, but I never responded!"

"She contacted you and you didn't think to tell me? Brenna, she can't come back into our lives, not now or ever, she-" Uru trailed with a hiss as he felt his anger boil beneath his skin.

"And how exactly do I contact you to let you know?" Brenna sat up from her spot, her hackles raised as she met him at the corner of the island, her finger poking at his imposing chest. "My couriers can't even send you anything because I am not suppose to even be talking with you. I have to pretend that I never met you whenever I leave the estate. I have to pretend that you're dead to me and it jacking hurts to do that. I worry about your sorry butt every day because no one else will. You say 'you're okay' or 'it's fine', but we both know you're not okay or anything is fine. Everything is so messed up for us! I can't see my brother and I know jack isn't easy for you either. So when I heard Damien, the only person that actually replies to my contacts is involved with you and still with you, which is surprising, honestly, I had to come. When I found out that you were with someone, someone that could maybe help you. I had to come to congratulate you, I had to come see if it was true that you two were really together." Uru's brows knitted together as he gave a noncommittal response, tearing himself away to throw the pants and pots into the sink with the dishes where the water still ran. They were still new, so new to him. He was utterly comfortable around the monster hound that, at times, it would feel like they could stay like that forever, others, he feels like he could make a mistake and trigger the boil to leave him. They were together. They are together. Thinking otherwise wasn't helping the situation. He didn't want to think like that, and here he was thinking like that. He let the thoughts of them splitting up enter his mind. He let the thoughts of them fighting and one of them slamming the door as they left. He let the thoughts of sleeping in the bed alone again. He let the thoughts of welcoming the silence and solitude like old friends.

"Yai duvvad durk da Nuolavu, vav al oxol. Sho varr liav dho kadh ad ik. Planako no, avai vav'd." (( "You cannot talk to Naerina, now or ever. She will ruin the both of us. Promise me, you won't." )) Uru seethed, fury brimming under the surface, rising too quickly to contain. His eyes bled through, their solid colors overwhelming the other in each eye until they were solid.

"Uru, don't you dare!" Brenna cried, her eyes widening before narrowing on her brother knowing this tick of his. They each knew the ticks of one another having spent most of their puphood together. How they both cleaned, how they reacted when they were sad or angry, or how they behaved when they were truly comfortable. This was one of those anger ticks.

"I KULO!"(( "I DARE!" )) He snarled

"So you still talk in Würgèrian when you're upset." Brenna replied flatly, her tone still sharp.

"Shid ik!"(( "Shut up!" )) He snarled. "Sho duvvad ko av ail raxok, vav al oxol. Id kho danok kudk, avai ovkuvkol availkord uvk no. I varr huxo da iko nav lakhd axol hol, uvk I ludhol I kakv'd. Sa klanako no avai vav'd durk da hol."(( "She cannot be in our lives, now or ever. If she comes back, you endanger yourself and me. I will have to use my right over her, and I rather I didn't. So promise me you won't talk to her." ))

"Fine, I will if you promise me that you won't do anything stupid and you stick to Damien."

The conditions weren't that difficult to meet. He was going to do stupid s**t all the time and he would learn from them. Doing stupid things is what made teenagers teenagers. However, the last stipulation was far gone. He was far gone. On Damien. No matter what became of them now, he was too far gone. His instincts were honed on the monster hound, any changes in their lives at this point were going to be moot as far as his inner hound was concerned. Uru breathed heavily through his nose. "Planako." (( "Promise." ))

"Planako." (( "Promise." )) Brenna echoes.

Silence fell over them like a thick fog, staling the air of a mixture of chemosignals. Uru exhaled sharply as he turned back to the sink. "Go-go wash up, it's still early. We can... watch a movie or something." He offered, waving her off over his shoulder.

Brenna was reluctant to leave him. She did.



Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:16 pm
Nestled on the couch, the pair of them watched a movie. Brenna pointed out the dark framed glasses that sat on the older demon's face which diminished his menacing appearance further, giving him a more relax, homely look. Uru replied that his vision wasn't as sharp, that it blurred a little bit that it bothered him. Not physically, it just annoyed him. Nothing to be concerned about for they were just for reading and watching the television. They settled down against one another, one wrapped in a blanket with a bowl of popcorn in her lap while the other reclined with arms sprawled along the spine of the seat, their faces illuminated by the glow of the screen. It was a movie that Brenna had picked out, a rom-com of sorts. Uru went along with it knowing that he was in a relationship now, she was interested in everything that it would entail. The ghoul was perceptive, she was observant as he was - if not more, and always had her nose into business it shouldn't be. This just happened to be one of them.

“I think the problem is that I’m stuck waiting for him to do something, to make a move, to say the perfect thing. And the problem is that I shouldn’t be that witch, the one who sits and waits for him. I should be independent. I should think clearly and consistently without having my mind jump straight back to him. Falling for someone like that is the hardest thing to do, and the stupidest thing is that the thing standing in my way is fear of losing him, the fear of rejection, the fear that I might lose a friend that means everything to me. I want to be everything to him, but I’m not.”

Uru scoffs at the monologue the witch gives, the raw emotion she portrayed hit him. It was exactly how he felt. It was what it was like being around Damien for so long. When he ran to the library to find out what was wrong with him, when the possibility that he might have feelings surfaced, and the realization that dawned on him, he felt like he was taking cautious steps around the monster. He wanted to say something, but he feared that it would ruin everything. Damien was everything to him before, even more so now. He would watch him while he had slept, he would watch him cook like he was at peace in the kitchen, they would watch movies together that was so casual. He had grown accustomed to it, he had oppressed his own feelings for their sake and had grown so comfortable with their routine. The fear of rejection, the fear of losing his friend didn't resurface until the auction. It had not resurfaced until he saw how he was with those he was at the dance with. He feared that he had lost him, that he didn't want him around anymore - that he had outstayed his welcome. "I was like that for a long time." He finally spoke after a long spell of silence.

Brenna tilted her head up, "Like what?"

"Want to say something to him." Uru sighed, grabbing a handful of popcorn. "My heart wanted to, but my mind kept saying that he didn't want it. He was into ghouls and that I was just infatuated. That I would get over it. But... didn't change how I felt."

"Maybe your mind needed more time to accept what your heart already knew." She spoke sagely as she stuffed herself with her own handful. "So what it was like to kiss him?" She said slowly with inquisition.

Uru snorted. "Not good when you have heightened senses."

"So it was bad?" She questioned, her head tilting up to look at him. A grin swept across her face when she noticed how deeply red, even in the dark lit room, his face had gotten. Uru was blushing hard. "Ooooo, so it wasn't bad."

"I never said it was bad." Uru rolled his eyes, giving the ghoul a slight shove. "It was just... overwhelming. I've wanted to do it for a long time, just ... never did. But when we did, it just... I could hear everything, smell everything."

"You lost control?"

"I didn't care." Uru shrugged, a genuine smile across his face. "I only cared that I kissed him, finally." He mused, sliding a finger across his lips as if to recall the already vivid memory again. "All the sounds was deafening in the dorm, but all I could smell was us - like, Us." He recalled the laughter, the screams, the yelling, the clanging, the din of footsteps that emitted from the halls and rooms of the monsters' dormitory. Everything came to him all at once until the ambiance collectively became deafening - until there was no sounds at all. All he could smell was the fragrance of vanilla, smoke, herbs, and coffee hidden beneath the stale morning breath they shared - the smell of the two of them after months of sharing the same space together. The smell that he had eventually equated to being 'home' and 'comfort'. Now that he had a constant presence, he was beginning to familiarize different scents outside of anger, fear, anxiety, and sadness. All he could see was the boil's face afterwards, how genuine handsome and flushed he was, granted, so was he, he had assumed. His hand cupped around his neck and his lips against his. It was overwhelming. He shook his head, clearing his mind because it wasn't exactly clean at the moment. "It was a moment."

"Oh sweet Hecate, you're sap." Brenna cried with exasperation. Uru steeled himself, shutting his eyes knowing that he had just walked into a wave of incoming mockery. "I bet you kiss him and nuzzle him like a love struck twit. Do you wax poetry about his eyes or how fluffy his tail is? I bet you wake him up every morning with a cup of coffee or tea, or even breakfast. Oh jeez, you got it sooooo bad, brother."

"Hey, you would, too, if you had someone like him! Everyone's sappy... just, in their own way, and privately. Definitely privately."

Brenna giggled as she sunk back down into the seat. "I can't wait until I have my first kiss."

"Not until you find the right creep, you won't. You're not gonna go and kiss the first boil you see." The ghoul huffed, crossing her arms as she sunk further into his side, the popcorn bowl threatening to tip over. Uru scooped it up, avoiding a mess as he peered down at her. "Besides, you have to focus on your alpha studies. You have a pack and pact to take care of."

"BLARG! Alpha studies bite! I was not groomed for this like you were. I was given a crash course." She complained, throwing her arms in the air flailing like a pup in a tantrum. She whined as a hand placed itself upon her head, rubbing her gently, soothing her.

"It doesn't get any easier."

"That's not exactly comforting..."

The movie played on through the climax, resolving the finale. It was still early to call it quits just yet, opting to get up and find another activity to do. Something minimal.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:17 pm

"Oosh." Uru let out a whoosh of air as he came down, his elbows holding at a right angle. His back and legs straight out at an angle off the ground, his body straining under the weight of another. The ghoul sat cross legged on his back at his request, holding a book in her lap while the boil did his sets. "What are you - oosh - reading?"

The ghoul flipped the page, twirling a strand of hair in one hand, the other resting on the page of the book, thumb sliding down the sheet of words, her eyes gazing over the sentences. "Old pack laws. Didja know that the average age of alphas taking up the mantle is twice mine?"

"That's because - oosh - they're suppose to have mates and - oosh - be ready for pups. You won't take that up until - oosh - then, you're just a title."

Brenna could feel her brother's muscles tense and move beneath her as he worked. He had considered this a 'minimal activity' compared to her reading. Honestly, he worked himself to death if he considered this to be a relaxing and minimal activity! Rolling her eyes, she continued on down the pages as he continued to rise and fall. Sometimes, his strength amazed her - it was unlike demon nature to be so physically fit. She always believed it to be a monster or undead trait, not in a species that relied on magic like herself. She was impressed and proud for him. Though, she was aware that he was somewhat vain, even if he didn't admit it to himself or anyone. She had caught him looking at himself from time to time. He knew he was good looking.

"I've come to terms with it." Brenna gave a sound of question to the sudden comment, her eyes falling to the back of the boil's head. He had stopped his reps, staying in the lowered phrase. "Not coming back to the pack." Uru's tone was low, solemn, his body did not tremble. He knew he wouldn't be able to come back to the pack without a fight. Even if he had returned, there would be strains on the ties to the others in which they would have to circumvent the rules and laws in order to get him back. If he had came back, the others would down on Brenna or question what other rules could be challenged. In the end, he had come to terms that being away from her is in the best interest even if it meant not being able to protect her as he should. "You could focus on your studies then."

"W-when did you decide this? Do I not get an opinion on this? When did you give up? What if I don't want to give up?"

"No one is giving up, I just..." Uru turned to look at her over his shoulder, flinching at the expression on her face. How frantic, how concerned she appeared to him. Averting his gaze, he rolled his shoulders as a sign of her departure from his back. Rolling to sit beside her, he let out a soft exhale, arm propped up on a knee. "It's difficult, all of this." The demon hound started, wagging a finger between the two of them. "We can work hard and maybe find a way for me to come back. But... I've come to terms with it a long time ago that I'm no longer pack, that I'm a loner. If we did manage it, it'd only cause problems for us and the pack and everything else. The last thing I want is for you to be put in any sort of danger. Besides, you visit me often enough that I can't exactly forget about you."

Brenna guffawed, slapping at his shoulder. "Like you could! Honestly!" Her chuckle died slowly. "So... you don't want to come back?"

The boil lips came to a thin line as he looking down at his hands in thought. He both wanted to and did not want to. He wanted to go back because of his sister. But the place held so many dark memories and oppressive thoughts that it wouldn't be the healthiest of settings for someone who was back on their feet and starting something new and different. Reluctantly, he shook his head before meeting the ghoul's gaze. "No, I have something here I want to invest in."

"You mean 'someone'." The downcast gaze that she was met with was telling. She knew he was hurting, guilty that he didn't want to come back to be with her because he wanted to be here instead. She placed a hand upon his shoulder, squeezing just once to let him know it was okay. "I understand, you want to take this path. But, some self-love is gonna be something you've got to work on." Uru rolled his eyes, of course she'd roll this back into some sort of inspirational lesson. If she was going to talk, then she could certainly do it as he prepared for bed. Stripping off his shirt without shame, he walked to the bathroom and strategically placed the towel before stepping inside the shower. "You're going a good job, y'know. Damien must have seen it if he is finally with you. That means you're getting better and not being a mopey butt head."

"I'm still mopey." he called over the sounds of rushing water, cascading down on him. There were downsides and upsides of not having doors. Upside, they can talk freely throughout the place. Downside is that his sister is in his bedroom which has full view of the bathroom. "I am just less mopey."

"Woooo, big change." Brenna mocked as she settled herself into the bed. "You'll bring him over here someday, right?"

"Yes." Uru returns shortly, making himself modest before slipping under the covers himself. "It's just that his place smells better."

"Well, bring him over and this place can also smell like-"

"Home." Uru breathed.

"Since when did you consider that?" She murmured, their intense hearing picking up the faintest whispers.

Apparently his whisper didn't go unheard. He had not considered pack home, he hadn't considered the manor home, so when had he come to associate this place as home? His room was his room, it was a place to get to be by himself, away from everyone else. But when had he considered Damien's room, specifically, home? Was it when their scents have become so well blended that the scent of them together became 'us', 'we', 'ours'? Or was it because it was when he finally tried to escape? Escape from the world, escape from life, escape from everything because he was grounded to a place he did not want to escape from. Perhaps that was when he considered it home.

They had stayed up for a bit, discussing matters such as their lives. The little things that went on at the manor or the arduous meetings with the other leaders or how many letters she's written since their time apart. They discuss how well Uru was with creeple, the Horseman, the Witch, somehow managed to join some club known as the Black Kingdom which he also had to describe his dream of his. They discuss how the bed was actually quite comfortable now with the new sheets and pillows.

"The only thing standing between you and your goals are the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it."

"Those bullshit stories have reasons." He sighed, pulling the comforter under his arms, reaching to turn his lamp off. "I just gotta work harder to those goals, I guess."

"It's not going to be easy..." She yawned as she settled down onto her side, reaching over to turn off her lamp. "But, it'll be worth it in the end. Just you wait."

Uru stayed up a while longer, simply staring at the ceiling, taking in the words that were exchanged.



Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:20 pm
The bed was warmer than usual, but his hair didn't stick to the pillow or his chest to the comforter. He didn't feel sweaty, he actually slept rather soundly. No nightmares or being uncomfortable and having to wake up. No, it was a rather sound sleep. Cracking an eye open, he moved his shoulder expecting to find something there. A foxfire perhaps, he had grown accustomed to them always on the other bed. However, he wasn't met with anything. With sleep-addled eyes, the demon slid a hand over the spot where he had last seen - felt - his sister. The spot was now smoothed over and tucked in as if it wasn't used at all. Concern crept into the fog of his waking mind as he sat up. There was a smell in the air that told him that she was somewhere in his room. He opened his maw to yawn when he heard giggling in the other space. Blinking a few times, the bulkier boil left the warmth and comfort of the bed, trotting out to the kitchen.

"What do you think you're doing?" Uru exclaimed as he reached for his eyePhone in the ghoul's grip, giggling as she held it from him. His eyes shot wide open as he nearly toppled the ghoul off of the island barstool as he used one hand on the island to brace himself and the other to reach for the device. It was on and he hadn't recalled when he had actually put it down. Apparently she had picked it up and started snooping through it or something, or worse! Granted, he hadn't anything to hide in there, but it was his! "AUDRA'BREN, YOU GIVE ME MY JACKING PHONE!"

"Oh my, potty mouth, aren't you?" Brenna grinned wickedly as the sound of a whoosh aired from his phone. His gaze stern on the device as his attempts became limp in defeat and confusion. The sound of a text message being flown off into the unknown only to manifest itself somewhere else in this realm of dreadful reality that his sister had used his phone to talk to someone.

"W-what was that? What did you just text!?" Cried the older brother.

"You're new beau~ Apologizing for keeping his boilfriend all to myself yesterday." Brenna cooed slowly, biting her tongue playfully as she tossed his phone at him, escaping away back into the bedroom. "Besides, gotta do something since you were out like a light! Hard sleeper, seriously. Had breakfast, cleaned up a bit, and you were snoozing away."

Uru looked to the sink to see the remnants of water drops along the metal basin's sides indicating recent use. The light on the counter was still lit to indicate it was still too hot to touch. She had breakfast by herself and she didn't even wake him! "I... I wanted to have breakfast with you before you left." He murmured as she returned, brush in hand as she soothed her curls.

"Psshaw, don't you worry about that. I have to go anyway, gotta get back to the hustle and bustle of pack life and all that jazz. Jeez, I am not really looking forward to all of that, but gotta do what I gotta do." She drawled, leaning on the counter with a twirl of her hand. He could only imagine the barrage of questions that would be asked to verify her disappearance. She didn't have it any easier than he did. They both took classes, just for different reasons. The ghoul smiled as she shucked on her jacket, slipping herself into her shoes at the door. "Come and bid me farewell."

Uru sat at the kitchen island, pouring himself a cup of coffee, giving the ghoul a cocked brow. "Farewell." he said flatly as he grinned around the rim of the mug.

"Ha. Ha. Now come over here, jerkface." Uru chuckled as he came to picked her up, pulling her tight into an embrace. "You could always try to call me, I'd do whatever I can to help. Just... take care of yourself, okay? And Damien." Brenna hugged him tighter, rubbing her cheek against his short scruff with a rumble.

"I just want to make you happy, Brenna." He murmured into her shoulder as he held her, her scent and aroma alluring and calming. It was nutty and sweet. He just wanted those he cared about to be happy. "Just get back safe." It was when the contact was held for longer than he had imagined that he pulled her back to look at her. "Are you... are you scenting me?"

"Yup! And everything in your place, too!" Uru whipped his head around to look at his place - impeccably neat and tidy, everything in place and ... oh yes, definitely done by the demon hellhound ghoul. The boil turned to scold her as he was greeted with a chaste kiss on the cheek. "MINE! BYE!" she exclaimed as she shut the door. Uru jerked it open to glare at the fading visage of the ghoul down the hall, her laughter ringing throughout.


A sound dinged from his pocket, alerting him to a message. As Uru looked at the screen, the name [Big Boss Alpha B] flashed across the screen. There was a chill down his spine as he glanced down at the device that seemed so small in his large hands before glancing around the room as if he was being watched. Sliding the unlock bar, the text message application appearing with a line.

< There is a box on your counter! ouo

> When did you get my number?...
> Nevermind.

Obviously, when he was asleep and she was snooping through everything... Uru came to around the counter by the sink, and against the half wall was a small box. It was inconspicuous, he wouldn't have really noticed it if she hadn't cleaned absolutely everything. Sliding the top off, the only contents off the box was a black, leather band of equal inconspicuity. The band itself was about an inch or so with simple button snap. Sliding it over his right wrist, he fastened it. In a way, it balanced the tattoo on his left wrist. His phone buzzed a few more times in quick succession.

< It's nothing special, but you need some accessories.
< Your jacket doesn't count.
< Or your face. :
< Please take care of yourself, brother. Just relax. Think positive!

> And you.  

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