It was a perfectly normal day at Amityville, Maddy thought. The kind spent dodging dropped snotcorn and being extra careful not to trip over other's tails or run headfirst into a pair of leathery wings. Or worse, flaming ones. He wouldn't get the smell of singed fur out for a week at least. The timely groan from his stomach made him almost wish he had a fresh batch of that snotcorn. Almost.

He was halfway to the shelter of the demon dorm, when a faint, pleasant aroma caught his nose. The farther he walked the closer it seemed to drift, hanging in the air. And curious as any cat would be, the cait sith followed it.

Sitting at a bench not far from the dorm was a rather well-dressed student, a dog by the look of him. But it wasn't the boil he was concerned with, eyeing down instead the nicely packed lunch on his lap. It was arranged meticulously, in just such a way as to appear tantalizingly fearful. The ingredients - based on what his nose was telling him - were no mundane boil or ghoul's meal, but a finely garnished work of art. Compared to the jacking excuse for a meal he'd find in the Creepateria, he couldn't help but give the dog a tap on the shoulder and tip of his hat.

"That looks exquisite! You certainly seem to know your way around a kitchen, unlike most of the creepaterians here. May I try some??"
