Hello dear Co-Geezers

I am fairly new to Gaia and happened to become landlord of a appartment
complex in Aekea. As I am the type of Gaian who likes hanging out inworlds
for a chat, I got an interest in getting the vacant spots occupied, hoping to
have a lively neighbourhood, with some nice people in it. I don't need friends
to live there, as long as the people are nice. Lacking the opportunity to
advertise this, I came up with the idea of opening this thread. It is meant
for landlords like me, to advertise their neighbourhoods to potential tenants.
Possible quarrels in a neighbourhood etc. are not to be discussed here.
It makes sense to add some info to your advert, for the tenants to be able
to decide, if they can imagine moving in. The tenants then simply would
need to contact the landlord via IM. Further, this thread can also be used to
announce neighbourhood events, like parties or RP events.
All posts in this thread are supposed to be serious and language is
supposed to be kept in the limits of courtesy and common ground.
So, here is my advert:

Neighbourhood in Aekea
Vacant appartments: 3
Guild membership: Not necessary
Timezone of landlord: Eastern Europe/Europe/Middle East

There can be more info added, for example, "RP: Encouraged" or things like this.
I personally don't want to exclude anybody from living at my place, but if
other landlords have preferences, e.g. guild members, paws etc., it is up to

I hope, this thread will be of use to some of you and wish you all a great day!

