White. Everything was white all around. A sword rested on a table before him. Curiously, he reached out to lift it. That did not work. It wouldn't budge. Shortly after he came into contact with it, something seemed to snap within. In a good way.

Shun blinked several times as his consciousness shifted. Everything flooded back to him. Everything. He was not a knight. No. Far from it. Staring at the sword once more, he narrowed his eyes and slowly approached, taking note of the book that was there as well.

The pages flipped on their own volition. The words whispered out from the tome, retelling snippets of the knight's story. The knight he represented... Tristan. No last name, given how he was effectively an abandoned orphan and all. One who would eventually rise up to become one of the great knights in the order. Who fought valiantly against the darkness at all costs, or something to that effect. Like him, the actual knight did have dark hair and dark eyes. Somewhat of an intense look about him. That was where the similarities ended, as far as appearances went. His overall demeanor was not unlike his own. Perhaps that was why he was the one he had 'taken the place of' or so to speak. The man's story was one he felt that Mitsu would enjoy hearing about. A nobody who became somebody while meeting with incredible challenges. It was like one of the stories she read in a way. He even survived in the end! Somehow.

Still, he twitched slightly as he heard all of this. This was one of the first hunters to come to existence. Here he witnessed their birth, as well as saw what happened that caused his own kind to be here in this world. The horsemen were there as well, but they seemed to be fairly minor in comparison to the other players at hand. At least in this tale. They were there, being a threat and all, but one figure proved to be far worse than all the rest.


He didn't know what his motives were exactly, but he still didn't like it. Not in the slightest. There was no change there. It really did not take much to convince him that Merlin was a royal a*****e.

The knights themselves were not much better. If nothing else, he supposed this gave him a small insight into the life of a hunter, even if it was an ancient one. It did not sit too well with him, but information was... ultimately information.

The reaper just wasn't sure why he was shown all of this. It had to be relevant for something. The history was useful, in a way, but... he still wasn't sure. Amityville was built over an ancient kingdom. And the hunters were now where the lady of the lake had taken them, more or less. And there, Merlin was weaponized and turned into a staff. He was trying to figure out how he could use this knowledge, but nothing was coming to him.

But then, he came upon the final page and the words echoed out clearly into his mind, practically searing itself into his very core.

A war is coming.


The reaper snapped awake right then and there. He found himself staring up at the ceiling of his apartment bedroom. While he did that, those last words etched into him. As he suspected, something was coming. He didn't know what it was exactly or when...

He was going to need to prepare.

And not just himself....

There were many who have grown complacent, as Riley had put it. When this war came, he had no doubts that they all would be swept up into it. Those who were not ready would likely be crushed. Hell, even those who were could end up that way. But... it was the least he could do to try and ensure survival at his best.

Dreams that dealt with the legacies in one way or another... they had a tendency to be shared. Shun was not certain how much this particular one was. He tried to recall if he saw Amrita anywhere around there, but nothing was really coming to mind right away. Then again, everyone looked rather human. His personal knight might look sort of like himself but the same would not be so easily said about the others. He was going to need to speak with her when he had the chance.

Nightshade was needed, and they were going to need to get ready to rally for what lied ahead. There would be bloodshed. Probably death. Possibly things that were worse even. Ultimately, it was going to be an incredibly violent time.

But he was never meant to live in peace, anyway.