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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1v1] A Promise Fulfilled (Shaheen / Hel)

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:18 pm
A light frown pulled at Hel's lips as she wandered the eerie halls of the Haunted House. It'd been a while since she last made it here, but usually she'd run into a hunter pretty quickly. No such luck right now...

The reaper blew out a breath, kicking aside some debris before opening another door. She stepped into a large hall with vaulted ceilings, her boots echoing on the stone floor. The door closed behind her, and she glanced back before looking around, squinting at times towards the other end of the room, which she had a hard time ******** huge room..." She muttered, and then took in a deep breath and cupped her hands around her mouth. She called out:


Might as well try to find someone.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:18 pm
Shaheen had been silently stalking the reaper since the moment she had gone into the haunted house, keeping a fair distance, flitting from corridor to corridor, and watching her closely. She could not recall if she was somebody familiar, having not paid much attention to any of the students of Amity while she had been forced to live alongside them, save for the few that had become initiates and had actually helped them in their cause.

No, she did not believe she knew this girl (even if she was a woman, she would still be considered a girl to Shaheen), but she was curious to know what she was doing here. Did she seek out hunters, much like the war horsewoman did? If so, was it to harm or to help them?

When the girl opened a door and made her way through, Shaheen was quick to slip in behind, just a mere breath of a moment before it shut behind them both. Ducking down with only inches distance between her and the reaper, she grimaced when the girl yelled, but remained crouched down on the floor.

"What, exactly, do you hope to achieve by making such an awful racket?" She hissed, head tilted back, a scowl set on her insanity tainted face, her wings folding in neatly behind her.



Ice-Cold Hunter


PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:55 am
Ah ha.

Hel spun quickly on her heel, whirling around to face the presence behind her. She knew she wasn't crazy! She did a once over of the figure, and she immediately perked up with interest. "Damn, you are pretty sneaky for a big ghoul!" She grinned a bit.

It was a horseman.

She never ran into any of them in the Haunted House before.

"This." The reaper replied, spreading her arms out and gesturing to her. "Finding someone." Her promise to Finn too was at the forefront of her mind, and she wondered, and hoped, if she had been fortunate enough to run into the one he wanted. Luck could be a very kind mistress. This horseman seemed to fit his description to a tee. Tall, blonde, winged and definitely crazy looking. "I can see you are a Horseman of War." The reaper started pleasantly. "Would you happen to be called Shaheen?" Hel tilted her head, and then crossed her arms.

"If you are, I have a message for you."

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 12:03 am
Shaheen straightened from her crouched position as the reaper turned, standing proud and with her head held high at her 6'2" height. "I." She sniffed, indignantly, "Am not a girl, girl." That second girl was clearly meant for Hel.

Arms crossed over an (ample) chest as she regarded the dark skinned reaper with an up and down sweeping, narrow eyed look. Golden eyes shone in pits of darkness, and her expression remained flat up until the girl declared to recognize her as a horseman of war.

"An elder chieftain horseman of war." She corrected Hel with a raise of her eyebrow, her wings shifting behind her slightly. "A queen among commoners." She smiled, faintly, a flicker of lips that faded as soon as the reaper guessed her name, but then came back full force with a baring of teeth.

"Ah, so you have heard of me. That is good." She nodded, and then cocked her head the side, curiously, her large, bladed weapon suddenly summoned to hand as her arms uncrossed.

"Oh?" She lifted both eyebrows now, and began using the tip of the blade from her weapon to clean beneath the fingernails of her opposite hand. "Do tell~"

She continued to smile in an all too feral way while her eyes continued to shine.



Ice-Cold Hunter


PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:21 pm
This broad was full of herself. What Hel failed to realize in that moment was that it was like looking into a mirror. Minus the crazed insanity infected hunter harming though.

"Oh~ Your highness." Hel sneered with a grin, giving a short mock of an imaginary curtsy. She then stood, and idly rolled her shoulders, noting the summoning of her weapon, but making no move to summon her own yet. Yet. She didn't doubt this would end in a fight. It was only a matter of time, and that was more than fine with her. With the confidence and pride that was rolling off Shaheen in waves, Hel wouldn't lie. She was excited at the prospect of battling her.

She'd be a worthy opponent.

"Do not get too excited~" Hel replied, her eyes lidding as she smirked. "I only heard your name from the one Hunter I am passing this message for." That being said--

"This message comes from a Hunter with an eye patch. He says he tires of you ******** up his things and would be most appreciative if you stopped. He would not be grateful if you did, but he would be less inclined to hunt you down and make the remainder of your existence miserable." There. As close to word for word as she could remember, and she felt a weight off her chest as she finally completed her end of the bargain.

Now she waited for the return.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:00 pm
Shaheen just dead pan stared at Hel in response. "I am not your ruler, foolish child, nor would I care to be. You may drop the title." She waved her free hand as if dismissing her entirely, before she went back to cleaning beneath her nails, which, upon closer inspection, probably appeared to be caked with drying blood.

"A hunter." She repeated. "A filthy white maggot, you mean." She smirked then, and let out a light laugh, flashing teeth once more. "It is even more appealing to me that they should know my name, as I have been sure to spread it, as I will also spread Fear and uncertainty and, ultimately, chaos among their ranks."

She looked up from her nails, her eyes alight with more than just insanity now. There was an eagerness there, an unquenchable hunger.

"A war is coming, one we all must play our part in, and I will help to raze them to the ground."

She quieted down, then, and listened to the delivered message with growing amusement, before she barked out a laugh.

"Oh, so he seeks to protect these things that are his? Hrmmmmm, how delightful!" She laughed again. "I wonder who it is that he so worries over. The silver haired girl, the white haired man, the one with the dark curls, the blonde male.....An eye patch you say? What was his name? Was it Gale? Oh, I do hope that damage I did has not disabled him too badly. I would hate to hear that he could no longer wield his weapon....."

She did not sound sorry at all, especially with how she began to laugh again, though that halted abruptly, her face a cold mask once more as her eyes snapped to Hel's.

"And what of you, then? Are you their little lackey? An ally to the hunters? What hold do they have on you?" Her stance shifted slightly, her gaze narrowed.



Ice-Cold Hunter


PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:08 am
"Ya. I know. It is called sarcasm. Also, just because you are taller than I does not make me a child, ghoulie."

Hel idly rolled her shoulders again, a brow quirking. "A war, eh? What kind of war?" The reaper listened as she listed off some people, her eyes narrowing slightly. She didn't know a silver haired woman, but maybe the next person was Ripley? Dark curls...maybe it was that one hunter she ran into with the bow. Guy. That's what she was calling him for now...and Gale...? She didn't know a Gale, but maybe she should make it her business to.

She shook her head. "No. It was not Gale..." A grin pulled at her lips now. "I am no one's lackey." She replied. "Not an ally to all hunters per say...a few, possibly, yes. They have no hold on me..." Though she also felt that the enemy of my enemy was my friend...and if Horsemen really were out to wipe out humans and Hunters were trying to stop it...it was a very hard space, in between.

"Depends on what your goal is."

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:03 am
"No, it is the fact that you are a child that makes you a child." Shaheen smiled, oh so sweetly, still picking beneath her nails, and even switching hands at some point.

"I can not say." She shrugged her shoulders, though it was not just that she could not say, it was that she did not know. All she had been told is that a war was coming, and that she had a role to play. "Just know that it is."

Finally she stopped cleaning her nails, holding one hand out for inspection before her weapon was desummoned once more.

Perhaps she was not going to pick a fight, after all.


"Deplorable." She shook her head, "That you should even consider allying with a few is disgusting." She crossed her arms over her chest, somewhat disappointed to hear that it was not Gale, but that disappointment was overridden by sheer amounts of revulsion at the very idea of what Hel was implying.

"My goal? My goal is to make them suffer. What is yours?"



Ice-Cold Hunter


PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:42 pm
"Hey, screech heart...height and tits do not make you an adult, ya? I am no less an adult than you are~"

She grinned, and then tilted her head. "Uh huh..." She sounded a bit skeptical. "Do you even know what it is about?" Hel prodded, eyeing the weapon as it was desummoned, but not taking it as a sign that a fight wouldn't happen.

She laughed. "You can call it what you like. I think pointless human harm and slaughtering is deplorable and disgusting, but what do you care what I think~?" She stretched, and then cracked her knuckles. "Make who suffer? Hunters? Humans? Both?" The reaper flexed her fingers.

"Halloween is caught in the middle between Hunters and Horsemen. My goal? To maintain some form of balance."

Seussi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 7 Total: 7 (1-20)
PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:52 pm
"No. Iit is the fact that I am much, much older than you could even fathom that makes me think of you as a child, nothing more than a whelp, barely old enough to have been weaned from her mothers teat. You may pretend, if you wish, and as children often do, but do not presume to be on the same level as me. You are nowhere close."

Honestly. Children these days and their attitude! Not that Shaheen couldn't appreciate a little bit of bark, though she wondered if it would eventually be followed up with some bite to match.

Her lips lifted. "It is about what it is always about. Destruction." She left it at that, moving on, with a bark of laughter of her own.

"Without this pointless human harm, you could not even exist. You believe that by simply frightening them, you are not harming them? You claim to be above slaughter, and yet, what are you? A Reaper? You are the death clan of Halloween. If you are so against such things, than perhaps you should cast yourself in exile, wither, and die."

She shrugged her shoulders, rotating her head on her neck, her eyes beginning that pulsating glow once more.

"All will suffer. The sweetest Fear is gathered from those who suffer most before they die. I like to take my time with them. Human's, yes, Hunter's, more. You think I do not know where my power comes from, that I would kill recklessly and needlessly until there is nothing left, that I would actually not even consider the consequences of what wiping out their entire revolting race would be...but the humans, they are cattle, they are meant for the slaughter. The hunters, they are the shepherds, they would try to keep their herds safe from harm. We? We are the wolves. We kill what is necessary, when it's necessary, and sometimes when it isn't, and we do not ever feel empathy, or regret, or question ourselves, because those who do become lost, they no longer belong, and there is nothing more pathetic than one who strays."

At some point her smile had disappeared. Niggling little whispers had begun to pester the back of her mind. She gave her head a sharp shake as if to clear it, her eyes glowing furiously now, and when she spoke again, her voice was hiss, as paranoia began to rear it's ugly head inside of her, rapidly changing her demeanor.

"Who's side Is it, then? Who's side are you really on, child?"



Ice-Cold Hunter

Lucyal rolled 1 20-sided dice: 19 Total: 19 (1-20)


PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:03 pm
"Age is not an indication of wisdom..." Hel mused. "It could just very much be an indication of the length of foolishness~" In other words: blah blah blah.

Hrm...she needed to do some more digging and inquiring then.

"Ya. I am above harm. Harm qualifies as maiming and slaughtering. A little bit of fright is healhty. Also, yanno, using an umbrella term for a reaper is pretty ignorant~ Just because I am a reaper does not mean I have done those things--and I have not." Of this she was proud. As she had told Finn when he asked-- She never killed a human.

Hel, to her credit, quietly listened to Shaheen. She affirmed what Hel already thought was the goal of a majority of horsemen, and their regard for human life. Halloween was truly caught in the middle, and she could see a bit from all sides. Hunters wanted to protect their own, so they attacked horsemen. Horsemen wanted to create and sustain their own, so they attacked humans...She was snapped out of thoughts as the air felt more tense. Her eyes focused back on Shaheen, and they narrowed slightly.

"Not your's. Not the hunter's. My own."

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:42 pm
"I do not recall mentioning wisdom." Shaheen mused with a tilt of her head. "Though the fact that you feel a need to point it out seems rather...defensive." She smiled, and laughed then, giving her head a small shake. Oh how these children did amuse her! And even more so when they spouted their nonsense about peace and love and harmony and blah, blah, blah, blah, blahhhhh......

Actually she was starting to get a bit bored.

And maybe that was part of the reason why she felt the need to go on the attack. Boredom, combined with a bit of insanity spurned hostility and paranoia. This ghoul was running messages for the hunters, and no matter what she said on that matter, something was incredibly off about that to the war horsemen. One of them, a niggling voice in the back of her head, not the whispers, not the insanity, this voice her own. One of them. If she was helping them in any way, she was not to be trusted. If she wasn't working with horsemen, it did not matter who she claimed to be loyal to. If she was not with them, she was, clearly, against them.

"Wrong answer." She growled, and even as she growled, her body for began to shimmer and change in a golden yellow haze of light, until in her place stood not the tall, bronze skinned woman, but a massive lioness, muscled, broad, much larger than any natural sort should have been. Her eyes were the same. The grey of insanity that marked her was the same.

That growl was much the same as well, if not louder than before, as she paced forward, head lowered, lip pulled back from her teeth. When she was near enough, she swiped out towards Hel with one massive set of claws.

And then she lunged.

sorry for the wait ;; life overwhelmed me for a little while


Ice-Cold Hunter

Lucyal rolled 2 12-sided dice: 12, 2 Total: 14 (2-24)


PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:17 pm
"Nah, not defensive. Just realizing I am dealing with someone stupid." She grinned, and it soon became apparent that verbal sparring was the least of her concerns. That was because this was turning into a real spar. Though spar was probably a huge understatement. This was a battle.

The reaper shifted into a battle stance, her spear appearing in her hands as soon as Shaheen started to shift. The sight that greeted her was rather unexpected though, and Hel stared at her a bit baffled before the amazement turned into anticipation.

"Well, well, well! To think I would be fighting a giant p***y now!" Her grin was fiendish as she dodged to the side of the strike, feeling the ripple of power that came behind it. Oh, yeah. This was going to be good. She didn't waste any time, and lunged back in, parrying the swipe with one of her own bladed weapon.

HP: 60 / 60
DMG: 8

OMG SEU TOTALLY OKAY! <3 Take all the time you need!
Seussi rolled 9 4-sided dice: 2, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 1 Total: 21 (9-36)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:28 pm
HP: 42


Ice-Cold Hunter

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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