Violence can be found in many situations.

-Frustration or anger

I've thought about the use of violence after I read how this korean celebrity beat his girlfriend (and now ex-girlfriend) multiple times. It's like Chris Brown but they are suing each other saying the other one lie and vice-versa, giving a $ compensation, asking for not receiving jail punishment. Click here to read : Allkpop article on lawsuit

Violence is the one thing I hate the most. People that fight to steal stuff, kill, rape... and ultimately when couple fight.

I started to reflect on the use of violence.

Some people think it is right to hit a child lightly to punish him. In some countries, you can beat children or your wife , no ones care.

Sometimes when anger reach me, I feel I want to beat up that person, but I never did.

I did HIT people's arm when I got annoyed that they keep teasing me/making fun of me.

Some hit back.

So, I thought I was no better...

I also thought of a situation, if I had a boyfriend that cheats on me I really want to slap him and the girl... However, what if they hit me back, who's gonna be hurt more... Who is it going to advantage ?

If someone use violence on me , I will defend myself using violence that's SELF-defense and RIGHT. Otherwise, violence is not the solution.

I'll live with the moto : treat others you want to be treated.

I hope one day, there's peace really.
Going back to the topic of violence in a couple.

It's hard to believe how someone can stay,forgive, think that he can change....
However, I heard those beater knows how to manipulate your feelings make you fall in love with him etc...

I've always been afraid to be in a relationship like that.

Love can make people blind.