Greetings Everyone,

Here is a Topic that I feel is appropriate for this Sub Forum. In the Anime / Manga World everyone is familiar with the term Magical Girls. They vary from Sailor Moon to Madoka Magica.

At Comic Cons and Anime / Cosplay conventions you can see what I call Comic Con Magical Girl Cosplay characters. Many are from the DC and Marvel Comic book Genre's.

I would consider Wonder Woman, Poison Ivy, Super Girl, Storm, and many more to be Magical Girls. I just saw one of the episodes from the Live Action Wonder Woman TV show. In the episode the character Diana Prince twirls around to become Wonder Woman. This transformation I feel is similar to Sailor Moon's transformation.

So what do you think about Comic Con Magical Girls. Are they just as legitimate as Anime Magical Girls. Also who is your favorite Comic Con Magical Girl and have you cosplayed any of them.

My favorite Comic Con Magical Girl is Super Girl and to my delight their is going to be a Live Action Super Girl TV series coming this Fall!! I can't wait. smile