Sayael had always admired Marosa.

Peering out from behind a tree, the sugar faerie blended in almost perfectly, watching him as he frolicked and spun around the trunks of the trees with perfect precision. His wild red hair flew behind him, becoming even more curly as he dashed through the forest without a care, not worried that the branches snagged his clothing or his red locks.

Pressing forward, she shyly put one foot in front of the other, staring at her feet until she traveled a good distance, looking up to find that Marosa was standing in front of her, an intrigued look on his face.

“Why don’t ye ever play with me?” He asked, tilting his head.

“Oi’m not supposed to.” She pressed her fingers together and remembered Da’luagh’s warning to not approach Marosa. It was strange how suddenly cold he’d turned towards her, but Marosa was still his pride and joy.

She wanted in on that joy, not wanting to be left behind.

“Oi don’t care.” Reaching forward, he grabbed her by the wrists and smiled. “C’mon! Let’s go watch the ocean!” He tugged her along as he began to run, forcing her to keep pace as much as she could without tripping. Her sproutling branches shook from her back, but she paid it no heed - when she grew up they’d be a lot heavier, her mother had warned, but for the moment they were weightless.

Running as fast as her short stubby legs could run, Sayael soon began to pant. She wasn’t used to running like Marosa was, and doubled over when they finally stopped, attempting to catch her breath.

“‘rosa…” She breathed, unable to form his whole name, she was so out of breath. It rolled off the tongue and made him smile as he awkwardly patted her shoulder. The little ghoul was well covered up by her mother, every precaution taken against the boy - and her father.

She had no idea why her mother was so adamant about her not being touched.

“We’re here!” The little gancanagh boil exclaimed as he spread his arms wide to reveal the ocean from the cliffside they stood on, his smile contagious. She stared out at it as she lost her breath for the moment at the scene, wind whipping her purple hair about her as she closed her eyes and breathed in the salty taste of the water from the sea.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” He asked her, delight spread across his face.

“Aye.” She replied as she tucked her hair behind her ear, returning the smile with ease. Her pointed teeth showed before she could react, and she instantly shut her mouth, a bit embarrassed by them.

“You have pointed teeth? That’s so cool!” He murmured, reaching forward to pull on her cheeks and stare at them again.

“Do yhew fwhind?” Sayael tried to speak, her body warming to his touch, but her mind was screaming at her to shove him away and avoid all contact because of the repeated warnings from her mother.

“Oh. OH! Sorry.” Marosa instantly let go, blushing from embarrassment. “Oi’m sorry. Oi just got a little excited. Da always said oi should keep my hands to myself.” Scuffing his foot in the ground, he kicked a rock off of the cliff into the ocean, turning back to stare back out at it.

“Oi don’t have many friends. Da doesn’t let me keep ‘em. Oi have a selkie friend though. She’s pretty neat. We have swimming races now and again.” His face puffed up. “Oi always lose.”

Sayael stared at him, at a loss for words. Both her mother and father told her to stay away from Marosa, but… he was harmless. Why were they so adamant about such a thing?

Taking his hand in hers, she smiled softly. “Oi’ll be your friend. Always.”

Marosa smiled in return, his eyes dancing.