User Image It had been several weeks since she first saw Yusei, and she still hadn't grown accustomed to the fact he was here. Sometimes, she wonder how unlikely it'd be that this was a long, drawn out dream. She had dreams before of him finding her and them living happily ever after, but this one? This one was far more detailed. What if, soon, she'd wake up and find he never was there? That once again her mind had betrayed her? Sometimes, she couldn't sleep, afraid to lose what she wasn't even sure she wanted.

She loved him, of course. She had for a long, long time. But she had left for a reason, and now that reason was void. She had turned her back on it, and while she hadn't romantically gotten back together with Yusei, she still existed near him. This wasn't the plan. She was supposed to run away and never come back, but look where that got her. He just found her again, as if pulled to her. Could she be strong enough to reject what obviously would become of this? Could she deny her own desires and continue on with life?

What if she ran away again?

Surely Yusei wouldn't forgive her a second time. Yet, did she need forgiveness? She had left to protect him, not to make her image better. If he hated her then wasn't that even better? Then he'd never be stuck with someone like her. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to make him hate her. A selfish part of her couldn't allow that. Did she want him to always love her? Then what was the point of even leaving in the first place?!

Oh! She could worry about this another day! Right now, she had to prepare for Yusei to stop by again. Lately, they had been working out a way to communicate, and Andraste was eager to be able to at least say hello. About two weeks ago, Yusei had begun saying words and Andraste would come up with a gesture for the word. It was a slow process, but it was something. Something that wasn't just her hoping he'd understand her whines!

Padding to the front of her den, she flicked her tail over her mouth out of habit, kneading the ground as she waited.

Words: 386

X Moon Fighter X