Stressing out for no reason was a waste of energy, and energy came from food.

Sacha didn't waste food.

So when he was stressed out he took it out on his kitchen, dicing and flambéing almost frantically.

Today was the day. Today his Mummy was coming to town.

There were still a few hours before the car would be sent for him but the time was passing quickly as the dishes stacked up around him, food disappearing quickly after it was made though a few items made it into a container to take with him. Mummy would be hungry after all.

Then, in the midst of it all, his phone rang. He directed his shadow to keep stirring as he snatched up the device, not even looking at it as he accepted the call. "What." His voice snapped like a wet towel being popped at a slow dish washer as he tucked the phone against his shoulder and went back to julienning some carrots.
