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[SRP] Bothersome Owl part one [Lilia x Silva]

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Beloved Lunatic

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:14 pm
The air was cold and frigid under her wings just as the land below her had become an icy waste. Silva was of course likely curled up in their shared den in the cliff staying home. At least Lilia hoped she was. Silva had wanted to help with hunting but that would have been hard given she was a beautiful as the day and would have distracted Lilia, that and her grace did not match her beauty and she might have hurt herself. Circling the forest idly not really seeing any game as of yet Lilia wondered if there would anything out with those dark grey clouds in the distance. A storm was coming though at a slow pace that it wasn’t as scary as many she had seen this year.

A flash of movement below her just for a moment pulled her eyes from the clouds in the distance while she dropped to a quick diving glide to investigate. A bit foolish as it might scare the prey but the sooner she caught dinner the sooner she could come back home to her dearest love. Even with the plummeting drop the flash of color was gone before Lilia had gotten close enough to see much of anything at all. There was a soft scent lingering in the area though. Lilia couldn’t quite identify it. Looking around the whitened landscape Lilia felt a small well of disappointment in her stomach knowing that she had missed a chance to head back soon. She didn’t really want to come back with nothing but at this right she really might lest the storm sneak up on her. Glancing skyward again she debated for a moment before deciding it was still moving slow enough that she could investigate the area a bit and see if whatever was attached to that scent was in fact edible. She was betting on it which helped put a bit of speed to her haunches. Not the most skilled tracker but still a fair share better than most of her friends she was confused when the scent seemed to loop back around the area like a lost soul. What was worse was she was certain there had been tracks but they seemed brushed aside or mostly destroyed making it impossible to tell size or even what kind of creature it was. It was large whatever it was though what it was dragging behind it to eliminate tracks was a mystery. Determined she focused on her hunt and began to lose track of time in her eagerness.

Fed up at being so thwarted she finally allowed herself a growl aloud which brought out the strangest reaction. A giggle from a nearby tree made her head up with a resounding cracking noise. There in a tree was a large white and black phim that looked more like an owl than anything else. The eyes seemed to dance with mischief and Lilia realized with a groan that the scent she had been smelling must have been this fox. It was a tad annoying to her and far less than amusing when her was back at the den all alone with the cold weather rolling in and possibly hungry. Lilia really wanted nothing more than to shove this white phim into the snow and hoped she drowned in whatever snow she melted with her breath. Not a nice thought she knew but she felt tricked, flustered and defeated. She wouldn’t have time to hunt now with the storm closing in and wasting so much time tracking this phim.

Lilia turned her head to go deciding she had to leave before she hurt this stranger. To her dismay the stranger flittered down to start following her. The other phim actually flittered like she was trying to dance in the air on the way down. Lilia had to resist rolling her eyes thinking how Siliva even crash landing was a far sight prettier than this pest. She knew she shouldn’t think so negatively of another fox but it was hard when one had just been played the fool.

“You know after following me so frantically you could at least say hello~” The voice grated on Lilia’s ears. Mostly it was due to the fact she had been tricked and was coming home empty pawed so to speak to her mate. “Hello, goodbye.” Lilia never even stopped walking during her reply. She wanted to lose the other phim before she took off flying for home. And given the other was still following her she didn’t want to take it straight home since Silvia might invite it to stay over during the storm. Lilia’s mate was a gentler soul than any other phim in all the world and at times it really could be a bad thing.

“Geeze you really are a sore sport. I’m really disappointed I thought someone fairly cute might actually have a sense of humor. Silly me. Still I guess not everyone can have looks AND personality.” Lilia was more and more tempted to ram the phim’s head into a tree and not the snow the way she sounded. Taking a breath Lilia took a moment to let go of her annoyance at the phim. It wasn’t the owl’s fault she was coming back empty pawed. Lilia had chosen to persue her and just because this phim was annoying didn’t make her bad or malicious at all. How could she know Lilia just wanted to be wrapped up in her mate’s wings? Though what was with that cute comment? Did she mean something by it? That had to be put to ends right away. “Sorry. I was just hoping to have some game to bring back to my mate before the storm hit so that if it lasted we could just snuggle up and not worry for a while.” There a warning to go find shelter and the alert that Lilia was happily taken. It would work would it not?

“aww… I wish someone would snuggle me up nice and tight but everyone I met is either such a bore or just to pitiful to look at.” The owl gave a great sigh like she carried a weight to heavy for her wings. “You know little miss grumpy I was actually finding a spot to whether the weather and figured that woods would do. Where are you and yours all holed up?” Lilia could hear the request coming and she didn’t want to deal with it .. at ..all. “in our den which is just large enough for my mate and I.” in truth it was big enough for the whole family but this stranger didn’t really need to know that. She could almost hear the phim pouting behind her. Risking a glance she confirmed it. There it was the other phim with her face all twisted in a sullen pout of knowing she wasn’t going to get her way. Lilia knew it wasn’t very phim like but she felt a bit of satisfaction seeing that. It didn’t last long though as a shadow passed overhead. Looking up Lilia wanted to groan aloud again. There was a telltale sign of green fur which could only be her beloved mate. Launching up quickly not giving any warning she went to intercept her mate before the stranger could do so.

The smile on her mate’s face seeing Lilia made her heart race and ache all at the same time. Unable not to Lilia broke into a smile. Sadly it was short lived when Lilia saw Silva’s gaze shift somewhere behind her. Turning her head she was dismayed to find the owl had followed her and what was worse was the Lilia hadn’t even heard the other phim take off behind her. The three phims hovered in the air for a moment before Lilia cursed in her mind knowing what was coming and decided to get it over with. With a wave she herded everyone back to the den in the cliffside. Knowing her mate would never risk another fox freezing in the cold storm coming Lilia braced herself for having to deal with this … interesting… phim all night long. She talked a lot which would be nice for Silva but there was just something in the way she spoke that annoyed Lilia. It was like she was insulting everyone around her without even realizing how creual she was being. Lilia had known many like that in her homeland before her master Rit had come into her life. It was true that she had many more friends now and even an amazing family but this kind of personality just dragged on her instinctively and it didn’t help how they met already put the other in a black spot in Lilia’s mind. Still she knew she would have to smile for Silva’s sake. She didn’t want Silva to have to worry at all.

The night went much of how Lilia expected it to. The other phim named Wise was much as Lilia expected. Very vain though at least she had the sense to think that Silva was “cute” as well, which of course Lilia agreed to wholeheartedly. Wise also seemed to chat about pointless things like hair curls for hours on end. Still the deities had blessed Silva with a gentle heart and patience of a saint in Lilia’s eyes for she listened to every word and even managed to keep the owl from just running over the whole chat. Laying there Lilia was in awe of her mate not for the first time and in truth was a bit surprised how well Silva seemed to take everything. A few times when Wise’s comments seemed just condescending enough toward her mate to rankle Lilia’s nose and temper Silva said something that seemed to difuse the tension building in Lilia. Curled up at the end of it all trapped in the den with the snow and wind whistling outside the den Lilia was glad there was spare sleeping spots that had been for her children when they had grown. Wise was tucked up in one of those out of hearing and Lilia was able to snuggle with her mate without interference. The talk after surprised Lilia even more though she should have known given how her mate was.“Nothing Wise said really bothered you at all?” A small laugh came from her mate’s mouth that sounded like music. “Oh a bit, but that’s ok she can think how she wants and I’ll think how I want. After all everyone is a bit different.” Lilia could only smile ruefully. “True I just wanted to bind her wings and shove her off the den’s edge after wishing her a pleasant journey.” That earned her a gentle tap of rebuke from her mate. “You say that but I know you’re sweet and gentle too after all you took care of me when I crashed into you so long ago.”Lilia smiled at the memory. “You were clumsy and cute not a bothersome pest. Besides I’m not so nice. I’d hurt anyone who would threaten our family.” Silva nuzzled her gently at that. “Of course you always take care of me and our children.” Lilia’s heart beamed hearing that as it always did. It was true that Lilia had three children, but they were with a phim named Xi Lan, not her beloved mate. It had been more of a one off thing. She and Xi Lan were friends and he even had his own mate now. Still Silva had always treated the children as if they were her own. Nuzzling her mate she knew that Silva loved children and wished for a full den full. One day Lilia would grant her wish she was sure of it. For now though she was just going to enjoy time with her mate until the deities decided to so bless them and then a thought made her chuckle. At Silva’s look of confusion Lilia laughed harder until her feathers were shaking just so.

“You know that phim who bothers me so much sleeping in the children’s room? I was just imagining she was a disobedient kit of ours. No matter what kinds of kids we have in the future they will all be easier than that one.” She waved a paw off in the direction vaguely. Silva chuckled as well but said that any children they had would be perfect no matter their temperament. Lilia had to agree but couldn’t imagine any child seeming as whiny as that owl phim if they had a mother like Silva.

Words 2,102  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:42 am
It was still snowing lightly the next day but Silva saw her mate head off with a smile. Wise didn’t seem to inclined to want to leave today, but that was alright. Silva didn’t mind the company after all the den was lonely when the kids weren’t visiting and Lilia was out. That was why she liked to come along with Lilia on all her exploits. Lilia never normally minded and even seemed to offer more more than usual today to have Silva come along, but Silva had declined seeing that Wise didn’t want to fly in the snow. Silva didn’t want the phim getting lonely in the den all by herself. Lilia had taken off to go catch some food which Silva actually didn’t mind missing out on. She always felt so bad for the little deer or bunnies she helped to catch. She knew she had to eat but still there was a difference eating what was given and having to go take it down yourself. Tugging her mind from those thoughts Silva decided to peek in on Wise who had gone back to bed. Sneaking as carefully as she could she pretended she was invisible like a shadow stalking her way to the part of the den where Wise was resting. Nearly tripping twice over her own paws she was tempted to stop but there was that playful little part of her mind that really wanted to keep going, so she did with a smile on her face and determination to be careful.

As she peeked in she saw Wise was rolled onto her side with one wing jarred at an awkward angle and her legs were splayed out while she snored fairly loudly. Shifting her weight Silva thought that Wise would definitely wake up very sore if she stayed like that. Abandoning her sneaking about she padded into the room. Even then Wise didn’t awaken. Nudging one leg to a more natural position Silva couldn’t help but hold her breath not wanting to wake the other phim. Thankfully Wise just kept snoring away as though she was impossible to wake even if the earth around her shook. Or perhaps in her dream she was trying to move the earth with her snores? The thought made Silva giggle and she quickly stopped and looked at Wise, still the phim didn’t wake. Moving onto the other limbs Silva slowly slid them all into a more comfortable sleeping position. Noticing one wing was actually under Wise Silva had to smile. She had seen Ya Lan sleep like that as a kit once. The poor dear had woken up with a numb wing had had nearly been in tears thinking that something was wrong. Deciding that Wise didn’t really need to go threw that as well Silva tried to tug the captured wing gently not wanting to either wake Wise or risk hurting her. While she was working on this the green phim ended up overbalancing and accidently falling on the white phim. Now there are a lot of things that others can sleep through, a nudge, a noise, but the total weight of a full grown phim falling on them was not one Wise could sleep through.

At first Wise let out a screech that did nothing but terrify Silva and the green phim froze in panic. It seemed to take both of them a moment to figure out how to breathe when the screaming ended. Shivering in fear and trying to find a way to apologize for waking Wise and falling on her it seemed which to apologize first for had clogged Silva’s brain. “Sorry for falling you up.” Was the end result that came out. She blushed bright red on her cheeks. She tried to stammer out another apology when Wise started to laugh. It wasn’t a nice laugh but it made Silva smile weakly hoping that Wise was like Lilia and just understood her mix up. Instead to her horror Wise rolled over which made Silva end up more or less pinned beneath the other phim. Wise’s voice was amused and somehow bothered Silva in a part of mind. “You know I’ve been wondering how irresistible I am but don’t you think finding an excuse like that is just to lame. I’m sure you waited until your mate was gone like a sneak but you could have just woken me like a normally interested fox would not this silly little façade.” Silva blushed even harder. “N-No it’s not like that you were sleeping and all over w-which didn’t seem comfortable so I thought I-I’d move you but I tripped… H-Honest.” Silva wriggled trying to get out and explain things. She might be clumsy but she wasn’t foolish. She understood that she had been misunderstood and wanted to correct it before it got worse. “not that you aren’t pretty b-but I have Lilia.” That was definitely not the right thing to say because the other phim glared down at her. “Pretty? Just pretty? I’ll have you know I’m gorgeous, a being without equal in all the world. I’m irresistible.” She got off Silva in a huff and flipped her hair back still looking down on Silva. “You know just because you can’t appreciate beauty doesn’t mean that there aren’t others who wouldn’t lay down their lives for a chance for a mere kiss from me, much less anything else. And all you can say is pretty!” She scoffed at Silva and walked from the sleeping space in a huff. Silva not really sure what just happened kept laying there for a bit glad that Wise was gone, but also very very confused. She got up and timidly went to go check where Wise had wandered off to but couldn’t find the phim anywhere in the den. Thinking she must have left Silva felt a breath of relief exit her lungs before she could stop herself. She had never been in a situation like that before. Her only love had always been Lilia and thinking that someone else had thought she might like them really bothered her.

It was quite some time before Lilia came back home and Silva hadn’t left the den worrying that she might miss Lilia’s return. No sooner had her mate dropped the game she had brought then Silva found herself flinging her body at her mate wanting to be wrapped up and safe in her wings. Lilia of course knew something was wrong right away because Silva couldn’t help but be crying over the misunderstanding and her own feeling about it. Not only that but Wise had left all upset in the snow. It took a while for Lilia to put things together but all the while she held her mate nice and snug which made Silva feel safe and protected. Lilia comforted Silva and told her that it was ok and it was Wise’s choice to leave and it wasn’t anything Silva had done. “After all if she’s stupid enough to head out into the snow there’s nothing that you can do about it.” Lilia didn’t seem worried about Wise at all but was clearly angry that Wise had actually thought that Silva was the kind of mate that might be unfaithful. The fact Lilia was so riled by it made Silva a bit happy that Lilia had faith in her, but also feel bad because it wasn’t Wise’s fault she misunderstood. At least that was how Silva felt though Lilia told her otherwise. To make Silva feel better Lilia agreed to keep part of her catch aside just in case Wise came back, because Silva was certain she would be hungry if she came back. Lilia said that Silva was much too sweet but still did as Silva asked.

After that Lilia stayed very close to Silva’s side for the rest of the night. She was even a bit underfoot. Silva finally had to banish Lilia to bed so that she could finish cleaning up the sleeping place that had been run awray when she had tried to wake Wise and all that mess occurred. Tidying up she found a few of Wise’s feathers. Cringing and hoping she hadn’t knocked them loose. Silva put them in the refuse pile she had toward the den opening. After that she kicked out old bones of past meals and hurried to bed, so she could spend time with her mate. Laying there Lilia watched her approach without missing a movement. “Are you really ok Silvy?” It was so sweet that Lilia was still worried but she was ok. Feeling a bit guilty and worried that Wise had gone off in weather she knew the phim didn’t like from that morning. “Yes.” Giving Lilia a bright large smile she snuggled up next to Lilia while the other phim curled around her. She might be worried but that didn’t mean she wanted Lilia to worry about her too much. “I’m a bit worried for Wise and feel bad that she misunderstood and got mad, but I know you’re right and there’s nothing I can do about it now.” She took a glance toward the den entrance. “Wise knows where we live and it would be hard for us to fly in the dark to try and find her. So I just have to let it go and perhaps just keep an eye out if I leave the den tomorrow, but” She continued at Lilia’s intake of breath. “I won’t obsess or worry over it too much because I don’t want your coat to turn grey.” That drew a laugh from Lilia that was the best sound Silva had heard all day. Nuzzling her mate Silva felt like she was lucky to have a mate that understood her and worried about her, but also had such faith in her. She had known many an unkindness because of her clumsy nature but Lilia never treated her that way. Her mate just loved her dearly and accepted all of her.

The night was a long and cold one but Silva slept just fine in the embrace of her mate. Neither woke when a certain white phim glided to the entrance of the den silently and pilfered the left out meat from Lilia’s hunt. The next day it was clear Lilia was a bit annoyed and was going to tell the white phim to move on should she see her today since the weather was clear, but Silva was just relieved that Wise was alright and hadn’t ended up freezing to death in the nihgt. She went for a flight with Lilia that morning relishing the sunshine and brisk air. When she got back the pair were in for a slight surprise.

There were white large flight feathers in the sleeping area that Wise had used before. Lilia said it smelled like Wise, but Silva didn’t know. She was thinking it had likely been Wise because the feathers looked far too much like Wise’s to be anyone else. And she was certain that she had cleared the place and tided up after Wise had run off. Still though Lilia said she was going to be on guard tonight and make sure Wise knew that it was only during the storm that she could stay Silva had to laugh. Wise was like a petulant stray kit. She wondered if Wise had family who missed her or cared that she was so far from others. She wouldn’t mind having others stay over but kept the suggestion quite because it was clear Lilia was perturbed by it even suggesting to drag Ya Lan her her child back home to help keep watch over the place from vagrant phims. Silva tried hard not to giggle but agreed that it was a good suggestion because then Ya Lan would be back home with her own baby in tow. That sounded like a marvelous idea to Silva who liked having others around the den. Besides then if Wise came back Silva could point out that family was a good thing and perhaps encourage Wise to go see her own this cool and snowy season.

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Beloved Lunatic

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Beloved Lunatic

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:44 am
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