He stood there for a moment, a brief pause, hand on the door knob, the keys still socketed. The alumni looked into his home, the open floor plan giving sight into most of the space's area added with the illumination of the lighting. That was certainly off since he was sure he had turned off the lights prior to his departure. Uru'baen had left a few hours earlier that morning to the gym; a morning run, a pre-morning work out, a short trip to the grocery to gather some things, and was to prepare himself some brunch. However, he did not expect his home to be light up from the kitchen's hanging light over the island, the window blinds pulled back to allow morning to spill through, or the couch-side table lamp to reveal his younger sibling sitting on the couch with a tea cup in hand. His brows fell briefly - not out of annoyance but questionable confusion. A twitch of his lips, he heaved a sigh as he pulled the keys free and let himself in (to his own house).

"Aren't you suppose to be in class?" he asked as he slipped his shoes off, casually doing the tasks he had intended. Groceries put into place, cabinets closing as he finally side eyed the female hellhound on his blue-gray couch.

"Five hour class, we took an hour recess." Audra'bren - Brenna - replied as she tucked her feet beneath herself, her tail draped around her knees. He held her head high as she watched the quiet television. With their sensitive hearing, it was not uncommon for them to have the entertainment at a low volume, it gives the illusion of peace and quiet in a space.

The brother huffed as he eased himself into the stand alone loveseat to the side. "That's why you have a dorm room, or the library, or the quad, or literally... anywhere." He pointed out with a grin to his sister's pout. It should not have really surprised him, he had given her a key to this place. It felt like a good idea at the time. She had come to help fix the place up and she found herself here when she needed comfort which he'd happily offer. However, there were limitations to the key's usage. A different matter entirely. This was not in that said matter.

"Yeah, the dorm's nice, but this is nicer. Open, and..." she breathed in with an exaggerated exhale. "-clean." Since move-in day, the pair had worked on fixing the kitchen with back splashes, painting layer over layers of concrete and industrial like surfaces. Neither would attest to have been contractor savvy, but they just did what they had thought was best. Used levelers to apply shelving, covered up scratches on the floor when they moved the refrigerator into place. There was a time where Brenna had abandoned her brother after the shower head broke during installation. The place was almost complete. Boxes to unpack and there were elements that still did not make the brooding boil smile when looking at the space.

Uru rolled his eyes as he lounged back into his seat, his jacket loose over his exercise attire. He found that the brand of tank top had good lines on the shoulder, held firm to his torso, breathed, and wicked rather well considering the low end price. He had thought about eating and then a shower, but with his sister here, he contemplated different thoughts. Would it be rude to do what he had wanted and ignored her presence? As much as he loved her, still his younger sister, and still could be a bit annoying. Though, she was an Alpha and that commanded a level of respect. However, she wasn't his alpha. As far as he was concerned, he was a lone wolf that made a pack of a foxfires and a monster hound. Though he knew little about Damien's situation and packlife, he was still content with the circle that he had created since his second year. Brenna gave an off put, confused look as the boil nodded to himself as if accepting a thought. He lifted himself out of the chair and marched to his room. "You can do whatever you want. Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop what I'm doing to entertain you." He shouted from the other room, blocked by sight from the very few dividers in the house. That being the bathroom and the bedroom for obvious reasons. "You're a big girl now, you are a strong, independent ghoul who needs no boil."

"Excuse me?" She called, staring at the bathroom wall. "I'll have you know that I am a strong, independent ghoul and that I do not need a boil for anything." A pause. "You will not- No! You can't break Wrex's arm! If it were that easy, it would just be as easy for you to ignore him if he- now that's just going a bit over- fine. Fine! It's not like we were dating or something! We're friends." The first year rolled her eyes as she sipped her tea. It wasn't uncommon to carry conversations between rooms. Which made talking in the middle of the night in the manor a sleep-time ritual for them. The boil stepped out of the room freshly dressed, running a towel through his hair. She shot him a glare over the rim of her cup. "You break anyone's arm and I will break yours."

"Good luck with that." he chuffed as he rummaged in the kitchen. "What's today's lesson?" He inquired genuinely as he started the kettle.

"FEARS and Pins by Professor Red. Interesting so far, haven't exactly learned anything new. Just reinforcing information that was already known and expanding small details." But she had absorbed the information nevertheless. She took in the information in an effort to find ways around other information that others may not connect right away. She may not, but in time, she finds uses for the information she had. It was still one of the first professor led classes she had attended so far. The attendance was astounding. Being home tutored, it was a different situation.

"Heard you spouted some ... interesting information during lecture."

The ghoul gasped, her face brightening a shade as she placed her cup down, crawling to the arm rest. "What did you hear!? Who told you!? It was that skeleton boil, wasn't it!?" Uru paused to scratch the side of his nose. She was familiar with the gesture because she knew he was hiding a smug grin. He knew something she didn't and she did not like that. "Fine, whatever, don't tell me."

"It wasn't pertinent to the topic, but it was information that involved FEAR, yeah." He pointed out as she seated himself back down, this time beside the ghoul. "Not everyone needs to know information. Keep the information relevant to the lecture, don't stray or read ahead. If you do, keep it to yourself. Students are here to learn, just like you. Don't take that away from them. The Professors here know what they're doing and how to get us to learn. Trust me."

She paused for a moment, staring at her cup of lukewarm tea. "Since when did you grow up?"

"When I had a little sister that needed to be looked out for now that she isn't safely at home." He muttered.

Silence fell upon them.

"I noticed you had that big stick over there." Brenna broke, nodding to the corner of the room where a long stick leaned against a wall. It was a stick, a broken branch, the twigs cut off. However, she had noted that the twigs were not cut off by a knife or by claw or yanked off, no, they were removed cleanly as if snapped while brittle. It was an odd thing to keep around. A walking stick perhaps, but her brother was extremely fit and healthy, he wouldn't need one.

"It's for a sport." Uru dismissed.

A sport. She echoed in thought. What sort of sport would cause such nicks?

"Any exams coming up?"


"Then you should study." His expression. She almost giggled at it. She had been so customed to her brother's thick brows furrowed low over his eyes, his lips dipped downwards, sometimes the subtle rumble of a growl threatening to come up in his voice. However, this was different. His brows relaxed, his eyes opened revealing the central heterochromia, even his mouth had a hint of a smirk. This was a different boil she had grew up with.

"I could think of more fun things to do than stud-"

"And I expect nothing less than excellence from you," Uru interjected with a grin.

It wasn't unusual for her, it was something that had been held to a standard most of her life. That she would have to do the very best and nothing less of that was acceptable. This time, it was different. This wasn't an expectation of standard, but an expectation of character, of capabilities. As if Uru was confident that it was within her abilities to excel at whatever task she put herself to. Much as she would imagine her brother to do the same. "I don't wanna study alone..."

"Then study here. The library is also a quiet place full of students."

"But I-"

Uru briefly glanced at his watch before propelling him upwards. "Also, you're hours up. You have class to get back to."

"It doesn't take long-"

Uru offered a brief hug before the ghoul squeaked, nearly jumping from his embrace. "It takes about a fifteen minute walk to the lecture hall, maybe more if you are looking for your seat. Hope you didn't take one in the middle of the row."

"Did you just pinch-"

The boil placed a firm hand between her shoulders, guiding her to the door. "Be sure you study and pay attention, Professor Red isn't very forgiving when you are distracted or not paying attention." The alumni continued, ignoring her indignant comments, not letting her get a word in edge wise. He guided her outside his door step before offering a smile and closing said door.

Ah, alone.