If zOMG returned, and if you had the power to change something about the game what would it be? When you are done explaining your idea, rate the idea above you on a scale of 1-10.

1 = What planet are you from, very bad idea.
2 = Very bad, but not the worst idea
3 = Very bad, though I cannot think of anything to improve on your idea
4 = bad idea, it won't work, but keep thinking
5 = neither good or bad
6 = good idea, but you could do this (one section of your idea needs work)
7 = good idea, but you could do these (better than a 6)
8 = great idea, though I don't think it would quite make it.
9 = awesome idea submit it to the developers for pondering
10 = fire the idiots that made zOMG and replace them with you...your idea was the best ever, wish I thought of it first.


My idea is this...

1. The manga has to be passed what Gino does to the Big Bad God who is destroying everything before I do anything.

2. Once it is, then I start by getting a separate site for the game, but make sure that it can be available for all Gaians and potential MMORPGers.

3. Create a "make your toon", which includes faction (hero or monster), race (to be creative, as not everyone wants to be human, but not necessarily a monster), class (Based on ring abilities of past and future), and of course appearance.

4. Have it run similar to the world of warcraft in the sense of questing, scenarios, dungeons, raids, PvP, and PvE. All members of Gaia currently would have free admission whereas potential MMORPGers will have to pay if they don't want to join Gaia, but just play the game, this way Gaia gets their funding and can start making things reasonable again on different features of this site.

Rate my idea.