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▓▒░Amity Keller
_____________Character Info

______RPC Number: Primary
______Full Name: Amity June Keller
_____________•Nickname: Keller, Am.
______Gender: F
______Height: 5’7
______Weight: 115 lbs
______Age: 19
______Orientation: Lesbian
______Zodiac Sign(s): Scorpio sun, Virgo moon, Libra rising
______Outfit: Top, bottom, jacket, pack. (formal, sleep)
_____________ • Likes
_____________ ○ Smoking
_____________ ○ Spicy food
_____________ ○ Good books
_____________ ○ Red wine
_____________ ○ Small, quiet spaces
_____________ • Dislikes
_____________ ○ Controlling people
_____________ ○ Sour food
_____________ ○ Over-affectionate people
_____________ ○ Being touched
_____________ ○ Being cold


______Favored Pokemon Type(s): Ghost, Psychic, Dark.
______Place of Birth: Goldenrod City
______Personality: Amity is named for a virtue she’s never much embodied; friendship and goodwill. She values her freedom above all else in the world and prides herself on belonging to no one. She is no one’s wife, no one’s daughter, no one’s sister. The only creature she owes anything to is Flicker, and that’s something deeply comforting to her. Because of this attitude, she has a hard time forming real connections, though she is able to rise to power in the circles she inserts herself in with relative speed. She has no particular care for the concept of loyalty and will do what it takes to protect herself and her pokemon above anything else.

She’s slow to anger, and even when she reaches that point she prefers to brood or isolate herself rather than throwing a fit. She’s at her happiest when she’s in the company of other people who are doing other things (think busy barracks, or a bustling city street) and not paying her any attention. She dislikes feeling alone, much as she desires to be her own woman.

She has a modest sweet tooth and is a sucker for savory and spicy foods. Her favorite snack for the road is jerky and it’s rare that she travels without it, unless she can’t afford it at the time. She travels usually on her own, though if she’s able to find people who won’t bother her by talking her ear off when she goes from place to place, she will join them.
______Family: None of consequence.
______Biography: Amity grew up on the poorer side of Goldenrod in a religious family that found her quiet, independent nature and love of darker pokemon as something dirty and bad. While she was with them, she often wandered off for hours (and sometimes even overnight) to be on her own, until she found Flicker when she was thirteen. A year later, she ran away from home and hasn’t looked back since. She doesn’t like to talk about that part of her life, and if asked, she’ll tell you she’s void-born and has no parents.

She came into her adulthood on the roads, traveling from place to place and doing odd jobs with the help of Flicker to make enough money to eat and keep them in cheap motels. She was able to get into underground circles of vagabonds and runaways like herself plenty and would make connections that way when money was tight (well, tighter than it ever was) but none of those relationships ever lasted much longer than it took for her to get what she needed.

Even so, she can’t deny that the idea of belonging to something that fought for what she believed in like Snagem is...attractive. She’s willing to give them the best of her skills as long as they let her be who she wants to be.


______Large Pack: [ Total: 12/30 ]
Snag Machine
Pokeball (2)
Revive (5)
Potion (5)
Snag coins (5)
Bottle of red wine
Travel blanket
Dried noodles (3)
Pokemon chow (4)
_____________•Location: Over left shoulder

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_____________•Nickname: Flicker
_____________•Level: 37
______Moves: [ Total: 3/4 ]
Fire Spin
Confuse Ray