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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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ToT Desu-Chan

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:07 pm
With Valentines day just around the corner, a few temporary open classes have been set up in co-op with the local Trick or Treater coalition. They've offered their expert insight to the traditions of Valentines, having a branch dedicated to the trade and acquisition of rare and obscure candies and confectionery delights. While they understand not everyone might think fondly of the other Holiday lands, cultural understanding is important, and is key to the future of halloween!

In-Character Note!
Valentines Day would and can be considered an offensive holiday to some halloweeners, as it would in part be seen as the antithesis to Halloween! The traditional colors, uses of 'LOVE' and general lack of all things spooky or direct from Valentines is to be considered abnormal. Remember- in halloween, spooky=good. Cute, harmless, lacking in FEAR? Abnormal if not repulsive for more traditional halloweeners. This can affect your character as you see fit, and is not a rule, but a general guideline to the setting and world of Halloween.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:10 pm
As you make your way into the class room, a summary and history is blown up from the overhead.

Valentines 101
Once upon a time, humans would send one another gifts on the day of romance in attempts to curb each others favor. However, as they kept trying to outdo one another, delivery humans where suddenly bogged down by larger and larger gifts of growing complexity and possible damages. To curb the burden, the people established rules on what could go through the carrier system, and so people were required to find new ways to exchange their feelings across far distances that were not material objects. So it was that the great card revolution began!

Now however in the age of digital things, many humans as we now know communicate with things like tablets and computers. Yet the tradition remains celebrated in both the human world and in Valentines. Sending cards is a time honored art, and is taught at a very young age to humans so they know the suffering of heart break early on, a vital survival skill our esteemed holiday colleges from Valentines teach the human race. One we might later utilize as FEAR with the basis of rejection and loss.

Today you will be making cards to send to your chosen. Be they love, rival, or boss. Whoever you like. Just remember, it has to fit in the envelope at the end!

Stage 1: Pick your Paper
Each card comes with two shape options, an incorrect heart shape, (hardly anatomical or even close to what the real thing looks like), or, just your typical 'hamburger style' folded card.

Roll 1d4 to pick your card color from the pile. Limited stock however means you have to grab whatever color is at the top of the pile. Bummer.
1- White; plain and simple
2- Pink; gross and really just an awful shade all around
3- Red; an Okay color. Maybe you can find something to make it a bit darker.
4- Black; The perfect color to reflect your love- a swirling abyss of nothing

Stage 2: Decorate your card
GLITZ! GLAM! MORE GLITTER THAN IS LEGALLY ALLOWED ON SCHOOL GROUNDS! Let those creative juices flow, and reaching into the backet of supplies, take a few things to add to your card. Just be sure to use it all!
Roll 5d12- If you roll doubles well, you got a lot of that item now didn't you?

1- A bag of rainbow pompoms.
2- An assortment of pipe cleaners
3- Googly eyes of mismatched sizes
4- Tubes of glitter
5- Red, Pink, and silver glitter glue. The glue doesn't really act like glue though...
6- Scissors with patterned blades
7- Lace dollies. Only, not made our of lace. It's just paper in a doily shape with no distinct pattern.
8- Silk ribbon that is always just a tad too short
9- Crayons
10- Used Popsicle sticks. They smell of various fruit flavors.
11- Random small plastic jewels.
12- Stamps. Stamps in the shape of kisses to be exact.

Stage 3: Mail it
You card completed It's time to put it in the envelope and send it off. Mailers and stamps have been provided. Lets just hope it fits!

Roll a 1d6.
Rolling a 1 or a 6 and the card will fit. You have TWO chances to get it to fit. If it doesn't, you won't be able to mail it out. And yes- At this stage ICly, it should have a recipient that it is ICly being mailed to. If you are successful, quote the player (and name which of their character) that will be getting the card.

A successful delivery, (along with quoted player) will result in your student learning an ability!

gaia_star Sparkle Slap
Roll 1d4 for damage- this attack always connects. Can only be used once per battle. This ability cannot be 'refreshed/recharged'. Does not count as a turn.
When used, one slap or punch releases a cloud of glitter that covers both you and your opponent.
Out of battle, You hit someone/thing and there is a glitter cloud explosion. It gets everywhere.

ToT Desu-Chan

ToT Desu-Chan

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:11 pm
The temporary open class is located in one of the home economics rooms, and offers on the overhead, some amazing insight to the values and traditions of both Valentines and the human world!

Valentines 101
'In Valentines, they are renowned for their skills in chocolate making. In fact, out of all the worlds, their chocolates are of the highest quality and caliber, making them the most sought after candy on the market. However, due to trade regulations and taxes, it's often difficult to obtain these rare and decadent delights, which has caused a black market for the darker flavors. They even have a chocolate that is covered with edible gold, and reserved for only the most special of occasions.

For humans, it is much the same with certain foods and desserts. One such being the black truffle, a mushroom so rich and rare, they kill each other for it! Unlike halloween where we can simple pick truffles from sidewalks and various creeples who produce them naturally, humans have a limited truffle supply, which prevents them from sending each other these delicate morsels come the holiday. For you see, in the human world, giving expensive chocolates and food on valentines is a way to show you care for the well being of your fellow human, and giving them food ensures they will not starve the last few weeks of winter.
Today we will be making the best of all worlds, Black Truffle Delights!

Stage 1: Picking a truffle
Each truffle, (mushroom) comes in a certain quality. They are all lumpy, black, and smell a lot like rot. but to the trained nose, you can just tell which is the superior truffle. Roll 3d6 to determine your truffle's base value. Each die represents one truffle, meaning yes, three truffles will have 3 different base values.

1- Top quality. Base Value is +2
2- Normal Quality. Base Value is +1
3- Low quality, Base Value is 0
4- Normal Quality. Base Value is +1
5- Low quality, Base Value is 0
6- Top quality. Base Value is +2

Stage 2: Getting your chocolate.
Rolling 6d6, take your chocolates and plan accordingly, it's all going to come together in the final round.
Matching numbers will offer certain bonuses. However, only one set of numbers will count towards your bonus count. IE: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 will only offer 2 matching bonus, but a roll of : 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4 will count as 3 matching.
2 Numbers matching: +1 Bonus
3-4 numbers matching: + 2 Bonus
5-6 numbers matching: +3 Bonus

For RP purposes the types of chocolate that match the numbers are as Follows:
1- Dark Chocolate
2- Milk Chocolate
3- White Chocolate
4- Strawberry Chocolate
5- Matcha (Green Tea) Chocolate
6-Sugar Free Milk Chocolate

Stage 3: Bring it all in
Your chocolates mixed together it's time to dip your truffles. For each truffle, roll it in your chocolate mixture, doing you best to make it presentable as possible.
Three times, roll 1d4.
The base from round one should be added to the bonus from stage 2, and in stage 3 you will get a final bonus.
1- Amazing dipping skills! (+2 Bonus)
2- That's.. well. Okay... just lay it on it's side, maybe they won't notice. (No bonus)
3- You need some practice but for your first time? not bad! (+1 Bonus)
4- Amazing dipping skills! (+2 Bonus)

Each truffle will have an individual score. In order to pass this course, two of you three truffles MUST have a score of 4 or higher. Passing this course grants you the learned ability.

gaia_star Chocolatier
In RP, if you use this ability one item be it food, clothing, toy; organic or inorganic; it will taste like a rich creamy chocolate. It will not work on sentient beings and the effect wears off after an hour. It does not make the item into chocolate or smell like chocolate, just makes it taste that way. Can use once per day.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:12 pm
An open class advertised as being part of the educational session tie into Valentines, you expect to walk in and find information on a task or activity to side down and do. On the contrary however, you find yourself being handed a sheet of paper, a small handheld music player with three musical tracks, and are told to report back with the signatures of your recipients. On the sheet are lyrics for each musical track as well as your educational explanation!

Valentines 101
Did you know that song is a method of speech in valentines? It's true! Often to show their passion and in displays of LOVE, Valentiners will sing to one another for any and all reasons. In combat, in anger, in fear, in well wishing- song is a way of communication for them, much like it is for humans! However, unlike humans, Citizens of Valentines sing back and forth, and have evolved a unique way of fighting using only their songs. They call it Valarhythm, and it uses 'sick beats' and 'soothing jams' to either seduce or crush their enemy's spirit. They don't even get physical. If you ever have the opportunity to watch a Valarhythm match, it's suggested to do so from a fair distance, as it's not uncommon for a singer's power to sweep bystanders into joining them.

For Humans, they to have a tradition of attempting combat by song. On valentines, many humans will attempt to use music to seduce their target and weaken them, thereby making their fellow human more receptive to their affections, or, to embarrass them in public. Some humans are so bad and fear this method of combat so much it generates FEAR! Truly, we have much to thank our Valentine counterparts. To better understand how this works, seek out three of your fellows and sing a tune to them. Get them to sign that you have completed your singing attempt and report back to the class room for credit.

This open class requires your student to go to three other characters and sing to them. Two songs that are suggested are:
_ Hotling Bing by Drake
_ Hello by Adele

The third song is player choice. When the student sings Hotling Bing, they will feel the urge to dance awkwardly. When the student sings Hello, they will feel the urge to be as dramatic as possible. The third song should be simply passionate. How well they do is up to the player/their 'target'.
Successful completion of this course must included:
-Three different players/Characters being sung to
-Them reacting AND signing off the sheet
- Your student's rp post as returning to the classroom.

A minimum 600 word count + successful competition will net you the learned ability.

gaia_star Hallorythym
For one IC hour per day, as your character speaks, music will accompany their voice.
In battle:
Rolling 1d4- if even, your song disables your opponent's focus, allowing you to only take half damage for the next round. This does not count as a move/turn.

Update: As requested, you MAY use NPCs as singing targets/recipients

ToT Desu-Chan

ToT Desu-Chan

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:23 pm

gaia_star Each open class from now until the 29th will only require 600 words to grant you the BONUS +2 RP points.

gaia_star If you complete with 600 words in each open course, and pass all 3 you will be able to snag an additional one time bonus of +3 RP points.

NOTE! After the 29th, the required word count will default back to 800, and completing all 3 will no longer grant the bonus +3. RP must be completed prior to the 29th to obtain bonuses.

Edit: After request this is being extended to the end of the month!

edit2: For clarity, that means the MAX points you can get is 9 barring the prompt response  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:35 pm
Mysterious Admirer???

Like any romantic holiday, Valentines is known to be a day when stalkers might confess their love. Or as some would call them 'Secret Admirers'. To have a secret admirer confess to your student, fill out the form below. You'll be quoted with a Random NPC student who will confess to your student via prompt. If you write a solo response of 600 words you'll be able to count it for +1 RP point and maybe get a little minipet friend.

To get a Secret Admirer Prompt:

[size=18][color=red]Say what?[/color][/size]
[b]Student:[/b] (Link Journal Here)
[b]I am interested in..:[/b] (Pick a Race, or none at all!)

To claim your minipet:

[color=orange][size=18]Well that was awkward...[/size][/color]
[b]Link to Solo:[/b]
[b]Minipet SN:[/b]

ToT Desu-Chan

ToT Desu-Chan

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:36 pm
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:39 pm
Say what?
Student: Keen
I am interested in..: (Pick a Race, or none at all!)  


Kindred Collector

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Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:05 pm
Say what?
Student: Sidron
I am interested in..: Feel free to fling whatever at him. >W>  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 8:13 pm
Say what?
Student: Keen
I am interested in..: (Pick a Race, or none at all!)

A strange, extremely forward mummy girl seems to have become infatuated with you- she delivers her love in the form of a handmade craft and won't take no for an answer. So- will you go out with her?

Say what?
Student: Sidron
I am interested in..: Feel free to fling whatever at him. >W>

A yandere centaur boy has taken a liking to you, for better or worse. A lot of people know his violent tendencies when it comes to romance? So how will you handle this confession. Which by the way, takes place after he gives you a bento box on the roof at lunch.  




Trash Husband


Kindred Collector

25,500 Points
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  • Partygoer 500
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:17 am
Well that was awkward...
Link to Solo: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=24897167#375917045
Minipet SN: Steal  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:27 pm
Well that was awkward...
Link to Solo: [x]
Minipet SN: Yayoi  


Super Sex Symbol


Naughty Advisor

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:41 pm
I can't decide so please take your pick of any of my dudes. One of them, all of them, whoever. They're all dusty anyway LOL.

Say what?
Student: Deacon, Yuki, Tanvir and/or Ziven
I am interested in..: Whatever you desire subjecting them to.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:25 am
I can't decide so please take your pick of any of my dudes. One of them, all of them, whoever. They're all dusty anyway LOL.

Say what?
Student: Deacon, Yuki, Tanvir and/or Ziven
I am interested in..: Whatever you desire subjecting them to.

I'm going to give you a 4 day extension (as of RN) to get this done since wow slow

Deacon- A local old blind bat monster wished to adopt you. She smells of mildew and raisins. With what seems like unlimited fund's she's offering a life of luxury. Just be her pretty kitty.

Yuki- A pair of very small, young fire elemental have taken a liking to you! They're just so small and young- not even old enough to attend Amity yet! Yet they keep giving you cute handmade candies and cards... How will you explain THIS one?

Tanvir- A ghost knight is determined to win you over with their fighting skills- by fighting you! Flowers! Swords! Really weird symbolism! It seems to be getting out of hand.

Ziven- A small nekomata is chasing you and stalking you. They say they want to have you- as a trophy. Creepy.  




Trash Husband


Anxious Trash

15,900 Points
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  • Conventioneer 300
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:51 am
Say what?
Student: Haze Vix
I am interested in..: You Pick!  
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