In my Guild, I have this ongoing Multiverse Crossover RP that is currently taking place in a Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Universe and I need some RPers for Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood characters.

TSSA RP Synopsis: The Multiverse as we know it, is on the brink of destruction. Time itself is changing as one paradox after another takes place. But that's not all! A dark warrior bent on Multiversal conquest is on the move, growing in power with each move he makes. Join Kor and his allies in a quest to save everything, traveling to the various worlds of various fictional universes (anime, video games, and more). Role play as your very own character(s) (heroes & villains allowed) or somebody from an existing series and band together to stop the dark entities that threaten the peace and tranquility of the Multiverse and even the very existence of the Multiverse itself!

Characters Needed: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang, Father, Pride/Salim Bradley, Greed/Ling Yao, Wrath, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth, & Lust.

Other characters from the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood series would be welcome, but the above characters are the ones we need the most as of right now.

Current Plot: The villain, Reaper, a Saiyan who is bent on conquering the Multiverse, has revived the Homunculi with a set of Dragon Balls. Kor, another Saiyan who happens to be a good alternate Universe counterpart to Reaper, has teamed up with a ragtag band of heroic type companions and there goal is to stop Reaper. In order to do this, they've decided they'll need help from those who originally defeated the Homunculi the first time around. That's where the Elric brothers and Fuhrer Roy Mustang come into play as well as Greed and Ling Yao.

If this interests you at all, feel free to check out the TSSA RP at the page provided. If you wish to join then please let me know, ok? I look forward to RPing with you if any of you decide to join in on the fun of my RP.