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It was late at night, but somehow a dim light flickered at him through the trees. Mostly, he supposed, it made him wonder. Marc didn't normally care enough about random, distant things to investigate them, but tonight... Well, it was late and he was unfortunately wide awake, so he got up from his supposed sleeping place and quietly padded closer and closer to the light.

The closer he went, the more cautious he was. Indistinct sounds floated to him from his destination, and Marc wasn't sure he wanted to deal with what was making all the noise. He crouched low and inched forward, until he could see everything clearly. The light was a huge yet contained bonfire surrounded by humans. Marc had never seen humans before. These ones were loud, laughing and talking over each other and the crackling of their bonfire. Nearby Marc could smell meat, but the scent seemed... off. It was as if they had burned it.

Off to Marc's left there stood three very tall and wide... bushes? It's what he thought at first, but from the light of the fire he realized that only one of them was even green, and besides that they had no distinct leaves that he could see. The sides were flat and smooth, slanted upwards into a point. What was it?

As he asked himself the question, a strange sound ripped through the air and the side of one of the "bushes"opened up. Another human emerged. It said something indistinct to its fellows as it closed the opening back up. That was intriguing. Unfortunately he was unable to get a really good look inside the thing, but he was still curious enough to want to get inside.

Marc put that thought on hold for now and turned his attention back to simply watching the group of humans who continued to eat, drink, and talk merrily.
