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Pride Information

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:30 pm
Pride Information

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:37 pm
General Information

The Kuroi'nera is a Mafia based pride that mostly lives off of trades between prides, or with rogues, although it is self sufficient when needed. They trade skills and company for the necessary tools of life. Nyoka, the Boss Lady of the pride is the calculating mind behind the pride. Her trade system has earned many 'connections' throughout the lands, by trading slaves, bodyguards and other services that the pride creates. Simply, the pride is here to raise, train, refine mercenaries, entertainers and other necessary traits that can be 'bought' and 'traded' amongst other prides to gain any necessary requirements.

Nanashi, the Boss, is the head of all fighting and the backbone of masculinity within the pride. Often times being the calm to Nyoka's storm or the kinder leader if you prove to be a good hard working member for the pride that he now calls 'Home'. He is the most doting of Nyoka's bodyguards and her mate who rules the pride alongside of her. Both iron fist and fair in their ruling, they form a strong team that makes for perfection, or so they believe.

Their home and the pride's lands is a crater that formed a long time ago. The craters walls have holes scattered within it which are now used as dens. Some of the holes lead to the nearby spring. Over the years it has formed a river crossing the base of the crater and a 'ring' of lush forest surrounding the crater's outer ring. After many, many years the earth created layers of under ground tunnels that are used as a central way through all the pride. Above ground a rock formation has formed in the center of the crater. It reaches a height of almost half of the size of crater's walls outer walls. Surrounding it is a small but lush vegetation that is a favored place to playful cubs and for quiet strolls. Though, this is not always what it is used for. When a new citizen is waiting upon approval to join the pride, a god is said to come and look over the 'oath' that the rogue in question has to say before being permitted to stay. However, if the God or Nyoka sees a flaw, they are tossed out into the vast hot plains of the surrounding Savanna, to either be killed or be badly wounded enough to severely scare anyone, even a god, from ever seeking out the pride.



PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:39 pm
Code Of Silence / History

The code of silence is basically an oath that a member takes to never tell anything about the pride, its happenings and or the pride location. Most pride members don't even know the location of pride except for 1st generation members.

1st Generation members are from the old 'pack'. A traveling pack that revolved around Harems and trades. Girls were either cub napped or adopted happily but put to be sold. Learning the basic tricks to seducing men and becoming detached from most 'loving' aspects. After the fight a young adolescent Nyoka caused between two ruling pack alphas. [ One Cheetah ] and [ One lion ]. The lion being her adoptive father whom was a strict harem leader. Beating his females in to submission.. then selling them to others. Pre-existing members were apart of this pack that long has been disbanded by the rogues and fight over females. The fruit of them stayed in a secretive place in the mountains. Where there was only 3 existing lions that were lived within the pack. While the others were cheetahs and leopards. All being pure breds and each one keeping to its specie.. except for the occasional hybrid once in a while that were regularly killed by the alpha leaders. From the influx of rogues left them bitter for tearing apart the already damaged values that the pride withheld. Cubs were being exploited as ... well.. being 'used' and females had no time to rest before births. All from what new rogues brought in.. and became either soft or too hard. It was no longer safe.

Now.. that fought over member is the 'Boss lady' of the Kuroi'nera with some teachings of her old traveling pack. Except. The way she thought a real pack should be like. Strict, secretive, helpful yet deceiving. She prompted the 'Code of Silence' to every member. To distinguish accepted members from rogue trash. Some of the same values stand. One has to prove themselves before being able to stay. Most of the time; hand picked rogues are allowed to enter but are to be dragged in unconscious. But this has been a new practice to keep the pride location a secret. It was by accident that Nyoka found this land. Wondering the roguelands to find a safe place.. and a place to collab devious ways.. to slowly become the mafia pride we have here today.

Where any look can get you killed. Nyoka, is not sparing. She WILL tare you apart if she has to.. and with her own paws if needed. But yet she knows that with an iron fist ruling~ the pride would crumble. So. She also shows a slight tender and negotiable side of herself regularly. Whereas Nanashi, is the face of the pride. She works behind the scenes making herself to be the perfect female consort/mate to such a big figure. Strong, knowledgeable and loyal. Just how she likes her boys.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:41 pm
.:General Out of Character:.

We have an array of options to choose from when dealing with plots involving a mafia based pride. Setting down rules for such a broad theme is really hard but it has to be done in order to keep this pride unique.

♦ We now have 'How to be a mafia member' section! Something easy to use and will put some light in to the mafia ways that are easy to understand! A beginners guide for the folks at home!

♦ Some positions activity required. Council, Ooka-san, and Geisha will be the first positions that are activity required.

♦ Your character will be demoted if your character doesn't have it's rp requirements for it's position. That character is default put in the sub-rank you chose. The requirements are steep, and we understand RL, so keep us (pride mule or Velveteen Angel or Chi Sohma) informed if you hit a snag with finding Rps?

♦ Always talk to the owners. We are open to AIMs and PMs! We don't bite! We accept a LOT of different crazy plots, but you need to let us KNOW about them before hand.

♦ Try to keep away from cubnapping. Cubs aren't allowed outside the borders unless on a mission or the Bosses allow it. Your cub may be 'traded' to another pride, but plots must be discussed before hand.

♦ You don't have to change your cert for a demotion unless you continue to be inactive. If you are- your character will be ICly demoted, and your character's status can be replaced by another more active member. Your character CAN gain back the position if its available and if you really aren't active. The default reason for demotion is that they have 'retired' to a Citizen rank.

♦ Please don't take demotions as personal. It is simply to keep IC rps current rather than uncertain/shaky RPs due to inactive characters .

♦ Hybirds, are basically as default. Slaves or Nannies. Depending on age. They may even take a citizen rank by default if their parents are from a higher rank. The result of these hybirds, are/can look forward to a life outside of slavery. If you want your hybrid to take a higher rank, you will have to work on rps/and missions ( however you wanna up your character's rank ) so they can acquire the rank you seek for them. Generally royal ranks are restricted from hybirds but it is not impossible. All hybrids, instead of ( 5 rps ) would have to satisfy ( 7 rps ) to raise in rank. Or ( 5 rps ) and one mission higher than 5points. Hybrids can rise in rank with just 5 rps for every CLASS and 2 to move within the class.
If your moving from class TO class. It will still be 5 rps. ( ex: Middle to High Class )
To move WITHIN a class it would be 2 rps. ( ex: Currency to Geisha )

♦ Homosexuality, like it stated before, but just a freshen up. Don't ask- don't tell. Whatever goes on behind closed doors. It is acceptable to the same degree. However, if it is flaunted out in the open- there can be consequences depending on whom they encounter. If you plot it that way- they can also be killed. Otherwise, we don't want you killing off your character against your will. So. It is accepted - if you are respectable about it and understand its a don't ask don't tell basis. This is not to offend anyone- as this does not affect the opinions of the owners or ooc member owners. Clarifying that we do OOCly allow homosexual characters. Like many members/ranks/species they have some slightly different rules which are posted above and below this post.

♦ Please do not take advantage/ be offended by the generosity and general 'upping/accepting' a status change or because someone got a better plot nor because we gave someone a prize and you didn't. We try to be as fair and open minded as possibly so please don't be afraid to talk to us about anything. We are trying to improve character drama BUT cut down as much OOC drama as we can. Its pixels. Please be respectable to everyone and their ideals.

♦ More rules to come when we encounter them. We also have the right to post more rules up if we deem necessary. These will may or may not be announced so please check in every so often.

.:General In Character Info:.

♦ Boss Lady/ Lord's word is Law.

♦ Earnings are; trades with other prides, tools, other members, slaves and anything the consort requires, even things like attention. However, slaves are the most common of the trades and if not that, cubs are also traded as earnings.

♦ The 'Nera has MANY allied prides, and if they are not allies they are trade routes. The most tightest of their allies is the Makini Adhima. They are the most common of the arranged marriages and also the most welcomed by the merchants. Other allied prides can be NonPlayablePrides win which we use to give out characters from. You are welcomed to use these as histories as well.

♦ Council members look after and generally get reports on each section's earnings to the Boss and Boss Lady

♦ Nannies are divided. Some can be solely be for one family, while most are for the general population. Nannies are only used when the parent is away but parents are expected to take them back to their den. Also, Nannies have the ability to adopt cubs on a regular basis.

♦ Entertainers can use company, song, massages, and time to gain clients. They have their own ranking system- terms of use; often the more clients they have means the more popular and the more you'd have to give up for that one female/male's company. Not all charge physically, it's what they can get from you later on that should make you shiver. Once you have left without paying, It's an unspoken debt.

♦ Hybrids are a wishy-washy subject. It depends on who you encounter. Most are generally ok with it but will down upon them or try not to deal with them generally. They are only really abused if you plot it that way. Otherwise they are just looked slightly down upon and will have to work harder to prove themselves.
..... During the meta event. Hybrids are gunna be able to do a lot more things and be apart of the pride like any other member as long as they work for their keep. Still, some members are NOT ok with hybrids and especially since they can take normal ranks so please be advised that not everyone will like that but they have to accept it in some degree.

♦ Homosexuality, ICCLy, depends on your character and who they encounter. For example. Bugie has a split personality. One kind and one mean one named Noir or Black Bugie.
_____ + Your character + Bugie = Bugie doesn't mind and is happy go lucky anyways. Accepting is his core value and really, he may be secretly bisexual so he will treat your character like any normal member of the pride.
_____ + Your character + Black Bugie/Aka Noir = Will gruff and likely hurt them in some degree /bully or abuse/. If they hit on him, he might just try and kill your character or hurt them to their last ounce of breath.
So it really depends on your character and the other person's character and what you decide when you plot their meeting.

♦ More to be added at a later date.

.:Views on Certain Values:.

Mated Pairs
..... ♦ For royalty, Mating is HIGHLY encouraged and frowned upon if it's with a Lower class. Mated pairs are only encouraged in the High class and upper ranks to bred good-strong bloodlines. Middle class [ except for nannies ] can breed amongst high class and within their rank. It's not necessarily encouraged, but it is accepted. Mated entertainers aren't encouraged just because they still have to do their job and mates would get in the way. Slaves and low grunts aren't allow to mate without expressed permission.

Arranged Marriage
..... ♦ Is encouraged for upper class and fighter classes to promote good bloodlines. It is not required, but if a marriage is arranged, it is fully enforced by the pride.

..... ♦ Are accepted for entertainers and anyone in middle class EXCEPT for nannies. Nannies aren't allowed to have 'flings'. Flings for Middle class and Lower Class are neither allowed nor disallowed. It's a "don't ask don't tell" situation. Though, if children result, they must be taken care of, or given up to nannies. Upper class can have flings but it's more scandalous and not promoted, for it raises 'tainted' or 'weak' bloodlines. It isn't rare to cover up such a frowned upon thing, that even sometimes the cubs 'accidentally' die.

..... ♦ It's not disallowed, nor encouraged between middle class and lower ranks. Higher ranks, it's shrugged off but it's always watched as a sign of weakening of the bloodline. [ Yes. Anything scandalous can weaken your bloodline in their eyes. The pride believes that respect runs in the blood, and blood lines must remain strong.]

Adol Breeding
..... ♦ Again, it is neither disallowed, nor encouraged. The pride's disapproval is determined by the character's Class. Middle class, they would tilt their heads and some will say they should have waited. Lower ranks mean that the pride doesn't care if they breed or not, even if it is at adolescence. Higher classes believes that Adol breedings are a bad age to breed. Depending on your bloodline/family, they will accept or disallow it. Young adult though, is prime to breeding and highly encouraged before you hit a certain age. The older you get, the weaker the blood becomes.

..... ♦ Don't ask, don't tell. Whatever sexuality your character is, as long as it's in your den it's acceptable. Most likely its really not a subject to bring to light and flaunt as not everyone will accept it. Generally if flaunted, it will be looked down upon and IF YOU PLOT it, they can be chased off depending on the characters they encounter. A general base by base/ plot by plot basis. But it is acceptable by secrecy.

..... ♦ Both genders can excel in any rank, however only one girl is allowed in the council ranks, simply because females are thought to be too assertive or too laid back on important matters. Though, males are the ones used to bring in strong blood for fighters and females are brought in to bring strong blood for entertainers/geisha. The only really sexist one is Nyoka. She doesn't get along too well with girls.

..... During the meta event. Hybrids are now allowed to take ranks past citizen and lower class. They can go as far as Geisha! You would just have to do the normal rps like any other member without restrictions YAY!
..... ♦ To the K'N hybrids are seen to be only good for slaves and Nannies. For the most part they are generally not accepted. It is however possible to make a higher rank. Though the hybrid would have to work twice as hard as a non-hybrid feline. Half of the Pride deals well with hybrids, while the other have tends to ignore or bully them. Nannies are the exception to this, they are generally treated with respect and kindness, though some behind the back whispering may occur.

..... ♦ Are allowed but are HIGHLY restricted in what ranks they can hold. They are looked at as workers and nothing else. Generally they are not encouraged to breed.

..... ♦ They are dragged in to the pride unconscious by a higher ranked member that is loyal to the pride. Rogues wandering in are either warned away or killed. These are seen as intruders. Rogues that are brought in are either blind folded or knocked out and dragged the ol' fashion way. They are then watched by all the members and live in the middle so others can hear when they leave and when they go back to their - not even a den but a - hole in the wall. After their 'Code of Silence' oath is done, they are either denied or accepted as a citizen/slave member till they prove themselves to be able to handle a different rank.

Rogue Breeding
..... ♦ Are not allowed unless, you are out on a mission. That will be the only excuse you have to rogue breed and there will be a list of those wanting to rogue breed. You would have to be on the list starting March 6th, 2012. Merchants are the only ones who can rogue breed frequently without hassle but you STILL need to be on the list that starts March 6th. Anyone before march 6th, 2012 can rogue breed if your soa is an ADULT.

OOC Note: Rogues are not required to get a cert change for Citizen/Slave rank if they intend to work their way up to a new rank. Please wait for your new rank to be accepted before posting for a cert! Save your certist some trouble .


[IC] Deserted...

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