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Coileani Draiochta

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:20 am
Coileání Draíochta
The Magical Cubs

A pride based on Wiccan/Neopagan beliefs.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:27 am
Mhuintir an Ghrian agus an Gealach
People of the Sun and Moon

Nestled in the area of the Udzungwa Mountains in Tanzania, around the Sanje Falls specifically, where the mists rise in the morning and evening, lies a pride slowly beginning once more. A pride that celebrates the natural world around them. A pride that believes there is magick in everything around them, and that with a strong enough will and a little work, anything is possible...so long as it doesn't go against natural laws.

An it harm none, do what ye will.

Coileani Draiochta

Coileani Draiochta

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:34 am
Tosaíonn Sé As An Nua
It Begins Anew

Once, the Coileání Draíochta thrived. They were an old pride, full of old traditions and rituals. They were full of kindness, never turning away those who needed them. One day, a pair of twin sisters joined their ranks: Múscail and Codail, daughters of the goddess of Truth and seers. The pair eventually ended up among the leadership, Múscail as the Maiden and Codail as the Mother.

But tragedy struck. A flood took out a good chunk of the pride. And then...disease came, taking out more. Though the sisters and a few scattered others managed to escape, the pride...died. The sisters and one other former member managed to make lives for themselves elsewhere, creating a strong bloodline full of love and trust.

And then...two cubs were born. The first, a female born into the Spirit Talkers, found herself in the Dawnwalkers among her mother's family, with her grandmother Codail. The second, born to a daughter of Múscail and the God of Fathers, was a seer. Visions of an old pride revived occupied her dreams from the time they began, her second-cousin by her side. She finally talked with her second-cousin...and together, they began to ask questions of their grandmothers.

They were to leave when the cub was an adolescent...but things changed. The pride the cub was born to started to dwindle and die. And at last...the two gathered their family and and any that would follow them and made the long journey, with the help of directions from their grandmothers, to where their new home lay. They would revive the old pride.

Life, Death, and Rebirth.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:34 am
An T-ordú de na Rudaí
The Order of Things

The pride is very simple, having few ranks. Their leadership is a rotating pair of trios; three females, three males.

Crone <-> Wise One
The oldest of the two trios leading the pride, the Crone and Wise One are ALWAYS mated. They lead the more knowledge-related prayers and rituals, and act as head of the Priests and Priestesses. It is they who 'cast the circle' for Sabbats. When the Mother and Father move up to Crone and Wise One, the current Crone and Wise One step down to become a Grandmother/Grandfather pair.

Mother <-> Father
The middle of the two trios in age, the Mother and Father are ALWAYS mated. They lead the more material-related prayers and rituals, such as things involving hunting or finding a mate. It is they who 'call down' Mother Moon and Father Earth during the Sabbats. The pair also often help out the Aunties and Uncles in watching over cubs, or assisting the Gatherers and Hunters. The Father also acts as a sort of 'warleader' for the Guardians when the pride is under attack. When the Maiden and Suitor move up to Father and Mother, the current Father and Mother move up to being the Crone and Wise One.

Maiden <-> Suitor
The youngest of the two trios in age, the Maiden and Suitor are considered mated, even before they step up to being Mother and Father. They are considered the voice of the young of the pride, and act as the reminder that sometimes young eyes full of innocence are needed to see what's right in front of the adults' noses. They often lead the other young ones on adventures supervised by the Aunties and Uncles, and cleanse the ritual area for the Sabbats. Chosen by the Priests and Priestesses of the pride when they're late cubs, usually, after the former Maiden and Suitor move up to Mother and Father.

Priestess <-> Priest
Those lionesses and lions drawn to the service of the gods. Seers most often end up among their numbers. They are the ones who lead the rituals for the Esbats and larger rituals that do not require the presence of the leaders. They also help those who are too nervous to pray to the gods themselves, and do upkeep to the shrines to Mother Moon, Father Earth, and Brother Sun.

The adolescents training to be priestesses and priests.

Grandmother <-> Grandfather
Those lionesses and lions that have grown too old to physically aid the pride, but remain to pass on their wisdom. They are accorded the greatest of respect, and are often asked for stories by the Innocents.

Gatherer <-> Hunter
The ones who provide the bulk of the food and ritual materials needed. Females tend to be Gatherers more often than males, and males tend to be Hunters more than females...but it can go either way. Their names are self-explanatory, though the Gatherers also tend to the 'gardens' (collective areas of important plant growth) to make sure they're healthy, while the Hunters also keep track of prey migration cycles.

The guards of the pride. Outsiders often meet them first. Despite being warriors, they are generally a friendly lot when not threatened. Both males and females take this rank.

Auntie <-> Uncle
The caretakers of the pride. They watch over the Innocents, and teach them the skills they need while their parents are busy. They often know how to tell a story, and are usually a very patient lot. Beware messing with one of their charges, however. They have enough training as fighters to protect the Innocents in their care, at least long enough for the little ones to run and hide.

Those who work with plants, words, and techniques that soothe and fix the pains and ills of others. They're the ones that keep the pride in good shape.

The adolescents of the pride. During adolescence, pride members are trained in their future rank.

The cubs of the pride. Their only duties are to play and learn! Familiars also hold this rank, as they are seen as 'younger siblings' to the pride members.

Coileani Draiochta

Coileani Draiochta

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:36 am
Conair an Spiorad
Path of the Spirit

The beliefs taught in the pride are simple enough, with one belief ruling over all others.

An it harm none, do what ye will.
The pride believes strongest in the freedom to choose one's own path, so long as you don't cause harm to others. No matter what else a pride member believes, this is the one belief/law that is upheld and followed.

Ever mind the rule of three, what ye send out comes back to thee.
A bit of an extension to the previous belief. The pride believes that what you do will eventually come back to you, three-fold. So if you do something nice, you get three-times the nice back eventually (not necessarily from that creature, but life in general). If you do something bad...it's the same idea.

There is magick in the world around us.
The pride believes in the power of the natural world around them, and believe that through prayer and ritual (not always formal at all), one can gently direct the energies, the magick, of the world around them in ways that benefit themselves and others, without breaking the laws of nature. This does not mean, however, that they don't encourage helping out that magick with a little hard work on your part!

We believe in the gods.
Though the pride acknowledges and respects all gods, for they all have a place and a purpose, there are three god-faces they follow over all others. Mother Moon, who watches over them at night and give them gentle and soothing light. Brother Sun, Moon's brother who is reborn from his sister each Yule and watches over the pride during the day and, though his light is at times harsh, gives them warmth and life. And finally Father Earth, Moon's mate, who nurtures them and protects them.

Our spirits are constantly learning.
The pride believes strongly in reincarnation. They believe that in each life, your spirit is learning lessons, striving towards becoming an enlightened soul. In death, they spend a short amount of time resting in the Summerlands and preparing for their next life. And then, they are reborn.
(NOTE: This is a pridal belief. It does not actually happen, as per shop rules regarding mortal reincarnation.)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:37 am
Roth na Bliana
Wheel of the Year

In the Coileání Draíochta, there are three types of celebrations. The Sabbats, the Full Moon Esbats, and the Esbats. The Sabbats are to celebrate the changing wheel of the year, the Full Moon Esbats are rituals celebrating the full moon each month, and the Esbats are any other type of celebration, from birth celebrations to matings to celebrating a particularly fruitful hunt. There are eight Sabbats a year, and are rather structured events in the beginning stages of them. The Full Moon Esbats take place about once every 28 days. And other Esbats take place whenever the pride feels a celebration is needed. (Each celebration RP will be posted with how the ritual goes, if there is one attached.)


The longest night of the year, the turning point when the days shall afterwards grow longer as the winter season begins its passage into the coming spring. It is, in the pride's religion, the time when Mother Moon gives birth to the re-incarnated spirit of Brother Sun. It is a time of feasting and the exchanging of gifts, of celebration that the sun shall return to them. (Because of the fact the pride is SOUTH of the equator...this is celebrated during the time period the Northern Hemisphere calls the Summer Solstice.)

Celebrated midway between Midwinter and Ostara, Imbolc marks the recovery of Mother Moon after the birth of Brother Sun. The youthful joy of Brother Sun helps to coax Father Earth out of his dozing state and so the earliest beginnings of spring occur. This is a sabbat of purification, a festival of light and fertility. This also a traditional time for initiation into the priesthood and the changing of leadership (when needed).

The Spring Equinox. Brother Sun reaches maturity while Mother Moon watches over him and Father Earth brings forth all of his colors to celebrate. The hours of day and night are equal and light is overtaking darkness. This is a time of beginnings, action, planting magick, and of tending the gardens. The first flowers are praised and the Gods thanked for the true return to happier times for all. Ostara is one of the more colorful holidays, not one of the somber colors found in Midwinter and Imbolc. Feasting and socializing are the important factors in this holiday as well as the celebration of the return of color to the natural world.

Celebrated halfway between Ostara and Midsummer, Beltaine is the great fertility rite of life, starting at dusk and continuing until dawn. This is the day Mother Moon and Father Earth come together to conceive. There is an old tree, bare of branches and leaves, in the center of the pride gathering area around which revelers gather with long vines and dyed lengths of leather, avian companions and baboon friends helping to secure them at the top of the tree before the revelers dance about the pole, wrapping the vines and leather around the tree. Food, fermented fruits, and love are the order of the evening. It is often the time of many pawfastings in the pride. The decorations of the gathering area are very sensual and colorful, with the Gatherers and priesthood sparing no expense of effort. It is said that a cub conceived on this day will grow up to wield great power and knowledge and to be healthier than upon any other.

Held on the longest day of the year, the Solstice is the celebration of light's triumph over darkness and that of the bountiful beauty that light brings into life. Flowers are common in the circle, roses and bright cheerful flowers are upon the altar and usually worn by all. It is the changing point of the year, and is a celebration with much joy, and much feasting. Many pride members will attire themselves in bright colors and equally bright adornments of flowers. It is believed this is the day when Mother Moon discovers her pregnancy, and the gods rejoice.

Lá Bain
Gather Day, held between Midsummer and Mabon, this is the day of the first major harvest of most of the grasses, herbs, and fruits the pride relies on the supplement their diet, aid in healing, and use in magicks. Though there is a celebration to thank Father Earth for the bounty, it is also a very somber time, as Brother Sun is losing his strength and Mother Moon and Father Earth realize this. Yet there is a tinge of happiness to it, as the cub growing inside Mother Moon will one day house her Brother's spirit.

The Autumnal Equinox, this is a much smaller sabbat than the others. This is the weavers festival, and a braiding of leather cords are done in the process of whispering magicks to add to ones life from what it is, each person weaving unto themselves what they wish and the pride as a whole weaving all the cords together to unite the power and efforts symbolically. The autumn equinox is the completion of the harvest begun on Lá Bain. Once again the day and night are equal as Brother Sun prepares to leave his body and thus begin the great adventure into the unseen, toward renewal and rebirth.

Celebrated between Mabon and Midwinter, this is the day when the veil between the Other World and this one is considered the thinnest. This is a time of reflection and coming to terms with the one thing in life which we have no control - death. Wiccans feel that on this night the separation between the physical and spiritual realities is it's least guarded and it's veil the thinnest. It is when Brother Sun dies, and the pride mourns him. It is a somber holiday, one of dark accessories and thoughts for the dead. It is a time of endings of relationships and bad situations and it is the time when one can see the glimmer of hope in the future. At the peak of the moon's path through the night sky, there is a gathered roar for the loss of Brother Sun and anyone pride members have lost.

Coileani Draiochta

Coileani Draiochta

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:38 am
Nósanna Coitianta
Everyday Customs

Magick is central to many beliefs in the pride. It is the natural energies of everything around them, and everything within them. And they believe that with focus and direction, those energies can be used to aid their endeavors, so long as they do not go against natural laws. Sometimes, it is very, very simple (only a few words asking the Gods to aid in an endeavor). Other times, it is very, very ritualized (a full circle with members representing various roles).

Don't get them wrong, though...although they ask the Gods and the world around them for some help, they certainly aren't a lazy lot! Magick only gets you halfway there! Needs some hard work on their part to get all the way there!

The Coileání Draíochta are the last to judge others. They are known for being very open and welcoming. And then there's the 'rule of three' to keep those that might be troublemakers in check. Usually. If there's someone on the borders seeking healing or shelter, they'll be happy to take the creature in, asking nothing in return. They won't turn their nose up at orphans in their area, or those seeking to give their littles a home in their pride. And those that lean towards homosexuality, polyamory, bisexuality, etc can find a home with no scorn.

Love of Nature
Because they see magick in everything, Coileání Draíochta generally have a reverence for nature and the way it works. For them, there is a simple joy in living in balance with the world around them, in spotting the first bloom of the season.

The Coileání Draíochta way of making a mating arrangement permanent. It is done with the exchanging of vows between the mates-to-be, a trusted friend of all involved in the mating wrapping a vine around a front paw of each member of the mating. After that, there is a celebration, in which the newly pawfasted mates are the center of attention.

The Coileànì Draìochta do not see a point in limiting how many partners a creature has, nor what gender they are. All mating arrangements are known to them...however some things are considered taboo and aren't acceptable: biological siblings as mates, anything closer than 2nd cousins as mates, and unwilling partners.

The Time of Wandering Paws
Shortly after adolescence has passed, new adults are sent out into the world for a moon cycle or two to learn about the world outside the pride with their own four paws. While it is encouraged to find a mate out in the rogue lands if one is not head over paws already, it is far from necessary...just something to help keep the blood in the pride fresh.

Common Sayings
"Merry meet" - a common way to say hello.
"Merry meet, merry part, til merry meet again" - a common way to say goodbye.
"Blessed be" - sort of like 'God bless' or 'Amen'.
"So mote it be" - said at the end of something to confirm that yes, it will be done. Used most often to end a ritual.
"As it will be, so it shall be" - the same as above
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