by Dr. Terry Mortenson

The writings of Dr. John Whitcomb on creation in The Genesis Flood, The World That Perished, and The Early Earth, were very helpful to me as a young Christian in college, as I thought through the challenge of evolution and millions of years. I was also edified by his wonderful analysis of the Book of Esther (Esther: Triumph of God’s Sovereignty). While I studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, I became personally acquainted with him by phone and have crossed paths with him many times since then. A couple of years ago I had the privilege of being a co-speaker with him at a creation seminar in Wisconsin. In all my interactions with him, he has always impressed me as a godly man with a great heart for God, His glory, and His Word, and a burden for the lost. As one of a few theologians in the last half century who has taken a strong stand for truth of Genesis 1–11, he has been a constant encouragement to me. It is a joy for me to contribute to this volume in honor of this faithful servant of Christ.1

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