Listen up!
The future is bulletproof
The aftermath is secondary
It's time to do it now and do it loud
Make some noise

The familiar introduction of Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance began to play in the arena as a shaky titantron video played. The crowd erupted in cheers for the surprise return of the man who had left not just WWFG but all of wrestling over a year ago, days after winning the WWFG Hardcore Championship.

As the music transitioned to Kanye West's Monster, Boxer Anarchy stepped onto the stage, causing the crowd to pop even more. The demon was clad in a more formal outfit than usual, wearing a pair of dress pants with a blazer and no shirt on under it. He stood on the stage looking around at the cheering crowd waiting for the bass to drop at the end of the verse.

I shoot the lights out
Hide 'til it's bright out
Whoa, just another lonely night
Are you willing to sacrifice your life?

The drop coincided with "Boxer Anarchy" appearing on the titantron. The returning demon took his time walking down the entrance ramp. A cameraman tried to get in close for a better angle of Boxer, only to have his camera pushed away by the demon.

Just stop it
I'm a monster
(Everybody knows)
I'm a mother ******** knows)
I'm a I'm a I'm a monster
I'm a mother ********' monster

Boxer grabbed the microphone sitting on the edge of the ring apron and rolled in, popping up to his feet in the center of the ring while the crowd chanted "Anarchy!" Boxer waited for a moment for the crowd to settle down and his music to stop before he began speaking.

"I take it some people here are happy to see me."
Boxer paused for a moment while a small yes chant broke out. "And I'm sure some people, mainly people in the back are not. And don't get me wrong, I'm quite flattered to get a standing ovation but I'm not back here for any of you people." The crowd started to boo him. "Saw that coming." He rolled his eyes a bit annoyed at the crowd already. "I don't care what anyone comes out here and tells you, there is only one reason any of us are here and It's not to entertain you and it's not because we love the industry. Every single wrestler in this company or any other is where they are to make money and become a champion. Speaking of..." The crowd had quickly turned on Boxer, showering him with chants of "Boxer Sucks!" The crowd quickly drowned him out and Boxer had to stop mid sentence to wait for them to calm down.

"Are you done? Please keep going, keep jeering me, I can wait. I have all the time in the world." The chanting quickly just became a chorus of boos before dying down when they realized he wasn't going to talk till they stopped."As I was saying, speaking of being a champion, I've actually held every championship in this company... All except for one. The WWFG Legacy Championship. A title so prestigious, only one man has held it multiple times. Cyrus Leone, a man I beat in my first Pay Per View match. But I'm sure you're all still wondering 'Boxer, why did you leave after winning the Hardcore Championship.' And the answer is quite simple. I'd been a wrestler here since 2011 and never in the 4 years since I debuted had I seen this company so overrun with losers. People like Talon, Andrew Styles and Salem Croft who wouldn't be fit to lace my boots. Talon and Andrew somehow even became champions and I personally ended their title reigns. But it wasn't enough. I couldn't eliminate all of the losers in this company on my own. So... I left... and I waited. I waited for those people to eliminate themselves and for the most part... they did. So now I'm back." Boxer paused for a moment, getting a mixed reaction from the crowd.

"I'm back and I want the Legacy Championship."
Boxer chuckled a bit. "And you'd think that after everything I've done for this company and all that I've accomplished that asking to be, not in the title match, but in Money In the Bank. You'd think that asking for that would be a reasonable request. So I went to Miranda Rose, our beloved interim GM and asked her. Her answer was no. And who all is even in that match? With the exception of Major Devastation it's a bunch of nobodies and losers. Bernhardt Rosenthal, Jason Byers, Renegade Young? You've gotta be kidding me." Boxer took a moment to compose himself. "But I'm a reasonable guy, so I ask her where I might fit in on the card. You know, trying to be a team player, because Chrono certainly isn't going to work with me, despite never actually being pinned to lose my Hardcore Championship that he now holds and the rest of the card is booked for the most part. Miranda tells me she doesn't have anything for me. Me. The man who is one win away from being a grand slam champion in WWFG. So if Miranda won't give me a match... I'll make my own. At Wrestlemania I will give anyone who wants it, the honor of losing to me in my return match to WWFG. So this message is for everyone in the back. You think you can stand up to the uncrowned Legacy Champion" Boxer stared daggers into the camera. "Come get me." Boxer tossed the mic away and proceeded to yell towards the back as the show went to a commercial.