A Harvard law professor has written a blog post in which he says conservatives have lost the culture wars and should be treated like the Nazis or others who have ended up on the wrong side of history.

The Washington Times reports that in his blog post, Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet asserted that conservatives and Christians are on the losing side when it comes to the culture wars. The question now remains, according to Tushnet, of “how to deal with the losers.”

“My own judgment is that taking a hard line (‘You lost, live with it’) is better than trying to accommodate the losers,” he wrote.

“Trying to be nice to the losers didn’t work well after the Civil War, nor after Brown,” Tushnet continued, referencing the Supreme Court case on segregation, Brown v. Board of Education. “And taking a hard line seemed to work reasonably well in Germany and Japan after 1945.”

Read more; Harvard Law Professor: Christians Should be Treated Like Nazis