As Legacies was coming back from its commercial break the ring could be seen decorated a bit differently, rather than the usual White Mat that is the norm, it was replaced by a black mat. There were easels standing up with Floral arrangements of flowers such as: Lilies, Daisies, Tulips, Orchids, and even some Black Roses thrown in to counter balance the brightness of the white flowers, in front of each turnbuckle. Near the Ring Ropes facing towards the commentary team was a Trophy Case with a very familiar looking Punkville Slugger inside of it along with the long since retired WWFG Punkism Championship. Standing next to the Case was a giant portrait of the man who created these pieces of Wrestling History, Matt Shanahan, a very simple portrait of the man who had a legendary career and has helped revolutionize the Wrestling World. The crowd was a bit confused as this seemed very unorthodox even for a wrestling show like WWFG Legacies, at least their was a podium set up so hopefully someone can explain what exactly is going on.

Suddenly the lights in the arena went dark for a bit before an Ominous Bell Could Be Heard Ringing, it was accompanied by the gentle sound of a guitar before a heavenly sounding chorus joined in as well. For fans of the band it was easy for them to identify the song as Victim by Avenged Sevenfold, a single spotlight pointed at the top of the stage turned on as a man dressed in a Deep Black Suit and in the Calavera Facepaint associated with Latino Culture appeared at the top of the ramp. He began walking down towards the ring, swinging a Thurible as he does, the spotlight focused solely on him as the confusion in the crowd's faces can be felt despite them being blacked out.

"House full of roses, a letter on the stairs
A tape full of messages for anyone who cares
Collage of broken words, and stories full of tears
Remembering your life cause we wish you were here

Nothing is harder than to wake up all alone
Realize its not okay, its the end of all you've known
Time keeps passing by but it seems I'm frozen still
Scars are left behind but some too deep to feel

And some say this can't be real
And I've lost my power to feel tonight
We're all just victims of a crime

When all's gone and can't be regained
We can't seem to shelter the pain inside
We're all just victims of a crime"

As the man with the Thurible finished circling the ringside area the spotlight went back onto the stage as two women dressed as Catrina's came out with baskets around their left Forearms. They began walking down the aisle throwing Black & Red Rose Petals as they did. taking the time to offer some words of condolence to the fans in the front row for their loss. They continued until they too made it down to ringside and sat down in chairs next to the first man who entered.

"Some days you'll find me in a place I like to go
Ask questions to myself bout the things I'll never know
Whats left here to find cause I need a little more
I need a little time, can we even up the score?

And some say this can't be real
And I've lost my power to feel tonight
We're all just victims of a crime

When all's gone and can't be regained
We can't seem to shelter the pain inside
We're all just victims of a crime"

As the song made it to it's second chorus, the spotlight went back onto the stage as slowly but surely 6 masked men emerged from the back, all six of them were carrying a casket. They slowly and carefully began walking towards the ring, the crowd in utter shock and dismay as they wonder what exactly is going on, did Matt Shanahan die?? Is that his body in the coffin?? Someone explain something please! The Six men wearing Calavera masks made it down to ringside and carefully began sliding the coffin into the ring. Making sure to not scuff the coffin but also respect the sanctity of the ring. They managed to enter the ring and they place it on a dolly and raise it up so its about as high as an average persons chest. The music dies out as the Six Masked men sit down next to the catrinas and the Thurible Wielder. The crowd is confused at the scene before them but it seems their is a little more that is gonna happen before they get any answers. The lights once more go off as the crowd keeps up their confused silence before suddenly I Hope You Suffer by AFI starts playing throughout the arena, and as if driven solely on instinct alone, the crowd begins booing as they know this music signals the arrival of their most hated enemy.

As the crowd keeps booing the stage lights come back on to reveal Omega & The Inversions standing there, dressed in a White Suits and masks that look like some kind of demon, Omega looks out into the crowd and raises his WWFG Intercontinental Championship to illicit even more boos from the crowd. They begin walking down the aisle and towards the ring, rather than their usual entrance they ignore the fans and walk towards the ring steps, slowly walking up single file and entering the ring. All three men look out into the crowd as they have not stopped booing for the much hated villains currently in the ring. Alpha & Gamma stand in front of the podium, as Omega begins walking towards it placing his championship on top of it. "All Rise." he speaks calmly and clearly as the 8 other individuals involved rise to their feet, and even some fans do more out of curiosity than because they want to listen to Omega.

"Ladies and gentleman we are gathered here today to celebrate the life and career of one Matthew Shanahan, a man who for all intents and purposes, gave his all in the squared circle. From his humble beginnings as a great big Jobber in the same vain as such greats as The Great Khali, Horace Hogan. Kane, and of course the greatest giant of them all The Ye-Tay! Then into his incredibly, ridiculously slow climb into a good spot on the Mid Card jobbing out to the likes of Cartwright, Kelly King, Ryuu Sakamoto, Marxx, Snypa, & even that colossal waste of life Jed." Omega's tone during his entire speech so far was very calm yet not without its obvious condescending tone. "Then finally, finally Young Matthew was not only able to make it to the top of he mountain but become a God Among Men, or at least some men. For you see of the three alleged Gods Matthew was the only one to fall from grace, which is saying something given that one of them literally allowed their girlfriend to be raped and burned alive by a 'mere mortal' as Gods would put it. So to know that the God Of Punks had fallen, he decided to do whatever it took to get back to that echelon of Egomaniacs becoming the Black Star in the progress. Now from what I vaguely remember from that time, Matthew decided the only way people would consider him a god again was if he became a violent and stupid animal again cause that totally makes sense huh folks??" Omega chuckled to himself as he finished his question, Alpha and Gamma could be seen stifling their laughter as well.

"Now eventually, Matthew decided to retake his moniker as the God Of Punks but with his very essence tainted during his time as the Black Star he was no longer the moody yet lovable Matthew of old. No, that Matthew unfortunately died long before tonight, no he had become The Storm. The Storm was a weird inbred Love baby made when daddy God Of Punks took Mommy Black Star and just piped her real good for the best 10 seconds of sweet sweet love making she ever had. I will admit, as The Storm, Matthew solidified his legacy as one of the greatest of all time finally defeating that dastardly Englishman Cartwright, the No Name loser known as LEGACY, and even finally destroying Kelly King 2.0. The Storm was raging with a ferocity unseen before in Matthew, but then..." Omega's voice had trailed off as he looked up to the sky and let out a sly chuckle "As I was saying, but then the Storm decided to cross paths with a new breed of monster. Now this monster was never the biggest nor the strongest, no what made this monster much different than any the Storm had raged against was simply that this monster was simply much smarter than he was. For you see, that monster was none other than the man who's voice is ringing in your very ears right now, the man who stands before you as the greatest champion in WWFG History, the man who looked directly into the eye of The Storm and made it blink, Omega." He spoke confidently before he began laughing maniacally as the crowd booed once more, having fallen silent during most parts of Omega's speech.

"You see folks, that's the beauty of all this, that even at his absolute best Matthew was no match for The End. Unlike Matthew who took the moniker of a God as a joke and eventually became said joke, I've never claimed to be such a thing. I was never a god, no I was merely a mortal who decided to Spit in the face of the strongest God he could find and then cut his head off. Because unlike anyone else in this business, be it Kelly King, Chrono, Bad Boy, Miranda, Major Devastation, Freakshow, Nuke Fusion, Dallas Cruz, or anyone else past, present, or Future, I can hold my head up high and proudly proclaim that I KILLED MATTHEW SHANAHAN'S CAREER!" Omega laughs as he kicks down the podium. He points at Gamma and Alpha and orders them to start destroying the flower arrangements, the trophy case with the Punkism title and Punk-Ville Slugger in it and stuff them into the casket. The 8 other individuals then proceed to get up off their seats and join Omega and the Inversions in destroying the beautiful tributes for Matt including the portrait, then one of them reaches under the ring and pulls out a gasoline can and starts pouring it over the casket. Omega brings out a lighter and looks at the photo of Matt Shanahan torn and stuffed so crudely into the casket, "Long Live The King Of Lucha..." he speaks softly before setting the casket ablaze, Omega and his loyal disciples standing their as the arena goes dark save for the roaring flames.