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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 6:55 am
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7 PM EDT July 3rd to 5 PM EDT July 10th

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Blue Sister
Purple Sister
Pink Sister

(All colored by Tonberry Queen X.)
These three cheetah sisters are NOT feeling the holiday spirit: they're too busy squabbling with each other! Maybe you can help them out? (Or maybe you'll just make it worse...)

The Rules:
  • This is a judged contest for teams of three, so get a couple of your friends together and have at it! You may only be involved with one team.
  • Your task is to give us the details about what's going on here: what are they fighting about, why, and how do they resolve it? (Or not resolve it, as the case may be.)
  • You may use whatever format you like - explanation, story, RP, etc.
  • Once your entry is ready, please submit it using the following form:

[b]Entrants:[/b] Username 1 (sister), Username 2 (sister), Username 3 (sister)
[b]Sisters' Names and Meanings:[/b]
[b]What's Happening Here?!:[/b]
PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:36 am
Entrants: DavyJnah (Blue), SSBrosB (Purple), magnadearel (Pank)
Sisters' Names and Meanings: Dilshad(Blue)-happy heart, Janan(Purple)- heart, Gulisa(Pank)- little heart
What's Happening Here?!:
Janan sighed as she paced around their little den that they lived in. Something had been bothering her lately and she was trying to figure out what. She felt stressed and tired quite a bit in the past few days, though that could have been from not getting enough food. She and her sisters were having a hard time finding food more and more.

But lately should couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed at her siblings. Dilshad had been getting on her nerves, more than usual lately, and Gulisa tend to shoot down any ideas that Janan had for finding more food. It was, aggravating to say the least. Janan felt like she had been taking care of two cubs for a while now and she was going to burst out in anger at some point.

She felt like she was the only one who actually wanted to fix their problems and try to make their lives a bit easier, but when she was ignored and dismissed, she couldn't help building some resentment towards her sisters.

And today was no different. She had been pacing around, trying to come up with some ideas as to where they could look for food while her sisters had volunteered to go out hunting. How successful they would be would have to be seen.

Dilshad was never always all there. Even from a young age she looked up to her sisters and leaned on them for everything. Though she wasn't all there in her mind there were moments where she was more in tune with things. She understood her sister Janan was annoyed but for what, she had no idea. Gulisa though always seemed to be bristled by something and that she didn't understand either. She loved them both dearly and never wanted anything bad to happen to them. They were family, shouldn't they stick to each other and love each other?

Now Dilshad didn't get angry very often but when she did it was a temper tantrum. A temper tantrum that cubs would throw. Was that maybe why they were irritated? But they loved her, so why would they be angry with her.

"Janan. I'm hungry." She groaned as her and Gulisa came back from their 'hunt' empty pawed. The purple female was the one she always turned to, the smartest one of the group. The one who was most clever. She would always side with Janan over Gulisa just because well she looked up to the purple female more than the pink one. Plus also a better hunter than herself. She relied heavily on her sisters to do the hunting for them.

She was not feeling particularly generous toward her sisters. Gulisa felt a bit left out that they weren't triplets. No her sisters were the twins. True it took a close eye to notice the difference, but her eyes were right above the difference and she saw her muzzle every day. It was like constantly rubbing the fur along her spine the wrong way.

If she was grumpy, then her sisters should be grumpy too! Misery loved company. Janan was always bossing and telling them what to do. Like her ideas were so great! The bright pink cheetah huffed. To get away from her bossy sister, she'd said she was taking Dilshad out hunting.

It was dubious at best. Poor Dilshad was simple. The conclusion was foregone when they returned from hunting empty pawed. Gulisa cast a glare at her blue sister who instantly sided with Janan as soon as they got back.

"Well if you hadn't ditzed off we would have had that gazelle and a feast!" She snarled back.

Janan heard the steps of the sisters approaching and could tell that they had not caught anything. No surprise there. She thought to herself as she looked in the direction they were coming from. She sighed when she heard Dilshad’s whine about being hungry. They were all hungry and a whiney sister wasn’t helping the situation in the least.

Gulisa seemed to be in a bad mood too, so of course that would be passed onto the other two. Janan sighed. Couldn’t they go at least a few days without something coming up? She would have left them long ago if the sisters hadn’t been so reliant on each other.

“We’re all hungry Dilshad. Whining about it is not going to help anything.” She tried to ignore her sister’s tantrum. She couldn’t really say anything about Gulisa, it was difficult not to be upset when not only you failed in the hunt but also in getting food.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting it to go well anyway, so I thought of some other places we could go to try to catch food. An easier place might be that watering hole to the west or to the east there should be a lot more gazelle and lots of running room, though we would have to work together to be able to tackle one of them…”

Hunting had never been her strong suit, though if she really tried and focused she could probably get a kill. It was having relied on everyone else for her entire life that she didn't want to really work for it herself. It wasn't as if she didn't try, she just got caught up in all the motion when out there. Something would catch her eye and she'd go from what they were doing to that. One of these days she might get left behind or something terrible, hopefully that day would never happen.

"But I am the most hungry." She grumbled as she made her way to the purple one, getting further from Gulisa. She was always mean. "I did my best. I tried." It was mostly true. There had been a flutter of wings off to the side that had distracted her from the hunt. "Food! Food!" She exclaimed when the smarter cheetah said they might try something simpler. Simpler always worked for her.

Gulisa just knew Janan was going to try to push her ideas onto them once again. After she gloated how they'd failed. Of course she'd fail with Dilshad along. That one was more use scaring up prey then catching it. She growled at Janan as the purple female started in.

"Thinking! All you ever do is Thinking! Why don't you get off your rump and help us like you use to do in the old days?" There was that faint memory of all three being happy and well fed, working together to hunt down prey. Times of long past tickled her memory and she shook her head to dislodge them.

"Ha! I'm hungrier than you Dilshad. I was the one who was actually doing the running." She spit scathingly at the blue. "You barely even tried and expected me to hand the whole gazelle over to you." She was at the end of the ropes with her twin sisters. Gulisa grouchily eyed the way the pair started to team off as soon as all three were together. Why did she have to be so different!

”Being hungry isn’t a competition Dilshad!” Janan snapped at her sister and rolled her eyes. They really needed to get their act together. She was at the end of her rope!

She glared at Gulisa. “Why don’t I go out and help? It’s because when I go out lately you seem to try to ruin the hunt on purpose! I tell you the strategy and then when it starts working, you decide to do it the way ‘you’ think would be best and then we fail! We need plans! And we need to stick to them too!”

Janan’s eyes rolled once again when Gulisa tried to compete in what seemed to be a ‘hunger contest’ that had just started. They needed to cool their heads and try to come up with a better way to go about this! The watering hole was looking like a much better idea now. Janan only somewhat noticed her twin going closer to her, though since Dilshad usually stuck next to her it wasn’t anything that she truly thought about.

“Enough you two! We’re all hungry okay?! It’s a fact of life, it’s kind of hard to live out here without feeling hungry usually and so we need to come up with a way so that we won’t be going hungry all the time, right?!” She was yelling now, which she really didn’t like to do as it hurt her throat a bit, but this wasn’t going to last if they couldn’t even get one kill in.

When the female yelled at her she cowered. She hated being yelled at and especially when it was Janan who usually never did. Everyone was stressed and being put to their limits now. She had to do better. She could focus on what it was that they needed to do. Right? They had to get food. Her stomach growled menacingly to remind her that she was starving. As were her sisters.

The female's mind seemed to progressively get worse over the years. As if she didn't develop like her sisters did. She did try to follow Janan's orders when they were given she just sometimes got very distracted by all the other things in the world.

"I will do my best the next time we go out for a hunt. I promise." Though she said this every time she really did try to make the effort each time. "I'm sorry." Her head dipping as she felt tears starting in her eyes.

She puffed up outraged Janan would accuse her. "Me ruin the hunt?! When I'm as hungry as you all? Maybe you just can't see your plans aren't all that great! Bet you didn't think of that!" She was yelling too. If she hadn't been so pink her cheeks probably would have been red.

Gulisa was about to turn on Dilshad too when the blue female started apologizing. She clamped her jaws shut with a snap. Dilshad was trying for the pity plea she was sure. But those tears. The pink cheetah stood ridged for a moment then gave a growl.

"Oh stop Dilshad! Lead the way Janan and we'll go over your stupid plan. But it had better work this time! And you Dilshad, don't get distracted!" She grumbled and muttered, giving in without really appearing to give in. Her sisters more often than not got on her nerves, but they were still her sisters.

Janan huffed a bit at her sisters. Well, at least they were willing to try again, but that didn’t mean it would go over well. They were still all mad at each other and if they didn’t want to mess up this hunt they would have to do their best and they couldn’t do that while they were fighting with each other.

Well since Dilshad already apologized, Janan figured she should too. She looked at her pink sister. “I’m sorry Gulisa, I’m not trying to be better than anyone else, I just want us to get things done the best way possible, in my opinion, so that we can focus on other things. It’s hard to do that when you’re starving all of the time.” She wasn’t sure why Gulisa seemed to be so harsh on either of them but Janan would do her best to try to appease her sister anyway.

Janan then looked at Dilshad. “Sorry for yelling at you Dilshad, I know you try to do your best. We just need to figure out what you can do and how that can help us while hunting. We’re all hungry right now and we need to concentrate on that more than anything. Then we can play a bit after we’re done eating, all right?”

Well, that was the best she could do. They would still have things to work out, nothing was ever resolved that easily, but hopefully it would calm her sisters down enough so that they could concentrate on hunting some food. She was really hungry!

As soon as Gulisa yelled at her again she flinched, tears slowing as she blinked them from her eyes. She'd do better. Yes. This time she'd really help. Hunter focus. Hunter focus. She repeated to herself. Once Janan apologized she started to perk up again, happy at least one of her sisters was taking it easy on her.

"I'm ok now." She sniffled. "I will focus. I can do this. We will catch something like we have done before." Each word made her feel more empowered. Like she could do this and help her sisters out. They were a family, they had to have each others backs through thick or thin.

The blue female went to her pink sister and reiterated what she had said, "I'll do better for you Gulisa." Then she grinned. Yeah. They got this, just like they used to.

She eyed her smartest sister. "Maybe ask for feedback once in a while. I have ideas too you know." It galled her that her ideas were never asked for. Dilshad never had ideas, so she didn't count. Gulisa snorted while Janan stated the obvious to their ditsy sister. It had to be stated to her.

It surprised her when Dilshad came up to her. Ruffled, the pink cheetah cleared her throat. "Yeah yeah. Let's get a move on it before Janan starts lecturing us again." She nudged the blue cheetah on the shoulder and got her moving in the correct direction. This hunt would be different. They could fight after they had full bellies.




Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:10 pm
Entrants: SilverLutz (Pink), AstoriaFallen (Purple), belloblossom (Blue)
Sisters' Names and Meanings:Moto (fire), Moshi (smoke), and Maji (water) in Swahili
What's Happening Here?!:
The three siblings had decided that since they had left the security of their parents den and had struck out on their own they would attempt their first hunt! However there was a small catch, they each wanted to do it their own way.

"I really think that if we just chase them into a panic we'll be able to snag one up." Moto said flicking her tail behind her as she narrowed her blue eyes towards Maji, who had other ideas. "I still think that if we pick of a weaker member that would be easier." Her voice barked back as she stood tall against Moto. "Why would we want to go for one of the weaker ones when there are three of us? We could easily chase down a stronger animal successfully." Moto stated rather firmly as she took a small step towards Maji in retaliation to her words.

Moshi had been silent this whole time trying to come up with something that they could all do that would satisfy her eldest and youngest sibling. Being the middle child sucked. Standing up she wedged her frame between the two females and cleared her throat. "If you'd like to listen to me for a moment I think I have an idea that might work for everyone."

The other two siblings exchanged glances and with a small grumble agreed. Moshi looked from Maji to Moto and then spoke. "Moto, you could easily startle the herd into a run with Maji down the route a little ways and she could easily snag one of the antelope as they run by her. I can help herd them and that way we can all get what we want." She suggested to them hoping they took the idea. It wasn't a bad plan, it incorporated both of their ideas, but without the weaker animal.

Maji mulled the idea over in her head for a moment trying to figure out if she liked the idea or not and finally gave a small nod of her head. "I guess that could work."

Moto liked the idea right away and had already hopped into action almost, though Maji needed to be in place for this all to work out.

Moshi turned her green gaze to Maji and gave her a small smile in reassurance. "You go get into place and then once you're ready I'll signal Moto to charge the herd." She said looking over towards Moto to make sure she was ready.

Satisfied that everything was going to go according to plan Maji disappeared into the tall grass and found a secure spot not too far away that would give her ample room to run out and grab an antelope as they ran by. This might actually work!

Moto settled herself downwind of the herd and waited for Moshi to give the signal.

Moshi had moved towards the other side of the herd to get to slightly higher ground so that she could easily see that her blue sibling was in place and ready to go. This was where everything decided to go wrong. As she went to move into position to signal Moto to charge the herd she tripped on a meerkat hole that had collapsed under her foot and it spooked the herd into running towards Moto and away from Maji.

Luckily Moto was able to get out of the way without being trampled but there was no way for either of them to make up for the lost ground and thus the hunt was basically ruined.

Maji growled in her throat as she came near Moto suspecting it to be her fault. "Don't growl at me, Moshi was the one who messed it up." The pink cheetah said in a rather stressful voice. Moshi walked up towards them and could feel their piercing gaze on her. "I'm sorry, I-" She was cut off by Maji. "If you would have just let us do it our way then this wouldn't have happened." She said bitterly. "Yea, if you would have just picked one of our ideas instead you wouldn't have screwed it up and we'd be eating right now." Moto's voice chipped in.

Moshi shrank back a little and grumbled to herself. She had just been trying to help! Why couldn't they see that? She knew that they were all hungry and this was their first hunt without mother and father but it wasn't her fault she had tripped in that hole. She hadn't even known it was there until it had collapsed under her weight.

Frustrated and upset Moshi turned and ran away from her sisters and disappeared into the brush nearby.

After a moment of fuming and bickering with Maji, Moto let out a sigh. "I think we went a little far with what we said... Do you think we should go find her and apologize?" She asked.

Maji looked at and shrugged and then nodded. "I guess... It could have been any one of us." She said realizing that they had allowed their hunger to guide their emotions at that point of time. It was just all so frustrating.

The two disappeared into the brush after their sister to apologize.

It took them a little bit but they were able to find her curled up near the hollow of a tree not to far away. Moto approached first and purred lightly in her throat. "Moshi, we didn't mean what we said back there."

Moshi refused to look at either of them despite Moto's words.

Maji rubbed her head against her sisters and pawed at her ear. "Please don't hate us. We really are sorry." She said hoping that Moshi wasn't too upset."

With a small huff she looked up towards her two siblings and lifted her head. "I'm sorry that I screwed it up... It was an accident.. It really was.." She said trying to explain it but Moto cut her off. "No need to explain. It's alright."

Moshi nudged Moto and Maji back affectionately and Moto was about to ask what they wanted to try next when they heard a sound not too far away. Instinctively the three of them slunk low to the ground and approached the noise and came upon an antelope that had broken it's leg when it had tripped in a hole.

Moshi almost went HAH out loud but refrained from doing so. "I guess we will have food after all."
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:46 am
Entrants: Das Tor (Purple), Redbud-Tree (Blue), NovaCracker (Pink)
Sisters' Names and Meanings:
Cocomi (Pink): Invented name; root word is Cocoa meaning chocolate
Cocobi (Blue): Invented name; root word is Cocoa meaning chocolate
Cocobu (Purple): Invented name; root word is Cocoa meaning chocolate
What's Happening Here?!:

Once upon a time a cheetah couple, close in their twilight years, had only three daughters - two twins and their sister, in their only litter.

To each cub they gave a similar name, to encourage love and closeness - Cocomi, Cocobu, and Cocobi. Their cubhoods were happy and sweet; and during this time Cocobu and Cocobi became close; always doing things together, leaving Cocomi to spending time with their mother and father, And as cubs and teens, this was fine -- in a close, loving family, this was a way to ensure nobody was alone. Still, one day, age came, and with age, came death, taking their father and mother close to one another, leaving the sisters alone.

And to that end, the sisters agreed to stay close. They began roaming, going everywhere, but Cocobi and Cocobu were always together, bonding and cuddling, hunting and living as if naught was wrong.

Cocomi, however, grew lonelier and lonelier, but said nothing, until one day Cocobi found Cocomi laying by herself, looking quite sad.

The next day, Cocobi told Cocobu she wanted to spend time with Cocomi instead.

"Are we not sisters?" She asked. "Why should Cocomi be so lonely?"

Cocobu did not understand - they were twins and had always done everything together, but Cocobi insisted.

Cocobu left that night, seeking to find her own way and left Cocobi and Cocomi to themselves. The pair were wracked by grief, missing their wayward sister. Cocobi and Cocomi each blamed themselves, leading to quarrels and finally, the pair split.

Each sister was nwt unhappily alone, for a long time.

One day three sisters came to an oasis from three directionds for sun and water and prey, and each, seeing their sister, bound together, rubbing and loving, and forgiving as they rubbed and purred.

Cocobi admitted it was wrong to not include Cocobu in time with Cocomi. Cocomi admitted she was missing company and she was sorry to not tell her sisters, and Cocobu apologized for being so jealous.

They were together again, squabble over, and would never part again.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 4:45 am
And here are our winners! Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter! biggrin

Entrants: SilverLutz (Pink), AstoriaFallen (Purple), belloblossom (Blue)
Sisters' Names and Meanings:Moto (fire), Moshi (smoke), and Maji (water) in Swahili
What's Happening Here?!:
The three siblings had decided that since they had left the security of their parents den and had struck out on their own they would attempt their first hunt! However there was a small catch, they each wanted to do it their own way.

"I really think that if we just chase them into a panic we'll be able to snag one up." Moto said flicking her tail behind her as she narrowed her blue eyes towards Maji, who had other ideas. "I still think that if we pick of a weaker member that would be easier." Her voice barked back as she stood tall against Moto. "Why would we want to go for one of the weaker ones when there are three of us? We could easily chase down a stronger animal successfully." Moto stated rather firmly as she took a small step towards Maji in retaliation to her words.

Moshi had been silent this whole time trying to come up with something that they could all do that would satisfy her eldest and youngest sibling. Being the middle child sucked. Standing up she wedged her frame between the two females and cleared her throat. "If you'd like to listen to me for a moment I think I have an idea that might work for everyone."

The other two siblings exchanged glances and with a small grumble agreed. Moshi looked from Maji to Moto and then spoke. "Moto, you could easily startle the herd into a run with Maji down the route a little ways and she could easily snag one of the antelope as they run by her. I can help herd them and that way we can all get what we want." She suggested to them hoping they took the idea. It wasn't a bad plan, it incorporated both of their ideas, but without the weaker animal.

Maji mulled the idea over in her head for a moment trying to figure out if she liked the idea or not and finally gave a small nod of her head. "I guess that could work."

Moto liked the idea right away and had already hopped into action almost, though Maji needed to be in place for this all to work out.

Moshi turned her green gaze to Maji and gave her a small smile in reassurance. "You go get into place and then once you're ready I'll signal Moto to charge the herd." She said looking over towards Moto to make sure she was ready.

Satisfied that everything was going to go according to plan Maji disappeared into the tall grass and found a secure spot not too far away that would give her ample room to run out and grab an antelope as they ran by. This might actually work!

Moto settled herself downwind of the herd and waited for Moshi to give the signal.

Moshi had moved towards the other side of the herd to get to slightly higher ground so that she could easily see that her blue sibling was in place and ready to go. This was where everything decided to go wrong. As she went to move into position to signal Moto to charge the herd she tripped on a meerkat hole that had collapsed under her foot and it spooked the herd into running towards Moto and away from Maji.

Luckily Moto was able to get out of the way without being trampled but there was no way for either of them to make up for the lost ground and thus the hunt was basically ruined.

Maji growled in her throat as she came near Moto suspecting it to be her fault. "Don't growl at me, Moshi was the one who messed it up." The pink cheetah said in a rather stressful voice. Moshi walked up towards them and could feel their piercing gaze on her. "I'm sorry, I-" She was cut off by Maji. "If you would have just let us do it our way then this wouldn't have happened." She said bitterly. "Yea, if you would have just picked one of our ideas instead you wouldn't have screwed it up and we'd be eating right now." Moto's voice chipped in.

Moshi shrank back a little and grumbled to herself. She had just been trying to help! Why couldn't they see that? She knew that they were all hungry and this was their first hunt without mother and father but it wasn't her fault she had tripped in that hole. She hadn't even known it was there until it had collapsed under her weight.

Frustrated and upset Moshi turned and ran away from her sisters and disappeared into the brush nearby.

After a moment of fuming and bickering with Maji, Moto let out a sigh. "I think we went a little far with what we said... Do you think we should go find her and apologize?" She asked.

Maji looked at and shrugged and then nodded. "I guess... It could have been any one of us." She said realizing that they had allowed their hunger to guide their emotions at that point of time. It was just all so frustrating.

The two disappeared into the brush after their sister to apologize.

It took them a little bit but they were able to find her curled up near the hollow of a tree not to far away. Moto approached first and purred lightly in her throat. "Moshi, we didn't mean what we said back there."

Moshi refused to look at either of them despite Moto's words.

Maji rubbed her head against her sisters and pawed at her ear. "Please don't hate us. We really are sorry." She said hoping that Moshi wasn't too upset."

With a small huff she looked up towards her two siblings and lifted her head. "I'm sorry that I screwed it up... It was an accident.. It really was.." She said trying to explain it but Moto cut her off. "No need to explain. It's alright."

Moshi nudged Moto and Maji back affectionately and Moto was about to ask what they wanted to try next when they heard a sound not too far away. Instinctively the three of them slunk low to the ground and approached the noise and came upon an antelope that had broken it's leg when it had tripped in a hole.

Moshi almost went HAH out loud but refrained from doing so. "I guess we will have food after all."
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