xxxxP H O E B ExxxR O S AxxxD A V E N P O R T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Bee

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY September 9, 2022

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND Aspen and fwooper feather, 11 3/4 inches, rigid with a decorated shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Shibuya Rin [x]

              LANGUAGES English, German

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2041

              BEST LESSONS
                  Defence Against the Dark Arts
                  Wizard Law
                  Care of Magical Creatures

              WORST LESSONS

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Barrister

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Arithmancy ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ E
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defence Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ A
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ O

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ CUNNING Phoebe is quite cunning, figuring out complex problems with ease and applying simpler solutions to things that need them. She often considers every angle before applying herself, and can't let a puzzle alone until she's figured it out.
              ◊ BLUNT Phoebe is also blunt. She tends to say what she wants, when she wants, and doesn't care about the consequences. This makes it hard for her to find friends and often leads to arguments.
              ◊ SARCASTIC Phoebe is also sarcastic, often using ironic tones to belittle those she feels needs it. She tones it down on occasion when she needs to, but she is still likely to use sarcasm in situation where she feels it warrants it.
              ◊ MANIPULATIVE Phoebe also has a knack for getting what she wants from other people. While she's not always successful, she does make sure that she comes out on top in those situations and keeps her cards close to her chest when dealing with things she wants.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Despite her general demeanour, she actually is quite friendly with those she thinks deserve her friendship. She is quick to smile and joke around with her friends, and often will help them out if she thinks they need her help.
              ◊ SPITEFUL Phoebe can be spiteful when she's pissed, however. She can and will do things to get revenge, often tormenting the people that have annoyed her. She feels it's their just desserts in those situations.

                  Rainy days
                  Winning arguments

                  Violent people
                  Slimy things
                  Using fur and leather

                  Horseback riding

                  Figuring out problems

                  Can't abide misinformation

                  Her family dying

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Phoebe is the youngest Davenport in her mostly muggle family. She and her brother Brandon were raised by two veterinarians, and thus she has a love of animals. She didn't often see her cousins, Arianna, Adaline, and Annabelle, and figured they were just not worth her time. As a result, she grew closer to her adopted cousin and his side than the other. She first displayed magic when she was seven, causing her brother to get attacked by a swarm of bees because she was annoyed he got to be special and she wasn't. This however meant that she was just as special, and when she found out her cousin was related to wizards, she proceeded to bug him about everything she could.

              Her relationship with Brandon however is better described as antagonistic as she constantly tries to bug her brother in every way she can. Once she set a snake in his bed every night for a month, causing her brother to develop a phobia of them. This was in response to him taking her favourite horse out for a ride without asking her. When she got her letter to Hogwarts, she rubbed it in his face that she was going to the same school and was going to do much better than he was doing, convinced that shouldn't be hard.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR Phoebe arrived in Hogwarts and was immediately sorted into Slytherin. She made a friend during the sorting feast, and had fun watching everyone else flounder around. Otherwise she made sure to watch her brother and his group of friends carefully because she got a kick out of her brother trying to figure out what she was up to.
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Second year wasn't that bad for Phoebe. She went to classes, harassed her brother, and hung out with her friend. She did meet one of her brother's friend's sisters at school, and wonders if somehow she can convince Treva into helping her annoy both Brandon and Diantha.
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Third year started off badly for Phoebe. She started off her summer before it dealing with the fact that her cousin's brother decided to play the hero with a group of morons and brought down the wrath of an insane wizard on her family, who had proceeded to murder everyone but Brandon, herself, and Michael and his biological family. Since then, Phoebe spent the majority of the year coming up with and discarding ideas on how to deal with Leon and his cohorts.
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Phoebe's fourth year was also Brandon's seventh year, and she had decided to come up with the best way to torment her brother. She started dating Peter Whyte, a boy in her year who had a atrocious reputation for being an arse and getting into fights. Peter agreed to help in return for Phoebe deterring some of the dislike toward him, which Phoebe had no problem with doing as long as it wasn't because he did something stupid. Needless to say, it drove her brother insane with her apparent disregard for her 'boyfriend's' behaviour.
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Fifth year saw Phoebe continuing her charade of a relationship with Peter and taking her OWLs. She also was named prefect, which she surprisingly took seriously. However, as her brother was no longer in school, she didn't have the urge to troll as much as she used to.
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Phoebe buckled down during her sixth year, taking the fact that she had just a couple of years left of school quite seriously. She also continued to see Peter Whyte, despite everyone considering her quite mad for doing so.
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                • Parents - Oliver Davenport, Jeane Davenport (both deceased)
                • Siblings - Brandon Davenport
                • Aunts/Uncles - Leon Davenport, James Davenport, Erica Davenport, Lynette Davenport (all deceased)
                • Cousins - Arianna Davenport, Adaline Davenport, Annabelle Davenport (all deceased), Michael Davenport (adopted)

                • Best Friend - Arienne Horne
                • Treva Warlow

              "SIGNIFICANT OTHER" Peter Whyte
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Black cat named Smoke

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED 1/2/18xxx
          UPDATES MADExxx
          Year and Agexxxxxx

          PENDED BY - Weasley 7/17/16xxx
          ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк 08/15/2016xxx
          RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY Weasley 11/26/17xxx