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          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              AGE Seventeen

              BIRTHDAY 08 April 2017

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND Nine inch wand made of cherry wood, with a phoenix tail feather core, flexible

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Bisexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Welsh, French, German

              FACECLAIM Lauren Ambrose x

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              YEAR Seventh

              BEST LESSONS
                  Care of Magic Creatures

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Healing ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Magizoologist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ TALKATIVE Ever the talker, Ceri can hold a conversation about anything. She's friendly and personable, able understand just about anyone's situation. She knows the right things to say at the right times and usually isn't afraid to say it.
              ■ COMPASSIONATE Ceri feels for everyone and everything. She can empathize easily and usually knows how to help. This helps her greatly as a friend since she can usually give the best advice.
              ■ LOYAL Fiercely loyal, Ceri will never betray a friend's confidence. She sticks by her friends through thick and thin, going above and beyond for her friends. In the face of great aversion, Ceri stands firm and true.
              ■ FOCUSED Whether it's schoolwork or pursuit of a good book, Ceri is focused and determined. Nothing can break her focus when she's gotten into a good book or her homework. When she gets going on something, nothing can stop her.
              ■ STABLE Where once insecurity and instability were dominant, Ceri is now stable. She harbors only small fears of rejection now. She is no longer afraid to converse and the stutter that once dominated her speech has all but vanished. Her mental state has normalized and she no longer fears her stepmother or her grasp.
              ■ FLIRTY Though she doesn't realize she's doing it, Ceri is outwardly flirty. A compliment here, an eye glance there, she expresses her affection often. It isn't relegated to one gender either, as she unconsciously flirts with both genders.


                  Her Stepmother
                  The Daily Prophet



                  Fear of rejection
                  Offensive Magic


          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD The only daughter of Lionel and Fiona Davies, Ceri was born and raised in Holyhead, Wales. Lionel, a Welsh wizard, worked for the Daily Prophet as a reporter and Fiona, an Irish witch, played Quidditch for the Holyhead Harpies. Fiona got sick when Ceri was only two years old, a Muggle disease called cancer. None of the magical attempts to cure her succeeded and she passed away before Ceri was able to form memories of her. Her father grew distant from her and Ceri was raised primarily by a nanny. By the time Ceri was six years old, her father had remarried. The woman, Belinda, was much older than her father and it was a marriage of convenience. Belinda took charge of raising Ceri, forcing her to study languages, musical instruments and a variety of assorted topics. Eventually, Ceri's father stopped coming back home. He'd found another woman in Egypt with whom he'd started another family. He remained married to Belinda, however, in order to maintain his family's fortune.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Ceri's first year at Hogwarts was fraught with fear and an unshakable stutter. The damage that Belinda had inflicted on her psyche was hard to overcome. However, that year, Ceri made a friend in the form of Eirawen Baines. Both were avid bookworms and had many things in common.
                  SECOND YEAR Second year brought some more confidence into Ceri's life, but not much. She managed to make a couple more friends in housemate Harper Warren and Ravenclaw Selina Grey. Harper was determined to bring Ceri out of her shell, making her talk more. Ceri volunteered more answers in class and slowly began to lose her stutter.
                  THIRD YEAR During the summer, Ceri had defied an order from her wicked stepmother and sneaked out, fleeing to Harper's house. She spent a week there having fun with her friend. She started her electives at school, taking Care of Magical Creatures, Healing and World Studies. She began participating in class a lot more, earning her first House points. Thanks to her friends and her new found confidence, her stutter had almost entirely disappeared.
                  FOURTH YEAR The first time she ever spoke back to her stepmother happened during the summer of fourth year. Ceri stood up for herself and refused to continue learning the piano, something she despised doing. It landed her grounded for the whole summer, but Ceri didn't care. She was finally standing up for herself. She continued to do well in school and even attended her first dance, despite the fact that she was alone. It was during her fourth year that she started noticing girls and boys both made her feel weird. Doing some research, she discovered that someone could like both genders in a romantic way. She decided she'd have to look further into that.
                  FIFTH YEAR Ceri's fifth year was an interesting one. She met Antigone Lillantine on the platform to school and could immediately see that something was troubling. On the ride up to the school, she accidentally admitted to Antigone her interest in girls and she accidentally reciprocated. She spent most of the next school year trying to learn more about Antigone in her attempt to help the girl. When she took her O.W.L.s, she aced all of them, scoring Exceeds Expectation or higher. Over the summer, she learned something interesting from the Ministry. With the help of her good friend Selina, they dug up information on her father's brothers and the fortune they'd dispersed.
                  SIXTH YEAR Sixth year was a trying time for Ceri. She was focusing on her studies for her N.E.W.T. level classes as well as her duties as Prefect. And the whole time, she was trying her hardest not to think about Antigone. Around their winter break, however, Antigone revealed to her some of her home troubles. Ceri responded by offering any help she could, and near the end of the year, Antigone accepted the help. She planned to spend the entire summer hidden away at Ceri's house.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Lionel Davies (Father) [Estranged]; Fiona Davies (Mother); Belinda Ingram-Davies (Stepmother)
              FRIENDS Selina Grey; Harper Warren
              BEST FRIEND Eirawen Baines
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Antigone Lillantine
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Tirol (Owl)

Skeleton coded by Cara MiaKitty

~ ♥ Cara ɱк
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~ Updates accepted by Dia 11/15/15
My account was locked, so this is SummerIsles reposting her characters. ~Summer 7/21/16
~ Updates accepted by Dia 8/9/16