The lights in the arena go out and the Titantron starts playing a video showing the outside of an old, rundown asylum with the full moon behind it on a starless, cloudless night. The camera focuses closer on the building for a few seconds before the image blurs out. Once the camera is refocused, you see one of the long, narrow hallways inside the asylum. The cameraman slowly begins to venture down the hallway. After a few steps, the camera turns to the right to show a door that is slightly opened. The cameraman gently pushes the door and you see a young, blonde boy sitting on the floor in a straitjacket, going back and forth between hysterical laughter and unbearable shrieks of terror.

The camera, then, turns back to the hallway and goes a little bit deeper into the sanitarium. The viewer is then directed to another door, this one wide open. Inside, a young woman is strapped down to a table, her head out of view due to a partially drawn curtain. The woman was desperately struggling to break free of her bonds until a man, who appeared to be a doctor, injected some kind of drug into her right arm. The camera zooms in on her hand, which was now seemingly lifeless, for a few seconds before the "doctor" turned around and noticed the cameraman. "Hey, what are you doing here?!", he said before he started to chase the cameraman further into the asylum.

After a twists and turns, the camera turned back to see if the "doctor" was still in pursuit, but there was no one there. The camera slowly started to turn back around, revealing a white and blue haired man staring into the camera. He had scars all over his arms and torso. A second or two later, the scarred man got a very wide and unsettling grin on his face. Then, while still staring into the camera, he did a little bow. "Welcome to my Mad Land", he said. "I am Alister Liddell. As you can see, everyone here is crazy. I rule over this Mad Land as a benign Monarch, but a Monarch nonetheless. I see that you have a curious mind, but you see what curiosity did to poor, little Alice", Alister said tapping the camera lens. "Now, as Lord of this land, dubbed Lunacia, I have decreed that no one is permitted to leave until deemed mentally stable."

"B-b-but I am", the cameraman nervously said. "Oh, we'll see about that", Liddell said as he took the camera. "For now, we'll have to run some tests to verify that." And with that, Alister turned the camera to face the cameraman being hauled out of the room by two very large orderlies as he was screaming for someone to help him. "Don't worry. We'll make sure you get all the "help" you need." Alister turned the camera back on himself and looked into the lens.

"You know, this little visit today has gotten me thinking. This kingdom is far too small. Perhaps I should expand my domain. Broaden the reach of my Mad Land. And I want all you future subjects to remember, anyone is welcome to the Mad Land, everyone here is crazy, and I haven't even begun to make you lose your heads. Heheheheh Hahahahaha AHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" And with that, Alister puts his hand over the camera lens and the feed was cut.