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Reply Promo Archives (2006 - 2016)
Legacy 20: Bad Boy vs Good Question

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:50 pm
Jim Ross: And our first match coming up on tonight's big episode of Legacy, stems from last week during the tag team contest between Good Question and Bad Boy! Despite Bad Boy's attempt to lead and help out Good Question, GQ went his own direction on how to handle the match, blind tagging himself in and getting into trouble!

Jerry Lawler: Good Question wanted into the match! Clearly didn't get enough time in the ring!

Jim Ross: Well his selfishness put himself in the hands of the Inversions! Question refusing to tag in Bad Boy despite needing the help! Until finally, GQ managed to get knocked back into the corner for Bad Boy to make the tag! And finally after two years, this crowd was behind him! Taking down the Inversions, firing up! Until out of nowhere, Bad Boy was nailed from behind by Good Question using the cane!

Jerry Lawler: Oh it was beautiful JR! And you talk about GQ being selfish? Not wanting his own body guard to get the job done was selfish! And Bad Boy got just what was coming to him! Leaving him down in the middle of the ring!

Jim Ross: The Inversions took advantage, getting the pin fall on Bad Boy! And after that, Question proceeded to add the final touches, dropping him with a cane assisted Double Handed Chokeslam!

Coming up soon, we'll see the match between these two, Bad Boy wanting to get revenge and move on to the Battle Royal!

Jerry Lawler: Was Bad Boy dumb to take this match or what? Not only is Good Question going to destroy Bad Boy and eliminate him before the Battle Royal even starts, but he's going to be in the Battle Royal himself and become the new Legacy Champion! Something Bad Boy was holding him back from!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 2:59 am
Jim Ross: Well he might have a rough night if he were to become the WWF Legacy Champion, and to get his thoughts on it let's go to Renee Young backstage with Bad Boy!

The cut to the interview set with Renee Young holding the microphone, talking to Bad Boy who is standing by her. They take a moment as the crowd cheers the appearance of Bad Boy on screen.

Renee Young: Coming up next, you face Good Question one on one, and later on tonight in the main event you're going to participate in the battle royal for the Legacy Championship. Question saying that you won't make it to the battle royal once he's done dealing with you and ending your selfish ways. What is your response?

Bad Boy: Good Question...... I brought you into this company to try and help you out! You were just a competitor in an independent organization that was fighting nobodies! I brought you to the big leagues, and wanted to help you become the monster that you could've been! Unfortunately you thought your style used in the minor leagues was going to work here in the WWF, and that listening to me was only an option! That was where you were absolutely wrong.

Because of your stubborn ways, everything task I gave to you to handle, you absolutely FAILED! I had to be there to guide your every move! It was a chore having to watch you in the ring, because I knew that if I was there anyways I would've had things done quickly, instead of wasting my time putting you in my place!

Last week, you supposedly "Had enough" of my "selfish" ways. Well Citizen Question, you have forced yourself out on your own! But it's no bother to me, because you'll have no idea what to do in the WWF by yourself, and you'll figure out that you're nothing without me allowing you into the shadow of greatness!

After tonight, you're just going to be exactly what I brought your name out to be. Just a punchline!

Once that punchline is made, history is made as well after I go into that battle royal and once again become the Legacy Champion! Seattle is in for a wild night!

The crowd gets a momentary cheer after Bad Boy's cheap pop, who walks off camera.



PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:01 am
Back to the arena, the lights go to a dark purple, and Strange Clouds by B.O.B hits and the fans go to their feet! The first verse begins as Bad Boy emerges from the curtain, giving a point from one side of the crowd, to the other, before pumping his hands up to tell the crowd to get up and get loud. Stopping a moment to back up to the center of the stage, he looks out to the fans, soaking in the reaction. He would then start his walk down to the ring, raising his fist up throughout the walk. Despite not considering himself "Fiscal" for the moment, he's still wearing the black pants with green trim and the dollar signs. As well as the vest with the dollar sign on the back.

Justin Roberts: This contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Cleveland Ohio; weighing 234 pounds: BAAAAAAAD BOYYYYYY!

Bad Boy walks to opposite the camera side of the ring, stepping up to the apron. Looking out to the crowd, taking another moment to soak in the crowd before stepping through the ropes. He makes his way to the camera side ropes, making his 360 spin into throwing his fist up to the fans, the ring posts shooting sparks to the air. Bad keeps his pose for the time of the sparks shooting out. Finally dropping his arm as the sparks subsided, quickly taking off his vest, tossing it to the outside of the ring where the stage hand is present to take care of.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:02 am
Just then the lights switched to a dark green, as the crowd started booing. The titantron showed a heart monitor with the line a bright green, a couple of heart beats showing, the beeps going faster and faster until an explosion of the line occurs. The pieces of the line come together to spell out one name.


Good Question's Theme starts up finally, the crowd's booing getting only louder once the big Question steps out from the curtain. He didn't hesitate at all, only marching down the aisle. No wasting time or movement to bother with the crowd.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, GOOD QUESTIONNNNNNNN!

Good Question gets to the end of the aisle, walking right to the ring-

Bad Boy standing in the ring, awaited for the big man to walk at the right spot. Wanting to get a head start, he ran off the ropes, sprinting towards Question. Luckily he was in the ring long enough to know how far he needed to move, as he flew over the top rope, looking to land on Good Question with a Plancha!

Question never saw it coming! The arena was a dark green, and the ring itself wasn't lit up at all! So Bad Boy came flying, landing on top of Good Question, both men crashing down to the floor! Totally disoriented from the dive!

Bad Boy landed on top of Question, a nice cushion of a landing! Finally the lights came back on, to the sight of Bad Boy raining down punches to the head of Good Question! Letting the adrenaline loose, looking to wear down his former body guard quickly!



PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:03 am
Bad Boy finished the outburst of right hands to Good Question, standing up and looking to the fans that were going nuts after the dive. Nodding to them for a second in appreciation. It had been a while since he had the crowd behind him, and it felt better than ever!

Good Question rolled to his stomach, crawling away from Bad towards the ring. He started pushing himself to his feet, his head a bit fuzzy from the right hands!

Bad Boy turned to GQ, seeing him starting to his feet, and realizes that he's near the ring post! Perfect opportunity, as he charges towards Question, looking to jump at him for a knee right to the back, hoping to knock him towards the ring post!

The knee connected right into Good Question's back! Not only catching him in the kidneys and knocking the air out of him, but the momentum was enough to send him face first into the ring post! The crowd letting out an "Oohhhhhh!" when they see his head collide with the post! Collapsing afterwards, dropping right to his back, holding his face! Trying way too hard to catch his breath, and nurse the pain starting from his head bashing off the post!

Bad landed onto his feet after sending a knee into the back of Question. Watching as his former body guard slam his face into the ring post! The move doing more than he thought, assuming the small minded man wouldn't have much to lose in his head. Still running a skull into the metal pole will harm any man.

Bad Boy would then walk to the barricade, right over Good Question, and lean back into it. Basking in the glory and fanfare, raising his fists up. This providing an opportunity to catch a slight rest.

While Bad Boy was posing with the fans, Good Question was still trying to take care of the blast into his head. Rolling again to his stomach, so that he could slowly push himself to his knees. The early two big moves causing problems, leaving Question in a state of anger! Unfortunately the recovery process is slow for the big man!

Bad Boy watches as Question slowly raises up. He moves over to GQ, in perfect range as he grabs Question by the head. Sizing him up, and looking to land a couple of right hands to the face! Easy offense, but every shot counting in wearing Question down!

The right hand connecting right in the forehead of Question! The shots finding their mark, effecting the big man more and more! His vision starting to blur, however he can note where Bad Boy is, and in a bit of desperation, wildly swings a right hand to the body!

The right hand connects, and despite it being sloppy, it was still powerful enough to take some air out when it connects to the ribs! Needing to take a step back to get his breath, he would look to take back control by sending an elbow towards the head of Good Question! This would be before Bad would try to move Question towards the ring so that he can roll him in.

Thinking that he gained separation, Question started to try and make sense of where he was. That was stopped suddenly with an elbow right to the back of the head, sending him to his hands and knees! Question was pulled up to his feet, and shoved towards the ring, where he would roll in and remain on his back near the corner, looking up at the blurry lights.

Bad Boy got the big man in, with quite the struggle of even moving his big frame into the ring. Even worse with a shortened breath from the shot to the ribs, to which he would need a deep breath before starting to pull himself to the apron by the ropes. Stepping through to enter the ring, the referee would finally ring the bell to start the match!

Bad Boy walks over to the corner, and pulls himself up to the second rope. Standing up, he would look to get some damage on Good Question, by jumping off and attempting an Elbow Drop! If connected, Bad would look to try and hook the leg for the quick pin fall!

The only thing going through his mind, was the sound of a bell, which was continuing to ring in his head. Suddenly 230 pounds came crashing down on the giant chest of Question! The air driven out his lungs, a loud roar of pain was heard from the shot.

Trying to catch his breath, there was a loud thud, followed by the shout of "ONE!" Question realizes what was occurring! Hearing the second pound with the count of "TWO!" GQ raises his shoulder up immediately! Remaining in the match, and Question rolls to his side to make sure he doesn't have his shoulders down.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:04 am
The kick out forced Bad Boy up to his knees, stretching his right arm out after using it from the elbow drop. Standing up with the help of the ropes, he would move to the middle of the ring, waiting for Question to get up. Bad Boy would look to try and connect with a couple of chops to the chest, working to back him up to the corner. So that he would run to the opposite side, and attempt to rush in and jump towards him for the Stinger Splash!

Question was slow to get back to his feet, finally able to breathe correctly after the punishment from the Elbow Drop. Turning right into the Knife Edge Chop, each one lighting up Question's chest! However the sting of the chops seem to have only woken him up! Backing up to the corner, he watches as Bad Boy goes to the corner, in order to sprint back! As he sees his former employer jump at him, he would put his elbow out in front of him, catching him with an elbow!

Bad Boy flew, right into the elbow of Good Question! Catching him right into the jaw, he drops to a knee before stumbling to the middle of the ring. Dazed and confused, trying to get his balance back!

Good Question remains in the corner, watching Bad Boy wobble to the middle of the ring. The Big Question would simply wait for him to turn around, so that he would charge for a Clothesline! Looking to put all his weight behind it!

Bad Boy turned right into it! The Clothesline clobbering him, dropping him right to the mat! His head whip lashing from the impact, momentum forcing him to roll to his side as he held the back of his skull! The first real offensive move taken from Good Question in the match, and a good reason why as he hits like a truck every time!



PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:05 am
Good Question leaned his head back, soaking in how great it felt to attack the man he would despise since the start of the year. The pre-match dive had pissed him off further, and finally got an opportunity to strike. Question then looked down at Bad Boy, writhing in pain. He would try to pull Bad Boy back up to his feet by his head, and attempt to pick him up, and drop him down with a Scoop Slam! If successful, GQ would follow up with a Jumping Elbow Drop to the chest

Bad Boy was pulled back up to his feet, still messed up with the elbow catching him in the jaw. Soon he was picked up, with ease, and simply slammed right to the mat! The slam sent shock waves from his spine through his body, making him a little numb. Suddenly he'd feel the weight of 300 plus pounds, crashing down onto his chest! Waking up his body, but at the same time the air was completely driven out of his lungs! The crowd letting out another "Oooohhhh!" from the drop! The only thing he could muster was pint sounds of pain, as he tries to catch his breath, as he tried folding up to hold his ribs.

Question stayed on top of Bad Boy, as he tried folding up, letting the pain continue! He would then proceed to roll and push Bad down to the mat, in an attempt to pin him!

Bad Boy was pushed back down, Question on top for the pin fall!


Bad Boy barely raises his shoulder up, the crowd breathing a sigh of relief! The way the ref's hand was coming down, they thought that Question had it won!

Question was up on his knees, raising his arm up in victory, but the referee tried shoving it down, saying that it was only a two count! GQ looked at him, in a thought that the ref might've had a slow count, though it wasn't different from the count he was given earlier. He looked at Bad Boy, after the kick out, and would try to force him back down, but instead of a pin attempt, he would look to wrap his hands around the throat of Bad Boy, and try to choke him! Something Good Question was known for!

Bad Boy tried to breath heavily, in hopes to regain his air so that he can try to force himself back up. Suddenly he was pushed back to the mat again, but this time it was worse than a pin attempt! Feeling the huge hands of Question wrap around his throat, with every bit of pressure on them, the choke closed up the wind pipe of Bad Boy! Trying as hard as he can, to breathe in, but only to remain unsuccessful! The only thing he could do was try to push Question's hands off him!

Meanwhile the referee, originally going down to count possibly a pin, realizes that Question was starting to illegally choke Bad Boy! At first trying to pull his hands off Bad Boy, he would then let go and start to count Question, looking to disqualify him if he doesn't listen to his ruling!

Question continued his choke, despite the ref's original plan to try to pull him off. The big man overpowering both the ref, and Bad Boy! Absolutely enjoying the fact that his former boss was suffering, at his hands! However he hears the start of a count, reaching up to two. Question reminds himself that there could be a disqualification if he doesn't let go! The ref hits four, and Question releases, raising his hands right up into the air, making sure the ref knows the choking stopped. The ref starts yelling at Good Question, reminding him that it's a wrestling match, not a brawl, or an attempted murder!

Bad Boy rolls to his stomach as soon as the hold is released, holding his throat with his hand, the other one pushing off the mat to make sure his face is off the mat so that he can breathe! However the breathing is interrupted with coughing, making the ribs hurt even more! His body starting to crumple up in the suffering.

Good Question got back to his feet, finishing the argument with the referee. He returned his focus back to Bad Boy, who was now rolled so that the choking current occur. He had a quick thought of what to do, and went to pull Bad Boy up to his feet by the back of his tights. Facing the back of Bad Boy, Question looked to send a forearm right to the middle of his back!

Bad Boy felt his tights being pulled, his waist band forcing him up to his feet, something he didn't want what so ever! The forearm drilled him right in the back! The forearm of Good Question caught him in the kidneys, and in the ribs! Collapsing to his knees and forearm, his right arm holding his ribs, continuing his breathing struggles.

Good Question didn't let much time for Bad Boy to relax. Question looked to pull Bad back up to feet by his arms. GQ would then try to pull him by his hair to control his head, and try to drive him forward with a Headbutt to the back of his head!

Bad Boy was brought back up, at first doubling over holding his ribs. Dropping to a knee before he was pulled back up by his hair, standing straight up. Expecting to feeling his body to be attacked, he braced himself, but instead got the feeling of a hard human head hammering him in the back of his head! Immediately falling forward, holding the back of his head. The cameras catching him mouthing out "Oh......god that hurt!"

Question shook his head after the headbutt, maybe using his head as a weapon when that was slammed into a post before wasn't a bright idea?

Nonetheless GQ wanted to continue on his attack, noting that he might be close to ending his opponent in this match. Question would look to bring Bad Boy up to his feet, bring him to the nearest corner. From there he would look for a HARD Irish Whip towards the opposite corner!

Bad Boy was pulled back up to his feet, the back of his head throbbing from the headbutt. Pushed back to the corner, he initially thought he could stand up with help of the ropes. That was dashed away as he's pulled out, and whipped full force into the corner! Crashing back first, and dropped to his knees after drilling the turnbuckles. Once again the numbing sensation going through his body as he writhes in pain.

Good Question watched Bad Boy crash into the turnbuckle! Leaning back into the corner they were at originally, watching the former Legacy Champion on his knees in pain. Only thinking of nothing but attacking, Question would wait until Bad stands, so that he could charge right at him for a Splash in the corner!

Bad Boy leaned back into the corner, getting himself into the sitting position, breathing heavily. The one thing he needed to do was get himself to his feet, thankfully he's in the corner, and was able to pull himself to his feet in the corner. He looked across the ring to his former bodyguard, and saw the big guy rushing in! The immediate thought was to defend himself, and lift both feet up to get both of his boots to catch Question in the face!

Question got punished for doing the same thing Bad Boy did earlier in the match! The charge in got a shot to his face, both boots catching him! GQ held his face as he backed away from Bad Boy. Getting all the way to the middle of the ring.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:06 am
Bad Boy finally got a reversal on Good Question, and looked to continue, hoping to start up the momentum and adrenaline to get some huge damage on Question! Looking to start off by charging out of the corner, looking to jump at Good Question and attempt a Hart Attack Clothesline!

Good Question shook his head as he would look to see what Bad Boy was doing. He saw the man jump at him, his legs forward and looking to wrap his arm around Question's neck. The easiest thing to do, was to lift his arm up, catch Bad Boy, and drop down to his knees! Some calling it a modified Sidewalk Slam!

Bad Boy didn't expect GQ to react as quickly, and was caught and was slammed straight down! Rolling to his side, holding his ribs. This move was twice as worse seeing the fact that his ribs were horribly damaged at this point. The fire he wanted to start up, was immediately doused before anything could be done!

Question was on his knees looking around at the crowd, quickly taken out of the match right as they were starting up. Looking back down at Bad Boy, Question would look to push him to his back and lay down on top of him, in an attempt of a lazy pin.

Bad was pushed to his back, with the 300 pound man laying on top of him.


Bad threw his shoulder up right after two was hit. The amount of time Question took for the pin, allowed for a recovery.

Good Question sat up right after the kick out, looking up at the referee, again thinking that it was a slow count. Slowly pushing himself to his feet, before continuing, arguing the speed of the count, and the fact that it should've been a three. Cornering the ref, numerous threats and insults occurred, but the decision wasn't reverse and the match was going to continue to GQ's dismay.

Once again, Good Question was wasting time, with a referee argument. Bad Boy spent this time continuing his recovery process. His breath returning to him, his ribs, while still sore, felt better than they were during the beating. Finally his neck wasn't as burnt as it was when he was choked, along with his throat clearing. However he wasn't quick to jump into the fight, simply remaining on his side, playing a bit of possum.

Good Question turned back to Bad Boy, seeing him still down and out. Makes his way back towards him, and would try to pull him back to his feet. From there Question would look to set up to spike Bad Boy to the ground with the Double Handed Chokeslam!

Bad Boy was pulled up to his feet, but before Question could get his hands around his throat, Bad Boy looked to surprise him by lunging at him for a Back Elbow to the jaw!

The surprise was real, as the elbow connected to Good Question! Stunning the big man, forcing him to stumble back a step!

Bad Boy nearly fell over after giving the elbow to Question. Once he regained his posture, he would look to throw a big right hand to the face of Question, following it up with a back hand to the jaw!

Question would look to try and strike Bad Boy, but was literally beaten to the punch! Followed by the back hand to the jaw, making Question take another step back. Question would then look to wildly swing his arm, hoping to catch Bad Boy with a shot to the head!

Bad Boy sees the right hand coming, ducking it, and would try to hit Question with another right hand, back hand combo to the face of Good Question!

The wild swing and miss put Question off balance, and the two strikes connect to Good Question once again! GQ stumbled back a few steps, and felt the need to fire back and stop the momentum! With the separation, Question looked to close in on Bad Boy and attempt a Clothesline!

Once again, Bad Boy sees Question coming in with a wild attempt at offense! Ducking the Clothesline, Bad Boy would wait for Question to turn around so that he could fire off with more and more right handed punches to the face of Question! Momentum shifting in his direction even more!

Question turns into the right hands, every couple of them taking him a step back. All the way back until he's at the ropes, continuing to be pelted in the face with the right hand of Bad Boy! The referee starting to get in, counting to Bad Boy for attacking while Question is in the ropes!

Adrenaline kicking in, Bad Boy was feeling the fire burning! Each right hand feeling fantastic, his shots coming in faster and faster! Soon he'd hear the ref's count starting up, which he had no problem in letting go. Looking to capitalize, Bad would look to run, and bounce off the opposite ropes and look for a Flying Forearm to Good Question!

Question was finally free of the onslaught of punches, and stumbled forward off the ropes. Seeing Bad Boy on the opposite side, looking to charge in again with an attack, Question would make Bad Boy pay again for running towards the bigger man by dropping his shoulder and picking Bad Boy up for a Bear Hug! Focusing again on the ribs and back of Bad Boy!



PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:06 am
Bad Boy is caught! Question had him up on his shoulder, squeezing on his body! The ribs being pushed in, his back cramping, the air being forced out of his lungs. The only thing Bad Boy could do at this moment was yell out in pain, and clench both of his fists, trying to think of a way out of this!

Question could feel the ribs bending as he puts his strength into the Bear Hug. Enjoying the fact that the man he was the body guard too was again struggling for air, and in total pain! However for the sake of his own well being, Question would begin to lower Bad Boy down, and go to a knee. This way he wasn't wasting energy carrying the 230 pounds of dead weight, and can focus more on the Bear Hug.

Bad Boy didn't really notice himself being lowered, in the pain and breathing struggles he started losing his mind on where he was! His hands that would at least moving around, slowed down heavily. His eyes started closing slowly, and his head started to drop forward. The fans in this hold were starting to chant "LET'S GO BAD BOY!" hoping to will him back to life, but it seemed as though his circumstances were dire.

Question could feel Bad Boy fade, noting that he wasn't as strongly moving as before when the hold was put on. The only thing he would do was keep a consistent pressure on him, and await the referee to start raising the arm of Bad Boy to check on if he was going to respond! As he passed out, the crowd started to grow silent.

Bad Boy was out! The referee grabbed the limp right arm, and lifted it up high. Letting it go, the arm dropped! The referee would call out "ONEEEEEEE!"

The referee lifted up Bad Boy's arm a second time. Letting it go, the arm drops! The referee would call out "TWOOOOOOOO!"

Finally, the referee lifted up the arm for the third time. A delayed release, the arm started dropping, Just then, an inch off of Good Question's back, Bad Boy's right arm shot right back up into the air!

The crowd perked up, starting to stir with emotion. Bad Boy's body went straight up as well, his right hand was turned into a fist, shaking violently. Just then Bad Boy would try to use his arms to maneuver around so that Good Question's head was lifted up. Once in position, Bad Boy would look to send a right hand towards the forehead of Good Question!

Good Question watched as the referee did his work, hearing his counts. Just then, the final lift, and the referee calls that his arm is still up! Question cannot believe what he's witnessing! Unfortunately he lessened his grip a little too much, so the same pressure couldn't be applied! Soon his head was forced up by the hands of Bad Boy, and in perfect range for the right hand to connect with Question's face! Slowly removing his arms from Bad Boy's body, still on his knees!

With Question still on his knees, Bad Boy would look to send another onslaught to Good Question! This time, with Ric Flair style right hands to the head as Question is in the headlock from Bad Boy! Each right hand Bad Boy would be heard grunting to put more emphasis on the shots being thrown!

The right hands again find their mark on the head of Good Question! The big man, made a bit shorter by being on his knees, took every shot, losing his sense of awareness! Eventually Good Question would be out on his knees, with a dazed look on his face!

Bad Boy kept punching until he felt it was enough to get him time to move, and the referee started counting up to 3. The fans starting to rise up and cheer on once again! Letting go, Bad Boy would look to run off the ropes that were behind Question. Charging towards the back of Question, Bad would look to dive forward and drive his forearm right to the back of Question's head! It was unsafe to attack in front of him, maybe it would be better to attack from behind?

Good Question had no idea what Bad Boy had in store, even more confused when he didn't see where he was! The forearm drilled Good Question right in the back of the skull! Sending the big man falling forward to his face. He would remain face down, damn near knocked out from all the punches and the Diving Forearm!

The crowd let out a slight eruption of cheering, as Bad Boy fell to his back after the forearm connected. The quick array of moves came after being punished in the Bear Hug, so his energy wasn't a great as he wanted it to be. Getting time to recover with the forearm was the best thing Bad Boy could've done.

With both men down, the referee started his count at "ONEEEEEEE!"

Good Question remained face down to the mat. His arms and body were tired from use in the Bear Hug, as well as fatigue setting in from the course of the match itself! A big 300 pounder isn't meant to go on for long, unfortunately the two attempts at ending the match for Good Question didn't go as well as he'd hoped!

The referee would continue his count, past "TWOOOOOOO!" and "THREEEEEE!"

Bad Boy would remain down as well, though he was having a better time recovering. He had been in situations like this before, and wasn't panicking at the fact that he was in pain. It still sucked, but that's the price of being in this business!

The referee's count would reach "FOUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRR!"

Good Question's mind was starting to clear, though his energy wasn't coming back as well as he'd want. Still breathing extremely heavy, trying to find the strength to get back up. For now his place remained on the mat.

The referee hitting 'FIIIIIIIIVE" and "SIX!"

Bad Boy at six started moving, rotating his shoulders and hips so that he could roll to his stomach. The crowd starting up a slow clap, gaining speed as they waited for the action to continue, and possibly the big come back they've been waiting for! Pushing his way up to his knees, the referee would hit "SEVENNNNNNN!"

Good Question also started to make his way back to his feet, unfortunately it wasn't with the same amount of speed as Bad Boy. The price of being big also meant a slow pace to getting back up! Question however had the sense of urgency, knowing the referee's count, and not knowing how his opponent is faring.

The referee would hit "EIIIIIIIIIIGHT!"

The ref hit's "NIIIIIIIIIINE!" before finally Bad Boy makes it back up to both feet! The referee signalling that the match will be continuing, to a slight pop from the crowd.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:07 am
As he was down, Bad Boy was thinking of how to offensively hit the big man. Getting his plan in tact, he simply waited for Good Question to completely rise to his feet. Once in the right position, Bad Boy would look to throw three right hands to the face. This would be followed up by a gesture of telling him to "bring it on!" while the television audience had a sudden cutting of sound, though you could read Bad Boy's mouth saying "COME ON YOU DUMB MOTHER ******** style="color: green">Good Question got all the way to his feet, lifting his head up to get the three right hands to the head! Stumbling the big man back a few steps, suddenly he saw Bad Boy motioning in, and hearing the insult! Something that no one would do to a big man like Question! He would look to make Bad pay for this, by exploding towards him for a big Clothesline

Bad Boy knew exactly what he was doing! Watching the big man run to him, he ducked under the lariat, and looked to use his momentum and send him face first into the turnbuckle! Momentarily pissing him off and forcing a waste of energy was the way to move him into the correct spot!

The plan of Bad Boy seemed to work, as Question was sent face first into the turnbuckle, sending him back in to the dazed state. Starting to stumble back from the corner after the slam!

Bad Boy would look to shove Good Question into the corner, face first leaning into it. This way Bad Boy would run across to the opposite corner, and charge back in with another Stinger Splash attempt, this time at the back of GQ!

Good Question was leaning into the corner, the only thing keeping him standing at this rate. However his instinct would make him start to try and make his way out. Suddenly the force of 230 pounds plus crashing into his back sent his face into the steel bolt between the turnbuckle and the ring post! Question would hold his face, starting to once again back out of the corner!

The Stinger Splash had connected, doing more than enough to Good Question it seemed! Bad Boy would look to continue, by grabbing the back of Good Question's head, and running towards the ropes. Attempting to jump over the ropes and bring his neck down across the top rope, for the Macho Guillotine!

GQ was run towards the ropes, and his head leaned over the top, his neck connecting with the rope! The rope bouncing him back, causing him to clutch at his neck as he turned away, stumbling forward to the middle of the ring. Question would drop to a knee again, trying to catch his breath, and clear the cob webs!

Bad Boy landed on his feet on the outside, and leaned back on the apron pumping his fists in front of the fans that were cheering the execution of a well known move from him! Pulling himself back onto the apron with the middle rope, he would wait for Good Question to stand back up and turn around. Once that happened, Bad Boy would pull himself and jump to the top rope, attempting a Springboard Missal Dropkick to the big Question!

Good Question is finally able to push himself to his feet, but he was right on cue as he turns right into the Springboard Dropkick from Bad Boy, sending the big man crashing to the mat on his back! A loud thud is heard as the 300 plus pounds slams to the mat, the crowd letting out a "OHHHHHHH!" before letting out a roar.

Bad Boy landed on his stomach, though his ribs were sore, the adrenaline was pumping through him, making him almost invulnerable! Case in point as he pops right back up to his feet and tilts his head back to let out a huge roar, the crowd going nuts as Bad Boy was fired up! He looked down at Question after, and thought up the next thing to do. Bad Boy would look to bounce off the ropes and fly in with a X-Pac style Snap Leg Drop to Question's head!

The ringing as loud in Question's head! The loud arena was harming him more than people realize, unfortunately the air taken from him from the drop kick and falling to the mat made it impossible for him to move! The ringing was the only thing in his head, that was until Bad Boy caught him in the face with the Leg Drop, making him roll to his side immediately, waking him up to the match!

Bad Boy slid from the leg drop, into almost a super hero like stance. Down to one knee, a hand down in front of him, watching Good Question closely! He would wait for Question to stand up, moving himself around to make sure he was behind him the whole time! Once Good Question was standing, Bad Boy would jump up towards the head of GQ, try to wrap his arms around his neck, and try to fall down with Question with the Jumping Neckbreaker! To which Bad Boy would try to float over for the pin right after!

Good Question pushed himself slowly, first to his knees, then to one leg, then finally the other. The whole time the fans, and Question himself were all wondering what was next! Again Question not knowing that Bad was behind him, and was caught by surprise as both arms were wrapped around his neck! Question was pulled back, crashing to the mat again in the Neckbreaker!

Immediately holding his neck, Question felt Bad Boy come over with the pin fall attempt, the fans counting along...



But Question throws up the right shoulder at two and a half! The crowd letting out an "OHHHH!" disappointed at that not getting the victory!



PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:08 am
The kick out forced Bad Boy off of GQ, making him turn to a sit up position. Looking at first to his hands, then turning to look at Question, not believing how he kicked out from all the offense he was throwing at him in such a short amount of time!

Pushing himself back to his feet, Bad Boy looked out to the crowd, and nodded his head. Raising his arm, while turning his head to look back down at Question. The crowd started cheering, as they knew what was to come! Bad would crouch, awaiting Good Question to stand up. For when he did, he would look for a kick to the gut, followed by him trying to jump onto his shoulders and attempt the Fiscal Drop!

Good Question was actually quite awoken from the move, but more in a sense that his neck was nearly pulled back TOO far! The pain was shooting through his neck and back, a new body part that the pain was focusing on!

Question proceeded to complete rolling to his stomach, in order to begin pushing himself to his feet. He would look around to find Bad Boy, but turned right into the kick to the big stomach! Doubling over, he felt Bad Boy jump on top of his neck! After two years of watching his mentor in the ring, he knew what was coming to him, and reacted immediately by pulling his head back, and attempting to shove Bad Boy towards the referee!

Bad Boy was caught by surprise, as he was shoved forward, sandwiching the referee between himself and the turnbuckle! The ref collapsing to the ground, Bad Boy was rather worse for ware as well, after running into another human stomach first!

Good Question finally got Bad Boy off him, and he was finally in his sights! GQ would wait for Bad Boy to turn around so that he could catch him with a Clothesline!

Bad Boy indeed turned around, and was caught by the Clothesline! Being sent down by the big arm of Good Question, hitting the mat HARD! The only thing on his mind was the fact that he was hit by a mad truck, and thinking of how to recover from this!

Good Question remained on his hands and knees, his head down. Finally seems like he had stopped the momentum of Bad Boy, and he had the sense of knowing where he was. When he had enough rest, he would push himself back up to his feet, but not before trying to collect Bad Boy to stand up with him. For here, he would attempt to lift Bad Boy up to his shoulder, and attempt to run him back first into the corner, before turning for the ending of his Powerslam, completing the Oklahoma Stampede!

Bad Boy was down, the adrenaline wearing off due to his body not moving, and he was starting to be pulled up to his feet by Good Question. GQ started lifting him up onto his shoulder, with the mindset of running him towards the corner, and Bad Boy realizes he's in horrible trouble! So the immediate thought was to move his body, kick his legs, send elbows to the head of Good Question in possibilities he would be weakened to let him slide behind him. If so, Bad would try to pull Good Question back, so that he would wrap his arm around his neck, and attempt the Eye of the Hurricane near the corner of the ring!

Good Question feels the struggle, and his body isn't in the best shape to deal with it! Soon the elbows started connected with his face, and he would have to let Bad Boy go! However GQ would feel his head being pulled back in the arm of Bad Boy, and the elbow dropping across his chest as both men fell to the mat! The back of GQ's head hitting the mat, nearly knocking him out!

Bad Boy sat up after hitting the move, the momentum of hitting the move, made him look at the corner near the both of them. Getting towards the ropes to pull himself up to his feet, he looked at the distance between the turnbuckle, and Good Question! Bad Boy would turn quickly to the fans, then back to Question, the craziest idea popping into his head!

Moving as fast as he could, he would start to climb the turnbuckle, his back facing the ring. The audience picked up on this, and only got louder the higher he climbed. Once at the top, Bad Boy looked back to see if Question was on his back, and if so, Bad Boy would attempt a move he hadn't done in such a long time: THE MOONSAULT!

Good Question was indeed still on his back, just about unconscious from the Eye of the Hurricane. Not moving a single bit, which was perfect for the Moonsault to connect! Good Question's body losing air, and the shock of another man slamming on top of him was the only thing occurring to him from this!

The crowd exploded, seeing Bad Boy hit a beautiful Moonsault was massive for them! Bad Boy sacrificing his body, to both deal damage to Question and catch their eye once again! He hooked the far leg of Good Question, in a pin fall attempt!

Good Question was pinned, completely out cold and without much of a wind, and absolutely beaten, no doubt about it! But the only thing going for him?


The crowd had counted, all the way up to ten! Question not moving what so ever!

The crowd counting to ten had it seem like Bad Boy had won, but the one person that was important in this situation was completely knocked out! Bad Boy let go of the big leg of Question, and sat himself up to look around and see the referee was out in another corner! Bad Boy had completely forgotten about the referee being knocked out nearly as soon as it happened!

Bad Boy's hands covered his face, in total disbelief that a big opportunity was wasted, and it wasn't his fault what so ever! By now, the pain was coursing through his ribs and his neck again. Rather desperate to finish the match. Putting his hands through his hair, he finally realized it was time to stand up, walk over to the referee and wake him up.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:09 am
In the whole time it took for Bad Boy to sulk in disappointment and anger, Good Question had woken up, and felt the air run through his lungs! As Bad Boy went to check on the referee, Question would roll to his stomach, and hold the back of his head.

Bad Boy had gotten the referee's attention, who started to get up using the ropes. Turning back to Question, and seeing him on his stomach, Bad Boy would walk over to him, and look to pick him up to his feet. To which he would attempt to spike him into the mat with a Double Arm DDT!

Good Question remained down until it was deemed necessary, which was when Bad Boy started to pull him up to his feet. But suddenly, Question went to shoot his hands towards Bad Boy's throat, and attempt to lift him high up into the air and fall forward for the Double Handed Chokeslam!

The hands immediately wrapped around Bad Boy's throat! The former Fiscal Responsibility owner was lifted up high fast, and was sent down even faster with the Double Handed Chokeslam! Remaining on the mat, sprawled out, the air taken from him, unable to respond!



PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:41 pm
Good Question rolled to his back after hitting the move. The feeling of satisfaction that he hit his finisher on Bad Boy, finally knowing that he has it won! The fans booing, in their minds it was over as well! He would roll to his stomach, and crawl to put his left arm on Bad Boy for the pin attempt!

Bad Boy never moved, the impact of the move leaving him in momentary paralysis. Laying there, his eyes glazed over, his mind in another country. Not even feeling Good Question's arm on him for the pin fall, it was over!

The referee inched his way over, making sure he can see both shoulders of Bad Boy. He started hit count finally.




Just then, Bad Boy's right shoulder shot right up, the crowd letting out a "YEAHHHH!" at the kick out! Hearing the two count made him realized where he was at, and he snapped his body into reacting, maybe more on instinct, but it worked to keep the match alive!

Good Question didn't move, just stayed down for a moment, disbelief running through his mind. Removing his arm from Bad Boy, Question pushed himself to his knee, his hand at the back of his head. Thinking of how he had everything won, Good Question looked over to Bad Boy, then in his line of vision noticed the referee, yet another slow count!

GQ got up to his feet, as the referee crawled to the corner next to the time keeper, calling the two count and the match to continue. However, turning around he saw Good Question standing over him! Question grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him up to his face, shaking him in anger, yelling at him about the count! Up to the point where the ref was losing sight of what was going on. Question finally let go, or rather threw down, the referee to the mat.

Bad Boy was on his side from the kick out, finally dropping his arm and his head. The slight shock to his body woke him up, but he had no energy to spare! He watched Good Question manhandle the referee, the ref showing a lot of lee way with Question, especially after being thrown down and being left faced down on the mat. More importantly Good Question's back was turned! Unfortunately, Bad Boy could only roll to his stomach, unable to stand up, that Double Handed Chokeslam took everything he had left out of him!

Good Question turned around, seeing Bad Boy roll to his stomach, and walked over to him. Good Question stood over him, much like Andre stood over Hogan at Wrestlemania 3, telling the hero to stand up!

Bad Boy saw the two boots in front of him, and rolled to his side to look up at Good Question. Something Bad Boy would be doing to ALL his opponents that he had the advantage over. The only thing Bad could do was reach to Question's leg, and try to use him to pull himself up.

Good Question tilted his head back to let out a laugh, the desperation shown from Bad Boy, trying to use his former bodyguard for support. Reaching down, Good Question would grab Bad Boy's head to pull him up to his feet, and would wrap his hands around his throat. Looking out to the crowd, and leaning his head back again to get a deep breath in, before he would attempt to put an end to Bad Boy's misery with another Double Handed Chokeslam!

Bad Boy was brought to his feet, and only standing due to Good Question's hands. Both of them wrapped around his throat, he knew what was coming next! He tried to put his hands to Question's wrists to try and pull them off him, but it was to no avail! The grip was too tight to pull himself away, keeping him in a doubled over position. Seeing Question's head tilted back, there was a last resort, the one way to defend himself, and that was a swift kick right to the balls of this giant man!

Good Question was taking that deep breath, but was immediately interrupted as the right leg kicked him right in the groin! Question let out a roar of pain, as he slowly doubled over, holding his groin! Not capable of moving, not capable of defending himself!

The hands were finally off the neck of Bad Boy! He got the big Question in a world of trouble, and even better was that the referee was still faced away from the action, so he didn't see it! Dropping to a knee for a second, Bad Boy pushed himself in a huge gut check. Going behind Good Question, Bad Boy would look to jump up onto the shoulders, go to his feet, and try to hit the Fiscal Drop!

Good Question had the big man jump onto his shoulders, and drop down to his feet. Question didn't have the time to react on this attempt, and his face was smashed into the mat, with the weight of Bad Boy on top of his head!

The crowd explodes as they see Question's face hit the mat! Bad Boy falling forward after the move connected. He finally hit it, and he needed to get the pin! Taking deep breaths to get himself some energy, he would start to crawl towards the side of Good Question, and try to push his giant carcass so that he's on his back. Once that is accomplished, Bad would flop onto him for the pin!

Good Question's dead weight was rolled over, finally getting to his back, the shoulders were down, Question didn't move an inch!

However, much like earlier, the ref had crawled to make sure Question's shoulders were down, before starting the count!



PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:42 pm
The crowd exploded again after the three count was made, the bell was rung, and "Strange Clouds" started playing. Bad Boy rolled off of Good Question, and laid down on his back, staring up at the lights. He finally got it! Finally getting the win over Good Question, and getting his revenge from all the BS throughout the past couple of months! It was a much bigger fight than he had imagined.


Replays of the finish were being shown, including the blatant Low Blow to Good Question, as evidence of the illegal maneuver.

Once the replays were finished, Bad Boy was now on his feet, leaning back in the corner. He raised his fists up, as the referee held one of them up to claim the victor. After the ref let go, Bad Boy stepped through the ropes, and went to the outside. Though he was struggling, he walked up the ramp with a smile on his face. Getting to the stage, he turned back to the audience and raised his right fist up in victory before the show cut to commercial break.


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