"Its All Forgotten Now" by Ray Noble & Al Bowlly

The black and white footage revealed what we all see in today's world: sidewalks full of the walking dead -- people aimlessly moving in a vague direction, staring directly into their smart phones and using their expensive sunglasses to hide nature's glare. There were multiple examples of these type of people, whether it be on the street, in the park, or even at the arena. What the creepiest part about it was not the music unfit for this scenery, heard faintly in the background; it was the fact these cameras were right over their shoulders, reading their texts about nonsense. Filled with gossip and animated faces that did nothing but distract them from the real issue: themselves. Shots started to include views from outside windows, where kids were playing video games, families were laughing together watching movies reminiscent of old times, and children who had fallen asleep in front of their televisions.

"Perhaps they need a good talking to, if you don't mind my saying so, sir. Perhaps... a bit more."

Once the words were heard over the incredibly off-putting music, a man was seen (still in a black-and-white filter) twirling a tied-up umbrella at the opposite end of a alleyway. It was incredibly dark out, and one of the only two lights in that alleyway seemed to fall right over the stranger in the distant fog. He wore a fur coat that almost covered his skinny black pants. There an evil stranger stood, his rotten vibes felt throughout the entire audience at home and in the live audience. As the next part of the dialogue would begin, the imagery would switch between this shot and the modern view of society through the news. The videos of the news stories started with politics and progressed its way into terrorism, corruption, celebrity tabloids, and then a report of two people missing: a male (22 years old) and female (20 years old). Her last Facebook post revealed they were chasing Pokemon around Kalamazoo, and how she finally got alone time with her husband-to-be. The camera then flashed to the alleyway again.

"My girls, sir... they didn't care for the Overlook at first. One of them actually stole a pack of matches, and tried to burn it down. But l... corrected them, sir."

Another story. Two females, both eighteen years old. Missed their last day of high school that everyone typically had skipped as an annual tradition, but never walked the stage later that night. One was a sherrif's daughter, and the other one her best friend. They were going to meet up with a guy she had met on social media who "liked rough sex, cocaine, and nights under the stars." His username was SaviorShephard. The camera flashed to the alleyway once more, and this time through the fog, a huge frame slowly emerged. He was dragging two massive trashbags behind him and wearing a mask, perhaps to hide his identity. Little did they know the mask was a staple of this deranged man's life.

One more story. A twenty year old girl ran away from home and had not been found since; she was presumed dead but there was no evidence suggesting so. They showed pictures of her from behind, with her long red hair and in a sun dress, sitting by the lake. Other pictures that included her face had blurred out any facial features of hers.

"And when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty... l... corrected her."

The girl was seen in front of the camera where the alleyway was, with a leash around her neck. She was blindfolded, had tape over her mouth, and was handcuffed. The same long locks of natural red hair were there, but her spirit had been absent for a long time. She was pulled back by the strength of Damien Boone as the bigger man in the back, Apophis, was putting the trash bags away.

The feed died out before the man could reveal his eyes. But many people knew that there was only darkness that could be behind them, and trouble was approaching the World Wrestling Federation on a completely different level.