xxxxL Y D I AxxxG R A C ExxxS P E N C E R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Liddie

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY 8 January 2024

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 13 and 1/6 inches, Birch, Unicorn Hair, Springy, Decorated Shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Latin (proficient), Hebrew (proficient), Afrikaans (limited), French (learning)

              FACECLAIM Kat McNamara [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              YEAR GRADUATED

              HONORS Prefect, Head Girl

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ P
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ P
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Music ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Music ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Handmaiden of the Lord

              DREAM JOB Musician

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ SOCIABLE Liddie is, to put it bluntly, a social creature. She enjoys the spotlight and social events, and loves making and keeping friends. Liddie just wants everyone around her to be happy and have fun. Is that so difficult? She's not interested in long winded philosophical conversations, or talking about the future or the past. Liddie lives firmly in the here and now, and thrives on the practical and the mundane.
              ■ MORAL An altruist at heart, she believes in helping others and doing the right thing, and her moral compass is based on what she's been taught to be true. She is much more comfortable upholding pre-established traditions and rules than questioning or flouting them, and it's hard for her to understand that not everyone has been raised the way she has.
              ■ DEVOTED She has a strong sense of duty and what is expected of her, and would hate to disappoint anyone. Liddie was raised to believe that her first duty was to God, and her second duty to her family. She needed to please both of them if she wanted to be a good person. Because of this, she is quick to cling to people, not wanting to be seen as uncaring or aloof.
              ■ HARD-WORKING Liddie is loyal and works hard, so long as she knows she is being appreciated; she thrives on praise and is very used to receiving it. She doesn't believe in sitting around doing nothing, and is very mature in the sense that she rarely ever complains, no matter how mundane or tedious the task in front of her is.
              ■ SENSITIVE Not at ease with stepping out of her own comfort zone, Liddie can be overly critical of others in an attempt to feel better about herself, and her feelings are easily hurt when others poke at her own values and beliefs. Mostly she just wants to be noticed and told that she is worth something, which influences her actions quite a bit.
              ■ COMPLIANT Liddie is also a bit preoccupied with social status and what others think of her, and is extremely cautious of going against the grain or being viewed as anything other than normal. She's eager to please those around her, and can be quite gullible, even when she ought to know better, due to her fear of upsetting people or being seen as 'difficult'.

                  Sewing and crocheting
                  Cooking and baking

                  Bad singers
                  Cold weather
                  City environments

                  Writing songs
                  Trying new recipes
                  Making her own clothes

                  Liddie's warm, outgoing nature makes it very easy for her to make friends.
                  Liddie is extremely loyal and responsible.

                  Liddie is hesitant to defy expectations or go against the norm.
                  Liddie is overly dependent on the opinions of others and what they think of her.

                  Nothingness; being lost in an empty void or space.
                  Her parents hating her.

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Liddie was born the second daughter and youngest child of a pastor and his wife, raised in the Suffolk village of Haverhill for the majority of her childhood. The Spencer household was not just religious, but devoutly religious, where prayer and regular study of the Bible in its entirety was not only encouraged but required. Liddie attended a religious primary school, and it had always seemed to her that her family spends more time in church than out of it, beyond just the usual Sunday morning service. However, this had always been normal for their family, just like choir practice and attendance of every church event. When Liddie was five her family traveled to South Africa as missionaries, which she viewed as an exciting adventure at the time, but after their return to the UK a series of strange incidents began to develop, leaving her shaken.

          While she had always believed in miracles, the instances didn't always seem like acts of God. A girl in the washroom at school called her a name, and the water the girl was washing her hands in turned steaming hot in an instant. She woke up from a nightmare to find the lights in her room flickering on and off sporadically. When the choir instructor scolded her in front of all her friends and classmates, suddenly every note the woman was playing on the piano every immediately sounded flat. Not everything that happened around Liddie over the next several years was upsetting or unnerving, but as someone brought up to view good and evil as literal forces warring for control over her soul, it left more than a little bit rattled, and determined to make whatever was going on stop, primarily by ignoring and denying all of it.

          But this grew more difficult when she realized similar things were happening around her sister and closest confidante, Esther, and while she might have been tempted to blame it all on the older girl, this really wasn't an option when it was revealed to the muggle family that Essie and Liddie were witches. Liddie refused to accept this as the truth; she was the daughter of a pastor, and she had certainly never behaved like any witch or magic-practitioner in the Bible ever had. It was very obvious that her parents no longer looked at her and Essie the same way, especially after Essie returned home from her first year at Hogwarts, the school Liddie was informed she would have to attend as well. She spent the next two years dreading her entrance into the school, which she was sure would only distance herself further from her father and mother, who had previously seemed so proud of her, and from her faith. How was she supposed to be a good follower of the Lord when she was surrounded by flagrant sinners?

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Lydia's first year was horrible. She was sorted into Hufflepuff, which she supposed was better than the snake house, but it meant she was separated from Esther and all alone. She found making friends difficult, as she didn't trust anyone, and the castle was massive and intimidating. The actual schoolwork wasn't too exhausting, but finding her way to all her classes was bad enough.
              SECOND YEAR Liddie's second year was a bit better. While she still struggled with making friends with her classmates, she was able to branch out a bit, and tried out for Quidditch and joined the Music Club, despite what her parents said about not letting other things get in the way of her purpose there. She began to envy other girls her age even more, realizing how much she seemed to be missing out on, both magical and muggle, and had one or two fleeting crushes.
              THIRD YEAR After daring to sneak out to a (tame) summer party with her sister, Liddie had a very quiet third year. She spent time with some of her new friends and even got to play in a game as keeper. She also found herself much busier due to her new classes.
              FOURTH YEAR Liddie began dating a sixth year named Mark over the course of the school year. While she was infatuated with Mark at the start for showing interest in her, their relationship quickly became far more intense than Liddie was prepared for. Sometimes she wanted to break it off, but she was also sure she was in love,
              and after her parents found out and threatened to pull her out of school, she ran away to live with Mark at the end of the year.

              FIFTH YEAR After a month of abuse Liddie left Mark and returned home. Her horrified parents nearly didn't let her attend Hogwarts again the fall, and only did due to the intercession of Essie. Liddie was traumatized by her coercive and toxic relationship with Mark and remained distant and reserved for much of the year, focusing on her schoolwork and quidditch, in lieu of thinking about what had happened. By the end of the year she was in a better place mentally, and was proud of the scores she received on her OWLs
              SIXTH YEAR Liddie had a very calm and peaceful sixth year, which was just what she wanted. She made first string with the quidditch team, even if they didn't have a very good season. She also was preparing for her NEWTs, knowing her seventh year was just around the corner.
              SEVENTH YEAR Liddie was shocked to be notified shortly before her seventh year began that she had been named Head Girl. She didn't feel entirely deserving of the honor, having never viewed herself as much of a leader, but she rose to the occasion and did her job well her seventh year, as well as enjoying her second and last year on the quidditch team as keeper. She wasn't sure what she was going to do after graduation, but she was looking forward to it.

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Daniel Spencer (father), Elizabeth Spencer (mother), Jonas Spencer (brother), Gabriel Spencer (brother), Esther Spencer (sister)
          FRIENDS Esther Spencer, Chrysanthemum Meadows, Chance Whitethorne, Wallis McGregor, Jillian Faulkner, Brianna Overton
          BEST FRIEND Chrysanthemum Meadows
          ENEMIES Mark Bloxham
          PETS A Welsh corgi named Barnabas, or Barney for short

PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 10/21/2016
ACCEPTED BY ~ Dia 12/8/16
RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY ~ murrue ❤ 07/28/17