WWFG Network Exclusive special

A camera was set up in the office of one half of the WWFG Tag Team Champions, Chrono Clepsydra. Who many thought he had retired, many spread rumors about his whereabouts since Wrestlemania.

The God of Time held a finger to his temple as he rested on it.
'You know... For the longest time, there was always one annoying itch around these parts, one annoying little gnat that always seemed to sprout out of the shadows. The inky black void of the vast shadow that I cast, some say he's the most hated man here, some say he was the one to continue the legacy of wrestling when no one else cared. No one else bothered to shall we say build back bridges when ties were severed. Some would say that man is the king of the misfits. Some would say he's the future..."

As Chrono spoke, the camera lighting would give the scenery a monotone coloring, as everything was now in black and white.

'There was a time when I told this man time in and time out that a match between us... One on one would never happen. For the longest time that reigned true. But gradually, that man gained my respect. Watching his battles with my former adversaries, my former colleagues. It got me invested..
Him calling himself the 'God of Wills' intrigued me. You see Hiro. You got me curious, curious... Curious about how you could simply call yourself that, consider yourself one of the Pantheon. Rest assured, oh I took it as an insult

Chrono would speak, his voice came out into a raspy hiss, as his hand tilted up back to the camera.

'What made 'you', what made YOU so special to claim that title. And then... Oh and then I saw your battles with Freakshow, and I realized something. Your self proclaimed monikers... The first of course 'The Most Hated Man in G-Fedding', that title you so clinged on to... That title that truthfully in everyone's mind belonged to 'me'. You see everyone simply verbally bashed you, but in the core of their being they despised me with every single miniscule fiber of their being. My very existence infuriates them... But they won't admit it of course, and thus 'you'... Oh you... You... Well you became the scapegoat. But well, that's fine. All is well isn't it?"

As Chrono spoke, he shook his index finger at that last sentence.

'And then came the whole 'God of Wills' moniker.. Well the Pantheon already has their three... But of course Nuke and Matt are gone... So you decided to slide all in, and oh did everyone loooooove that. Oh that's going to ruffle Chrono's feathers, that's going to piss off Chrono. But you see, here's the kicker. It didn't. Because I wanted to see what you could do. I wanted to see what you could do with that role... Oh yes, you bested Freakshow, and you bested Bad boy. You finally, finally, finally got that Wrestlemania redemption that you craved that you needed to validate yourself....
You did it...
Except you didn't... That God of Wills moniker you gave yourself?
A lie... A lie you gave yourself because you knew, you were a false pretender.
Because when everyone else finally believed in you... You gave up.
On yourself

With those words Chrono rose his hand up, and smashed his hand onto the table, sending paperwork flying everywhere.

"You gave up on the very thing that gave you hope, the very thing that people admired you for. Your will.
So come Halloween Havoc, I want you to know that while you think you have nothing to lose. I am taking everything from you.
Oh I don't mean your career, or your title or anything like that.
I am taking your life, your essence.
It is damn insulting to call yourself the God of Wills, and then simply give up.
So I'm making that choice for you.
As the first god of the pantheon, the last god of the pantheon, and the one true god of the pantheon.
Halloween Havoc, 2016... The God of Time will become the God of Death