
    The Lord of the Sith: Leader of the Sith. His word is law. (1)

    High Lord/Lady: Higher up of the council of Lords. They help keep things in control. (7)

    Lord's Hands: The Hands are Sith's who are trained personally by the Lord of the Sith. They are his/her most trusted members. They are usually trained by him at a young age or born in the Sith. He trains them in secret and are usually seen as regular members. However they go on secret missions when he tells them to. (1-4)

    Lord's Eyes: The Lord's eye are Sith Seers who the Sith Lord uses to see future events. Like the hands, this is a secretive rank. In fact, usually the lord of the sith keeps them hidden from the rest of the pride members. (2)(must be a seer)

    Sith Masters: Those who have made it through their training. They are the ones who go on the missions and the more experienced ones are given Acolyte's to train. (Unlimited)

    Fallen Jedi: This is the rank that is for Jedi who have fallen to the dark side. They are treated like any other members. They can rise to Sith Lord/Lady if they choose. (Unlimited)(ex-Jedi start here)

    Sith Acolyte: Acolytes are the apprentices to the Sith Masters. They usually do not have a close relationship to the Master that picks them, but are expected to have respect toward their teachers and obey their orders. (born in members start here)(Unlimited)

    Prospective Sith: Are members who desire to become acolyte. They battle against each other, in hopes of getting the attention of a Master. This rank includes hunting, and most of the brute work for the pride. (rogues start here)(Unlimited)

    Captive: Enemy's captured by the Sith. They could be a jedi, rogue or from another pride. They are watched over by sith. They are held prisoner until they swear their loyalty to the sith or until they die. (or rescued)