User Image nessiaing
Cirocco’s pace picked up as he saw where the pack was ahead of him. It had been so long since he had been home and he couldn’t wait to be surrounded by those that he loved the most.

Cirocco loved his job going out and scouting for the pack. Cirocco knew that he soon had to find himself an avian companion it would make it easier being away from the pack so long was difficult when you were on your own, an avian would not only help them scout but keep him sane too.

Aeolus huffed a small sigh, rolling her shoulders. The pack had been traveling along this path for quite a while. Phii was perched upon her, only flapping a little to keep balance with the sudden rolling motion. She settled quickly, though, chirping softly in question.

"What do you think about settling here for a few days to rest?" She questioned the bright bird softly. Phii hummed for a second, fluttering her wings.

"It seems like a good spot. I can scout around for danger," Phii said, her voice calm. With Aeolus's nod, the bright bird took to the air, flying off to search the area. She would take Alafia with her to help spread the word.

Cirocco breathed a sigh of relief when he spotted a wild dog coming his way. He squinted his eyes trying to see who exactly who it was and smiled when he recognized the pack leader. Cirocco hadn’t spoken to her too much but he knew that the leader was kind.

WHen he got within voice range of the female wild dog Cirocco stopped and offered a bow of his head. “Hello” he greeted her his voice filled with the respect she deserved. “Is the pack to settle here tonight?” he asked her. Eyeing the area, he hadn’t seen anymore in the surrounding are it seemed like a safe place.

Aeolus gave the white male a warm smile. "Welcome back." She greeted him. She was very fond of all the members of the pack, and Cirocco was one of the ones she admired. The pathfinders went out into the world on their own. It was quite brave.

"The pack will settle here for a few days. We need rest for a bit before we move on," She told him. He came at a good time - he would have time to rest. "Phii and Alafia and the scouts will secure the area as we rest," She smiled.

Cirocco smiled warmly coming up to walk along side his leader. “This seems like a very nice area.” he said happily. Cirocco enjoyed travelling and seeing the world however it was nice to call a place home for a little.

“Tell me has anything important happened while I was gone?” he asked. Cirocco’s voice was soft. He admired his leader and enjoyed the opportunity to speak to her one on one. He imagined she as a busy female so he valued this time together.

Aeolus hummed in response. It was quite nice, if she was honest, but she was mostly just tired. They had spent the last two weeks almost non-stop on the move but Leji had been antsy to move while the wind was still strong against him. She had conceded and allowed her blood-relative to lead for a while. He had grown a little melancholy the last day so Aeolus was content to take the lead once more.

"Not too much to note," she said sadly. They were between places to trade with and they had not reached a new destination yet. "We should reach our destination soon. We are heading to see my cousin in the mountains - where Leji was born."

“Ah yes the mountains.” Cirocco smiled warmly thinking about the mountains. He had of course been there a few times and had always found it to be quite scenic and beautiful. He of course had also enjoyed the company there he had made a few friends it would be nice to go back and see them.

“Leji will be pleased to see some familiar faces again I am sure.” Cirocco spoke warmly of his pack mates. Really there wasn’t a hateful bone in the white wild dogs body. He would help the devil himself.

Aeolus gave a smile in return. "He's got mixed feelings about it. He's happy to see his mother and sister, though," She noted. Leji left for a reason, after all.

"How was your journey?" She asked. She wouldn't ask for any details, though he was free to offer any if he wished. Aeolus was a firm believer of resting - it helped replenish the spirits of the pack, after all. There was no need to rush anything, and Cirocco didn't seem panicked so Aeolus was relaxed and worry free for the time being.

“Nothing to note happened on my journey. I didn’t discover any better routes, trading posts or any threats.” he reported with a sweet smile.

“I honestly was getting a little bored.” Cirocco couldn’t wait for the day that he and his avian companion found each other it would make the journies out in the rogue lands a lot more fun, and certainly a lot less lonely. He knew that his companion would find him at the right time, but he wished it would happen sooner.

“Why don’t I lead you back into the pack area. There are a few faces I am excited to see.” he told her a boyish excitement in his face.

Aeolus chuckled a bit. She had never quite wandered on her own, not since she was young, before she had come to lead the pack. She didn't remember those days quite so well, so they might have been pretty boring.

"Well, then, good sir. Lead the way," she said, gesturing in the direction of the pack. The whole pack was back with them, now. At least for a few days, and Aeolus was content.