After match two of the night, and a quick advertisement for a WWF product, the graphic of Bad Boy vs Karen Attwood is shown.

Jim Ross: That's right ladies and gentlemen, Karen Attwood, dressed up as Lauri, won the Legacy Championship in the Battle Royal. Revealing the true identity last week! Tonight she puts her title up on the line against Bad Boy, whom won the Number 1 Contender match against Cartwright and Trent.

Jerry Lawler: That's right JR! And she's got quite the test coming up against a former World Champion!

Jim Ross: And last night we were capable of getting a word with the challenger.

The show edits to a shot to the side of Bad Boy, sitting at the MGM Grand Casino bar. Wearing a black tuxedo, with a dark green dress shirt and black tie. In his hand he has a glass of Johnny Walker Gold, swirling the glass around, taking a sip before starting to speak.

Bad Boy: Quite the situation we all find ourselves in. Lauri Henry has been revealed, and Karen Attwood is our current champion. However in her celebration she has the weight of Miranda and Rose enterprises tying her down, planning on throwing her gauntlet after gauntlet.

Bad Boy takes another sip before turning his chair to look at the tables, a smile on his face.

Bad Boy: Meanwhile, you have a man with no weight on his shoulders, a man with absolutely no problems in his life, a man who is absolutely fresh! On top of that, he is the the best wrestler in the WWF today! I've worked my way, all year long, with the goal to once again become the WWF Champion. Throughout the year, I've performed amazing feats, I've made history numerous times this year. Despite that, the title has escaped my grasp.

Bad Boy finishes his drink before slamming it down on the bar, a slight pissed off look on his face, quickly going back to a smirk.

Bad Boy: And quite the fitting that my journey comes to Las Vegas, because that's where your luck runs out! You see Karen, I finally get the match I wanted. I finally have my rightful one on one championship match! I've stated before, you're facing the best wrestler doesn't matter who you are, or what you've done in the past. One on one, NO ONE can touch me! NO ONE has the ability to out perform me in a match, man or woman!

Your accomplishments recently are quite the spectacles, but it will ALL come to a quick end. At Halloween Havoc, you're gambling the Title that I've devoted my ENTIRE life for! At Halloween Havoc, I go all in order to claim what's rightfully mine!

Bad Boy stands up from the bar chair, the bartender appearing behind him to hand him another Johnny Walker Gold. Starting to walk off as he adds the quip....

A gamble, that works in my favor....