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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

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Candidate Guide

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 3:17 pm
So You Want to Be a Candidate!

So you want your character to be a Candidate, huh? That's a noble aspiration but we want to make sure you understand exactly what that means! We also want to make sure you understand what your character will be required to sacrifice if they do accept Candidacy.

Weyrbrats: If your character was lucky enough to be born at a Weyr and is currently still living there, then they can choose to become a Candidate beginning at Turn 14. No Search necessary. Being a Weyr native comes with the advantage of Candidacy being their right, but not every Weyrbrat needs to accept.

Everybody Else: If your character wasn't born at Weyr, or is currently living elsewhere, then they must be found on Search. It is up to the individual Weyr to decide if and when they want to call for a Search. Sometimes, if the Weyr has an overabundance of Candidates, or there aren't many eggs, then they won't bother. Unless you've been Searched, you're not getting anywhere near those eggs!

What's a Search? Search is when dragons are sent out to the various Holds and Halls of Pern to find suitably aged Candidates. Blues are known to be some of the best Search dragons, but any color has the possibility of being sensitive. Not every dragon is a Search dragon; some just never find anyone suitable, or can't be bothered. Others are incredibly sensitive and have a higher rate of being able to pick out Candidates who successfully go on to Impress.

What happens when a dragon finds someone eligible? When a dragon finds someone on Search, they could do a variety of things. Some might go right up and start sniffing at the person. Others might simply stare, and inform their rider that so-and-so feels right. No matter how the dragon wishes to proceed, they will always inform their rider, who is then obligated to inform the individual.

The rider will seek out the individual and ask if they wish to be a Candidate. It is always up to the Searched if they accept or not. No matter their rank, their situation, their station, their age, it is always their right. No parent or foster or Holder can keep them from accepting their right if they wish to become a Candidate.

So anybody nice enough can be a Candidate, right? Not necessarily. Nobody really knows what separates someone from getting Searched and being over looked, but a dragon would never seek out someone who isn't well-adjusted. Empathy is required, as a dragon is fully dependent upon his or her rider caring for them for the duration of their life. Additionally, the most empathetic individual in the world might not ever be accepted on Search if they can't care for a dragon or potentially Fight Thread. This means sickly individuals, or individual with severe disabilities (physically or mentally) that would hinder their ability to work in a group, take orders, or follow direction would probably not be accepted.

Dragonriding is essentially joining Pern's military. Those they bring in to the Weyr have to be able to handle the demands of dragonriding. If you make a Candidate and staff doesn't feel they would be found on Search, you will either have to change them until they do fit within the limits, or change their hopeful profession.

Then what? Once your Candidate gets over their surprise -- because this is a huge deal for most Pernese -- they will then get to pack up their things, say their goodbyes, and get taken to the Weyr as an official Candidate!

And then they Impress,right? Ha. No. Once at the Weyr, they are assigned a cot in the Candidate Barracks, and are now under the supervision and rule of the Candidatemaster and his assistants.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:37 am
Candidate Life

The life of a Candidate might be something every boy and girl on Pern dreams of, but it is no picnic. While they might have more freedom than their fellow weyrlings when it comes to certain rules, even the Weyr drudges have more rank than a Candidate.

In the books, many Candidates were kept working at their Hold or Craft until the Hatching was imminent. In our canon, we prefer to just whisk the Candidates to the Weyr to stay, at least until they age out, Impress, or quit.

Lodging: All Candidates live in the Candidates Barracks. The Barracks have small quarters where the Candidates live. In High Reaches the Candidates are assigned four-to-a-room. In Western Weyr there isn't much privacy and the Barracks are an open communal place. In both settings everyone is assigned a cot with furs, a small chest for clothes, a plain white robe, and quills, ink, and parchment for their lessons.

For individuals who are rich, they need to remember that they can't bring their entire bedroom with them or their entire wardrobe. For individuals who are poor or impoverished, and don't have any clothes, they will be given some from the Weyr.

The Barracks are always separated by gender, with boys rooming on one side, and girls on the other. Trans-men and trans-women will be assigned to Barracks based on how they prefer to present.

Food & Clothing: All food is served in the Dining Hall by the Weyr. It is guaranteed for every Candidate, and they will be fed three meals a day, with snacks offered between meals or after-hours.

For any Candidate who doesn't have a sevendays worth of clothes, they will be provided plain - but clean - clothes to wear. This might mean they get stuff too big, but no child in the Weyr goes without.

Bathing & Hygiene: Everything is shared in the Weyr. Only those of the highest ran have private washrooms and latrines. The majority of the Weyr shares the bathing pools, so it isn't uncommon for groups to wash together. Nakedness doesn't bother many Weyrfolks, though for the very shy off-hours are always a good time to wash.

The latrines are similar. While they have privacy partitions set up, there are no private bathrooms.

Marks: Candidates do not get paid for the work they do. The Weyr pays them through room and board. If a Candidate wishes to make marks, then they will either need to continue honing their craft, or try to find odd-jobs to do during their free-time and rest-days. Obviously, those that were naturally rich might have their family send them marks, but this is rare. Many on Pern have to work for their marks, and Candidates will need to do so on their own time with their own creativity.

Routine, Lessons, and Rules: Candidates are all put on a loose schedule that often includes lessons and work. They are required to take certain classes based on the Candidatemaster's recommendations. New Candidates have more rigorous lessons and training than Candidates who have spent Turns waiting to Impress, though an occasional remedial class does come up to make sure they haven't forgotten the rules.

More on this below!

Candidate Eligibility: Depending on the Weyr, a Candidate will remain a Candidate until they either Impress a dragon, age out, or quit. Depending on when they became a Candidate, they could spend up to 10 Turns at the Weyr, if not longer.

High Reaches Searches Candidates from turn 14 to turn 26, which is the maximum age for HR Candidates before they age out. (OOCly, they can still be considered as Stands-only candidates through age 30.)

Western Weyr Searches Candidates from turn 14 to turn 30, which is the maximum age for Western Candidates before they age out.

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:59 am
Rules, Regulations, & Routine

These are the rules of being a Candidate. Those who break the rules risk punishment, which can include being released as a Candidate.

  • Assigned Lessons and Courses must be attended unless given approval from the Candidatemaster or his assistants.

  • Assigned duties must be attended unless given approval from the Candidatemaster or his assistant.

  • If you fall ill you must inform the Candidatemaster or one of his assistants before going to the Healers. If you are severely ill or there is an emergency, go directly to the Healers, and they will notify the Candidatemaster on your behalf.

  • Free time and rest days can be spent doing whatever you wish, provided it's legal, and is within the Weyr.

  • Candidate's cannot leave the Weyr without approval from the Candidatemaster.

  • Alcohol is not allowed in the Barracks, but Candidates may drink on their own time provided they do so responsibly. Duties and lessons don't stop just because a Candidate has a hang-over. Furthermore, consistent drunken behavior risk expulsion.

  • Fights and duels are strictly prohibited! Candidates are potentially future dragonmen and should work to resolve issues without resorting to violence. Those caught fighting risk punishment or expulsion.

  • Sex is not allowed in the Candidate Barracks. If a Candidate needs to take some physical comfort in someone they can probably find a place to sneak off to do so. That said, any woman who winds up pregnant will be released from Candidacy, so it's best not to risk it.

  • Candidates must be in good-health (mentally and physically) to stand for a Hatching. The Candidatemaster can keep back a Candidate from standing for a particular Hatching if he feels they are too sick, too ill, or might otherwise cause a problem.

  • Candidates may continue to study their Craft, choose to Apprentice into a new Craft, or find paid work during their rest-days and off-hours.

  • There is a strict curfew for Candidates. Any Candidates who miss the curfew or are found out of their rooms after-hours risk punishment.

  • Pets are not allowed. The only exception to this are firelizards, who are allowed due to the nature and dependency of the bond. All firelizards must be well trained, otherwise the Candidatemaster will likely make sure you learn how to handle them appropriately. An overly troublesome firelizard could very well cause a Candidate to be expelled.

Some of these rules might seem patronizing, especially to older Candidates, but they are in place for good reason. Candidates are trying to Impress, and those who do will suddenly find themselves as Weyrlings. Weyrlings have incredibly strict and militant rules, which are n place to ensure that every weyrling pair makes it to graduation. Furthermore, dragonriders have a strict chain of command, and must be able to follow rules and direction during Threadfall.

Candidates who can't follow the rules, or choose not to, very possibly wouldn't survive Weyrlinghood, or wind up in accidents as an adult. Best to weed out the trouble early.

Daily Routine
Many Candidates will get assigned to take various lessons and are tasked with daily chores. The Weyr does everything in its power to help educate those that come through its doors, and Candidacy can provide opportunity to individuals who otherwise had nothing.

Not every Candidate will go through the same lessons and training. Candidates might all be the same ran and equal in the eyes of the Weyr, their natural skills and talents might vary. A Candidate who has been in the system for Turns wouldn't need to take introductory dragon classes; where as a new Candidate who came from Nabol's mines might need literacy courses on top of the introductory classes.

It is a Candidatemaster's job to know each of his or her Candidates, and to ensure they are prepared for all the risks and responsibilities that are associated with weyrlinghood and dragon riding.

  • 0600: Wake Up
  • 0630: Breakfast at the Dining Hall
  • 0730: Morning Lesson
  • 0930: Break
  • 1000: Morning Chore OR Remedial Lesson
  • 1200: Lunch at the Dining Hall
  • 1300: Afternoon Lesson
  • 1530: Break
  • 1600: Afternoon Chore OR Remedial Lessons
  • 1800: Dinner at the Dining Hall
  • 1900: Evening Study Hall, Tutoring, Craft Work, Homework
  • 2100: Free Time
  • 2230: Curfew / Light Out

Should lessons or chores get wrapped up early, than the Candidates are able to use the remaining time however they wish. The evening study hours can often turn into extra free time if the individual has nothing pressing to complete.

As a Candidate progresses, they might find certain lessons swapped out with extra chores, or vice-versa.

Every Candidate also is assigned a single rest-day, which tends to be on the seventh day of the week.

A Candidatemaster can change the schedule on a whim, and even call for extra rest-days if the situation warrants it. Don't assume that just because the rest of the Weyr clears out to attend a Gather at High Reaches Hold, you'll be allowed to go. Depending on how they feel, you might very well bes stuck peeling tubers that day and memorizing the Lord and Ladies of Nerat, so never, ever, assume anything.

Yes, Candidates are kept under the thumb of the Candidatemaster, so if you were hoping for the easy-life, you're sadly mistaken. Any Candidate who discovers they do not like such a life can turn in their robes and choose a different path.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:25 pm
Hatchings, Say What!?

Life in a Weyr as a Candidate can be dull and monotonous at times. Often times it just seems like an endless chore of waiting, especially for Candidates who have been in the system for Turns. But inevitably a Weyr gold will glow, she will rise, and inevitably lay a clutch of eggs.

Clutchings are always exciting for Candidates, because it means that maybe, just maybe, one of those eggs holds their lifemate. And that is what makes Candidacy worth it! The thought of becoming a dragon rider, of being worthy enough for a hatchling to pick you out of the masses.

As the eggs harden the Hatching grows imminent, excitement and tension grow. Depending on the Weyr, bets have already been taken on what colors each of the eggs will hold, as well as which Candidates are due a dragon, and what color.

The Candidatemaster will always take his Candidates for a Touching once the eggs are appropriately hardened. This allows the Candidates to reach out to the eggs, to send them fond thoughts, and to let them know of their presence. Whether or not this influences the hatchlings nobody knows, but it's tradition all the same.

Finally, when the Hatching is about to begin, the Weyr dragons all begin to hum. This is the moment. This is where new bonds will be formed, and many hearts broken.

All said, there are rules when it comes to attending a Hatching, and all Candidates must follow them.

  • All Candidates should quickly bathe or wash up if there is time. Try to at least look presentable.
  • All Candidates must wear their designated white candidate robe.
  • All Candidates must remove their shoes and wear provided thin slippers or go barefoot. You will not be allowed on the Sands if you're wearing boots or harder soled shoes!
  • Candidates are encouraged to bow or greet the Queen who is guarding her eggs. It is a courtesy, and a sign of respect. If the bronze father is present, do the same. No matter how aggressive or protective the pair might be, they will not harm you so long as you do not harm their eggs.
  • Move into the Hatching sands and make a semi-circle around the eggs. Keep your back to the tiers, and watch where you walk! Do not get too close to the eggs!
  • When the eggs start hatching, don't get caught up in the moment. At the height of the Hatching, dragonets will be seeking out their chosen, and moving among you. Make sure you stay out of their way and avoid tripping over them.
  • Hatchlings can be incredibly aggressive. They will not hesitate to attack or kill if you are in their way, or if they are startled, or perceive you as a threat. The best way to keep from being injured is to pay attention and keep out of their way!
  • Do not break into the shells of Hatchlings. Let the eggs hatch on their own.
  • You will know when you Impress. Do not ever try to touch, hold, or pick up a Hatchling that is not your own.
  • Should you Impress, you will walk your dragon away from the Hatching Grounds and lead them towards food. The Weyrlingmaster and his assistants will aid you.
  • Should you get hurt while on the Sands, if able, remove yourself to the sidelines. Healers will be there to help mend you and hopefully get you back on the Sands.
  • Try to think positive, loving, happy thoughts at the Hatchlings. They are very sensistive to emotions and feelings and a scared or frightened or sad Hatchling can be a risk to others and themselves!
  • Do not try to intervene if the Hatchlings fight or snarl at one another. They might fight, but will eventually sort themselves out, and be encouraged by the dragons to find their lifemate.
  • When all the dragonets have Impressed, remove yourself from the Sands.

For those who are lucky enough to Impress, they will get to become the Weyrs newest weyrlings. All of their clothing and personal items that were once in the Candidate Barracks will be moved to the Weyrling Barracks for them that day.

For those who do not Impress, do not give up hope! Sometimes it takes quite a while to find ones lifemate. The Candidates are allowed to compose themselves for the rest of the day. They are invited to clean up and join the Hatching Feast, and it is one of the few nights the Candidatemaster turns a blind eye on drunkeness or missed curfew.

They understand the disappointment of not being picked and the sadness, depression, and despair that it can cause. It isn't unusual for the Candidatemaster to allow the Candidates a half-day off following, to sleep off any hangovers, before resuming their routine.

Vice Captain

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