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[PRP] Under a Feather of Truce (See Inside for All)

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~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:01 pm
((This is a private RP thread featuring the following ponies. Please do not post here unless you are invited.))

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((Latonia Teepee/ Darken Teepee))
PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:20 pm
Ars, for all her problems with the Fayth family in general, did keep herself aware of what was going on with them. Just because her father tried to turn her into a good little solider didn't mean he was wrong to, just went about it the wrong way.

When the news of a treaty meeting reached her ears, Ars wanted to make sure that she was there. At least, for the beginning. Knowing her Aunt, it would only be pride that would keep her from turning tail and leaving. The two sides of the Fayth family were so alike it hurt to be around each other.

Ars just thought it was funny. She was styling herself as more of a 'free agent' nowadays, not tied to anyone she doesn't want to be, and eager for more of the freedom it granted her. So, one way or the other, Ars really didn't care how it turned out. She just wanted it to happen. Peace or bloodshed, it would be amusing at some point.

She wasn't, however, planning on staying for any length of time. As far as she knew, Ars had not met any of the 'Light' Fayth. She didn't really want to either, but that was a story for another time.

So, her curious hooves brought her to an old oak tree, silent, just like she was taught. The fact that she actually managed to sneak this far without being noticed was thrilling. Kesha was normally much more aware than this.

"Hello, Auntie." Ars stepped out from behind the large tree with a lazy smile, the expression partially hidden by her mask. Her amber eyes gleamed with amusement at the situation, and that she was not a part of it, though still a part of it. If the 'Light' side of the family came loaded for bear, so to speak, then Ars would stand with her Aunt. And if it seemed like Kesha would be the one to call this ambush instead of truce, then she would stand with the others. Let it never be said she wasn't about making things fair.

Still, it would be interesting to see her great-grandmother, even if just for a moment before darting off to places where she needed to be. Ars didn't even know what she looked like, and found herself wondering how alike they might be, if at all. It would be an interesting few moments, to see and be seen.

But Ars would not stay to rock the boat this time. Maybe in the future, but not now. She would, however, ensure that there was a meeting.

"You look like you have somewhere else you'd rather be, Auntie." It was hard to keep the glee she was feeling out of her voice. And to be honest, she didn't try very hard.

Wordcount: 470  


Antagonistic Strategist

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:20 pm
Standing with her hindquarters to the oak that would serve as their meeting place, Keshani glared at the meadow that stretched out before her. In the distant treeline there was a notably empty break, which held her interest and gaze though it had yet to produce the strangers she was waiting for.

For all that she had recently cast aside her previously solitary nature, Keshani Avenara did not fancy that she herself had changed all that much. She was still her father's daughter, still her brother's sister. If either of them thought that her joining a herd would change that, well, then surely they didn't know her very well? And of course, underestimating her would not go well for anyone, family or not. She couldn't have anyone -especially her aggressive, powerful family- thinking that she'd gone soft.

But the stallions were not the reason she was here today. Or at least, not the only reason. While her family helped make her, the herd she had joined had certainly shaped some of her views even as it allowed her to express some of the traits her family overlooked. In some ways, she was here for both of her families, both the one that made her and the one that she was making.

"It would have to be something bigger than one's self to drive you to do such a thing." She murmured, pawing idly at the grass with one sharp silver hoof as she glared at her surroundings. "Remember that."

The sound of approaching steps registered half a heartbeat too late, and Kesha was turning as the lilting greeting of her niece met her ears. "Ars."

The word was less a greeting and more a statement, her tone flat and cool, rather like an observation. Her brother's children were interesting, a distant sort of puzzle she turned over in her mind from time to time. She had met them two or three times, enough to monitor their growth, but they were not overly close.

To that end, Ars' presence raised more questions than it answered. Still, no reason she could not play nice.

"Sweet Niece, what a surprise. I certainly did not expect you to find your way here. It does seem a bit outside of your usual realm of wandering." Keshani murmured, her tone still somewhat cool though distinctly less flat. "I have many places I'd rather be, and many I would rather be meeting with... But some things must be done, regardless of our preference in the matter. I trust you are enjoying yourself, on this day?"

Shifting on his perch among the oak's branches, Moonshadow blinked bright silver eyes and watched his 'mother' interact with the one she called Niece. He felt no need to introduce himself, merely content to watch events unfold. Soon enough there would be time for him to speak, but that was later.

For now it was interesting enough just to watch.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:46 pm
Ars smirked at the greeting. Sweet niece, right. They hadn't had much in the way of contact with each other, before or after her sudden departure from her Father and the family. She had traveled a bit since then, met some... interesting souls, but none compared to her families divided sense of loyalty. Some day she wanted to figure it out, what made them so divided, so at each others throats all the time. It was something she did want to know, but not something that she thought she could know, not easily There were too many pieces, so many puzzles, She didn't even know where to start with a lot of it, since it had happened well before she was born. And probably a lot longer than she had been alive. So many things to consider. Twitching her tail to one side, she rolled her amber eyes up to look at the bird for a moment, recognizing it as his Auntie's familiar. Or child. It was confusing, since she only heard bits and pieces from no one and everyone. It was a thing she did not understand, but that was alright. There were a lot of things she did not yet understand, but she would, one day. She had faith in that. Ha ha, Fayth.

"Word passes quickly about a momentous occasion such as this, I didn't to miss a chance to see you, Auntie. It's been too long." She stepped closer to brush her cheek against Kesha's cheek

"I am, I am. There is so much to enjoy. The wind, the sun, the impending war that you may or may not start today." She grinned, flicking her tail again. "It will be a most interesting day, though..." Ars glanced at the horizon, wondering if she should leave soon. She did not want the matriarch of her line, the one they called Whistle. She had no idea what that would be like, that would be for another day, one that would may or not be as interesting as today, though. If she had to bet.

"I should probably head off soon, I don't want to interrupt your big meeting." Ars took a few steps away, looking out at nothing. "I don't think it is time for me to introduce my madself. I just wanted to be sure that you were not about to leave this party before it gets started. You will stay, won't you, Auntie Dear?" Ars gave her a grin over her shoulder, a taunting smile and and a wink, because she knew her Aunt would not back away now, not that she had been seen and there would be someone who knew that fear drove her away.

This is my contribution, Fayths, this is my only part to play in this. Still, so amusing to play it. I hope you realize I did good here, Fayths. I hope you realize that.

Word Count: 485  


Antagonistic Strategist

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:51 pm
Watching the young mare drift closer, Keshani cannot help but think. So then, this is what becomes of Aveshar's get?

Eyes fixed on her brother's child, Kesha drifted closer, giving the impression of being sociable while remaining out of range of a comfortable strike. At least if Ars abandoned this sociable facade, she would have time to react.

The younger mare was a graceful thing, beautiful in a way that a snake or a hunting cat might be. A huntress, a deadly and possibly venomous creature at home in her environment, in control of herself. Possibly murderous, possibly only dangerous when bored, infinitely unpredictable.

"Does it now?" Keshani murmured, squinting up at the trees in wordless warning. "How, delightful? I was under the impression that such things should not be so widely gossiped about. Still, I am ever so flattered that you'd go through such trouble to see me. I am quite certain you must have better things to do with your time?"

She returned the cheek-rub greeting politely, sidestepping and appraising the younger mare. "You look well, I suppose whatever your decisions have brought you to this point have agreed with you. I am so pleased to see it is so."

"I am most certain I have no intention of starting a war." She responded in mock-soothing tones. "Such a thing would be of no benefit to me, and is therefore of no interest. I'm sure you've noticed how that few will look after us if we do not look after ourselves. Still, I will certainly wish you an interesting day, it would not be wise for you to go unentertained, I think."

The fact that Ars was so ready to leave so soon made Keshani narrow her eyes in distrust. "Oh, I certainly wouldn't want to chase you off. It is a family matter, after all. Like it or not, you are family. If you wanted to attend, I wouldn't wish to dissuade you."

Ars words were of no surprise, Keshani could see more of herself in the youngster than she would like. Ars would be different, true enough, she was her own creature. But she was enough like Keshani to raise some concerns, too. Kesha remembered what she was like in her youth, and she knew what her brother was like now.

"Yes, my dear." She worked to avoid a frosty edge to the words, refusing to let Ars see how it all galled her. "I planned on staying, some things will be set in motion today that will be slow if not impossible to change. I would have them be on the right foot, rather than the wrong."

It was a matter of pride, but Ars knew that, and somehow that galled more than Keshani was expecting. "Must you go so soon? How said, I do think we should catch up sometime in the future... Soon, if you can manage it."
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 5:20 pm
Ars chuckled a bit, wondering what her dear Auntie was thinking. Honestly thinking, not whatever she decided to let show. Wouldn't that be an amazing thing, to be able to tell? Twitching her tail back and forth, she grinned. "Well, if you know where to listen, there are all sorts of things that are gossiped about. But if you don't know, then I guess its not that surprising you'd think something like this would be kept... quiet." She growled the last word, a bit of a grin spreading across her for a moment before she let her expression settle back into what she thought a simpering niece would look like.
"It's been such a long time, Auntie. Heard you've been..." She chuckled. "Busy."
Ars wasn't really sure how she felt about Kesha, not having interacted with her since she split from her father.
"But to be perfectly honest, I don't really care what happens here. I wanted to see who was going to show." Tossing her hair over a shoulder, she felt her lace mask slip a little, the black markings around her eyes showing a bit more. "After all, war, no war, it doesn't really matter to me. I am not Daddy's little soldier so it might be interesting to see how things fall out."
Shrugging her shoulders, Ars considered her Auntie again. "Family." The word dripped with disdain. "Right. Well. I'm sure you'll have a grand time making grand plans. It will be interesting to see if any of them will come true. Or if it will all fall away from the great Fayths, Light or Dark." Ars made a show of turning back the way she came, but never took her eyes off Kesha. "Well, if you really want to play catch up, then Auntie, you'll come find me when you have time." She threw a wink over her shoulder. "I have nothing but time now."

Ars Word Count: 319  

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 5:26 pm
Keshani pinned an ear, momentarily longing to sink her fangs into whomever dared gossip about her. On the one hand she rather doubted that it was family, for she had never had much interaction with them. On the other, it was rare that she would interact with many, certainly not with consistency required for those to develop something of a sense of her. It somewhat stood to reason that whomever had spoken to Ars about her would be family if anything, but nothing was absolute and Ars enjoyed secrets too much to offer further information.
"Like this? I'm sure you're far too confident about today's agenda, Little Niece." Kesha evaded. "Nothing is certain at all, and the winds do swiftly change. But not all your information is incorrect, I have indeed been quite busy."
She didn't think Ars knew any of the Valkyrie mares that Keshani had begun to spend time with, but that didn't mean it was impossible. Ars was not limited in her range, and certainly would have less to fear from them than her brother or sire might. If any had a hope of finding out what Kesha had been up to, it probably was down to the younger mare.
"I am certain I'm quite honored to be the subject of talk or interest." She offered in a dry, cool tone with just a hint of a smile. "Though I can't imagine who would find me thus, with regards to family I have not been the most entertaining. But then, if you are here to see who may appear I suppose I should be apologetic that you are so disappointed. With only me here, it's hardly a spectacle the likes of which one might hope."
The fact that Ars declared the outcome of no interest, and herself no longer a soldier, was an interesting turn of events. Last she had checked, her brother had been proud of the fact that he had children first... That there were yet more to carry their father's bloodline, to serve his goal.
"The mark of good plans would be those that succeed, thankfully there are always backup and contingency plans. Still, when my current goals are realized I would dearly love to catch up with you, Sweet Ars." Keshani gave a smile. "I will arrange to call on you soon, then, since your schedule is so open. Be well until then, won't you, my dear?"
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:44 pm
Ars grinned, enjoying her little word games as much as she was sure her Auntie was. It must run in the family, enjoying twisting things around until they only somewhat resembled themselves. Oh, twisting words around too. That was always fun.
"You think that this isn't important, then, little Auntie? Meetings like this are oft... overlooked." Not that she would. For all she wanted nothing to do with her father, she knew that she needed to keep up to date on what things were happening. Wouldn't do to be caught off guard by someone looking to make an impact on either side of the Fayth family. Hadn't happened yet, of course, but there were always looking for the right opportunity.
"Of course you have. Though with what, information like that, is hard to come by." She let it be know that while she knew her Auntie was busy, she had no idea with what. There hadn't really been enough time to figure that out. If the information was out there, at any rate. Not everything was available for the knowing.
"I am never disappointed seeing you Auntie. As I said, you've been busy. You are much more spectacle that you give yourself credit for. And you've answered certain questions, just by being here. I would say this little visit was very informative."
Ars laughed softly, shaking her head before she used a wing to slide her mask up off her face, gold eyes fixing on her aunt for a second. "Good luck, Auntie. I have a feeling you'll need it." She snapped her wings out abruptly and sprang into the air.

Ars Word Count: 271  

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:58 pm
There was an annoying tendency to bend the truth and play word games highly prevalent in the Dark Fayths. Keshani could see that Ars had taken to it just as strongly as her sire, which was not surprising but more than a little annoying.

"I am so touched that you would think to check on your aunt." Kesha murmured with feigned sweetness. "Truly. But it is reassuring to hear the information is hard to come by. I suppose when we visit and catch up, we'll have plenty of time to discuss it."

Hopefully, by then all would be in motion and discussing it with Ars would result in no notable changes to the plans. Any interaction by the Fayth bloodline is guaranteed to be a large one, to be shifting, and likely inconvenient. So then, no point in getting Ars involved until the chance that she can derail matters has been minimalized.

"You are too sweet, Niece." It was a neutral thing, noncommittal. As for the rest, well, she wouldn't discuss that yet. The fact that she was standing here was indeed worth a thousand words, the fact that Ars had witnessed it might jeopardize half of them. "I am glad to have seen you and I wish you a safe journey home."

Catching the glance Ars sent to her and returning with a discreet bow of her head, Keshani hummed as her niece took flight. "Thank you for your interest, my dear... and yes, I suppose I shall."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 5:04 pm
Though he let the conversation below pass by without comment, Moonshadow spent the whole of it glaring narrow-eyed at the younger mare. Ars Antiqua was not familiar to him, or Reaper, so he could not help but view her with distrust. Thankfully Ars seemed content to trade quips and then depart. When she had taken to the air and flown off he shifted on his perch, giving a jeering caw and clicking his beak in disapproval. He felt no need to offer words beyond the derisive sound, quite sure his mother understood the meaning.

Instead he waited until she was out of sight and spread his wings with a gentle rustle. Taking to the air, he went spiraling up above the tree to see if he could catch sight of approaching parties for the treaty. The sooner such business was concluded and made official, the better for all involved, to his way of thinking.

Seeing a raven the color of the night sky ascend up ahead, Solace dipped one wing and veered down to a conversational distance above the head of her Soquili companions. Before she had ruffled a feather the mare below was tilting her head upward, drawing to a gentle halt as she waited for Solace to navigate the heavier branches of the canopy.

"Mistress." Solace greeted coolly, mindful of the young stallion observing from the shadows. "I believe I see an Envoy above the treating grove. May I travel on ahead to ensure we are well-received?"

Visually challenged though she might be, Teleri could hear the flutter of Solace's tail before her raven companion drifted below the towering crown of the oaks that loomed over her head. She noticed her son taking his queues from her hesitation and drifting to a halt in a deeper pocket of shadow, but she felt their walk together was soon to come to an end. Solace would not have disturbed them if there were not need, which meant that she had seen something of the herd Envoy or some other news she needed to share with Teleri Lindai.

She wasn't ready for her time with her son to be over, they still knew so little of each other, but the task of Envoy was an important one. "Solace, so soon? Yes, by all means go ahead and tell them that I approach. I hope that if our feuding parties have both arrived things have not been irreparably damaged. Better if only one of them is so early, and we can settle ourselves in to start this treatise from a place of peaceful strength."

Swooping down to hover at eye level to ease the conversation, the white raven acknowledged the white mare with a dip of her head and a glint of glowing eyes.

"We are early yet, I am sure trouble has not yet begun." Solace offered with a faint nod to Falmari. "I would be happy to proceed on and ensure all is calm, and allow you to say your farewells alone."

She clicked her beak to herself and winged upward, departing without a further words. This was not the end, merely the end of the visit today. Solace and her lady were sure to have a far more difficult task ahead of them.

Moonshadow could see when the white raven appeared over the treetops, the gleam of red like blood on snow. He spiraled idly for a moment before darting downward with a grumble.

"Mother, the Envoy approaches." He offered promptly. "I will speak with her Raven, but she is not far off."

Taking the nod for dismissal he ascended once more, circling idly on a smooth glide.


With Solace gone ahead to the treating grounds, Falmari turned to consider his mother. He was not yet sure how to speak to her in comfort, their interactions too new, too raw, for him to manage it as of yet. Still, the walk had been pleasant and the conversation light, he was almost sorry for it to end.

"I would not proceed further on this path, as it leads to an official matter in which I have no part." He admits to the white mare clearly awaiting his decision. "Bringing in yet another party is not likely to help keep the situation peaceful or stable, but I will not depart all that fast. Should you need help, you may send Solace to me and I will return to serve in whatever capacity deemed necessary. Until then, I think I shall strike off West, to wander. After some time, if I do not hear from you, I will assume all is well and I think I will return home. I wish you well in the treating, I am sure you will convince them a peaceful solution is best."

"That is wise." Teleri admitted softly. "Though I would dearly love to spend more time with you, this task is important. It should be handled with focus and care, and bringing others into a private feud is not particularly kind or gracious."

Stomping a dainty red hoof, she gave a soft sigh and a decisive nod. "I wish you well in your wandering and thank you for speaking to me today. I hope we can converse again soon, when this matter is resolved."

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

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