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Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:31 pm
Herein lies the profiles for Crafters, Candidates, Riders, and Dragons

Name ~ Occupation ~ Location ~ Approval Thread

+ Harol ~ Journeyman Harper (Historian/Teacher) ~ Western Weyr ~ [X]
+ Haizea ~ Candidate (Ex-Starcrafter apprentice/Holdbrat) ~ Western Weyr ~ [x]
+ Adar of Blue Yinth~ Wingrider (Ex-dragonhealer apprentice) ~ High Reaches Weyr ~ [X]
+ A’mir of Blue Talanth ~ Wingrider ~ Western Weyr ~ [X]
+ Ra'mi of Blue Zidoleth~ Wingrider (Ex-Farmercraft apprentice) ~ HRW ~ [X]
+ Solameya of Green Prulienth ~ Weyrling (Former Harpercraft dance and defense journeyman) ~ HRW ~ [X]
+ Fe'ryn of Bronze Alarasith ~ Wingrider ~ HRW ~ [X]

Planned Characters! - WIPs, Ideas, Transfers, etc

>> Felinehandler female (hunter) with Mountain Sand Cat partner
>> Male Courtesan - Assassin/ [Maybe either massage crafter or perfume/cologne crafter] - Weyrless?
>> Ko'en of Bronze Istuth - Western
>> G'non of Blue Torvarth - HRW
>> Val’in of Brown Edainth - HRW
>> Iona of Green Kaviath - HRW
>> U’ru of Blue Atosith - Undecided
>> Hineni of Blue Omrith - Western

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:34 pm
Name: Harol
Age: 27 30 31 [Nameday: 1.7.3547]
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Craft: Harper - Focusing in History
Rank: Journeyman
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: Harol doesn't cut the most imposing figure. He's slim with a thin, diamond shaped face and angular features. Standing in at five foot, seven, he's hardly the tallest man out there, but his rangy limbs and long, lean silhouette could sometimes imply height that isn't there, especially when he straightens completely with his head up and shoulders back. His habit of bending over books or notes and leaning in to look over shoulders to check work lend him a sense of being somewhat shorter than he is. As far as clothing choices to put on his lean frame, he tends to choose pieces that don't cling too much, garments that breathe and are easy to move in, but with pockets a'plenty if he can help it. Harol has a head of light brown curly hair that he tends to keep shorter on the sides and in the back with the top mop being kept short enough to not fall into his eyes when it does fall forward. The harper has kindly blue gray eyes which are sometimes used for dramatic effect when he needs to harden his expression to play the part of steely disciplinarian should any of his students decide to act up or willfully misbehave. Being very expressive in his emoting, the harper tends to avoid gambling types of activities. (He has no 'poker face'. None what so ever. It's bad!) He has to consciously try to keep his expressions neutral and professional when deal with some scenarios involving his work, like kids doing something wrong but are hilarious at the same time or if he has meetings with any parents or caregivers that may wish to speak with him, elsewise his face will give away any and all clues about how he's feeling or what he's thinking.

Personality: > Hardworking and punctual, a real nose to the grindstone type of person, when researching, working, studying, what have you, Harol dives head long into the tasks before him. He takes his work quite seriously and wants to let others enjoy the benefits of his work as well. Why mess around and delay getting something done by complaining or procrastinating? By getting it done, you free yourself up for enjoying your free time sooner. Of course, his definition of time runs differently. Very much a "If we're not early, we're late" type of fellow, the Harper values punctuality highly, mostly for himself, though he did get some small gratification from driving his more 'I'll get there when I get there' elder sister up the wall when they were in the Harper Hall together. You can bet that he's always there to greet the first children to arrive when it comes time for his lectures or lessons with a smile and a 'how do you do?'. It should be noted, however, that habitual lateness is a pet peeve of his.

There is one great thing Harol enjoys seeing is when his own excitement can ignite the passion and interest of others. Be it regarding a shared past time with his friends or when a particular favor subject of his comes up for him to teach and discuss with his students, he becomes lively and animated, encouraging participation and sharing. If something is enjoyed, why not spread the love?! A kid seem unsure of something but are expressing interest? Harol will gently try to help them move towards at least giving the thing a try. His friends and his work certainly fall well into his realm of things he'll readily sacrifice for. Losing sleep? Fine, he can make it up later. A student struggling? He clock the extra time trying to help them understand what might be giving them trouble. He's got a ready smile and a warm, welcoming manner for most occasions. Harol's fully capable of laying down the law and standing his ground. There's a time for being buddy buddy and then there's time for making sure things are accomplished. He's there for the kids he teaches, but he's an adult and will not stand being disregarded or disrespected.

He has a hard time saying no and can be over accommodating. The harper, while hard working, has trouble not letting himself taking on more work than he is able to do. During his apprenticeship, he practically had catch phrases of "I'll do what I can" and "I'll see what I can do" and "Sure, happy to help". Those lazy or especially manipulative apprentices who took notice of his willingness to be of assistance could get away with tipping some form of small task or favor off on Harol. He likes being useful, but he gets aggravated when he obviously is being taken advantage of, particularly in regards to known offenders or those who go on to take credit for his hard work. He has particular difficulty in regards to peers, friends, or family, even if he isn't on fire for the task or favor being asked of him. Unfortunately for the kids he teaches, he's less likely to give into what they may be wanting him to do. It's his job to make sure they learn the material, begging or finagling isn't going to change that fact.

He's a bit of a scaredy-cat. Now, there isn't a lot Harol wouldn't outright consider trying at least once. Of course, there are a few things that he actively avoids if at all possible. Heights being a big one. Steep stairs make him nervous. Being up in high towers or if he has to be around cliffs or overlooks, he gives windows a wide berth and keeps well back from any edge. Looking down from such heights make his knees feel weak and makes him feel an awful mix between queasy and dizzy. Flying? You've got to be kidding! He feels that he'd either lose whatever meal he had last or forget how to breath. No, he's perfectly happy walking, or taking a runner or maybe tagging along with a caravan to get from point A to point B. Those aren't his only fears. No. Harol has a lesser fear of storms, specifically the thunder and lightning accompanied with them. He has no problem with rain. It could be raining sideways, in sheets, and he'd be fine. It's the teeth rattling booms and those dangerous flashes of lightning that put him on edge. You can bet, if it's a bad storm, he'll try his damnedest to avoid being out in it. They've always bothered him ever since he was a very small boy. Then, of course, there's felines and Thread, but that's more common sense than anything, in his opinion.

History: Born to Liat, a herbalist, and Senen, a harper with a focus in instrument crafting, in Fort Hold, Harol was the couple's second child together. His older sibling is a sister named, Yana. He was a fussy baby and toddler, his troublesome ears regularly making him hurt or cry. His parents were patient with him and as he grew out of toddlerhood, his ears weren't quite so acutely, painfully sensitive as they had been when he was very young. His upbringing was pretty standard and uneventful, in his own words. The family was well off enough that they never really were left wanting of anything, but they weren't exactly wealthy either. They were comfortable monetarily speaking. Being based in Fort didn't hurt this. His mother, Liat, could bring he or his sister along without too much trouble to watch her with the numerous plants she worked with. His father, due to some of the sharper and more dangerous tools of his chosen trade, had to wait until the kids were a mite older before bringing them to watch him work. They both took great pride and pleasure from their work and hoped to instill such interest, or passion, in their children, encouraging them to explore their interests, whatever they may be. His sister, while enamored with the beauty of newly crafted instruments, felt the pull to learn how to play them, and learn to make and perform music. So, when she was of age to take on a craft, she began her apprenticeship in the Harper Hall. Around the same time, another baby was born into their little family, a little girl they named Adar. At this time, Harol was already showing interest in picking up the Harpercraft as well. His mother would occasionally joke with their father that 'this one is mine', referring to his baby sister.

When he entered the craft himself, he tried on the various facets of the Harper Hall, and while interested in the musical end of the spectrum, it didn't stick. He really got his chance to shine in his studies and eventually went on to find a great deal of enjoyment in digging through the historical documents and notes available to him. He had found his specialization and he took great pleasure in it. Around the time he was nineteen, a few Search riders had stopped at the Hold. They stayed for short time, but while there one of the team stopped him, expressing that he was a valid candidate for their Search, that he had what it took to be a candidate and maybe go on to impress a dragon partner of his own. He blanched at the prospect, eyes wide, and his brows shot towards his hairline. Flying? The thought of the regular heights, and a knot of anxiety settled heavily in his gut making him feel suddenly queasy. He couldn't possibly! He was getting ready to walk-the-tables! He was going to go into teaching! Sure, the dragons were big, magnificent creatures, but the soaring, swooping, diving, and all manner of other aerial expectations were too much. The normally articulate teenager stammered a thank you and politely turned the rider's offer down before beating a hasty retreat back to the Hall.

After successfully walking-the-tables, Harol was given a posting for a position in Keroon, for further studying and assisting in teaching with one of the Harpers there. During his trip there, he was scheduled for picking up with a caravan of traders who were supposed to be heading that way. Some severe storms had swept through the area that day and into the night. Come the morningtime when he came upon where he was due to meet up with them, there seemed to be chaos. People were scattered about, many were crying or holding onto friends, family, loved ones, making sure to keep the younger folk away from a certain portion of their encampment. Evidently, sometime in the night, lightning had struck. A couple of caravans and a cart had caught on fire, there were a few people dead. Harol hadn't ever liked thunder, but the things he saw that morning firmly cemented his long standing fear of storms. Those poor people were devastated. He did what he could to assist to help them pick up the pieces. They were delayed for a day while they laid their fallen to rest and salvaged what they could from the ruined remnants of the affected transports. The ride into Keroon was a solemn, quiet one for the adults of the caravan. To help, Harol did his best to help keep the young kids busy and entertained to give the adults time with their thoughts.

He spent two turns in Keroon, where he got an even better appreciation for runners, then spent a turn in Ruatha helping out with an influx of refugees that had streamed in around the time of his arrival, before returning for most of a turn to Fort. Upon hearing of an opening to teach in his own right, Harol jumped at the chance, having really grown to enjoy striking out on his own. Sure, it was nice to see his mother, father, and sisters, but duty called! So to Western Weyr he went, to help teach the weyrbrats and creche-kids there. He has been in Western for coming up on four Turns now, enjoying his work with the kids and Weyr life in general. With the return of Thread, his mind can be prone to pondering the what ifs in slow or quiet moments. It scares him to no end, but his top priority is making sure his pupils, while in his care or under his tutelage, are kept safe and out of harm's way. He'll do just about anything for those kids. He's grown quite attached to them. Whenever one of the Golds clutch, he makes sure to try and find himself a seat in the stands to watch to see if any of the kids he's taught or helped Impress.

Other: He generally has a pair of half-moon pince-nez glasses tucked away somewhere on his person, unless they are actively in use. He can see perfectly fine at a distance, but anything closer than an arm's reach tends to get blurry.

Harol has pretty sensitive ears. While a keen ear sometimes comes in handy to make sure answers aren't being whispered during reviews/tests, or if chatter isn't going on during class/study times, or if he has to harmonize with someone in the odd event of him singing with/in front of others, it makes thunderstorms an ordeal. The thunder rattles him to his core, makes his head and ears hurt, sometimes coupled with ringing in his ears when the weather is directly over the Weyr. Coupled with his fear of severe weather, there are some nights where he just can't sleep because his ears/head is hurting and his heart is racing from his nerves. He'll just anxiously wait for the weather to move on and the night to quiet. He'll be jolted awake by approaching thunder. Klah is his dearest and most treasured friend after nights such as those.

While he greatly enjoys the musical facets of his craft, particularly the skill it takes to play instruments, Harol doesn't seem to have a knack for it. Can't get his fingers to cooperate, he says. However, he's a pretty good singer when a musical mood hits him, or when he believes he's alone while grading work or reviewing his plans for his students and sings quietly to himself. When caught, he jokingly chalks it up to the fact that he essentially talks for a living, that his vocal instrument is always warmed up.


Father - Senen (52) // Instrument crafter
Mother - Liat (51) // Herbalist
Sister - Yana (Three years older - 30) // Musician (instrumental)
Himself - Harol (27) // Historian/teacher
Sister - Adar (Five years younger - 22) // Had been a healer apprentice, now a candidate over at HRW and has been for a couple of turns now  


Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:04 pm
Name: Haizea
Age: 17 19 21
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homoflexible - Prefers ladies, but comfortable enough with menfolk that if a dudely hookup happens she isn't going to cry herself to sleep at night over an identity crisis. (Effectively, bi with a female preference)
Craft: Starcraft - Meteorologist/Navigator interest [Former Holdbrat]
Rank: Apprentice
Location: Western, formerly Landing
Physical Description: Haizea is a short and stout young lady, standing in at five foot one with a solid build, sporting enough pudge to drift into chubby territory. She's always active so under the layer of padding is some decently solid muscles (not enough for any serious definition), especially in her legs and core, mostly from running around, hauling equipment and books, and nowadays, chores. Haizea seems to exude warmth, from her warm brown skin, to her bright blue eyes, to her wildly curly, long dark honey blonde hair. As much as she loves color and pattern, her clothing tends towards the practical and easy to move in over anything especially ornate or complicated. She doesn't tend to shy away from interesting cuts and flattering silhouettes.
Personality: Bright and attentive, with all of the energy she seems to carry, Haizea possesses an eager mind and a laser focus. When pursuing a task or subject of interest, she'll devour any crumb of information she can find on the subject. A ready pupil, she had no issue studying the tomes and skies as she delved into her interests of navigation and meteorology. She enjoys challenging herself with puzzles and trying new hobbies at least once to see what if anything sticks. Haizea will keep after whatever she's pursuing until she has exhausted her resources, or herself in her pursuit.

She appears to have nigh limitless energy bubbling just under the surface. She can appear perfectly serene, but within a moment be up and running a mile a minute. She is eager to participate in classes, doesn't mind chores too much, loves to swim, climb, dance, and just keep active. Ready with a smile and a laugh, she'll drag along friends or amiable acquaintances if they're down for tagging along. Adventure really is better when shared after all! Haizea cares deeply for those who find their way into her heart and will go above and beyond for them. Need help finishing a task? On it! Need a wingwoman to help sing your praises to someone you're crushing on? Consider it done! But, no, seriously? Do you want her to go talk to them? Recon! Besides, she enjoys stretching her flirty muscles from time to time. Feeling sick? She'll make sure to grab any homework and notes you may need, plus maybe a bubbly pie for a little pick-you-up. Welcoming of making new friends and acquaintances, pretty much the only time she won't give someone at least polite civility is someone who just refuses to act remotely politely or civilly. Those who are unwilling to even consider reforming don't have a space in her life.

Haizea is bit of an adrenaline junkie, especially when it comes to weather. (In our world, she'd definitely be a storm chaser if given the chance.) She revels in watching powerful weather unfold in its full might and majesty. Did you see how that lightning spread across the ENTIRE sky?! Wasn't it awesome?! This is some crazy wind, huh? The rain is blowing sideways! Feel how heavy and huge those drops are! Wild, right? Look at the size of those waves! Whoa! Coming in drenched and just buzzing with excitement is something she loves, even if it means sneaking out if she has to. She isn't one to shy away from such elements. Heck, a good bit of the idea of her particular training was to maybe help navigate folks around in such weather, or finding those lost out in such conditions, or keeping an eye on storms to give folks enough time to get someplace safe.

She hasn't said if she had learned this trait from someone or someplace or if it's something she's taken upon herself, but she's the sort to forgive but not forget. She'll rank offenses and keep a tally of how many there have been. Oooor, she'll punch the offender, with or without warning, depending on how steamed she is, and the tally will be reset, wiping the proverbial slate clean. She tends to be more patient or willing to let slights against her slide, but if someone truly upsets those near and dear? They might find themselves watching as a fuming spitfire marches up to them to ready to come to blows. She is certainly capable of using her words, but it feels so much better to act sometimes. (Of course, the scrappiness might also, in part, stem from the thrill seeker part of her personality.) When/if her penchant for occasional throwing of punches gets her in trouble, she graciously accepts whatever punishment she may be given. She did what she needed to do at the time and she'll answer for her actions. Simple as that.

While she is quite open, Haizea also can deal in absolutes. There are those who fall into the category of me and mine, good friends and acquaintances, folks who treat others well, classmates, etc, and Other, which are folks who seem adamant about having nothing to do with anyone. Folks unwilling to help others, active aggressors, the unrepentant rude and uncivil, she could go on. Once she's sorted someone into the Other category, they'll be hard pressed to change her mind unless they really sell their point and prove to her that they have indeed warranted a shift on her lists.

History: It seemed from early on she was fated to be a Holdbrat. The result of a brief romance between a passing caravaneer, her father, and her mother, whom kept profoundly busy as she had worked her way up to being a Ship Captain, after being weaned, Haizea was put into care so that she might have some stability. She knew who her parents were, her mother would regularly visit and spend some time with her when in port, even occasionally bringing some little trinket from elsewhere, or sometimes oceanic treasures of pretty shells or frosted glass, worn smooth by the action of the waves themselves. Best of all were the stories, of course! The girl ate them up! She didn't actually meet her father until she was almost five, but she was super pleased to meet him. He was tickled at her enthusiasm and too began sharing stories of his travels, of the places he'd been, of the people he'd met. Once in a great while, he'd sometimes send her a small gift around her birthday, but not routinely enough to actively look for them or be crushed if they didn't show up on time...or at all. Haizea was perfectly aware of how full and busy her parents lives were. That was okay. She had a lot going on for her too! There were classes, homework, friends to play with, and, when she began to come of age for considering a craft, deciding what interested her, what to pursue. It had taken her some considering, but the girl felt drawn to the Starcraft. By going into that, she could gain skills that could help out people in the lines of work that both of her parents had. She got to live in the Hall, which was convenient for not having to go far to do her homework and studies, but it also meant she had a little bit more wiggle room to explore and get to know the folks in and around the Starcraft Hall. It was during this time she had made friends with a handful of Aunties and Uncles of the Hold. They taught her some tips and tricks for sewing, which she kept as a casual hobby, or some time practical application whenever she may need to repair her clothes.

A few turns went on and around the age of twelve, she began to focus in on her particular interests of her chosen Craft with a good bit of basics providing a base to build from. Having always had a degree of freedom, the independent teen dove headlong in her studies with an eye toward walking-the-tables when she was old enough. Her mother encouraged her drive. A couple more turns go on and, now fifteen, she can see clearly the steps she needed to take to achieve her goal. She hasn't seen or heard from her dad in a number of turns, but doesn't mind too much. She's got plenty of family around her! The Aunties who let her sew with them, her mother when she's not on the water, her Hall friends, Holdbrat companions, and so on. One particular and fateful day, returning to the Hall after a candlemark or two spent with her Old Lady Friends, a quartet of dragonriders had arrived. Two were apparently newly stationed watchriders, which was neat, but what surprised her were the two Search riders tagging along with them. Such a commotion...She had to see what was up! Haizea stashed her newly finished project in her little satchel and wove her way through the bustling gathering. A big brown and lithe green and their riders were there to stay for a while it seemed. The Searching pairs, a blue and a green, seemed to be skimming the crowd while their riders chatted with those near the front. One of her Old Lady Friends happened to be wandering over to see what the hubbub was about herself. Haizea flagged her attention over and helped her through the crowd so she could get a really good look at the dragons, brought her right up front. A few pleasantries were exchanged with the riders before the worn out Auntie asked for a hand out of the crowd. All too happy to help, Haizea offered an arm and began to make her way off toward a break in the crowd. Before getting too far, one of the riders called after them and requested that when she was free, could she come back for a word. 'Weird, huh. Okay,' Haizea had thought. Maybe they had an errand that needed running? It didn't even enter her mind that she had been pinged for their Search. She hadn't ever fantasized over being a dragon rider or anything. Don't get her wrong, it looked like seriously amazing and hard work from what she understood, and there was no doubting dragons were awesome creatures. However, her eyes were on a closer prize. After all, she only needed a couple of more turns of work and study before being able to Walk. Upon returning, the crowd had thinned some, and Haizea was just gobsmacked at being invited to come be a candidate. What? What?! This wasn't something that just happened! No way! She had laughed, at first, before asking 'But, no, seriously, do you need something?' It had taken a little convincing that the offer was legit, that they weren't pulling her leg. Well, her mother was at sea. She fidgeted a bit, shifting her weight from foot to foot almost as if she were debating on running. There wouldn't be any harm in giving it a go, she supposed. If she had a partner somewhere down the line, then that'd certainly be something different! If it wasn't to be, it wouldn't take too much catch up to become a Journeyman as she had been planning! Why not? It was an opportunity to travel, see new places, meet new people. She'd have her own stories to share. With it decided, she packed up what life of hers she could carry and tagged along to her new home, Western Weyr.

The new workload wasn't so different from what she was used to. She fell into a routine of sorts, started building new social circles, and so on and so forth. A bit over a turn of having become a resident of the Weyr, the return of Thread had brought on a whole other sense of urgency to maybe becoming a rider one day. Sure, she was still very much interested in the Craft she had studied under, but people were in desperate need of the sort of security and protection that dragonriders could provide. She worried about her folks, more so her mom than her far ranging, distant father. It had taken a few months before she had heard news. Her mother had been on the way home when it had first struck. She hadn't made it. It broke her heart. Haizea soldiers on for her memory. Still no clue about her dad, but he doesn't linger in her thoughts too much. If it is in the stars that she does have a dragon somewhere in the future, she'll strive to do everything she is able to honor the memory and support of her mother and everyone who has backed her.

Other: Haizea tends to repair, adjust her own clothing as needed, having grown comfortable doing so after befriending a few Aunties and Uncles back in Landing who were either self-sufficient and confident enough to do it on their own, or were former Weavercrafters. She never really asked. She simply had fun learning from them. Once in a blue moon, she may decide to embellish some garment of hers, but never anything too crazy, maybe just a little design along the hem or if she's feeling frivolous, tassel or bell something for a partying type of occasion. A couple of the friends she had of her own age in Landing used to joke about all of her Old Lady Friends, but Haizea wouldn't trade a single one of them.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:18 pm
User Image
Name: Adar
Age: 22 24 25
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Healercraft - Dragonhealer specialization Wingrider
Rank: Apprentice
Location: High Reaches - Formerly of Fort Hold
Physical Description: Actually the tallest of her three siblings, youngest child Adar stands in at five foot nine inches of slender limbs, gentle curves, and subtle lines which can easily get lost in the baggier clothing she seems to prefer when she's not actively working. Finding looser fabric more of a hassle to keep out of the way, or to avoid having to deal with voluminous sleeves, for work and chore tasks, Adar tends towards clothes that skim her body comfortably without too much extra floating about. Pattern and color are all well and good, she's not picky. She's a fan of layering, when possible, and will do it in warm or cold weather, varying fabrics and cuts to suit the climate. Similar to her elder brother, Adar sports the same light brown curly hair, hers falling to her shoulder blades. Her face shape is similar, though her features are slightly less angular. Unlike her brother, her eyes are russet brown.

Personality: A high-spirited girl that thrives when she can be around and interact with others, Adar throws everything she's got into what she does. Full attention, full effort, everything. She's thoroughly dedicated to the friends she makes, maintains a close relationship with her various family members, and works very hard, originally in her chosen craft, and now as a candidate. Keep trying, keep moving forward, no matter the pace. She enjoys encouraging her friends ever onward toward their own goals or dreams...or to talk to that cute person they've had their eye on. Adar believes in you and you should believe in you too! If someone she's working with or is kicking around with, she's pretty happy to throw her lot in with them to help make sure things get done. Work gets done and more people can enjoy the fruits of their labor/time off. Of course, she doesn't always ask to assist, she sometimes just start doing things. Sure, her impulse to jump in is often welcome and appreciated, but sometimes she can be seen as pushy or something to take advantage of.

Whether Adar cares for it or not, she tends to feel things quite strongly and can take things to heart that may not necessarily need to be taken so seriously. Squeamishness not withstanding, one of the reasons working on non-dragon animals and people was so difficult for her is that, should they succumb to injury or sickness, she usually felt that she failed them somehow, that she contributed to the hurt or grief of family, or owners in the case of critters. She couldn't assist in putting animals down without sobbing as if the beasty were very dear to her. It's sad, okay?! Deaths of patients under the care of the Healer Hall had similar reactions. Her upbringing has left her with a degree of naiveté and untested optimism. If given pointed criticism or otherwise laid into, she'll wallow in her perceived failure while trying to figure out where she went wrong. It generally takes some soothing from a friend or a serious talk to draw her out of her gloom, assuring her that she isn't in fact the literal worst. Frustration or getting hung up on something can work at her as well. A little nudge of encouragement or to move on is sometimes needed if she's just fixated on a problem that is driving her to stress cry. Sure, Adar will soldier on, but until the issue gets addressed, it'll weigh on her, making her second guess herself.

Positive Trait List Determined, Outgoing, Ebullient
Negative Trait List Sensitive, Impulsive, Naive

History: The youngest and final child between Liat, a herbalist, and Senen, an instrument crafter, of Fort, Adar had everything a girl could hope for. Loving, supportive parents, older siblings who didn't dismiss her due to how much younger she was than them, a safe home that was full of love, laughter, and learning. Being in Fort Hold meant that though her parents were of different Crafts, they could still pursue their work and remain together as a family. Her elder sister picked up their father's interest in being a harper and before too long was off for classes and learning her trade. In spite of the five turn difference, it was during this time she and her brother, Harol, grew to be best friends and confidantes. His interest was already in the Harper craft, but he had another couple of turns before he could apprentice, so he helped Adar figure out what she wanted to do. Sure, their parents joked over which of them would get her to take up their crafts, but they still left it open to the girl to figure out on her own. She liked the idea of helping people feel better and she simply went from there. When Harol started his own craft path, she dove headlong into following along with their mother to really start getting a taste for the Healer Hall. When she came of age, it took her a bit to get into the swing of things, but the basics were easy enough to gather. Pinning down a specialty was something that weighed on her. She fancied walking the tables one day, but she needed to have something particular to pursue. She wanted to be part of the action, but, as she learned, squeamishness really put a damper on her progress. It took some trying, some soul searching, and much advice seeking, but the 'AH HA' moment came when the suggestion of trying dragon healing when she was around nineteen turns old.

Only six months after finding the niche that really sang with her, a Search rider pair came to Fort Hold, a Bronzerider pair and a Bluerider pair. She had been on her way back towards the Healer Hall after a lunch with her elder sister when she decided, what the hey, go have a gander at the new dragons hanging around. She hadn't heard where they hailed from, so why not go strike up a conversation with the visitors, provided the crowding wasn't too bad. She didn't have an infinite time for lunch after all. Fortunately, the pair weren't too busy with the similarly curious, or the hopeful. Getting a closer look at the dragons was something else! The bronze was among the largest she had even seen or worked on, and the blue had such a pretty hide and friendly demeanor, stooping his head low to sniff or huff hair and hat alike. The riders said they hailed from High Reaches and spoke with her some about their respective weyrlinghoods, the stories of their impressing, general upkeep and the like for their bondmates. The chat was profoundly interesting, but, alas, limited time to spare had her ready to head back toward the hall. The bronzerider stopped her before she could slip into the crowd with a simple question: Do you want to find out yourself? She could return with them, become a candidate back in High Reaches, gaining the possibility of Impressing herself. Huh. That was a thought. Adar did enjoy her recently discovered niche, but what about the chance of being a rider herself? Crazy, right? She was sold! Besides, since it was High Reaches, she'd only have a fistful of years before she aged out. She could resume her apprenticeship and walk-the-tables, given enough time and study. The young woman made up her mind! She went back, informed her master and then her folks. They were understanding and supportive, bidding her good luck and making her swear promises of updates. After packing and bidding her family and friends goodbye, off Adar went to High Reaches.

The classes and work associated with candidacy wasn't so out of the norm for Adar, though the more staunch traditionalism of High Reaches took some getting used to. Or, at least, accustomed enough to not outwardly cringe. Her own views were pretty liberal. Let the work someone does speak for themselves, regardless of color. Does she say this to anyone? Not unless asked directly or she finds someone of similar opinion to commiserate with. She knows her time is growing short as a High Reaches Candidate. With the return of thread, she is game for whatever life may throw her way, either as a possible rider, or as a dragonhealer. Either way, she's still useful!

Other: One of her reasons for going into dragon healing is that the sight of ichor doesn't bother her in the slightest. Red human or beast blood, however, makes her really queasy and, despite efforts to desensitize herself to injuries and such, exposure therapy simply didn't work for her. She had never really thought herself squeamish, never having any issue if she got a scrape or a cut on her own, but when exploring more active disciplines of Healercraft than her mother's herbalism, she learned quickly that even though mentally blood didn't bother her, her body reacted quite strongly. After dropping into a full on faint a couple of times when assisting, she consulted available Craftmasters and experienced Journeymen to for any advice. She wanted to be one of the people making a difference, working with others to make a difference in their lives. The advice ranged from taking another craft to assuring her that herbalism was very helpful, among other things. Adar had two and a half turns of trial and error in her experimenting with what worked for her. Surprisingly, the green of dragon ichor didn't bring the same reactions from her as other blood did. She guessed the color was far off enough to not trigger the same reaction in her. Plus, dragons are beautiful, amazing creatures that did important work. Helping to keep them in their best, healthiest, and happiest shape was a challenge she could get behind.

She's a hugger, from good or bad stimuli. It's just something that she can't help, even if she's sort of caught in the wake of something happening to someone else. Now, she won't throw her arms around a stranger, but a friend, family member, or even acquaintance whom may happen to be with her? Fair game! This can be good or bad. If happening upon a supposedly private moment, her reacting could well embarrass herself, anyone with her, or those experiencing the actual moment who might notice that their private moment is less private than they were hoping. The person with her might not be feeling like getting swept up in Adar's emoting, which can land her in hot water or on the receiving end of an argument if said companion is lashing out. On the positive side, she's there to offer emotional and physical comfort (not the sexual kind) to those whom may be going through a rough time, friend, fellow candidate, or anyone really. She's a big supporter of hugging it out and there ARE wrong ways to give a hug. She's got some strong opinions on the matter.

DRAGON - Yinth is 3. [Hatchday: 4.1.18]

Blue Yinth
Written by Masterharper
Colored by Masterharper

User Image

Origin of Name: In China, although not a traditional way to serve tea, iced tea gained widespread popularity in even rural areas since the late 1980s with canned or bottled tea. Many varieties of tea, including green tea, are available packaged and sold in stores. Many families make their own iced tea by either putting lots of ice in a small amount of strong hot tea or by putting hot tea in a fridge for some time. Common types of iced tea are black, green, oolong, and lots of herbals as well. Iced herbal teas are especially popular in the hot summers, where "yin" or cooling herbs are used to make tea such as chrysanthemum, kuding tea, etc. Cooled tea (but still warm) was popular throughout ancient times.

Inspiration: Iced Tea s a form of cold tea with sugar or a sweetener added in it. Though usually served in a glass with ice, it can refer to any tea that has been chilled or cooled and it may be sweetened. Iced tea is also a popular packaged drink. It can be mixed with flavored syrup, with multiple common flavors including lemon, raspberry, lime, passion fruit, peach, orange, strawberry, and cherry. While most iced teas get their flavor from tea leaves (Camellia sinensis), herbal teas are sometimes served cold and referred to as iced tea. Iced tea is sometimes made by a particularly long steeping of tea leaves at lower temperature (one hour in the sun). Some people call this "sun tea".

Personality: This blue dragon is a bright splash of good cheer! Yinth is the sort of blue who always seems to look on the bright side of life, and is the sort who is rarely down for long. If a smile could be personified, you could bet Yinth would be it. This dragon is always ready to support those in need with a kind word, and if words don't work, you can bet he'll be happy to cuddle right on up! As affectionate as he is kind, this blue is more than happy to nuzzle and canoodle with any willing partner. Unlike some in the clutch, he does respect boundaries, and also knows when to back off -- but if you give this blue an inch, you can bet he'll be happy to touch.

What is life without scritches, after all?

Ultimately, this blue is a very relaxed dragon. Very little upsets him, and he's not the sort of have much of a temper. In fact, this blue is a bit of a coward. When confrontation starts, you can bet this blue will turn the other way, or easily submit. He doesn't like aggression, and will easily flatten beneath those who exert even a little dominance. On the one hand, this works well in High Reaches -- he is happy with that status quo, thanks, and isn't going to say nary an ill word against it. On the other hand, this does make him a bit of a chew toy.

Playing into his comfort of High Reaches is his lack of ambition. This blue doesn't want to break the mold, or skyrocket to the top. He just wants to fight Thread, fight the Enemey, and keep Pern safe. He wants a cool ledge to lay on, a full belly, and his rider near -- is that too much to ask? No, this blue isn't the sort to go out of his way to go above and beyond, but that's okay by him!

In some cases, this makes the blue too easy going. While often his go-with-the-flow attitude is a good thing, making him many friends, and keeping him out of trouble, it some times goes too far. He will take being pushed around, and doesn't stand up much to himself. In other cases, he'll go along with bad behavior just to avoid a fight. His rider will need to make sure his blue stays in the kinder circles, so as not to wind up bullied into trouble.

Positive Traits: Sunny, Tactile, Relaxed
Negative Traits: Unambitious, Cowardly, Easily Bullied

Adult Size: 23'
Physical Attributes: Yinth is a small and delicate blue. He has delicate bones, delicate feet, delicate toes, and will be prone to bruising. Thankfully, he takes it all in stride! He has long, delicate wings, and long delicate headknobs, and knows he's quite a lovely specimen!

Additional Notes: This blue will love to chase. He might be delicate, but he's not necessarily fragile, even if he bruises easy. He was made for speed and making tight turns while on wing. This blue is agility incarnate, and will easily be able to avoid Thread while in flight. He's a natural acrobat!

He is very close to Karhath, whom he is always happy to share a snuggle. He's also a fan of Anxith, and has no trouble keeping her in good company.

Theme Song: Together Forever by Rick Astley
Purple Peep Egg: A large egg hidden beneath the clutch.

Why Me? Adar is perfect for Yinth in all the right ways. To start, this pair matches one another in temperament. Where Adar is focused and determined, Yinth will be there to encourage and support. No matter where Adar wants to go, Yinth will happily follow. Sort of. Unless she wants to go somewhere scary -- then he might need a bit of encouragement. Where Yinth might drag his feet, Adar will be there to encourage him; and where Adar might suddenly find herself in need of support, you can bet Yinth will give her all the love and affection she craves. She can do no wrong in Yinth's eyes, and he will make sure she never doubts herself.

She is perfection.

Thankfully, the pair are about as sunny as you could expect. With Adar's optimism matching his own, Yinth knows there is nothing they cannot achieve. Furthermore, Adar's hardworking attitude will give this blue some sense of direction; instead of wandering aimlessly, he can follow wherever Adar goes. These two will be able to life one another up, and help each other through the intricacies of life. Together, they will make a strong pair any Wing or Weyr would be happy to have. Together forever, always.

RPs:When The Morning Comes - Post Goldflight - With W'ill (tatter)  


Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:19 pm
Name: A'mir - AamiranUser Image
Age: 53
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Weyr: Western Weyr - Formerly Weyrless/independent
Rider Rank: Wingrider - {Bahrain Wing}
Previous Rank/Craft: n/a - Only unofficially trained by the rogue courtesans who he took to running around with. He specialized in dancing and massage though. Arts of distraction~
Physical Description: A'mir isn't a man of extraordinary proportions, being on the shorter side from an adult mostly due to substandard nutrition as a very young boy, standing at five foot six. He's always had a slight frame and tended towards being skinny as a youngster even when food was around, while puberty added a touch of lean musculature to him. Even now in his early fifties, he still only has slight muscular definition when he stretches or intentionally flexes. He doesn't tend to work out beyond the general activity needed to keep him fit for his job as a rider and now the physical therapy type of working to keep his thread scored knee in working order. Since leaving his original circumstances as a boy and growing into his own, A'mir takes a degree of care and pride in his appearance and upkeep. His long, straight night waist length hair was once entirely black, but has begun to grow a dark iron gray. When working, his hair is always pulled up or plaited up and out of the way where it won't get snagged or tangled in anything. His eyes are forest green, narrow and deep set, and, while he tries not to give away how he's doing, most days when he has quiet moments and down time seem to have a tired look to them. Clothing-wise, work clothes tend to be plainer though flattering in fit and color. Special event and gather clothes tend to have more interesting pattern or accessories. He takes pains to try to remain neat unless the work calls for getting messy, in which case he'll tolerate it, but will try to go clean up as soon as he possibly can. This sort of fussiness extends to his bondmate and his husband as well, the latter especially so during events. He'll fiddle with ties, buttons, and smooth wrinkles, finger comb hair. By thunder, any spouse of his is going to go out and about looking nice too! Talanth, fortunately, adores being cleaned and oiled so it doesn't take much convincing there.

A difficult boyhood caused A'mir to grow into a somewhat of a complicated man. His knee jerk reaction to new people or situations is often suspicion or mistrust. He's secretive about himself and his goings on unless he's become absolutely certain that the one inquiring of him or trying to get closer to him isn't doing so for ulterior motives, that they genuinely have interest and care about him or what he says. A'mir learned pretty early on the usefulness of being perceptive, to read faces, body language, key into tones of voice, see how people act and react off of others. He's not going to be nasty or overt about his suspicion or skepticism of new folk, but you can be certain he's going to be watching. Not just when they're directly speaking to him, but maybe if they happen to end up around each other. Perhaps during drills or in the dining hall, he might watch how they interact with fellow wingmates, friends, family. Briefly, of course. One tended to get farther using subtlety and keeping your head down than obnoxiousness.

Even still, his speaking voice is soft. His gestures tend to be close to his body or directly in front of him. He listens, observes, and then makes decisions from there. Until he's absolutely certain of things, this reserved rider will be hard pressed to share too much. Even those that he does let in, he's a slow burner in regards to letting much about himself be known. He's not proud about things he's done in the past, which can lead to bouts of moodiness, wherein the memories of people he's wronged or wrongs he's done have him withdraw and wallow in his regret. The funks used to last upwards of days when he was younger, but having Talanth to lean on, G'nik and Dazalth around for companionship have really helped. Not that he'd shout this from the roof tops. He loves them and shows it in his own little ways. Funks nowadays tend to last maybe a few hours to a day at the very most.

A tough start forged a hard working man. He had to strive and push for everything. He wasn't going to let his circumstances get the best of him. He doesn't mind work. It keeps him busy, helps him feel useful. Food, shelter, and safety are also perks. Then again it's nice to see the same faces day in and day out. See the greater goal that you're working for. A'mir values practicality. Glitz and glamor are...okay, but he'd prefer a flatteringly cut garment in a nice color to something ostentatious. Since having achieved the stability he lacked in his childhood, he's come to enjoy some personal pleasures. He's as healthy as he's ever been and nutritionally has what he needs to feed his body and mind. He enjoys looking nice and has a bit of a vain streak. No more sunken eyes or hollow cheeks, gnawing hunger in an empty gut. A'mir relishes the healthy skin and weight, the well maintained hair he has now. He doesn't even mind the graying, sporting a bit of iron and silver. He feels he's earned it and loves it, finding it distinguished. He enjoys cleanliness and is known for being fussy over himself and loved ones. A thing he discovered about himself is that he enjoys getting in touch with his sensual side. His focuses in his criminal troupe were dance and massage, and he is still quite happy to practice what he learned. He might not say grand orations of his affections, but he's ever willing to soothe and comfort with touch. Clasped hands, grasped shoulders, rubbed or patted backs are literally the least he does. Dance can lift spirits, can warm the soul. Touch can speak volumes without so much as an uttered word. If one doesn't know what to look for, one might miss this subtle man's expressions of how he feels and views those he interacts with.

Positive Trait List Hard working, practical, perceptive, subtle
Negative Trait List Suspicious/mistrustful, secretive, vain, regretful/moody
Aamiran entered a life of crime as a boy/preteen to escape the harsh, dismal reality of his home. He didn't know how to read, hunger was a near constant companion, and the work he was made to do was profoundly dangerous. He had grown tired of having to fight tooth and nail for every single scrap that came to him. He came to a point where he couldn't take it any longer and he decided to strike out for greener pastures with a few rather shady folks that were passing through. From the few interactions and conversations Aamiran had with them, they seemed to be a decently safe bet to get away from his dismal circumstances. He didn't ask or let anyone know of his departure. Why bother? Nobody cared for him, so they probably wouldn't have missed him, other than perhaps missing one of the few people who could crawl into the tight spaces for one reason or another. No, he didn't even think of ever looking back. There was nothing for him there, save for quite possibly a life of misery, toil, and very likely an early death.

Now having fallen in with a decently organized group of nomadic courtesans and career criminals, Aamiran was hungry for work, to prove himself, and he made for a very eager pupil for picking up the trade, tools, and skills that he would need for the job. For the first time in his young life, Aamiran could get a meal when he was hungry and usually had a few extra marks to his name for whatever he decided to use them for. It was work, but it was also freedom he had never experienced before. Sure, sometimes luck and circumstance were against him, but he and his ragtag group of deviants could move along to new locations or scatter themselves to the winds with the agreement to meet up again after an agreed upon amount of time.

Around the age of twenty, he found himself in Western Weyr after a Queen had clutched. He was due to leave in a day or two when the humming announcing that the eggs were beginning to hatch thrummed around the Weyr. Thinking why not, Aamiran decided to grab a seat and watch. After all, he was hardly ever in or near enough to a Weyr when such an exciting event was going on. What he wasn't expecting was when one of the blue dragonets from out on the sands locked eyes with him and spoke directly into his mind. He Impressed Talanth that day, much to his bewilderment, and became A'mir.

Never having been a candidate and still not being the best at reading, he was put into remedial weyrling lessons so that he could be brought up to speed with reading and what was now expected of him as a future rider. A'mir really took to reading once he got the knack of it. It was almost as if a whole new world had opened up to him. He didn't mind the extra effort of essentially starting from square one as a weyrling. Working had never been a problem for him, plus having access to three squares a day and a set place to lay his head down at night were grand. Once he finished with his remedial training, A'mir joined the rest of his fellow weyrlings around the time their dragons were ready to learn to fly. It was here where he officially became acquainted with G'nik. While he did a lot of growing up as a weyrling, he still felt the pull of his previous life, the freedom that he had. So, after a little over a turn, he left Western to resume his roving, criminal lifestyle, G'nik tagging along.

Upon leaving Western, A'mir tried reaching out to the members of his wayward criminal associates that he was still semi-close with, but was met with mixed results. Either they weren't interested in giving him the time of day, or some of the things they were asking made him wary of involving G'nik or the dragons. He dabbled with them on the occasion, nothing major, but eventually set out on his own. He knew what he was comfortable with exposing G'nik to and made certain to frequent places that his companion could find work and things himself. While a decent portion of his income came from shady activities, he also took plenty of above board work to help make ends meet. A'mir was a difficult man to get close to, but over time he grew closer with G'nik. It had actually taken a couple of turns for him to realize or actually let the fact that G'nik had a crush on him sink in. As more romantic inclinations grew, A'mir made sure to keep far enough from Western so that perhaps word of his illicit and under the radar activities might not reach them, which would still leave his now significant other's home Weyr as a safe harbor if the going got rough, or if they were just wanting to swing by and visit if the desire to do so struck them. Several more turns on, A'mir having grown used to sharing of himself and letting G'nik in, asked to take his hand in marriage, so they wouldn't just be weyrmates but spouses as well. His and G'nik's relationship had gone through trials and tribulations to grow into a deep and loving partnership after a couple of decades together.

If he had only known how desperately they would come to need that haven in a time of dire need. Life had been going well. The last thing that they expected to disrupt their peace was the return of Thread. Their dragons had gotten out no worse for wear, as did G'nik. However A'mir caught the worst of it with a tangled knot of that silvery death fell across his knee. His boots delayed the realization of his being hit until it ate through the thick leather. An emergency hop between rid him of the source, but the damage was done. Severely injured and in need of prompt help, the four of them hopped between to arrive in Western so that A'mir could be tended to. He was lucky that he didn't get his leg amputated, the damage hadn't been quite that deep. Though it did damage tendons or muscle or both around his knee, making it stiff and, unless he works it with, difficult to flex. Once it was certain that A'mir wasn't going to die and was stable enough for visitors, G'nik rushed to his side, worrying over his ailing love and insisting, pleading that they consider staying in Western for safety and security, and, with the Threads return, they could be of more use in a Weyr proper. Seeing the reason in his beloved's request and finding that more protection for his husband and their bondmates was more appealing than risking it alone again, A'mir agreed that they should take to living in Western, and that is where they've finally laid their roots.
Other: For books and meals, he consumes them in one of two different speeds, astonishingly fast or super slow. He can clear a plate in the span just a few uttered sentences or savoring the meal for an hour or more. When reading, he seems to either pound through books like they are water in a desert or consider, ponder, and reread a book for possibly months or longer, just drinking in every last thing he can take away from it. There is no in between.

He has a benign tremor in his hands that he does his best to keep downplayed. However, when angry, upset, stressed, excited, etc, his shaking hands become harder to hide. He's sought advice, but as far as any healer has told him, he's fine and there doesn't seem to be any obvious cause to his jittering hands.

Name: Talanth - (Talan - Qunlat word for truth)
Age: 31
Color: Blue
Size: 29'
Physical Description: On the larger end of the size spectrum for Blues, Talanth is a well proportioned fellow though somewhat long of limb, sturdy without having the bulk on him that would put him closer in build and stamina to Browns. There's a sinuousness to this fellow that is evident both when he moves about on the ground and when flying through the air.
Personality: While His is a difficult man to come to know, Talanth openly and genuinely enjoys forging relationships and more openly trusting what is said to him. Sure, His warns caution, but if others are interested in investing time and effort into them, they should try to do the same! This is a blue that wants to see his rider and those they interact and work with succeed in their endeavors. Talanth means well, but can get frustrated at a lack of any notable progress or obstacles in work, social endeavors, or instruction, (anything dealing with His being the notable exceptions) and, once frustration sets in, his drive to push through the difficult patch has a tendency to diminish. A frustrated Talanth, without any nudging or encouraging from A'mir, is a dragon who may well just let something sit on a back burner indefinitely or try to drag someone else into the thing that's bothering him so he doesn't have to worry about it so much any more. Their thirty one turns together have helped, but sometimes frustrations can't be avoided.

He's a Blue that enjoys down time to the fullest. Music and dancing are always wonderful to seeing and hear. He LOVES bath time and getting oiled. He enjoys flirting and pitching woo, if the mood strikes him. For him, Flights are fun, but he has no illusion that Golds are far outside of his wheelhouse. He enjoys chasing Greens and, if he fails, he fails. No big deal. There's next time or maybe he give forging a relationship outside of the rush of mid-Flight a go, built on respect, affection, and such. He doesn't crave or ache for want of love. If it happens, great! If not, he's fully capable and happy to do his own thing. Talanth can be rather finicky though, and, being the honest, if sometime overly so, fellow he is, will His or the offender know exactly what's up. While he might not start gossip, he may offer up his two cents if a person, dragon, or subject comes up that he feels miffed about. He's pretty tactful in his honesty, but can get snippy if he feels something is lacking or something didn't meet his hopes or expectations.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: One of my starter pack Blues - [Uncert Link]

Talanth Text Color -

RP List:
[WW] Quality Time - With G'nik and their dergs  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:07 pm
Name: Ra’mi - Formerly Rahmi
Age: 15 17
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Craft: Farmercraft - Pollinator Wingrider
Rank: Apprentice
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Physical Description:. One might initially miss picking Rahmi out in a crowd and he’s okay with this fact. There is an almost washed out look to the teenager. His white blond hair is cut short in the back but left somewhat shaggier up top, but kept brushed, washed, and never long enough to get in his eyes, which are gray. His skin is fair, not too prone to burning, moreso freckling, but is good about keeping himself covered up with longer sleeves or wide brim cloth or straw hats. There’s a slightness to his build. At five foot seven with some growing left to do, he’s slim, edging into scrawny looking. Almost contrary to His washed out appearance, he’s very expressive, prone to deep, concerned frowns, big, bright smiles, blushing, tearing up. Rahmi tends to be very open and genuine with his emotions. A thing of note for those big smiles or when he talks, he’s got a tooth gap between his front teeth.

Personality: Rahmi finds himself to be a bit of a contradiction, a shy extrovert. He’s a boy that loves being around others and socializing with folks he’s already been introduced to though feels like crawling into a hole when attention is directed his way or if he has to speak publicly. He is perfectly fine with fading into the background at bigger events, just basking in the buzz of the crowds and, funnily enough, dislikes smaller, more intimate parties. Rahmi is more than capable of carrying on lengthy conversation, tending to prefer deeper, broader subjects than idle chitchat, but has trouble initiating one. When he does need a break from being around people, it generally only takes a couple of hours before he’s ready to get out and be back around people.

Very much enamored with sciences of the natural world and enthusiastic about the work of his chosen speciality, Rahmi dove into being a pollinator apprentice. Helping to create more inviting habitats for pollinating insects, experimenting with plants to be bigger, healthier, more bountiful, less interesting to pests. He absolutely adores plants and has a fondness for all manner of small crawling, skittering, slithering creatures. A “catch and release” sort of kid, there has been few times where he’s ended up in the healer hall due to a bite or sting from some rescue or other. He never blames the little critters, stating they were scared and didn’t know that he was trying to help them. Rahmi has great love of learning and doesn’t shy away from lessons, doing extracurricular reading on his own, or accepting corrections or critiques to learn from outside input and guidance.

The same caring and understanding extends the people around him. If someone is going through some difficulties or seems to be struggling, Rahmi rarely hesitates to offer a shoulder to lean on or an ear to hang on. There’s also a downside. He tends to take what is told to him straight to heart. He very rarely has any reason to not be honest and, perhaps foolishly, believes other people will be truthful too. Harsher, more abrasive personalities tend to have Rahmi shrinking back or rolling over to try to not rock an already rocking boat. This has the potential to make him an easy target for bullies or to be taken advantage of. He’ll try to placate or improve the mood, but he doesn’t have an aggressive bone in his body.
Positive Trait List Caring, scholarly, outgoing, understanding
Negative Trait List Shy, overly trusting, pushover/punching bag
History: A holdbrat born in Southern Boll Hold, Rahmi was a quiet child, but always enjoyed the communal atmosphere. His birth parents visited occasionally when he was very young, but they were both busy crafters, pursuing work and advancement, he understood that their work was important. They loved him, he knew, so he wasn't hurt at the shrinking number of visits paid to him. He made a couple of close friends and found great joy in lessons, exploring the world around him. And so, life went on. Shortly after his eighth Turn, going about his merry way, Rahmi noticed a young woman sitting on a short set of stairs, practically doubled over a thick, well marked and dogeared notebook. She was scribbling and rereading what was written, muttering to herself. The youngster scooted closer to try to see what she was pouring over. The nearer vantage point allowed him to see her tiny, fine writing, drawings of plant life, various pieces of paper tucked between the pages. Apparently he wasn't as sneaky as he thought he was being because after a few moments she looked up, blinking her eyes as she focused on him.

He had flushed at being caught and muttered apologies while trying to explain that he was just curious about what she was working on. The woman listened quietly before breaking into a grin. She laughed and patted the step next to her. She took the time to explain what she was working on, what she did. She was a journeyman pollinator, a specialization of the Farmercraft, working on some final notes for the project she was part of. They had been hoping to produce a plant was was naturally more resistant to the little bugs that liked nibbling on them. Rahmi was utterly fascinated. The interaction quickly turned into questions and answer session. Was that all she did? What else did she and other pollinators do? Was she based here in Southern Boll or just passing through? To her credit, the woman answered each of his questions patiently. The boy was positively buzzing. She inquired of his age, and, upon his answer she smiled. She then asked, "Have you given any thought of what you want to do when you grow up, what craft you want to pursue? If you haven't, you seem excited to learn. How would you feel about trying what I do for out for yourself? You're old enough to start looking."

Workings with plants and learning about bugs, how to help the helpful ones and take care of the more troublesome ones too? Growing food and flowers for people to use and enjoy? The woman was speaking his language! So, with some discussion between the Farmercrafter and some of his caregivers, Rahmi was given the go ahead to go with the woman to Nerat Hold to begin his apprenticeship. He had really found a home among those in his chosen specialization. Seven turns on, and a month or two back from the present, a trio of dragonriders had arrived at the Hold, apparently two had been newly appointed watchriders, but the third was a searchrider. The rider pair made their rounds and picked a few people out of the passersby to talk with on a more one on one basis. Rahmi was among that number. They thought he had potential as a candidate for standing, a potential dragonrider. He hadn't actually ever thought of the possibility. He still had a couple of years before being eligible to walk-the-tables. There was nothing stating that he couldn't keep studying if he tried his hand at being a candidate, and living in a Weyr proper was an interesting prospect. So, the boy agreed! Why not? If he got lucky, he might get picked by a dragon and then he could help protect people from Thread. If not, or if he simply wished to return to his work as a pollinator, he could return here, to help people in other, quieter ways.
Other: n/a

DRAGON - Zidoleth is now 2 turns old. [Hatchday: 10.27.18]

Blue Zidoleth
Written by Uta
Colored by -_Wish of Tevarae_-

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Origin of Name: No matter the version of the story, which there are many, Pinocchio was always that of a puppet. In this case, we have based Zidoleth's name on the Chichewa word for puppet, which is zidole.

Inspiration: When You Wish Upon a Star - Pinocchio

When You Wish Upon a Star" is a song written by Leigh Harline and Ned Washington for Walt Disney's 1940 adaptation of Pinocchio. The original version was sung by Cliff Edwards in the character of Jiminy Cricket, and is heard over the opening credits and in the final scene of the film. The song has since become the representative song of The Walt Disney Company.

A recording with Christian Rub (with Mister Geppetto's voice), Cliff Edwards and Chorus was released by Victor Records and by EMI. It won the 1940 Academy Award for Best Original Song. It was also the first Disney song to win an Oscar.

The song reached the top five in Billboard's Record Buying Guide, a predecessor of the retail sales chart. In Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark, the song has become a Christmas song, often referring to the Star of Bethlehem. The Library Of Congress deemed the song "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" and preserved it into the National Recording Registry in 2009.

Personality: There are few sweeter blues than Zidoleth. He was hatched with a carefree attitude. Very little seems to get him down, or pull him into a negative space; even criticism or harsh words roll right off his back. Anxiety? What's that? This blue certainly isn't the sort to get worried or anxious, and has no doubt that things will work out as they should. He has the hearts of a hatchling and won't ever get too big. Even with all his riders burdens and worries, Zidoleth knows just how to send assurance that all will be well.

There is a sense of wonder about this blue. He loves waking up each day to find some new great adventure. He loves not knowing what the next moment might bring and will always point out to his rider and fellow dragons something awesome that he just discovered. Perhaps it's the ripples on the water that look akin to diamonds; or the way the red star is being shadowed by the planet. There is a sense of discovery, and a natural curiosity and excitement for life that will never be shaken. Even during the hardest moments, Zidoleth can't help but be glad for the life he's been given. Every day is a gift, and this blue will never take it for granted.

His carefree, no-worries nature can get him into trouble. Zidoleth can be terribly gullible, especially when his rider isn't there to keep him on task, or another clutchmate. Why shouldn't they help out this nice man and the "medicines" he needs to deliver? This dragon said that Aviroth told him that it was okay to skip lessons and sun on the beach instead? It's not that Zidoleth is dumb, he just readily believes anyone who so much looks like an expert or authority on a matter.

To complicate the issue, Zidoleth isn't exactly known to be responsible. He has a tendency to shirk duties and responsibilities for something more fun. He would rather swim in the lake or sun on a ledge than go on Sweep drills; he wold rather watch the Hatching than pick up guests; he would much rather do anything besides work, and if his rider doesn't keep him on task, Zidoleth might well gain a reputation for being unreliable. Honestly, if there's something urgent or important, you might want to send someone else because Zidoleth probably will get distracted or forget about it five seconds after you part ways.

Lastly, when he does find himself in trouble, this poor blue has a tendency to want to shirk blame. Perhaps it's his carefree attitude, or in innocence, but he's not very good at owning up to things he did wrong. As a Hatchling he'll happily make up stories and lie, even to his own rider! Of course, his lies aren't very good and will likely cause him some trouble with Aviroth and other ranking riders. If his own rider doesn't put a stop to it, or really get on him, and if he continues to get away with his little white lies, he might well continue such a habit well into adulthood. Unlike some in his clutch who are manipulative and lie to cause harm, Zidoleth's tend to happen only when he's being caught in some sort of trouble. He never truly means harm, but its certainly not a good habit for an adult.

Positive Traits: Carefree, Sense of Wonder, Innocent
Negative Traits: Gullible, Irresponsible, Dishonest

Adult Size: 24'

Physical Attributes: Zidoleth tends to be long of neck and wing, but his body rather stout, and he actually is quite small for a blue. There is a soft bit of babyfat on this dragon that he'll never quite outgrow, a softness that makes him look a bit younger. He also has a very long snout that he'll never quite grow into! It's a distinctive snout, but not proportioned to the rest of him.

Additional Notes: Zidoleth enjoys a good flight, when they're fun! If the green is too serious, he'll likely not be interested. Gender and color are no issue for this blue, who seems to love freely when he can. Whether he ever finds a true OTP remains to be seen.

Theme Song: When You Wish Upon a Star Cover by Lexi Walker
Egg: A small pink and white egg that sits near the center of the clutch. This egg seems is yearning for something, or someone.

Why Me? Rahmi and Zidoleth are a solid and reliable match. To start, where Rahmi is known to be a bit more shy and a lot more reserved, he'll find that this blue dragon will have no problem dragging him into a crowd. Sociable and happy-go-lucky sum up the blue, and he's more than prepared to get Rahmi out of his comfort zone. If Rahmi won't go to the party, then Zidoleth will happily bring the party to him. This curious blue will always happily ask questions, and will enjoy learning all about this new world he's hatched into. Rahmi can expect quite the curious pupil in Zidoleth, who will never get bored of learning about Rahmi's hobbies or interests. There's hope that the dedicated and scholary Rahmi might well keep Zidoleth in line. Where the blue is prone to shirking responsibility, his rider might well be able to temper such behavior. Life isn't just fun and games, after all, and Rahmi is a sweet enough soul he might teach the blue a little temperance.

Zidoleth is known to fibs and sometimes lies; mostly to get himself out of trouble. Rahmi is honest, almost to a fault. Rahmi will have no choice but to learn when his dragon is trying to pull a fast one. On that same token, there is an opportunity for Zidoleth to be forced to be a bit more honest purely through association.

While the match certainly has its opposites, these two will better balance one another out. Together, with time and some maturity, they shall both become competent riders.


Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:57 am
Name: Solameya
Age: 27 (Searched at 25)
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pan, some poly inclinations
Craft: Harper - Dance & Defense
Rank: Journeyman
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Physical Description: A vibrant and active young woman, there's a degree of cultivated drama in Solameya's appearance. Standing in a five foot six, her build is shapely and toned. Her frequent practicing of dances of all sorts, practicing various methods of defense of self and others, keeps her fit but not sporting overly defined muscles, instead preferring to maintain her feminine curves and planes while low key having the strength and know how to take down a grown man and pin his a** to the ground if need be. Her blue eyes stand in contrast with her deep warm complexion, framed by dark lashes. Her curly black hair falls to a little past her waist when worn loose, though she prefers to plait up her locks for any number of reasons, from keeping her hair out of her face, up off her neck, fancying things up for Gathers or other events, exercising, and so on. Her clothing styles may vary, though she has a general preference for tighter fitting tops and looser, more free flowing skirts or pants. Ideally, she likes sleeveless or short sleeved tops or dresses so she can show off her arms, which both bear sleeves of swirling dark teal blue tattoos with various shades of lighter teal blues filling in much of the swirled linework, from shoulders to mid forearms. She does enjoy jewelry but tends to reserve wearing it for functions, or, if she’s feeling like sprucing up for a regular day, will don some hair jewelry, maybe a small ring or something for a little bit of shine.

Personality: There are some who know Solameya that say she was made for the craft specialization she took, others say that it, in part, helped shape who she has become, perhaps its a bit of both. She's a hardworking woman that will practice a skill, mannerism, or whatever it may be until she is absolutely certain she's got it down. If it doesn't feel quite right, then it obviously isn't. She's got her own standards to meet and will become frustrated with herself if she has continued trouble with something. Her body and mind are her tools and she aims to keep them sharp and ready for whenever she may need them. She'll keep assessing, coming in at different angles, and pounding the proverbial pavement at her problem until she figures it out. While the odd source of stress for herself, it's proven useful when taking up work. Practice makes perfect, after all. Solameya is a very capable woman, able to hold her own in a physical fight as much as a performing at gather. Once given a goal, she'll stick to it until the job is done. She gets a lot of enjoyment out of doing her work and doing it well. Lively and outgoing, the woman's comfortable working with and for others, though often struggles to ask for help if she needs it. If it's offered, she'll gladly take it, but unless it is, she'll just keep plodding along, figuring that the problem will get solved one way or another.

Her natural protective instincts are both helped and occasionally hindered by her overly critical eye. It's a very rare thing to find Solameya actually deeply resting, seemingly always being a bit on edge, even if it's just inwardly. Commotion sets her off. Raised voices, even those whose tone is more jovial excitement, can put her on alert. Though she may not display her edginess outwardly, there has been more than one occasion a friend or someone looking to get her attention by tapping her on the shoulder or arm has been met with a subtle flinch and quickly made eye contact, almost as though she's expecting trouble or to be relayed some new information. Aside from tending toward being hard on herself, she isn't one hundred percent correct about everyone all the time. Caught someone having a bad day while she's on high alert? She may hold it in her head that the person is grumpy, snippy, rude, whatever in general and may act accordingly, until called out or proven wrong on the matter. While embarrassing, her penchant for self deprecating humor will have her laughing it off at her own expense.

Perhaps out of necessity or a work related habit, coupled with her willingness to seemingly change how she presents herself depending situation at hand, Solameya can be more cryptic or theatrical than she needs to be with things she says and does. Under the roles she plays, she deeply cares for the people in her life, willingly putting herself in harms way if it means she can take the brunt of something meant for someone she's looking after, then play it off with a wave of a hand and a laugh, for after all, it's never a big deal. It's just part of her job, in her craft and as a friend.
Positive Trait List Adaptable, capable, vivacious, protective
Negative Trait List Always at least a little on edge, fiery, overly critical (of self and others), has a hard time asking for help
History: It had taken a traveling Gold rising above Ista for her parents to give in to the romantic and sexual tensions that had been building between them. Her mother, a journeyman general cook, and her father, a journeyman dragonhealer, took the plunge and decided to become weyrmates when the pregnancy was announced. Solameya's earliest days and years were relatively quiet. When she was old enough to tag along, she first trailed after her mother, watching and helping with chores in and around the kitchens. A couple of years on, she was allowed to shadow her father, help hold things, generally be moral support if the riders and dragons in his care were amenable to a very young Istan girl trying to cheer them up and chat, and trying to stay out from under foot. Growing up in a Weyr that frequently saw an ever changing cast of characters, Solameya got to hear from folks from all walks of life, folks from a huge range of craft disciplines. When it came time for the girl to start thinking on what she wanted to do with herself, she was well informed of her choices. While she had always had enjoyed spending time with her parents as they worked, the Harpercraft had drawn her interest.

With their blessing, her parents sent her off to Fort Hold to pursue her Harper aspirations. It had taken a turn or two for her to come to decide on a specialization, but Solameya took to the work like a fish to water. She relished in the hustle and bustle of the busy Hold, a distinct change from the quieter, more recuperative atmosphere of her home Weyr. Her apprenticeship was uneventful and, when enough work had been put in, enough time passed, she walked-the-tables. In celebration of that achievement, she got her tattoo sleeves. A few turns of taking work here and there around Pern, she had been fortunate enough to be in a Weyr when Thread returned. It had almost seemed like a nightmare at the time. The tension she felt just having to hide away had set her to pacing, circulating among those she had taken shelter with, just to offer comfort or talk to help take their minds off things, hers as much as whatever person that was interested in discourse. When things had calmed down, Solameya gladly jumped back to work. Forward on to a month from the present and she had been stopped by a Searchrider. At first, she had thought that maybe they were needing directions or to ask her something. Needless to say, the harper was taken aback by what was next said to her. She had what it takes to be a candidate, and maybe if she was lucky enough to be picked by a dragonet, a rider some day. She had laughed at first, but upon being reassured that they were, in fact, quite genuine, Solameya agreed to go along with them to High Reaches Weyr.

Solameya had a few mixed feelings about being Searched so late. On one hand, she was just terribly tickled at the timing, considering that she'd only got a turn left to Stand as far as being a High Reaches candidate goes, and has in part agreed to tag along for the sheer humor and curiosity of it. What's a turn and change? If she didn't find herself pairbonded within the span of time before she ages out, she knew that she could always fall back onto the craft she'd previously dedicated herself to. If she otherwise finds herself hooked on the possibility of maybe becoming a rider and HR doesn't pan out for her, she can see about popping over to Western to try for a few extra years. On the other hand, a turn or two really isn't a lot of time. Why only just approach her now, as a journeyman in her craft? Was she not good enough when she was younger? Maybe she needed to grow into herself or something, but she's experiencing a few odd degrees of frustration or self doubt. It's an exciting time, don't get her wrong! Solameya holds what dragonriders do in high regard. She'd chosen to pursue a specialization that lets her protect people, granted on a smaller scale. Being a rider would be a chance to help defend whole Weyrs or territories from Thread.

Turned out, she had done well to mentally prepare herself. Her turn and change came and went without Impressing, and so the woman returned to her craft. It had been business as usual. A turn and change passed still and, once more, Solly found herself back in High Reaches for a few sevendays a bit before Turnover. There were two clutches on the sands! Well, she figured, while she was in the Weyr, may as well watch any excitement that happens if she's not wrapped up with work. She missed the first clutch hatching, but the middle of the night hatching of the second, she was free for.

It had been going as any of the other hatchings she had stood in had before, now she was simply a spectator...Or so she had thought.

A little green had been picking her way through the crowd, pausing now and then to poke at her toes, or walk around the Candidates. She seemed utterly off-in her own world, even bumping into a few Candidates. Finally, she sat down and gazed up at Solameya, her voice dreamy. 'Oh! There you are Mine. I had been imagining who would be my perfect match.... and I think you are quite it. Maybe we can daydream together now, hmmm? What a wonderful new world this is.'

Other: Has little issue with physical intimacy, even freely expressing fondness for friends with face, temple, cheek kisses and cuddling, but she tends to be slow to dip a toe in the pool of deeper, romantic relationships. More casual romances, she doesn't have a problem with. Romances and bed mates are the only ones who will receive kisses to this lips. Just the weird code she adheres to.

Utterly hates rudeness and has responded very verbally harsh to rudeness in the past. (Ex: An old woman in line behind her was getting snippy at the trader that was presently helping her. She craned around and deadpan asked "What's the matter? Do you feel like your time is slipping away from you? You can't be patient for just a few more moments?" Not her proudest moment, but it felt good at the time. )

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Name: Prulienth
She is a dragon that loves love. She's generally affectionate, but will always have a mind out for signs of interest. This little green will also be prone to trying to suss out the love lives of those around her, or may try to act as matchmaker or wing-green(?) if there's possible signs of mutual interest (or if she simply thinks they may make a nice match) between those around her. Everyone deserves a happily ever after, right?

Loves participating in activities with others, be it work or play. Readily volunteers or asks for assistance if she needs it.

Prulienth, while she can get lost in her daydreaming, is a creative dragon when she puts her mind to something. She may be absently staring into the distance or focusing her gaze on some small stone or other at her feet; it may appear that she is distant and isn't absorbing anything, but she's hearing things just fine, her mind working away. After a bit, she may seemingly "come to" with thoughts, ideas, further pertinent questions, or an answer of some sort that may be helpful to the situation.

Easily flustered, frustrated or upset; it doesn't take much for her self confidence to be shaken. If she gets fussed at or yelled at due to some failing, or even if she just perceives that she's getting lain into if someone's tone or volume sounds harsh, she'll likely sort of crumple into herself, withdraw, and seek out Hers, or a dear friend, for reassurance.

Dreamy, someone who seeks distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially in the form of entertainment or fantasy. If she's in a conversation that she loses interest in, her mind may drift off with her feet possibly following soon after. Prulienth has a rich imagination and it doesn't take much stimuli from the wonderful world she's been born into to capture her interest. Alternatively, tragedy and stress can and do cause her to withdraw into the haven of her thoughts. Hers will have make sure she understands and processes such things.

There doesn't seem to be much time from Prulienth having a thought and speaking it. She tends to speak from the heart, usually informally, which may not sit well with more strict sorts, or with those that are especially traditionalist in their color hierarchy belief.

Positive Traits: Cooperative, romantic, insightful
Negative Traits: Escapist, fragile, candid
Egg Size: Small
Adult Size: 44'
Physical Attributes: On the low end of average, Prulienth also seems to lack any other proportionally outstanding physical features. No overly long or short headknobs or legs, wings about as spot on length and width-wise for a dragon her size as they could be. The green does have a softness to her, however. It could be chalked up to stubborn baby fat as a weyrling, but no amount of training will get rid of her plumpness. Prulienth is just a soft, shapely lady, what can she say? There's muscle under her padding and she's got a fair bit of stamina for a green of her size.
Additional Notes: Prulienth won't have the longest length of flame, but hers will burn hot and she will be able to consistently maintain it for a decent amount of time. This green will tend to have a preference for big, strong chromatic boys, though she certainly wouldn't turn up her nose if a bronze took to showing interest in her. Each time she rises, she may have a different requirement she's fancying and therefore any possible suitor could have a chance, but should she find someone to wholly pledge her hearts to, it will usually be their claws that she aims for. (Luck, chance, and happenstance may have her caught by another , but once she finds her prince charming, there will be no lingering around any other ledges, nor will there be other fellows allowed to linger at hers. Flights are flights but love is serious business.) Until she does find her OTP, Prulienth will likely develop little crushes on those that succeed in catching her when she rises. This may lead to small heartbreaks or misunderstandings if feelings aren't returned, but she's got Hers to help pick her back up again.

When she's feeling down or stressed, one of the quickest and easiest ways to bring herself back up is to watch Hers dance. Prulienth, when she doesn't let her imagination wander off with her, gets great enjoyment out of the arts, stories, music, and dance. Stories with romance are The Best. Prulienth doesn't make the rules. It is what it is. She may try to get Hers to buy romance stories to read to her.

Why Me: Theirs is truly an ideal match. Prulienth knows that she can rely on Solameya to help ground her if she get especially swept up in some flight of fancy or daydream, help keep her on task during homework or drilling. Solly's protective, focused nature had a strong appeal to the dreamy, sensitive green, who may need to lean on Hers if the reality of the world gets to be a bit overwhelming for her. She loves that Solameya can be the strong arm or the shield, while reveling in the harper's lively, creative side.

For Solameya's part, Impressing to Prulienth reminds her to take a few deep breaths when she needs to, as it isn't good to be constantly vigilant for whatever may or may not happen. She isn't alone in her work anymore. She has Prulienth, who will be more than happy to ask for help if the two of them should need it. The green's penchant for open, candid communication is something Solameya appreciates. There may be some times where she'll have to smooth things over if Prulienth's frankness may rankle others. There'll be a bit of learning on both of their parts.

The woman will find that she takes a little longer in forming criticisms of herself and others, along with being more understanding too. Prulienth reminds Hers that everyone has bad days and sometimes folks get so caught up in what's going on in their heads that they don't notice entirely what's going on in around them. Solameya, an affectionate lady already, will be more open to the possibility of deeper, more emotional romantic connection in addition to her lighter, casual ones.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:28 pm
Name: Fe'ryn [Originally: Fenharyn]
Age: 33
Nameday: 3544.10.13
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Apprentice Woodcrafter - Thatcher specialization
Physical Description: Fenharyn, now Fe'ryn, was always a lean, lanky kid and that fact didn't change too much as he grew into a man. After all of his growing was done, he came in to stand at six foot four. His quick metabolism made it hard to put on and keep any extra muscle or just extra weight, so he tends towards defaulting to a rangy build unless he makes a point to put some real effort into trying to do so. Fe'ryn has warm, light golden brown skin, expressive dark brown eyes, and short, curly black hair that he keeps brushed back and away from his face. Before his candidacy and during his candidate and weyrling days, he didn't pay too much mind to dressing nicely or with a mind to quality. Now as a fully fledged rider, he does keep an eye to practicality still, but he does like to get things that are of higher quality that perhaps lasts longer and help him cut a nicer figure, rather than 'eh, it works, it's clean, and it covers me'. Shirts tend to be on the loose side, but vests, jackets, and pants tend to be somewhat more flatteringly tailored.
Personality: Fe'ryn is a dutiful, responsible man who maintains a pretty strict work ethic, and is staunchly devoted to the mission he adheres to and the people that he work with and for. He may not always like or agree with things, but that won't stop him from upholding what is expected of him. It doesn't take much prompting either. The bronzerider is quick to pick up on the moods, body language, and tones of those around him. Fe'ryn is sensitive to those around him and does his best to be understanding.

A side effect of his empathetic nature is that he also tends to feel his moods and feelings strongly. When he's upset, he can be livid. When he's happy, he can be elated. If people around him are starting to get worked up, Fe'ryn tends to get swept up as well even if he isn't directly involved. This extra emotional awareness leads him to have this sort of anxious energy to him, which can translate to fidgeting, pacing, wandering focus, and so forth.

This also sometimes leads to some impulsivity on his part. His base things will be done, but he'll knee jerk take on more than he can handle task-wise, get intensely swept up in flightlust (or even find himself in romantic or physical entanglements outside of flightlust if things fall into place), find himself in conflicts that didn't involve him, etc. To try to stave off the worst of this, to try not to take on more than he can handle, Fe'ryn doesn't like letting people get too close emotionally, or even sometimes physically. He'll put up cool, prickly facades to keep people at arm's length. It takes a long, long time for him to feel comfortable enough to let the select people in on the more intimate portions of his life.

To best be prepared, for whatever may come, Fe'ryn makes a point to regularly brush up on texts or drills he may need to know. In day to day life, one can readily find many practical 'just-in-case' things stashed in his pockets or on his person. Little snacks, small bandages, folded up piece(s) of blank paper, a handkerchief, little things like that that could be useful to himself or others. Now, it might seem like a lot to carry around, but he's a neat person at heart. His weyr will be well ordered, everything he may carry goes to a specific or dedicated pocket or pouch. Alarasith helps nudge this into almost finickiness. After all, while Fe'ryn was tidy to start with, he and his bondmate are to be consistently well groomed and everything is well maintained.
Positive Trait List Dutiful, empathetic, prepared, neat
Negative Trait List Impulsive, moody, fidgety, guarded
History: Fenharyn was born in High Reaches Hold to two loving though busy crafter parents. Dad was a farmcrafter, growing a few food crops, and mom was a woodcrafter as a ranger. Fenharyn knew early on that he wanted to work with his hands, but decided on pursuing becoming woodcrafter like his mom by the age of nine, went off to the Lemos Hold craft hall for official training, and by eleven he had settled into his growing interest with helping with finishing homes and other buildings as a thatcher. At nineteen, he was tagging along with a journeyman woodcrafter back to High Reaches Hold, partially for work, and in part to visit his folks and friends back home. It was during this visit that a searchrider had been making the rounds and they stopped the teen for a quick chat. They said that they thought he had the makings of a fine candidate for High Reaches, if he decided to answer the call. By this point, the journeyman he accompanied caught up with them. After some quick discussions, Fenharyn agreed to try his hand at candidacy. He didn't mind the work or the change in location. It wasn't such a drastic change of locale anyway. Turn in and turn out, he stood for the clutches that came, learning, making friends and rivals along the way, adjusting to Weyr life. Though going into his twenty-fifth turn, he still kept the nose to grindstone, but there did come the thoughts of 'well, this is going to be it. I've just one turn left standing before I return to my life as it had been before'. Fenharyn wasn't ever one to shy away from the duties expected of him, so he kept up his studies, his chores and tasks.

A gold clutched nearing the end of his last turn as a candidate. By this point, while he attended his duties, he had been starting to think ahead toward returning to his craft, maybe putting in the work to walking the tables. This, and his life, changed at the hatching that followed. Less than a month from aging out, his bonded found him, Alarasith. Weyrlinghood was a whirlwind, but nothing he hadn't been prepared for. Upon graduation he fell into his wing assignment well. When Thread returned, while it was scary, they had a job to do. It's what dragonriders were made for and the bronzerider pair were not about to slack on the people that relied on them.

Other: Fe'ryn has two green flits that are bonded to him, Noyali and Hila. He received Hila's egg during his time as a candidate and Noyali's came to him time a couple of turns after impressing. The two greens are lovingly referred to as "the little ladies" or "my girls". While they are decently well behaved, have some basic training, they are also spoiled rotten and know they can cute their way out of scoldings. They have their own nesting spaces in Fe'ryn's weyr, but if he ends up sleeping on his back, he usually wakes up to his two flits curled cozily up on his chest. Alarasith adores them and has been known to aid in them hiding if they've damaged something or done something potentially naughty.

Name: Alarasith
Age: 7 (Will be 8 on Sept. 19th)
Color: Bronze
Size: 70'
Physical Description: A handsome fellow to be sure, this striking striped bronze comes in miniature. Maxed out at the very bottom of his color's size chart, if Alarasith is bothered at all by his stature, he makes no show of it. He still has all the stamina that one can expect of a bronze, but he's been shown to be able to make quite quick, tight maneuvers should the need arise. While pretty evenly proportioned, Alarasith has broad wings and a long tail that help him perform while on the wing. He has an average build. He's got a aquiline curve to his nose and slightly longer than average headknobs. On the ground and in the air, Alarasith has a smooth, measured wave of moving, trying his best to always being cognizant of his surroundings and those around him to avoid bumping into them or infringing on personal space.
Personality: Alarasith fancies maybe becoming a father one day. He won't go about it by attempting to zip in and snipe a rising gold from the air. No indeed! He'll simply do his best to fly well, keep pace, put on a good show, put his best foot forward. A gold would have to deem him the right choice for her. Alarasith knows it won't be the end of the world if he can't catch the rising gold. He may be a bit disappointed, but definitely won't drown in his sorrows. If he doesn't sweep up with one of the other chasers, he's perfectly content to return to his ledge or find a friend to curl up with for a bit. Regardless of success or failure, he's a naturally paternal dragon. The bronze is fond of interacting with littles, new weyrlings, etc, and is perfectly happy to help watch, protect, or teach them if he gets the chance to.

While this bronze has fatherly aspirations, he doesn't seem to have too much preference in regards to color of potential romantic partners. He's pretty laid back and, while he's confident enough to pursue and dote over partners, he's also comfortable being pursued and letting his partner taking a more dominant role, regardless of whether they be chromatic or a fellow metallic. This bronze is one that is looking forward to giving his hearts to someone special. It will be said, however, that while he has that hope, among others, he also relatively passive. In weyrling training, His would sometimes need to nudge him along to achieve higher marks on assignments and the like. Content in his socializing and doing the basics of what needs to be done, Fe'ryn sometimes needs to remind him 'Hey, if you really want something, if you want to stand out, put a little more work, a little more effort in and you'll be closer to succeeding'.

He doesn't pay much heed to the color politics of HRW. Alarasith fully believes that whites, greens, blues, and browns are every bit as important in the scheme of things, every bit as capable as he is. They're just as much at risk when fighting Thread as he. He also doesn't have the ambitious drive to climb and claw his way into a position of power. The bronze is happiest when working alongside others to keep them and the Weyr at large safe. Let those who are hungry for power squabble and fight their way there. That doesn't appeal to him. Yes, there is some degree of leeway he has in HRW by virtue of being shelled a bronze, but he won't go out of his way to use it. He'll pull color rank in Threadfalls or conflicts if he absolutely needs to, but will likely seek out those he did pull rank afterward to discuss why he felt the need to intercede and will apologize if appropriate to do so.

Alarasith values good manners and open diplomatic communication. He's a gentleman at heart. He carries himself with poise and a sense of decorum. The bronze wants to be a good example, though he can become fussy about things. He and his must look nice and well groomed, their weyr/ledge have to be tidy and organized (after all, what if they get sudden guests?!), and he'll absolutely start fretting over rambunctious or fighting youngsters or younger dragons, hoping to bring peace and avoid outright physical violence if possible. The bronze means well and sincerely means the things he says and does. Over all, Alarasith is a dragon that tries to leave a positive mark on the world, on those around him. He tends to be pretty upbeat and tends to more quickly and easily shake any low or foul mood that may take hold. He's not a dragon for grudges. He'll be quick to forgive or move past trouble.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: User Image  


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