by Ken Ham

Today marks three years since the widely publicized Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate on creation vs. evolution here at the Creation Museum. That was a very exciting event, and I praise God that I was able to clearly share the gospel several times, both to Bill Nye and the millions of people who were watching via YouTube live stream or later on our YouTube channel.

I also was able to help people understand the following:

There’s a big difference between historical science and observational science.
Molecules-to-man evolution is historical science and thus is a belief system (a religion).
The real battle between Bill Nye and me was a worldview clash.
Bill Nye holds to naturalism, which for all intents and purposes is atheism.

Since that debate we’ve opened the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky. Well, the day after it opened in 2016, Bill Nye and his film crew came and toured the Ark. As I guided him through the Ark for over 2 hours, our conversation ended up being a passionate, but amicable, second debate.

I was able to present the gospel to him again very clearly, and we pray that his heart will be softened and that he will recognize his desperate need to receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Ultimately what we do here at the Creation Museum, the Ark Encounter, and through our Answers in Genesis ministry is spread the good news of the gospel. We want unbelievers not just to recognize God as their Creator, or even to just see the truth of the Bible—we want them to come to know Jesus Christ as Lord! That’s why we boldly preach the gospel at both our attractions and through our ministry.

And that’s why we are so passionate to equip the church with answers to the skeptical questions of our age. We want believers to be able to powerfully and boldly preach the gospel and have answers to defend their faith, just as we are commanded to:

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear. (1 Peter 3:15)