[[ rolling for initiative! ]]

As TK slid out of bed one morning he could hear his bones audibly cracking and snapping against each other, and while he was a walking skeleton, he also took great pains to keep his joints in proper order. Unlike humans, he lacked these so-called tissues and ligaments that prevented his bones from creating friction against each other, and instead the boil was forced to resort to other measures to keep his body tightly bound together and healthy.

His wrists audibly cracked, but this time the rhythm of unsettling snaps were done intentionally while the undead entered the gym. Glowing eyes squinted at the graffiti-covered doors that led to the gymnasium. He was almost ashamed to admit he only vaguely recognized his surroundings; he had trouble recalling the last time he’d set foot in the gym, but he had always been one to barricade himself in the library or in his room surrounded by stacks of books almost as tall as himself. Any free time the boil could squeeze out of his schedule he preferred to allocate to gathering knowledge, trivial or important.

Unfortunately, this naturally meant he had few acquaintances to call upon for a spur-of-the-moment spar. He supposed he could attempt to call up a rather ravenous rabbit for assistance, but he was certain she was busy stuffing herself silly with sweet delicacies and whatever edibles she could get her greedy fingers on.

He hummed, scanning the open area for lonely stragglers such as himself. Moments later, and a rather-tall ghoul would be met by an equally-tall skeleton boil. TK paused to take in the mere few inches between their heights—an admirable feat, almost a refreshing change—before pulling a polite, genial smile. “I noticed you seemed rather unoccupied at the moment, and I was wondering if you would care to practice with me for a bit?”

ATh e a r t
here you go~